The Imperial Diet was the primary legislative body in the Holy Roman Empire after 1648. Various princes, bishops, abbots and free cities convened in Regensburg to vote upon and enact laws across the Empire. The allocation of votes were carefully considered with a goal of maintaining balance between Protestant and Catholic princes. Votes were cast by princes in relation to the number of estates with voting rights and the members were arranged into 3 colleges; and 2 prelate benches, 4 count benches, and 2 free city benches.

Following the French Revolution, French forces defeated Imperial forces and occupied most Imperial land on the left bank of the Rhine. France formally annexed the left bank by the Treaty of Campo Formio in 1797, and German princes were stripped of this land though it was not until the Treaty of Lunéville in 1801 that this was enforced. The Treaty of Lunéville also specified that princes that lost land to France, as well as certain dispossessed Italian princes, were to be compensated with new lands elsewhere in the Empire. It was swiftly decided that the ecclesiastical principalities and free cities would be suppressed and dispersed.

The compensation was arranged according to a plan devised between the French and Russian delegations in 1802. In drafting the compensation for the dispossessed nobility, the French ambassador Talleyrand received substantial bribes (estimated as much as 10 million francs) from nobility clamouring for more favourable settlements. In general the more French-friendly princes received far greater compensation. As votes in the Imperial Diet were tied to specific territories the voting members possessed, the allocation of votes in the Diet also needed to be updated to both remove lands that were ceded to France as well as update to the new political landscape. Several members, particularly Austria, Bavaria and Prussia, received several new votes from preexisting members. The order of existing votes were also shuffled to some extent. Several counts from the four comital benches were also raised to the princes' college. In effect the number of votes in the College of Princes increased from 100 to 131.

An Imperial deputation (Reichsdeputation) approved the plan on 25 February 1803, and the Imperial Diet universally ratified this Reichsdeputationshauptschluss on 24 March. The Emperor Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor ratified it on 27 April that year and it became law despite the Emperor's reservations regarding the reallocation of votes in the Imperial Diet as the balance between Protestant and Catholic estates being altered heavily in the formers' favour.

The following tables lists the members in the Imperial Diet in 1792 before the loss of territory to France, and the reallocated votes as per the Reichsdeputationhauptschluss in 1803. 1792 territories in italics were annexed by France. The lists below uses the interchanged voting of Ecclesiastical and Secular princes format. Ecclesiastical territories are shaded purple, and free cities are shaded red.

College of Electors


Owner 1792


Owner 1803

1. Archbishop of MainzArchbishop of Mainz1. Arch-Chancellor ElectorArch-Chancellor Elector
2. Archbishop of TrierArchbishop of TrierAbolished
3. Archbishop of CologneArchbishop of CologneAbolished
4. King of BohemiaArchduke of Austria2. King of BohemiaArchduke of Austria
5. Elector of Bavaria-PalatinateElector of Bavaria-Palatinate3. Elector of BavariaElector of Bavaria
6. Elector of SaxonyElector of Saxony4. Elector of SaxonyElector of Saxony
7. Elector of BrandenburgKing of Prussia5. Elector of BrandenburgKing of Prussia
8. Elector of Brunswick-LüneburgKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover6. Elector of Brunswick-LüneburgKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
7. Grand Duke of SalzburgGrand Duke of Salzburg
8. Elector of WürttembergElector of Württemberg
9. Elector of BadenElector of Baden
10. Elector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel)Elector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel)

