Expansion: The History of the Galaxy (Russian: "История Галактики", Istoriya Galaktiki) is a science fiction book series by Russian writer Andrey Livadny with a plot spanning from the 23rd to the 39th centuries, it embraces several novels, tales, and stories, some of which are within the five collected stories.

Several basic plotlines have the strongest impact on the series. These include devastating interstellar wars, contacts with alien races, and the collapse and rebirth of civilizations. All of these are intertwined to bring the galaxy to life.

Morality is also central to many of the novels, especially those concerning artificial intelligence.

List of novels

NOTE: The novels are listed in the chronological order of the story, not the publishing dates.

Number English Title Russian Title Sub-series Year(s) Novel / Narrative / Short Story
1 The Target Мишень 2215 Narrative
2 The Gemini Sign Знак Близнецов 2217 Narrative
3 Precursors ("The Planet of the Blue Devils") Предтечи («Планета голубых дьяволов») 2304 Narrative
4 Dabog Дабог 2607 Novel
5 The Estrangement Zone Зона отчуждения 2607 - 2608 Novel
6 The Return of the Gods Возвращение богов 2608 Narrative
7 Fort Stellar Форт Стеллар 2608 - 2670 Short story
8 The Island of Hope Остров Надежды 2609 - 2717 Novel
9 The Fortune Troops Десант на Счастье 2617 - 2720 Narrative
10 Serv-Battalion Серв-батальон 2624 - 2635 Novel
11 Mercenary Наёмник Mercenary 2634 - 2647 Novel
12 Earth - The Eternal City Вечный город – Земля 2635 Short story
13 The Faraway Star Далёкая Звезда 2635 Narrative
14 Repeated Colonization Повторная колонизация 2636 Narrative
15 Omicron Омикрон 2636 - 2641 Novel
16 Virtual Reality Виртуалка 2637 Narrative
17 Natalie Натали 2637 Narrative
18 The Last Boundary ("Shiran Cluster") Последний Рубеж («Скопление Ширана») 2637 Novel
19 Mercenary: The Flame of Hope Наёмник. Пламя надежды Mercenary 2648 Novel
20 Mercenary: The Limits of the Possible Наёмник. Грань возможного Mercenary 2650 Novel
21 The Black Moon Черная Луна 2717 Novel
22 Meeting with God Свидание с богом 2907 Narrative
23 Cyberhag (AKA Special Mission) Киберхаг (или Особое заданий) 2943 Novel
24 A Rose for a Cyborg Роза для киборга John Mitchell St. Ivo 3699 Novel
25 Paradise Lost Потерянный рай John Mitchell St. Ivo 3705 Novel
26 The Galactic Vortex Галактический вихрь 3727 Novel
27 Demeter Деметра Mother 3750 Novel
28 Transport to Beezlebub Транспорт до Везелвула 3771 Novel
29 The Third Race Третья раса 3774 - 3794 Novel
30 The Orion Nebula Туманность Ориона 3782 Novel
31 Raven Райвен John Mitchell St. Ivo 3785 Narrative
32 Natural Selection Естественный отбор Mother 3787 Short story
33 The Spiral Cпираль Mother 3790 - 3800 Novel
34 Craft 618 Борт 618 Living Space 3801 Novel
35 Living Space Жизненное пространство Living Space 3802 Novel
36 The Black Oasis Черный Оазис 3805 Short story
37 Relict Реликт 3807 Short story
38 True Superiority Реальное превосходство 3809 Short story
39 The Verge of Reality Грань реальности 3820 Novel
40 The Dream of the Mind Сон разума 3825 Novel
41 The Bridge over the Chasm Мост через Бездну John Mitchell St. Ivo 3827 Novel
42 The Soul of the "Loner" Душа Одиночки 3828 Novel
43 The Dawn at Arax Заря над Араксом 3830 Novel
44 Cyberspace Киберпространство Living Space 3840 Novel
45 The Purgatory Чистилище 3841 Short story
46 Crimson Skies Багровые Небеса 3845 Novel
47 Advance Post Форпост 3847 Novel
48 The Outcast Отверженный 3848 Short story
49 The Cold Flame of Erigon Холодное пламя Эригона 3851 Novel
50 Retaliatory Strike (The Last of the Immortals) Ответный удар (Последний из бессмертных) 3860 Novel
51 First World Первый Мир 3865 Novel
52 Backup Spaceport Резервный космодром Mechanoforms 3867 Novel
53 Absolute Enemy Абсолютный враг Mechanoforms 3867 Novel
54 Rain Дождь 3875-3990 Narrative
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