Dimensionless quantity

In dimensional analysis, a dimensionless quantity (or more precisely, a quantity with the dimensions of 1) is a quantity without any physical units and thus a pure number. Such a number is typically defined as a product or ratio of quantities which do have units, in such a way that all the units cancel out.


"out of every 10 apples I gather, 1 is rotten." -- the rotten-to-gathered ratio is (1 apple) / (10 apples) = 0.1 = 10%, which is a dimensionless quantity.

List of dimensionless quantities

There are infinitely many dimensionless quantities and they are often called numbers. Some of those that are used most often have been given names, as in the following list of examples (alphabetical order):

NameField of application
Abbe numberoptics (dispersion in optical materials)
Albedoclimatology, astronomy (reflectivity of surfaces or bodies)
Archimedes numbermotion of fluids due to density differences
Bagnold numberflow of grain, sand, etc. Archived 2005-05-10 at the Wayback Machine
Biot numbersurface vs. volume conductivity of solids
Bodenstein numberresidence-time distribution
Bond numbercapillary action driven by buoyancy Archived 2012-03-05 at the Wayback Machine
Brinkman numberheat transfer by conduction from the wall to a viscous fluid
Brownell Katz numbercombination of capillary number and Bond number
Capillary numberfluid flow influenced by surface tension
Coefficient of static friction friction of solid bodies at rest
Coefficient of kinetic friction friction of solid bodies in translational motion
Colburn j factor dimensionless heat transfer coefficient
Courant-Friedrich-Levy number numerical solutions of hyperbolic PDEs Archived 2008-06-05 at the Wayback Machine
Damköhler numbersreaction time scales vs. transport phenomena
Darcy friction factorfluid flow
Dean numbervortices in curved ducts
Deborah numberrheology of viscoelastic fluids
Decibelratio of two intensities of sound
Drag coefficientflow resistance
Eckert numberconvective heat transfer
Ekman numbergeophysics (frictional (viscous) forces)
Elasticity (economics)widely used to measure how demand or supply responds to price changes
Eötvös numberdetermination of bubble/drop shape
Euler number hydrodynamics (pressure forces vs. inertia forces)
Fanning friction factorfluid flow in pipes Archived 2013-12-20 at the Wayback Machine
Feigenbaum constantschaos theory (period doubling)
Fine structure constantquantum electrodynamics (QED)
Foppl–von Karman numberthin-shell buckling
Fourier numberheat transfer
Fresnel numberslit diffraction
Froude numberwave and surface behaviour
Gainelectronics (signal output to signal input)
Galilei numbergravity-driven viscous flow
Graetz numberheat flow
Grashof numberfree convection
Hatta numberadsorption enhancement due to chemical reaction
Hagen numberforced convection
Karlovitz numberturbulent combustion
Knudsen numbercontinuum approximation in fluids
Laplace numberfree convection within immiscible fluids
Lewis numberratio of mass diffusivity and thermal diffusivity
Lockhart-Martinelli parameter flow of wet gases Archived 2009-11-15 at the Wayback Machine
Lift coefficientlift available from an airfoil at a given angle of attack
Mach numbergas dynamics
Magnetic Reynolds numbermagnetohydrodynamics
Manning roughness coefficient open channel flow (flow driven by gravity) PDF (109 KiB)
Marangoni numberMarangoni flow due to thermal surface tension deviations
Morton numberdetermination of bubble/drop shape
Nusselt numberheat transfer with forced convection
Ohnesorge numberatomization of liquids, Marangoni flow
Péclet numberadvectiondiffusion problems
Peel numberadhesion of microstructures with substrate Archived 2005-10-26 at the Wayback Machine
Pimathematics (ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter)
Poisson's ratioelasticity (load in transverse and longitudinal direction)
Power factorelectronics (real power to apparent power)
Power numberpower consumption by agitators
Prandtl numberforced and free convection
Pressure coefficientpressure experienced at a point on an airfoil
Radianmeasurement of angles
Rayleigh numberbuoyancy and viscous forces in free convection
Refractive indexelectromagnetism, optics
Reynolds numberflow behavior (inertia vs. viscosity)
Richardson numbereffect of buoyancy on flow stability Archived 2015-03-02 at the Wayback Machine
Rockwell scalemechanical hardness
Rossby numberinertial forces in geophysics
Schmidt numberfluid dynamics (mass transfer and diffusion) Archived 2010-01-24 at the Wayback Machine
Sherwood numbermass transfer with forced convection
Sommerfeld numberboundary lubrication Archived 2016-03-16 at the Wayback Machine
Stanton numberheat transfer in forced convection
Stefan numberheat transfer during phase change
Stokes numberparticle dynamics
Strainmaterials science, elasticity
Strouhal numbercontinuous and pulsating flow Archived 2009-03-25 at the Wayback Machine
Taylor numberrotating fluid flows
van 't Hoff factorquantitative analysis (Kf and Kb)
Weaver flame speed numberlaminar burning velocity relative to hydrogen gas Archived 2017-11-03 at the Wayback Machine
Weber numbermultiphase flow with strongly curved surfaces
Weissenberg numberviscoelastic flows Archived 2006-11-01 at the Wayback Machine
Womersley numbercontinuous and pulsating flows Archived 2009-03-25 at the Wayback Machine

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