College of Princes

1792 Owner 1792 1803 Owner 1803
1. Archduke of AustriaArchduke of Austria1. Archduke of AustriaArchduke of Austria
2. Duke of BavariaElector of Bavaria-Palatinate2. Duke of Upper BavariaElector of Bavaria
3. Duke of BurgundyArchduke of Austria3. Duchy of StyriaArchduke of Austria
4. Duke of MagdeburgKing of Prussia4. Duke of MagdeburgKing of Prussia
5. Archbishop of SalzburgArchbishop of Salzburg5. Grand Duke of SalzburgGrand Duke of Salzburg
6. Duke of Palatinate-LauternElector of Bavaria-Palatinate6. Duke of Lower BavariaElector of Bavaria
7. Archbishop of BesançonArchbishop of Besançon7. Prince of RegensburgArch-Chancellor Elector
8. Duke of Palatinate-SimmernElector of Bavaria-Palatinate8. Duke of SulzbachElector of Bavaria
9. Grandmaster of the Teutonic OrderGrandmaster of the Teutonic Order9. Grandmaster of the Teutonic OrderGrandmaster of the Teutonic Order
10. Duke of NeuburgElector of Bavaria-Palatinate10. Duke of NeuburgElector of Bavaria
11. Bishop of BambergBishop of Bamberg11. Prince of BambergElector of Bavaria
12. Duke of BremenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover12. Duke of BremenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
13. Bishop of WürzburgBishop of Würzburg13. Margrave of MeissenElector of Saxony
14. Duke of Palatinate-ZweibrückenDuke of Palatinate-Zweibrücken (heir to Bavaria-Palatinate)14. Duke of BergElector of Bavaria
15. Bishop of WormsBishop of Worms15. Duke of WürzburgElector of Bavaria
16. Duke of Palatinate-VeldenzElector of Bavaria-Palatinate16. Duke of CarinthiaArchduke of Austria
17. Bishop of EichstättBishop of Eichstätt17. Prince of EichstättGrand Duke of Salzburg
18. Duke of Saxe-WeimarDuke of Saxe-Weimar18. Duke of Saxe-CoburgDuke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld; Duke of Saxe-Meiningen
19. Bishop of SpeyerBishop of Speyer19. Prince of Odenheim and BruchsalElector of Baden
20. Duke of Saxe-EisenachDuke of Saxe-Weimar20. Duke of Saxe-GothaDuke of Saxe-Altenburg
21. Bishop of StrasbourgBishop of Strasbourg21. Prince of EttenheimElector of Baden
22. Duke of Saxe-CoburgDuke of Saxe-Altenburg22. Duke of Saxe-AltenburgDuke of Saxe-Altenburg
23. Bishop of ConstanceBishop of Constance23. Prince of ConstanceElector of Baden
24. Duke of Saxe-GothaDuke of Saxe-Altenburg24. Duke of Saxe-WeimarDuke of Saxe-Weimar
25. Bishop of AugsburgBishop of Augsburg25. Prince of AugsburgElector of Bavaria
26. Duke of Saxe-AltenburgDuke of Saxe-Altenburg26. Duke of Saxe-EisenachDuke of Saxe-Eisenach
27. Bishop of HildesheimBishop of Hildesheim27. Prince of HildesheimKing of Prussia
28. Margrave of Brandenburg-BayreuthKing of Prussia28. Margrave of Brandenburg-AnsbachKing of Prussia
29. Bishop of PaderbornBishop of Paderborn29. Prince of PaderbornKing of Prussia
30. Margrave of Brandenburg-AnsbachKing of Prussia30. Margrave of Brandenburg-BayreuthKing of Prussia
31. Bishop of FreisingBishop of Fresing31. Prince of FreisingElector of Bavaria
32. Duke of Brunswick and LüneburgKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover32. Duke of Brunswick-WolfenbüttelDuke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
33. Bishop of RegensburgBishop of Regensburg33. Duke of ThuringiaElector of Saxony; alternating Duke of Saxe-Weimar and Duke of Saxe-Altenburg
34. Duke of Brunswick-CalenbergKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover34. Duke of Brunswick and LüneburgKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
35. Bishop of PassauBishop of Passau35. Prince of PassauElector of Bavaria
36. Duke of Brunswick-WolfenbüttelDuke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel36. Duke of Brunswick-CalenbergKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
37. Bishop of TrentBishop of Trent37. Prince of TrentArchduke of Austria
38. Duke of Brunswick-GrubenhagenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover38. Duke of Brunswick-GrubenhagenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
39. Bishop of BrixenBishop of Brixen39. Prince of BrixenArchduke of Austria
40. Prince of VerdenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover40. Prince of HalberstadtKing of Prussia
41. Bishop of BaselBishop of Basel41. Duke of CarniolaArchduke of Austria
42. Prince of HalberstadtKing of Prussia42. Margrave of Baden-BadenElector of Baden
