Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider is the name of the fictional character, superhero and anti-hero from Marvel Comics and its universe in Ghost Rider comics. The Ghost Rider is Zarathos, the spirit of vengeance battles against his archenemy Mephisto and punishes evil when around it.
There are multiple incarnations of the character. , The first was Johnny Blaze, a stunt motorcyclist who made a deal with the devil to save his adoptive father. The second incarnation was Danny Ketch, who was later revealed to the younger brother of Johnny Blaze. He gained the power of the Ghost when coming into contact with a motorcycle that had the essence of the Spirit of Vengeance. The third Ghost Rider is Robbie Reyes, a young mechanic and street racer who gained the power from a car he used in a street race.
Johnny Blaze was created by Roy Thomas, the late Gary Friedrich and Mike Ploog. He first appeared in Marvel Spotlight # 5 in August of 1972. Danny Ketch was created by Howard Mackie and Javier Saltares, and first appeared in Ghost Rider Vol. 3 # 1 in May of 1990. Robbie Reyes was created by Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore, and first appeared in All-New Ghost Rider # 1 in March of 2014.
Ghost Rider in media
In May 2011, Ghost Rider placed 90th on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes" list. Nicolas Cage starred as the Johnny Blaze incarnation of the character in the 2007 movie Ghost Rider and its 2012 sequel, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Gabriel Luna and Tom McComas portray the Robbie Reyes and Johnny Blaze incarnations in the fourth season of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Some text was copied from Ghost Rider (Marvel) at Heroes Wiki, which is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA 3.0) license.