Borders of Israel

The State of Israel has borders with four countries: Lebanon in the north, Egypt (and Gaza) in the southwest, Jordan (and the West Bank) in the east, and Syria in the northeast. Israel also has "sea borders" in the Red Sea, the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The current borders Israel are the result of war, diplomatic agreements between Israel and its neighbors, and colonial powers from before its creation.[1]

Borders of Israel

Some borders are internationally recognized while others are not accepted by all countries. The borders with Lebanon, Syria and Jordan are based on those drawn by the United Kingdom and France in 1923. The border with Egypt is the international border determined in 1906 between United Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire. Israel's borders with Egypt and Jordan have been formally recognized as part official peace treaties between the countries. On the other hand, the borders with Syria and Palestinian National Authority are still in dispute between the sides involved. The Golan Heights area is at the heart of the dispute between Israel and Syria on their common border. There is agreement between Israel and Lebanon on their border, with the exception of a small area of known as the "Shebaa Farms" which Israel took over during a war. Since the 1990s, Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been negotiating a border between them as well.[2]


  1. Hanukoglu, Prof. Israel. "Map of Israel and Middle East Neighbor countries". Israel Science and Technology Directory. Retrieved Dec 15, 2020.
  2. "Israel's borders explained in maps". BBC News. Sep 15, 2020.

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