Blue-green is a color that is a deep tone of cyan.
This box shows the color blue-green. |
On the older red-yellow-blue pigment color wheel (in which red, yellow and blue were called the primary colors and orange, green, and violet were called the secondary colors), blue-green was a third color between blue and green. The other third colors on a red-yellow-blue (RYB) color wheel were called red-violet, blue-violet, yellow-green, yellow-orange and red-orange.
Meaning of blue-green
- Blue-green, like the color cyan, represents cool calmness and peace because it can be the color of water.
Tones of blue-green color comparison chart
Raindrop (Crayola Ultra colored pencils) (Hex: #33FFCC) (RGB: 51, 255, 204) |
Pale Robin Egg Blue (Robin Egg Blue (ISCC-NBS #162)) (Hex: #96DED1) (RGB: 150, 222, 209) |
Tiffany Blue (Tiffany) (Hex: #81D8D0) (RGB: 129, 216, 208) |
Bright Turquoise ( (Hex: #08E8DE) (RGB: 8, 232, 222) |
Pale Blue-Green (Blue Green) ( (Hex: #00DDDD) (RGB: 0, 221, 221) |
Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #30D5C8) (RGB: 48, 213, 200) |
Capri (web color: Deep Sky Blue) (Hex: #00BFFF) (RGB: 0, 191, 255) |
Process Cyan (Pigment Cyan) (Printer's Cyan) (Deep Aqua) (Hex: #00B7EB) (RGB: 0, 180, 247) |
Blue Atoll (Pantone TPX 16-4535) (Hex: #00B6D9) (RGB: 0, 182, 217) |
Bright Cerulean (Crayola: Cerulean) (Hex: #02A4D3) (RGB: 2, 164, 211) |
Pacific Blue (Crayola) (Hex: #1CA9C9) (RGB: 28, 169, 201) |
Scuba Blue (Pantone TPX 16-4725) (Hex: #00B2CA) (RGB: 0, 178, 202) |
Deep Turquoise (web color "Dark Turquoise") (Hex: #00CED1) (RGB: 0, 206, 209) |
Robin Egg Blue (Crayola) (Hex: #00CCCC) (RGB: 0, 204, 204) |
Light Teal Blue (Crayola: Teal Blue) (Hex: #18A7B5) (RGB: 24, 167, 181) |
Water (Traditional Japanese colors) (Hex: #96ABA5) (RGB: 134, 171, 165) |
Dark Cyan (web color) (Hex: #008B8B) (RGB: 0, 139, 139) |
Maui Blue (Pantone TPx 16-4525) (Hex: #4EA4BA) (RGB: 78, 164, 186) |
BLUE-GREEN (Crayola) (Hex: #0D98BA) (RGB: 13, 152, 186) |
Bondi Blue ( (Hex: #0095B6) (RGB: 0, 149, 182) |
Honolulu Blue (Detroit Lions) (Hex: #006DB0) (RGB: 0, 109, 176) |
Cerulean ( (Hex: #007BA7) (RGB: 0, 123, 167) |
Teal Blue ( (Hex: #367588) (RGB: 54, 117, 136) |
Green-blue (Hex: #219EBD) (RGB: 33, 158, 189) |
Water Blue (RAL 5021) (Hex: #256D7B) (RGB: 37, 109, 123) |
Teal (web color) (Hex: #008080) (RGB: 0, 128, 128) |
Japanese Blue-Green (Blue-Green (Japanese traditional colors)) (Hex: #3A6960) (RGB: 58, 105, 96) |
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