43. Bishop of LiègeBishop of Liège43. Duke of TeckElector of Württemberg
44. Duke of WürttembergDuke of Württemberg44. Margrave of Baden-DurlachElector of Baden
45. Bishop of OsnabrückBishop of Osnabrück45. Prince of OsnabrückKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
46. Landgrave of Hesse-CasselLandgrave of Hesse-Cassel46. Prince of VerdenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
47. Bishop of MünsterBishop of Münster47. Prince of MünsterKing of Prussia
48. Landgrave of Hesse-DarmstadtLandgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt48. Margrave of Baden-HochbergElector of Baden
49. Bishop of LübeckBishop of Lübeck49. Prince of LübeckDuke of Oldenburg
50. Margrave of Baden-BadenMargave of Baden50. Duke of WürttembergElector of Württemberg
51. Bishop of ChurBishop of Chur51. Prince of HanauElector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel)
52. Margrave of Baden-DurlachMargave of Baden52. Duke of Holstein-GlückstadtKing of Denmark
53. Bishop of FuldaBishop of Fulda53. Prince of FuldaPrince of Nassau-Dillenburg
54. Margrave of Baden-HochbergMargave of Baden54. Duke of OldenburgDuke of Oldenburg
55. Abbot of KemptenAbbot of Kempten55. Prince of KemptenElector of Bavaria
56. Duke of Mecklenburg-SchwerinDuke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin56. Duke of Mecklenburg-SchwerinDuke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
57. Provost of EllwangenProvost of Ellwangen57. Prince of EllwangenElector of Württemberg
58. Duke of Mecklenburg-GüstrowDuke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin58. Duke of Mecklenburg-GüstrowDuke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
59. Grandmaster of the Order of St JohnGrandmaster of the Order of St John59. Grandmaster of the Order of St JohnGrandmaster of the Order of St John
60. Duke of Hither PomeraniaKing of Sweden60. Landgrave of Hesse-DarmstadtLandgrave of Hesse (Hesse-Darmstadt)
61. Provost of BerchtesgadenProvost of Berchtesgaden61. Prince of BerchtesgadenGrand Duke of Salzburg
62. Duke of Farther PomeraniaKing of Prussia62. Landgrave of Hesse-CasselElector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel)
63. Provost of WeißenburgBishop of Speyer63. Duke of WestphaliaLandgrave of Hesse (Hesse-Darmstadt)
64. Duke of Saxe-LauenburgKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover64. Duke of Hither PomeraniaKing of Sweden
65. Abbot of PrümArchbishop of Trier65. Duke of Holstein-PlönKing of Denmark
66. Prince of MindenKing of Prussia66. Duke of Farther PomeraniaKing of Prussia
67. Abbot of Stavelot-MalmedyAbbot of Stavelot-Malmedy67. Landgrave of BreisgauDuke of Modena-Breisgau
68. Duke of Holstein-GlückstadtKing of Denmark68. Duke of Saxe-LauenburgKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
69. Bishop of CorveyBishop of Corvey69. Prince of CorveyPrince of Nassau-Dillenburg
70. Duke of OldenburgDuke of Oldenburg70. Prince of MindenKing of Prussia
71. Duke of SavoyKing of Piedmont-Sardinia71. Burgrave of MeissenElector of Saxony
72. Landgrave of LeuchtenbergElector of Bavaria-Palatinate72. Landgrave of LeuchtenbergElector of Bavaria
73. Duke of AnhaltDukes of Anhalt-Bernburg, Anhalt-Dessau, Anhalt-Köthen and Anhalt-Zerbst73. Duke of AnhaltDukes of Anhalt-Bernburg, Anhalt-Dessau and Anhalt-Köthen
74. Princely Count of HennebergElector of Saxony; Duke of Saxe-Weimar; Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen74. Princely Count of HennebergElector of Saxony; Duke of Saxe-Weimar; Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen
75. Prince of SchwerinDuke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin75. Prince of SchwerinDuke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
76. Prince of CamminKing of Prussia76. Prince of CamminKing of Prussia
77. Prince of RatzeburgDuke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz77. Prince of RatzeburgDuke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
78. Prince of HersfeldLandgrave of Hesse-Cassel78. Prince of HersfeldElector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel)
79. Margrave of NoményArchduke of Austria79. Count of the TyrolArchduke of Austria
80. Prince of MontbéliardDuke of Württemberg80. Count Palatine of TübingenElector of Württemberg
81. Prince of QuerfurtElector of Saxony
