
A calibre (or caliber in American English) is the diameter of the barrel of a gun. For example, a rifle with a diameter of 0.22 inch is a .22 cal. Guns that have a particular calibre are designed to fit and use bullets of the same calibre.

Types of callibre

Callibre is measured in inches, not millimetres. Common callibres include:

Common calibers in inch and their metric equivalents[1][2][3][4][5]
Inch caliberMetric caliberTypical bullet diameter
.1724 mm0.172 in
.20, .2045 mm0.204 in
.2215.45 mm0.221 in
.225.6 mm0.223 in
.2245.7 mm0.224 in
.2436 mm0.243 in
.256.35 mm0.257 in, 6.35 mm
.266.5 mm0.264 in, 6.7 mm
.276.8 mm0.277 in, 7.035 mm
.2847 mm0.284 in, 7.213 mm
.3087.62 mm0.308 in, 7.82 mm
.3117.9 mm0.311 in, 7.92 mm
.3127.94 mm0.312 in, 7.94 mm
.3238 mm0.323 in, 8.20 mm
.3278 mm0.327 in, 8.30 mm
.3388.6 mm0.338 in
.3559 mm0.355 in
.3569 mm0.356 in
.3579 mm0.357 in
.3639 mm0.363 in
.3659.3 mm0.365 in
.3759.5 mm0.375 in, 9.53 mm
.4010 mm0.400 in
.4410.9 mm0.429 in
.4511.43 mm0.451–0.454 in
.5012.7 mm0.510 in, 12.95 mm


  1. Accurate (2000). Accurate Smokeless Powders Loading Guide (Number Two (Revised) ed.). Prescott, AZ: Wolfe Publishing. p. 392. barcode 94794 00200.
  2. "Pistol and Rifle Lead Bullets". Archived from the original on 2020-10-05. Retrieved 2018-10-22.
  3. "Rifle Bullets". Archived from the original on 2020-10-05. Retrieved 2018-10-22.
  4. "LeadSafe Total Copper Jacket ("TCJ") Bullet List". Archived from the original on 1999-02-18. Retrieved 2018-10-22.
  5. Frank C Barnes (2015). Cartridges of the World (14th ed.). Gun Digest Books. ISBN 9781440242656.
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