Governor of Aruba

The governor of Aruba is the representative on Aruba of the Dutch monarch. The governor's duties are twofold; he represents and guards the general interests of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is head of the Aruban government.[1]


Took officeLeft officeNo
1Felipe Tromp
1 January 198628 January 199227 September 1985, No.16
2Olindo Koolman
29 January 19921 May 200428 January 1992, No. 92.000904
3Fredis Refunjol
1 May 200431 December 20164 May 2004, No. 04.001780
4Alfonso Boekhoudt
1 January 2017


  1. "Governance of Aruba, Curaçao and St Maarten". Government of the Netherlands. Retrieved 4 April 2022.

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