Vicus Pacati was an ancient city and former episcopal see in Roman North Africa, which only remains as a Latin Church titular see of the Catholic Church.


The name refers to the vicus (area, quarter, district) constituting the latifundia of the family Arii Pacati.

It was among the many cities of sufficient importance to become a suffragan diocese in the Roman province of Numidia, but faded so completely that its location is not even identified for sure with modern Aïn-Mechara in Algeria.

Two of its bishops are historically documented :

Titular see

The diocese was nominally restored in 1933 as Latin titular see of Vicus Pacati (Latin) / Vico di Pacato (Curiate Italian) / Pacaten(sis) (Latin adjective)

It has had the following incumbents:

See also

  • Pius Bonifacius Gams, Series episcoporum Ecclesiae Catholicae, Leipzig 1931, p. 469
  • Stefano Antonio Morcelli, Africa christiana, Volume I, Brescia 1816, p. 353
  • H. Jaubert, Anciens évêchés et ruines chrétiennes de la Numidie et de la Sitifienne, in Recueil des Notices et Mémoires de la Société archéologique de Constantine, vol. 46, 1913, pp. 101–102
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