Hebephilia is when adults are sexually attracted to people under the age of consent (generally between 12 and 15 years).[1] Adults with this attraction are called "hebephiles" or "hebophiles."[2] The word hebephilia comes from Greek: Hebe is the Greek goddess of youth, and philia means love. There are media reports of hebephilic acts between female teachers/baby Sitter and young students.[3]
Hebephilia is not a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. It was a hotly contested debate when the recent edition was created. Some research suggests that hebephilia can be distinguished and diagnosed, and that it occurs more frequently than pedophilia. But many experts argue that the concept lacks valid data, that it counters evolutionary biology, and that the diagnosis would offer a legal loophole to perpetrators of sex crimes.[4]
Related pages
- Hebephilia as Mental Disorder? A Historical, Cross-Cultural, Sociological, CrossSpecies, Non-Clinical Empirical, and Evolutionary Review - Bruce Rind, Richard Yuill (2012) See "Introduction" section
- Danni, Kristin A., and Gary D. Hampe. "An analysis of predictors of sex offender of young teens types using presentence investigation reports." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 44.4 (2000): 490-504
- SK Wurtele - Children and Youth Services Review, 2012 , Preventing the sexual exploitation of minors in youth-serving organizations
- Frances, Allen; First, Michael B. (February 2011). "Hebephilia is Not a Mental Disorder in DSM-IV-TR and Should Not Become One in DSM-5". Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online. 39 (1): 78–85. PMID 21389170.