Abraham (given name)

Abraham, Avraham, Avruhom is a male name. The pronunciation of this name is [ey-bruh-ham, -huhm]/ˈeɪ brəˌhæm, -həm/.[1]It refers to the Abraham of the Bible. In Hebrew, the name Abraham means "father of many"or"father of a multitude".[2]Abraham is a more popular name, ranked 202 in 2021.[3]

In Arabic, the name can be translated to be Ibrahim, Ibragim, Ibrayim.



  1. "Definition of Abraham | Dictionary.com". www.dictionary.com. Retrieved 2023-03-10.
  2. "Abraham name Meaning and Origin". babys.name. Retrieved 2023-03-10.
  3. "Change in Popularity". www.ssa.gov. Retrieved 2023-03-10.
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