81. Duke of ArenbergDuke of Arenberg82. Duke of Arenberg (in Meppen & Vest Recklinghausen)Duke of Arenberg
82. Prince of Hohenzollern-HohenzollernPrince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen83. Prince of Hohenzollern-HechingenPrince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen
83. Prince of LobkowiczPrince of Lobkowicz84. Prince of LobkowiczPrince of Lobkowicz
85. Prince of FritzlarElector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel)
84. Prince of Salm-SalmPrince of Salm-Salm86. Prince of Salm-Salm (in Anholt & Bocholt)Prince of Salm-Salm
85. Prince of DietrichsteinPrince of Dietrichstein87. Prince of Dietrichstein (in Neu-Ravensburg)Prince of Dietrichstein
86. Prince of Nassau-HadamarPrince of Orange-Nassau88. Prince of Nassau-HadamarPrince of Orange-Nassau
89. Prince of ZwiefaltenElector of Württemberg
87. Prince of Nassau-DillenburgPrince of Orange-Nassau90. Prince of Nassau-DillenburgPrince of Orange-Nassau
88. Prince of AuerspergPrince of Auersperg91. Prince of AuerspergPrince of Auersperg
92. Prince of StarkenburgLandgrave of Hesse (Hesse-Darmstadt)
89. Prince of East FrisiaKing of Prussia93. Prince of East FrisiaKing of Prussia
90. Prince of FürstenbergPrince of Fürstenberg94. Prince of FürstenbergPrince of Fürstenberg
91. Prince of SchwarzenbergPrince of Schwarzenberg95. Prince of SchwarzenbergPrince of Schwarzenberg
96. Prince of GöttingenKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
97. Prince of MindelheimElector of Bavaria
92. Prince of LiechtensteinPrince of Liechtenstein98. Prince of LiechtensteinPrince of Liechtenstein
93. Prince of Thurn and TaxisPrince of Thurn and Taxis99. Prince of Thurn and TaxisPrince of Thurn and Taxis
94. Prince of SchwarzburgPrince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt; Prince of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen100. Prince of SchwarzburgPrince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt; Prince of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
101. Prince of OrtenauDuke of Modena-Breisgau
102. Prince of AschaffenburgArch-Chancellor Elector
103. Prince of EichsfeldKing of Prussia
104. Prince of Brunswick-BlankenburgDuke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
105. Prince of StargardDuke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
106. Prince of ErfurtKing of Prussia
107. Prince of Nassau-UsingenPrince of Nassau-Usingen
108. Prince of Nassau-WeilburgPrince of Nassau-Usingen
109. Prince of Hohenzollern-SigmaringenPrince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
110. Prince of Salm-KyrburgPrince of Salm-Kyrburg
111. Landgrave of BaarPrince of Fürstenberg
112. Landgrave of KlettgauPrince of Schwarzenberg
113. Princely Count of BuchauPrince of Thurn and Taxis
114. Prince of Waldeck and PyrmontPrince of Waldeck and Pyrmont
115. Prince of Löwenstein-WerthheimPrince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg; Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg
116. Prince of Oettingen-SpielbergPrince of Oettingen-Spielberg
117. Prince of Oettingen-WallersteinPrince of Oettingen-Wallerstein
118. Prince of Solms-BraunfelsPrince of Solms-Braunfels
119. Prince of Hohenlohe-NeuensteinPrince of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein
120. Prince of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-SchillingsfürstPrince of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst
121. Prince of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-BartensteinPrince of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein
122. Prince of Isenburg-BirsteinPrince of Isenburg-Birstein
123. Prince of RietbergPrince of Kaunitz-Rietberg
124. Prince of Reuss Elder LinePrince of Reuss Elder Line (Reuss-Greiz)
125. Prince of LeiningenPrince of Leiningen
126. Princely Count of EdelstettenPrince of Ligne
127. Prince of Rheina-WolbeckDuke of Looz-Corswarem
95. Bench of Swabian Prelates (single vote)Abolished
96. Bench of Counts of Swabia (single vote)128. Bench of Counts of Swabia (single vote)
97. Bench of Rhenish Prelates (single vote)Abolished
98. Bench of Counts of the Wetterau (single vote)129. Bench of Counts of the Wetterau (single vote)
99. Bench of Counts of Franconia (single vote)130. Bench of Counts of Franconia (single vote)
100. Bench of Counts of Westphalia (single vote)131. Bench of Counts of Westphalia (single vote)

