Angry Birds

Angry Birds is a series of puzzle video games developed by Rovio Entertainment from Finland. In the game, the player uses a slingshot to launch birds. The goal is to use them to shoot pigs that are on different buildings.

The Logo of the game.

The Angry Birds series has over a dozen games. A spin off game, in which you play as the pigs, was also released called Bad Piggies on September 27, 2012.[1]


The player uses a slingshot to launch the birds at the pigs that are standing on buildings made of blocks. Each level gives the player a line of birds; the bird sitting on the slingshot is launched when the player pulls the bird back. The bird behind it jumps up, and it is the next bird to be launched.

When a bird is launched, it can hit the buildings and make the blocks break. This can make the pigs fall and disappear. The bird can also hit the pig itself to destroy it. The player has to destroy all the pigs in the map to unlock another level.


Rovio Mobile has supported their games with many free updates that add more features and levels. In each game, there are themed groups of levels. Every group has a simple story: the pigs stole the birds’ eggs, so the birds try to get them back. Each story ends with the birds getting the eggs back.


There are several kinds of birds and pig enemies. The birds are round, and do not have wings or feet. in Angry Birds. The pigs also have no feet. The pigs are all green.

Types of Birds:

  • Red - Does nothing but does make various battle cries when tapped and does great at popping pigs.
  • The Blues - Splits into three smaller birds. Works best against glass.
  • Chuck - Picks up speed and distance when tapped. Best against wood.
  • Bomb - Explodes when tapped or shortly upon impact. Best against stone.
  • Matilda - Drops an egg bomb that explodes on impact when tapped and damages wood and stone the most.
  • Hal - Comes back like a boomerang when tapped and damages wood and glass the most.
  • Terence - Has no special abilities when tapped, but is large and destroys materials with ease.
  • Bubbles - Introduced in Angry Birds Seasons in the Ham'o'Ween Update. - Inflates to a huge size like a balloon when tapped or upon impact, then deflates a little later. Best against wood.
  • Stella - Introduced in Angry Birds Seasons in the Back to School Update. - When tapped makes a bubble around her, and lifts up objects like blocks and pigs. The bubbles last for about 3 seconds.
  • Silver - Introduced in Angry Birds 2 in 2015. Loops in the sky and dives downwards.
  • Melody - Introduced in Angry Birds 2 in 2022. Inhales nearby objects and spits them out.
  • Mighty Eagle - You first launch sardines and when it hits the ground, the Mighty Eagle will come down, hit the ground and cause an earthquake, popping all pigs the player missed, then come back up, while also destroying every block in his path. In the original game, he must be purchased in-game for 99 cents to be used. He can be used for an unlimited number of times, except in Angry Birds Friends.

Types of Pigs (weakest to strongest):

  • Small Pig (weak)
  • Medium Pig (weak)
  • Large Pig (weak)
  • Helmet Pig (medium)
  • Moustache Pig (weak)
  • King Pig (strong)
  • Helm
  • Larak)
  • k)
  • S


The first version of this game was released in December 2009 for Apple’s mobile operating system iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). That release was a huge success so they decided to make versions for other mobile platforms (Maemo, webOS, Android, Symbian, Series 40 and Windows Phone). They also made versions even for computer operating systems (Mac OS, Windows) and gaming consoles (PlayStation, Xbox 360). There is also a version for Google’s social network Google Plus.

Because so many people liked this game, Rovio Mobile released new Angry Birds games: Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds Magic. The new games share the same goal as the first game. In Angry Birds Seasons, there are levels inspired by holidays or seasons. Angry Birds Rio is set in Rio de Janeiro and instead of pigs and wingless birds, there are monkeys and birds from the movie Rio.

Angry Birds Magic is a special edition of the game for Nokia; for more levels, you have to use NFC.


