Generic top-level domain

A generic top-level domain (gTLD) is one category of internet domain with (TLDs) maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use on the Internet.

gTLD intended use
.aero the air transport industry.
.arpa reserved exclusively to support operationally-critical infrastructural identifier spaces as advised by the Internet Architecture Board
.asia companies. organisations and individuals in the Asia-Pacific region
.biz business use
.cat Catalan language/culture
.com commercial organizations, but unrestricted
.coop cooperatives
.edu post-secondary educational establishments
.gov government entities within the United States at the federal, state, and local levels
.info informational sites, but unrestricted
.int international organizations established by treaty
.jobs employment-related sites
.mil the U.S. military
.mobi sites catering to mobile devices
.museum museums
.name families and individuals
.net originally for network infrastructures, now unrestricted
.org originally for organizations not clearly falling within the other gTLDs, now unrestricted
.pro certain professions
.tel services involving connections between the telephone network and the Internet (added March 2, 2007)
.travel travel agents, airlines, hoteliers, tourism bureaus, etc.

Now, IANA differenting next groups of Inttop-level domain:[1]

  • infrastructure top-level domain (.arpa)
  • country-code top-level domains (ccTLD)
  • sponsored top-level domains (sTLD)
  • generic top-level domains (gTLD)
  • generic-restricted top-level domains


  1. , the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Archived 2011-11-29 at the Wayback Machine

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