Equals sign

The equal sign "=" is a symbol used to indicate equality. It looks like two parallel horizontal lines. Computers display the equals sign with the Unicode or ASCII character 003D (in hexadecimal).

Similar symbols

The symbol used to say when items are not equal is "≠" (slashed equal sign).[1]

There are several symbols that can be used to say items are "approximately the same," "similar to" or "about equal." Some of these symbols include:

  • "≈" (two tildes or wavy lines, often used for "approximately equal")[1]
  • "⩰" (two tildes above two lines)
  • "≅" (one tilde above two lines, often used in modular arithmetic to state a congruence relation)
  • "≃" (one tilde above one line)
  • "~" (one wavy line, often used for mathematical relations)[1]
  • "≐" (two lines with a dot above them, often used for "is defined as")
  • "≡" (three lines, often used for equivalence)[2]

Each of these symbols has more than one possible meaning, and are all used to state that two things are about equal (or equivalent in some way).


  1. "Compendium of Mathematical Symbols". Math Vault. 2020-03-01. Retrieved 2020-08-31.
  2. "Math Symbols List (+,-,x,/,=,...)". www.rapidtables.com. Retrieved 2020-08-31.

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