Esperanto symbols

Esperanto, the most used constructed language, has got some traditional symbols during its history.

Green star

Green star

The basic symbol of Esperanto is the green five-pointed star. Its five corners represents five continents (according to traditional meaning - Europe, America, Asia, Oceania, Africa), the green color is the symbol of hope. In cases when they use the star outside the flag, they add a letter "E" to it. In Esperanto they call it verda stelo (green star).

Esperanto flag

Esperanto flag

The esperanto flag has a green background with a white square in the upper lefthand corner, which in turn contains a green star. Esperantists use the flag for representing their language and culture. Swedish esperantist G. Jonson has iniciated use of the green color and the green star. C. Rjabinis and P. Deullin has created final suggestion of the flag in 1893. The green color represents hope and the white color represents peace. In Esperanto they call it Esperanto-flago (Esperanto flag).

Jubilee symbol

Jubilee symbol

During the hundredth (100th) anniversary of Esperanto in 1987, World Esperanto Association has made this special logo. The two (2) inverse rounded letters "E" creates the form representating the Earth. In Esperanto they call it Jubilea simbolo (Jubilee symbol).


Esperantists consider the poem La Espero (the hope) by L. L. Zamenhof with music by Félicien Menu de Ménil to be an anthem of Esperanto.

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