
Fangbone is a Canadian animated television series. It is produced by Radical Sheep Productions and distributed by Disney XD Canada. The series is based on the New York Times best-selling comic books by Michael Rex. The first episode aired in March 2016. The last episode was in January 2017.

The series' pilot first aired in Canada. It won numerous awards including Best One-Off Or Special from the 2015 Kidscreen Awards, Best Animated Writing from the 2015 Writer's Guild Of Canada Awards, and Best TV Show Ages 9-14 from the 2015 Youth Media Alliance Awards. It was also nominated for Best Animated Series at the 2015 Canadian Screen Awards.


Fangbone is a nine-year-old barbarian warrior from Skullbania. He has landed in Eastwood Elementary's third grade class to save his native land from the villain, Venomous Drool. With the help of his new friend Bill, a lovable, normal, goofy kid, Fangbone beats his enemies while discovering the modern world.


A pilot for the series premiered on Disney XD Canada in 2014. Soon after, production began on a first season. This first aired in March 2016 in North America.


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