IOS jailbreaking

iOS jailbreaking is the process of removing the software restrictions imposed by Apple on its iOS operating system. This allows users to gain root access to their iOS devices, to modify the device's software and install apps from sources outside of the Apple App Store. Jailbreaking dates back to the early days of the iPhone.

Photo of a iPhone 3GS being jailbroken using a 2006 Macbook on wooden floor tiles with a 30 pin to USB cable connected to the Macbook.


Jailbreaking first became popular in 2007 with the release of the original iPhone. The first jailbreaking tool was developed by a group of hackers known as the iPhone Dev Team. The tool allowed users to modify their iPhones, install third-party applications, and customize the appearance of the user interface.

Over the years, jailbreaking became more mainstream. A thriving community of developers and enthusiasts emerged. Many of the early jailbreaking tools were based on exploits found in iOS, which allowed users to bypass Apple's security measures.

In 2010, the US government made it legal to jailbreak an iPhone, saying that jailbreaking did not violate copyright laws.[1] This helped to further legitimize jailbreaking and brought it into the mainstream.

Jailbreaking Today

Jailbreaking is still popular among iOS users, although it has become less common. This is partly due to the increased security measures implemented by Apple in recent versions of iOS.

Jailbreaking can void the device's warranty. It potentially leaves the device vulnerable to security threats.

There are still many jailbreaking tools and communities available for those interested in modifying their iOS devices. They develop new tweaks, apps, and tools to enhance the functionality and customization of iOS devices.

Modern Jailbreaks

Modernized Jailbreaks
palera1n15.0 - 16.4
Odysseyra1n14.4 - 14.8.1
Taurine14.0 - 14.3
Odyssey13.0 - 13.7
Chimera12.0 - 12.4.1
Electra11.0 - 11.4.1
unc0ver11.0 - 14.8

Classic Jailbreaks

iOS VersionJailbreak NameJailbreak Developers
iOS 10.0 - 10.2Yalu102Luca Todesco
iOS 9.2 - 9.3.3Pangu9Pangu Team
iOS 9.0 - 9.1Pangu9Pangu Team
iOS 8.0 - 8.1.2TaiGTaiG Team
iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2Pangu7Pangu Team
iOS 7.0 - 7.0.6evasi0n7evad3rs
iOS 6.0 - 6.1.2evasi0nevad3rs
iOS 5.1.1Absinthe 2.0Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team
iOS 5.0.1 - 5.1.1Redsn0wiPhone Dev Team
iPhoneOS 1.1.1 - 1.1.4JailbreakMe 1.0comex
iPhoneOS 1.0 - 1.1.1JailbreakMe 1.0comex


  1. "Is jailbreaking legal and safe?". Retrieved 2024-01-10.
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