Cubic inch

The cubic inch is a unit of measurement for volume in the Imperial units and United States customary units systems. It is the volume of a cube with each of its three dimensions (length, width, and depth) being one inch long.

An engine size noted as 502 cubic inches

The cubic inch and the cubic foot are still used as units of volume in the United States. One popular use is for engine capacity, also called cubic inch displacement.[1] The common SI units of volume, the liter, milliliter, and cubic meter, are also used, especially in manufacturing and high technology. One cubic foot is equal to exactly 1,728 cubic inches because 123 = 1,728. One cubic inch equals 16.39 cubic centimeters.[2]


  1. Richard Feldman, Transportation Expressions (1996) (US Department of Transportation, 1996), p. 64
  2. "cubic inch (cu in or in3)". WebFinance, Inc. Archived from the original on 12 January 2016. Retrieved 7 January 2016.
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