Arthur Christmas
Arthur Christmas (originally called Operation Rudolph) is a 2011 computer-animated comedy-drama movie that was produced by Steve Pegram and was directed by Sarah Smith and Barry Cook. Arthur Christmas was released on November 11, 2011 in the United Kingdom and on November 23, 2011 in North America.
Arthur Christmas | |
Directed by | Sarah Smith Barry Cook |
Written by | Peter Baynham Sarah Smith |
Produced by | Steve Pegram |
Starring | James McAvoy Hugh Laurie Jim Broadbent Bill Nighy Imelda Staunton Ashley Jensen |
Edited by | Kevin Lutte |
Music by | Michael Giacchino Adam Cohen |
Distributed by | Columbia Pictures |
Release dates | November 11, 2011 (UK) November 23, 2011 (US) |
Countries | United Kingdom United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $100 million |
- James McAvoy as Arthur
- Hugh Laurie as Steve
- Jim Broadbent as Santa
- Bill Nighy as Grandsanta
- Imelda Staunton as Mrs. Santa
- Ashley Jensen as Byrony
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