Bench of Counts of Swabia


Owner 1792


Owner 1803

1. Count of Heiligenberg and WerdenbergPrince of Fürstenberg1. Count of Heiligenberg and WerdenbergPrince of Fürstenberg
2. Princely Abbess of BuchauPrincely Abbess of Buchau2. Lord of BuchauPrince of Thurn and Taxis (Princely County of Buchau raised to the College of Princes; Bad Buchau formed as a Lordship with a new vote in the Swabian Bench)
3. Bailiff of Alsace and BurgundyGrandmaster of the Teutonic Order3. Commander of AltshausenGrandmaster of the Teutonic Order
4. Count of OettingenPrinces of Oettingen-Spielberg and Oettingen-WallersteinRaised to the College of Princes
5. Count of MontfortArchduke of Austria4. Count of MontfortArchduke of Austria
6. Count of HelfensteinElector of Bavaria5. Count of HelfensteinElector of Bavaria
7. Landgrave of Klettgau and Count of SulzPrince of SchwarzenbergRaised to the College of Princes
8. Count of KönigseggCount of Königsegg-Aulendorf6. Count of KönigseggCount of Königsegg-Aulendorf
9. Archsteward of WaldburgArchstewards of Waldburg-Wolfegg-Waldsee, Waldburg-Zeil-Trauchburg and Waldburg-Zeil-Wurzach7. Archsteward of WaldburgArchstewards of Waldburg-Wolfegg-Waldsee, Waldburg-Zeil-Trauchburg and Waldburg-Zeil-Wurzach
10. Count of EbersteinMargrave of Baden8. Count of EbersteinElector of Baden
11. Count of HohengeroldseckCount of Leyen9. Count of HohengeroldseckCount of Leyen
12. Count of FuggerCounts of Fugger-Babenhausen, Fugger-Glött, Fugger-Kirchberg-Weissenhorn, Fugger-Kirchheim and Fugger-Nordendorf10. Count of FuggerPrince of Fugger-Babenhausen; and the Counts of Fugger-Glött, Fugger-Kirchberg-Weissenhorn, Fugger-Kirchheim and Fugger-Nordendorf
13. Count of HohenemsArchduke of Austria11. Count of HohenemsArchduke of Austria
14. Lord of EglofsCount of Abensberg and Traun12. Lord of EglofsCount of Abensberg and Traun
15. Princely Count of BonndorfPrincely Abbot of St Blaise13. Princely Count of BonndorfGrandmaster of the Order of St John
16. Lord of ThannhausenCounts of Stadion-Thannhausen and Stadion-Warthausen14. Lord of ThannhausenCounts of Stadion-Thannhausen and Stadion-Warthausen
17. Lord of EglingenPrince of Thurn and Taxis15. Lord of EglingenPrince of Thurn and Taxis
18. Prince of Khevenhüller-MetschPrince of Khevenhüller-Metsch16. Prince of Khevenhüller-MetschPrince of Khevenhüller-Metsch
19. Count of Kuefstein-GreillensteinCount of Kuefstein-Greillenstein17. Count of Kuefstein-GreillensteinCount of Kuefstein-Greillenstein
20. Prince of Colloredo-MansfeldPrince of Colloredo-Mansfeld18. Prince of Colloredo-MansfeldPrince of Colloredo-Mansfeld
21. Count of Harrach zu RohrauCount of Harrach zu Rohrau19. Count of Harrach zu RohrauCount of Harrach zu Rohrau
22. Count of Sternberg-ManderscheidCount of Sternberg-Manderscheid20. Count of Sternberg-ManderscheidCount of Sternberg-Manderscheid
23. Count of NeippergCount of Neipperg21. Count of NeippergCount of Neipperg
24. Prince of Hohenzollern-SigmaringenPrince of Hohenzollern-SigmaringenRaised to the College of Princes

