Free running
Free running is a sport that means doing jumps with difficult movements in the air and cross a tour with obstacles since in the parkour.[1]
These jumps name ("Flips") or (Mortal Jumps).
- Basic Jumps
- Front Flip: The person jumps with the two legs and does a complete forward rotation.
- Back Flip: The person jumps of back also with the two legs and gives a return on if sames backward.
- Side Flip: The person jumps sidewards with one or two legs and gives a return on of sames sidewards.
- Wall Flip: The person puts a foot in the wall and jump with one leg, giving a turned backward.
- Harder jumps and rolls
- Eagle roll: The person dives forward and rolls, giving them a fast way to dive over things.
- Hand plant: The person jumps forward and plants their hands on an object and pushes their legs forward.
- Wall run: The person runs and jumps with one foot on the wall and takes another step, giving them the advantage of climbing.
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