Angry Birds

Level PackLevelsRelease Date
1. Poached Eggs1-1 to 1-21
2-1 to 2-21
3-1 to 3-21
December 11, 2009
2. Mighty Hoax4-1 to 4-21
5-1 to 5-21
February 10, 2010
3. Danger Above6-1 to 6-15
7-1 to 7-15
8-1 to 8-15
April 25, 2010
4. The Big Setup9-1 to 9-15
10-1 to 10-15
11-1 to 11-15
June 23, 2010
5. Ham 'Em High12-1 to 12-15
13-1 to 13-15
14-1 to 14-15
December 20, 2010
6. Mine and Dine15-1 to 15-15
16-1 to 16-15
17-1 to 17-15
June 22, 2011
7. Birdday Party18-1 to 18-15
19-1 to 19-15
December 11, 2011
8. Surf And Turf20-1 to 20-15
21-1 to 21-15
22-1 to 22-15
October 9, 2012
9. Bad PiggiesJuly 3, 2013

September 16, 2013

10. Reds Mighty Feathers

Angry Birds Seasons

Level PackLevelsRelease Date
1. Trick or Treat1-1 to 1-15
2-1 to 2-15
3-1 to 3-15
October 2010
2. Season's Greedings1-1 to 1-25December 2010
3. Hogs and Kisses1-1 to 1-15February 2011
4. Go Green, Get Lucky1-1 to 1-15March 2011
5. Easter Eggs1-1 to 1-15April 2011
6. Summer Pignic [2]1-1 to 1-30June 2011
7. Mooncake Festival1-1 to 1-15
2-1 to 2-15
September 2011
8. Ham'o'ween1-1 to 1-15
2-1 to 2-15
October 2011
9. Wreck the Halls1-1 to 1-25December 2011
10. Year of the Dragon1-1 to 1-15January 2012
11. Cherry Blossom1-1 to 1-15March 2012
12. Piglantis1-1 to 1-15
2-1 to 2-15
June 2012
13. Back to School1-1 to 1-20August 2012
14. Haunted Hogs1-1 to 1-30October, 2012
15. Winter Wonderham1-1 to 1-25December 2012
16. Abra-Ca-Bacon1-1 to 1-15
2-1 to 2-15
May 2013

Angry Birds Rio

Level PackLevelsRelease Date
1. Smugglers' Den1-1 to 1-15
2-1 to 2-15
March 2011
2. Jungle Escape3-1 to 3-15
4-1 to 4-15
March 2011
3. Beach Volley [3]5-1 to 5-15
6-1 to 6-15
May 2011
4. Carnival Upheaval7-1 to 7-15
8-1 to 8-15
June 2011
5. Airfield Chase9-1 to 9-15
10-1 to 10-15
August 2011
6. Smugglers' Plane11-1 to 11-15
12-1 to 12-15
November 2011
7. Market Mayhem13-1 to 13-15
14-1 to 14-15
March 2013
8. Golden Beachball (Bonus Episode)1-1 to 1-15August 2011

Angry Birds Space

Level PackLevelsRelease Date
Pig Bang1-1 to 1-30March 2012[4]
Cold Cuts2-1 to 2-30March 2012
Fry Me to the Moon3-1 to 3-10 April 2012
Utopia4-1 to 4-30 May 2012
Red Planet5-1 to 5-30 August 2012
Pig Dipper6-1 to 6-30 January 2013
EggsteroidsE-1 to E-14 March 2012
Danger ZoneD-1 to D-30 March 2012


From December 2009 to November 2011 people downloaded more than 500 million copies of this game. It is the number one game in 79 countries. People played 266 billion levels and shot 400 billion birds. They played 200,000 years of Angry Birds in total and 300 million minutes daily.[5]

Removal From App Store

In early 2019, the original game, Rio, Star Wars 1 and 2 and others were removed. This caused mass outrage among the fanbase. Rovio responded confirming that the reason was due to Software Rot.

On March 31st 2022, the Remastered version of the original was released to the App Store and Google Play store.


  1. "A release date for Bad Piggies: The new game by Angry Birds bunch". 4 September 2012.
  2. "Summer Pignic walkthrough" Retrieved 2 April 2012
  3. "Beach Volley Release" Archived 2012-01-07 at the Wayback Machine Pocket Now/Stephen Schenck. Retrieved 2 April 2012
  4. "Angry Birds Space Trailer" Rovio. Retrieved 2 April 2012
  5. Angry Birds (2 November 2011). "Angry Birds smashes half a billion downloads!" via YouTube.

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