Ali Pasha
Ali Pasha of Tepelena or the "Lion of Yannina", (1741 – January 24, 1822) was a Muslim Albanian ruler (pasha) of the western part of Rumelia, the Ottoman Empire's European territory in modern day northwestern Greece which was also called Pashalik of Janina. His court was in Ioannina, where Lord Byron visit him. In the Novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, père, Ali Pasha's daughter Haydée is mentioned.

Ali Pasha of Ioannina
after Louis Dupré (1821)
after Louis Dupré (1821)
His name in the local languages was: Albanian: Ali Pashë Tepelena, Aromanian: Ali Pãshelu, Greek: Αλή Πασάς Τεπελενλής Ali Pasas Tepelenlis or Αλή Πασάς των Ιωαννίνων Ali Pasas ton Ioanninon (Ali Pasha of Ioannina) and Turkish: Tepedelenli Ali Paşa.
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