Argument from nonbelief

The Argument from nonbelief is a philosophical argument that says that God probably does not exist. If God did exist, and wanted humans to know it, he would show himself, or make it otherwise clear to all that he existed. Since he has not yet done so, he probably does not exist.

An argument from reasonable nonbelief

A formal argument is as follows:[1]

  1. If there is a God, he is perfectly loving.
  2. If a perfectly loving God exists, reasonable nonbelief does not occur.
  3. Reasonable nonbelief occurs.
  4. No perfectly loving God exists (from 2 and 3).
  5. Hence, there is no God (from 1 and 4).


  1. Schellenberg, John L. (1993). Divine Hiddeness and Human Reason. Cornell University Press. pp. 83. ISBN 0801427924.

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