Bench of Counts of the Wetterau


Owner 1792


Owner 1803

1. Prince of Nassau-UsingenPrince of Nassau-UsingenRaised to the College of Princes
2. Prince of Nassau-WeilburgPrince of Nassau-WeilburgRaised to the College of Princes
3. Prince of Nassau-SaarbrückenPrinces of Nassau-Usingen and Nassau-WeilburgAbolished
4. Prince of Solms-BraunfelsPrince of Solms-BraunfelsRaised to the College of Princes
5. Count of Solms-LichPrince of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich1. Count of Solms-LichPrince of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich
6. Count of Solms-HohensolmsPrince of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich2. Count of Solms-HohensolmsPrince of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich
7. Count of Solms-RödelheimCount of Solms-Rödelheim-Assenheim3. Count of Solms-RödelheimCount of Solms-Rödelheim-Assenheim
8. Count of Solms-LaubachCount of Solms-Laubach4. Count of Solms-LaubachCount of Solms-Laubach
9. Prince of Isenburg-BirsteinPrince of Isenburg-BirsteinRaised to the College of Princes
10. Count of Isenburg-BüdingenCounts of Isenburg-Büdingen, Isenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz and Isenburg-Büdingen-Wächtersbach5. Count of Isenburg-BüdingenCounts of Isenburg-Büdingen, Isenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz and Isenburg-Büdingen-Wächtersbach
11. Prince of Stolberg-GedernPrince of Stolberg-Gedern6. Prince of Stolberg-GedernPrince of Stolberg-Gedern
12. Count of Stolberg-RoßlaCount of Stolberg-Stolberg7. Count of Stolberg-RoßlaCount of Stolberg-Stolberg
13. Count of Stolberg-WernigerodeCount of Stolberg-Wernigerode8. Count of Stolberg-WernigerodeCount of Stolberg-Wernigerode
14. Count of WittgensteinPrinces of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein9. Count of WittgensteinPrinces of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein
15. Count of SaynCount of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn10. Count of SaynCount of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn
16. Wild- and Rhinegrave of GrumbachWild- and Rhinegrave of Salm-Grumbach11. Count of Horstmar (1st vote)Wild- and Rhinegrave of Salm-Horstmar
17. Wild- and Rhinegrave of RheingrafensteinWild- and Rhinegrave of Salm-Grumbach12. Count of Horstmar (2nd vote)Wild- and Rhinegrave of Salm-Horstmar
18. Count of Leiningen-HartenburgPrince of LeiningenRaised to the College of Princes
19. Count of Leiningen-Heidesheim and -GuntersblumCounts of Leiningen-Heidesheim and Leiningen-Guntersblum13. Count of Leiningen-Neidenau and -BilligheimCounts of Leiningen-Neidenau and Leiningen-Billigheim
20. Count of Leiningen-Westerburg-AltleiningenCount of Leiningen-Westerburg-Altleiningen14. Count of IlbenstadtCount of Leiningen-Westerburg-Altleiningen
21. Count of Leiningen-Westerburg-NeuleiningenCount of Leiningen-Westerburg-Neuleiningen15. Count of EngelthalCount of Leiningen-Westerburg-Neuleiningen
22. Count of Reuss and PlauenPrinces of Reuss Elder Line and Reuss Younger Line16. Count of Reuss and PlauenPrince of Reuss Younger Line (Reuss Elder Line raised to the College of Princes)
23. Count of SchönburgPrinces of Schönburg-Hartenstein and Schönburg-Waldenburg; and the Counts of Schönburg-Hinterglauchau, Schönburg-Rochsburg and Schönburg-Wechselburg17. Count of SchönburgPrinces of Schönburg-Hartenstein and Schönburg-Waldenburg; and the Counts of Schönburg-Hinterglauchau, Schönburg-Rochsburg and Schönburg-Wechselburg
24. Count of OrtenburgCount of Ortenburg18. Count of OrtenburgCount of Ortenburg
25. Count of KriechingenPrince of Wied-Runkel19. Prince of Wied-RunkelPrince of Wied-Runkel

