Yellow Ukraine on the world map.
Number and share of Ukrainians in the population of the regions of the RSFSR (1926 census)

Yellow Ukraine or Zhovty Klyn (Ukrainian: Жовтий Клин, Yellow Wedge) is a historical territory with significant Ukrainian settlement in Volga Region.

The settlement of Zhovty Klyn (the Yellow Wedge) started soon after the Pereiaslav agreement as the eastern border of the second Zasechnaya Cherta. Named after the yellow color of steppes on the middle and lower Volga, these colonies co-existed with the Volga Cossacks; colonists primarily settled around the city of Saratov. In addition to Ukrainians, Volga Germans and Mordovians migrated to Zhovty Klyn in numbers. As of 2014 most of the population is mixed in the region, though a few "pure" Ukrainian villages remain.[1]

See also


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