
A billionaire is a person who has a net worth of at least one billion (1,000,000,000) units of currency. This is usually used for major currencies with large values, like Pound Sterlings £, American dollars $, or Euros €.

Billionaires (in United States dollars)

In March 2021, there were 2,755 people in the world who were considered to be billionaires (in United States dollars).[1]

Every year, the American business magazine Forbes, and its website, releases a list of billionaires called The World's Billionaires.

The number of billionaires per million people

The source about the number of billionaires, is Forbes (March 2021)[1]
Country or territory Number of
Number of billionaires
per million people
St. Kitts & Nevis237.037
 Hong Kong718.830
 United States7241.853
 Eswatini (Swaziland)10.915
 Czech Republic80.747
 United Kingdom560.674
 South Korea430.540
United Arab Emirates UAE40.427
 New Zealand20.391
 South Africa40.067


  1. "Forbes Billionaires 2021". Forbes. Retrieved 13 April 2021.

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