Bench of Counts of Franconia


Owner 1792


Owner 1803

1-6. Princes of Hohenlohe (6 votes)Princes of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein, Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Ingelfingen, Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Kirchberg, Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Langenburg, Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein, Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Jagstberg, Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst and Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Waldenburg1-3. Princes of Hohenlohe (3 votes)Princes of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Ingelfingen, Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Kirchberg, Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Langenburg, Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Jagstberg and Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Waldenburg (Other lines raised to the College of Princes)
7. Count of CastellCounts of Castell-Castell and Castell-Rüdenhausen4. Count of CastellCounts of Castell-Castell and Castell-Rüdenhausen
8. Count of ErbachCounts of Erbach-Erbach, Erbach-Fürstenau and Erbach-Schönberg5. Count of ErbachCounts of Erbach-Erbach, Erbach-Fürstenau and Erbach-Schönberg
9. Count of WertheimCounts of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort and Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg6. Count of WertheimCounts of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg and Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg
10. Allodial heirs to the Lords of LimpurgDukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Württemberg; Princes of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein and Leiningen; Counts of Isenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz, Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort, Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg, Pückler and Limpurg, Rechteren-Limpurg, Salm-Grumbach, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Solms-Rödelheim-Assenheim7. Allodial heirs to the Lords of LimpurgElector of Württemberg; Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin; Princes of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein and Leiningen; Counts of Isenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz, Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg, Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, Pückler and Limpurg, Rechteren-Limpurg, Salm-Grumbach, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Solms-Rödelheim-Assenheim
11. Count of RieneckCount of Nostitz-Rieneck8. Count of RieneckCount of Nostitz-Rieneck
12. Baron of SeinsheimPrince of Schwarzenberg9. Baron of SeinsheimPrince of Schwarzenberg
13. Allodial heirs to the Counts of WolfsteinPrince of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Kirchberg; Count of Giech10. Allodial heirs to the Counts of WolfsteinPrince of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Kirchberg; Count of Giech
14. Lord of ReichelsbergCounts of Schönborn-Buchheim and Schönborn-Wiesentheid11. Lord of ReichelsbergCounts of Schönborn-Buchheim and Schönborn-Wiesentheid
15. Lord of WiesentheidCounts of Hatzfeld and Schönborn-Wiesentheid12. Lord of WiesentheidCounts of Hatzfeld and Schönborn-Wiesentheid
16. Count of Windisch-GrätzCount of Windisch-Grätz13. Count of Windisch-GrätzCount of Windisch-Grätz
17. Prince of Orsini and RosenbergPrince of Orsini and Rosenberg14. Prince of Orsini and RosenbergPrince of Orsini and Rosenberg
18. Prince of StarhembergPrince of Starhemberg15. Prince of StarhembergPrince of Starhemberg
19. Count of Wurmbrand-StuppachCount of Wurmbrand-Stuppach16. Count of Wurmbrand-StuppachCount of Wurmbrand-Stuppach
20. Count of GiechCount of Giech17. Count of GiechCount of Giech
21. Count of GrävenitzCount of Grävenitz18. Count of GrävenitzCount of Grävenitz
22. Count of PücklerCount of Pückler and Limpurg19. Count of PücklerCount of Pückler and Limpurg

Bench of Counts of Westphalia


Owner 1792


Owner 1803

1. Count of Sayn-AltenkirchenKing of Prussia1. Count of Sayn-AltenkirchenPrince of Nassau-Usingen
2. Count of Sayn-HachenburgPrince of Nassau-Weilburg2. Count of Sayn-HachenburgPrince of Nassau-Weilburg
3. Count of TecklenburgKing of Prussia3. Count of TecklenburgKing of Prussia
4. Count of Upper WiedPrince of Wied-Runkel4. Count of Upper WiedPrince of Wied-Runkel
5. Prince of Wied-NeuwiedPrince of Wied-Neuwied5. Prince of Wied-NeuwiedPrince of Wied-Neuwied
6. Count of SchaumburgLandgrave of Hesse-Cassel; Count of Schaumburg-Lippe6. Count of SchaumburgElector of Hesse (Hesse-Cassel); Count of Schaumburg-Lippe
7. Count of OldenburgDuke of Oldenburg7. Count of OldenburgDuke of Oldenburg
8. Count of DelmenhorstDuke of Oldenburg8. Count of DelmenhorstDuke of Oldenburg
9. Prince of LippePrince of Lippe9. Prince of LippePrince of Lippe
10. Count of BentheimKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover10. Count of BentheimCount of Bentheim and Steinfurt
11. Count of SteinfurtCount of Bentheim-Steinfurt11. Count of SteinfurtCount of Bentheim and Steinfurt
12. Count of HoyaKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover12. Count of HoyaKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
12. Count of DiepholzKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover12. Count of DiepholzKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
12. Count of SpiegelbergKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover12. Count of SpiegelbergKing of Great Britain as Duke of Hanover
13. Count of VirneburgCounts of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort and Löwenstein-Wertheim-VirneburgRaised to the College of Princes
14. Count of RietbergPrince of Kaunitz-RietbergRaised to the College of Princes
15. Prince of Waldeck and PyrmontPrince of Waldeck and PyrmontRaised to the College of Princes
16. Lord of Pyrmont (Eifel)Count of Waldbott von Bassenheim13. Count of HeggbackCount of Waldbott von Bassenheim
17. Count of GronsfeldCount of Törring-Jettenbach14. Count of GutenzellCount of Törring-Jettenbach
18. Count of ReckheimCount of Aspremont-Lynden15. Count of BaindtCount of Aspremont-Lynden
19. Lord of AnholtPrince of Salm-Salm16. Lord of AnholtPrince of Salm-Salm
20. Lord of Winneburg and BeilsteinCount of Metternich-Winneburg and Beilstein17. Count of OchsenhausenPrince of Metternich-Winneburg and Beilstein
21. Count of HolzappelPrince of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym18. Count of HolzappelPrince of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym
22. Count of Blankenheim and GerolsteinCount of Sternberg-Manderscheid19. Count of Schussenried and WeissenauCount of Sternberg-Manderscheid
23. Lord of WittemCount of Plettenberg-Wittem20. Lord of Mietingen and SullmingenCount of Plettenberg-Wittem
24. Lord of GemenBaron of Boyneburg-Bömelberg21. Lord of GemenBaron of Boyneburg-Bömelberg
25. Count of Gimborn-NeustadtCount of Wallmoden-Gimborn22. Count of Gimborn-NeustadtCount of Wallmoden-Gimborn
26. Lord of WickrathCount of Quadt-Wykradt23. Count of IsnyCount of Quadt-Isny
27. Lord of MyllendonkCount of Ostein24. Count of BuxheimCount of Ostein
28. Baron of ReichensteinCount of Nesselrode-Reichenstein25. Baron of ReichensteinCount of Nesselrode-Reichenstein
29. Count of SchleidenDuke of Arenberg26. Count of Vest Recklinghausen and MeppenDuke of Arenberg
30. Count of Kerpen and LommersumCount of Schaesberg-Retersbeck27. Count of TannheimCount of Schaesberg-Tannheim
31. Lord of DyckCount of Salm-Reifferscheid-Dyck28. Lord of DyckCount of Salm-Reifferscheid-Dyck
32. Lord of SaffenburgDuke of Arenberg29. Lord of SaffenburgDuke of Arenberg
33. Count of HallermundCount of Platen-Hallermund30. Count of HallermundCount of Platen-Hallermund
34. Burgrave of RheineckPrince of Sinzendorf31. Count of WinterriedenPrince of Sinzendorf
35. Count of BretzenheimPrince of Heydeck-Bretzenheim32. Prince of LindauPrince of Heydeck-Bretzenheim
36. Count of WartenburgCount of Wartenburg33. Count of RothCount of Wartenburg-Roth

College of Cities


Owner 1792


Owner 1803

1. Free City of LübeckFree City of Lübeck1. Free City of LübeckFree City of Lübeck
2. Free City of Frankfurt am MainFree City of Frankfurt am Main2. Free City of Frankfurt am MainFree City of Frankfurt am Main
3. Free City of BremenFree City of Bremen3. Free City of BremenFree City of Bremen
4. Free City of HamburgFree City of Hamburg4. Free City of HamburgFree City of Hamburg
5. Free City of AugsburgFree City of Augsburg5. Free City of AugsburgFree City of Augsburg
6. Free City of NurembergFree City of Nuremberg6. Free City of NurembergFree City of Nuremberg
All other free cities abolished; votes transferred to new owners within the Princes' college and the four comital benches
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