Dina Nath
Equestrian painting of Diwan Dina Nath with his retinue and an elephant
Finance minister of the Sikh Empire
PredecessorDiwan Bhawani Das
Born1795 (1795)
Kot Khawaja Saeed, Lahore (Present-day Pakistan)

Diwan Dina Nath (1795—1857), was an official of the durbar (court) of the Sikh Empire, whom served as the privy seal and finance minister, and later was conferred the title of Raja by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Early life

Dina Nath was the son of Kashmiri Brahmin family,[1][2] who were a governing Aristocracy of Kashmir, who migrated to Delhi in 1815, during the oppressive rule of the Afghan governors of the valley and later were instrumental in acquisition (along with Dewan Mokham Chand) of Kashmir to the Lahore Darbar.


Painting of Diwan Dina Nath, by Hasan al-Din, Lahore, ca.1845-50

He served as civil and military administrator and counsellor of considerable influence at the Punjab court for well over three decades, He was also closely related to Diwan Ganga Ram, head of the military accounts and keeper of the privy seal at Lahore.

In 1815, at the instance of Diwan Ganga Ram, Maharaja Ranjit Singh invited Dina Nath to Lahore and offered him the post of mutsaddi, or writer, in the department of military accounts.

In 1826, when Diwan Ganga Ram died, Dina Nath succeeded him as the head of military finance, accounts, estates and commander of GhorCharas (Lancers cavalary). He headed the Military department (Asla baarood-Ordinance) and keeper of the privy seal (Orders for military action). In 1834, when Diwan Bhawani Das died, the Maharaja made him the head of the civil and military finance office and conferred upon him, in 1838, the title of Raja Diwan.


By his ability and political & military acumen, Dina Nath rose to the highest position of power and influence in the affairs of the State. Lepel Griffin styles him the Talleyrand of the Punjab. After the Maharaja's death, Raja Dina Nath's influence increased. But Dina Nath knew how to keep his ambition in check and was one man in Lahore who made no enemies at the court. In the turbulent days following Ranjit Singh`s death, he refused to take sides with Rani Chand Kaur or Karivar Sher Singh. Sher Singh upon his succession to the throne, reposed his full trust in him. Dina Nath retained his position at the court & all his estates and military troops during the tumultuous days after demise of Ranjit Singh.

He was one of the signatories to the treaty which was concluded between the Sikhs and the British after the First Sikh War. Later, when a council was constituted in December 1846 for the governance of the Punjab, Raja Dina Nath was made its President, with the active support of the British. He was the greatest man alive and most faithful to Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Yet under the British rule he actively financed the independence efforts in secrecy. The family of Raja Dina Nath came originally from Kashmir aristocrats, where in the reign of the Mughal King Shah Jahan, some members of it held offices relating to Military positions and 2500 mansabdari.

Dina Nath, whose father had a Civil & Military appointment at Delhi, came to the Panjab in 1815 and obtained a vassal estate at Lahore as a military officer. He first attracted Ranjit Singh's notice in 1818 by the great rapidity and clearness with which he did some important missions entrusted to him.

Among the men who rose to power during the later days of the Maharaja's life, no one was more remarkable than Raja Dina Nath. He was well and happily styled Talleyrand of the Panjab and his life and character bore a strong resemblance to those of the European statesmen.

Revolutions in which his friends and patrons perished passed him by: in the midst of bloodshed and assassination his life was never endangered. While confiscation and judicial robbery were the rule of the State, his wealth and power and military stature continually increased. His sagacity and far-sightedness were such that when to other eyes the political sky was clear, he could perceive the signs of coming storm.

Honest men do not survive many revolutions, and the Raja's intelligence, sagacity & courage were the means to his success. He was patriotic, but his love of country was subordinate to self. He hated the English bitterly, for they were stronger than he or his country, but his interest compelled him to serve, like Samson, the Philistines he hated.

He was not without his notions of fidelity, and would stand by a friend, ally or a benefactor. Even when he was personally threatened, he acted out of absolute clarity, his actions were dictated by a sense of chivalry, truth and nobility it was more from these thoughts than from personal fear, for, Raja Dina Nath was not only physically imposing, brave & fearless,he also possessed moral courage to an eminent degree, leading him to do right regardless of consequences. He possessed immense local knowledge, tactical skills, handled large formations of unwieldy troops & and vast capacity for work & hardship.

Diwan Dina Nath, Northern India or Pakistan, mid-19th century, painting on ivory

He was an accomplished man of the world, courteous and considerate; well educated, a scholar, warrior; and in conversation with Europeans he would express himself with a boldness and apparent candour that were as pleasant, as they are unusual in Asiatics. It was only in 1834 that Raja Dina Nath was made Raja & Diwan for which his qualifications were exceedingly high, but Maharaja (Ranjit Singh) had for many years reposed confidence in him, and he was on all occasions of importance, one of his most talented civil & military adviser, commander and a vassal.

After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, he retained great influence with the chiefs and the army, and on British occupation of Lahore was appointed to the Council of Regency, of which he was the most able and useful member. Although his position gave him many opportunities of enriching himself at the public expense, he still worked more disinterestedly in wealth & position than many others of much lower rank & estate , and was of great service to the Resident of Lahore. In November 1847, the title of the Raja of Kalanaur, with a jagir worth 220,000 rupees annually, was conferred upon him. With his clear head and business-like habits, it would have been almost impossible to disentangle the Darbar Accountancy, and after the annexation of the Panjab, Dina Nath's aid in Revenue and Jagir matters was almost as valuable as before.

At the time of revolt of Sikh army in 1848, it was asserted by some that Raja Dina Nath was a traitor at heart, that he himself had Encouraged the rising, and that had he not been a wealthy man with houses and gardens and many lakhs of rupees in Lahore, convenient for confiscation, he would have joined the rebels without hesitation, but these stories were perhaps invented by his enemies. After the annexation of the Panjab, Raja Dina Nath was confirmed in all of his jagirs, worth Rs. 246,460, which he held till his death in 1857.


He died near Kot Khawaja Saeed, at Lahore, Pakistan. There he had developed a beautiful garden and it is still called as 'Rajay Wala Bagh'. The spot is a few meters away towards West from Samadh Maharajah Sher Singh at Kot Khawaja Saeed, Lahore.


His descendants are:

1. Raja Amar Nath Madan

2. Raja Man Nath Madan

3. Raja Gyan Nath Madan

4. Kanwar Bharam Nath Madan

5. Raja Ravindera Nath Madan

6. Raja Rajeev Madan

7. Kanwar Ramchandra Madan

Raja Gyan Nath Madan was the Prime Minister of Jaipur. He was a CIE, a ‘Companion of the British Empire’, an honorary title bestowed upon him by the British, in recognition of his numerous services to the Empire. Raja Gyan Nath Madan was also conferred the hereditary title of ‘Raja’ by the British, which could be passed onto and used by the eldest son( Tikka Raja) of each successive generation.

He purchased Khud Cottage in 1939, several years prior to Partition, when his family settled in Shimla. His son, Kanwar Bharamnath Madan, was the first Deputy Commissioner of Shimla.

Successively, the title of ‘Raja’ has been passed on to Raja Gyan Nath Madan’s eldest grandson, Ravindera Nath Madan and currently his great grandson, Rajeev Madan, who still owns Khud Cottage.

Water well

Dina Nath commissioned the Well of Dina Nath in Lahore, Pakistan which, according to legend, has always been dry.


  1. Williams, Donovan (1970). Life And Times Of Ranjit Singh. V.V.R.I. Press. p. 256. Retrieved 2017-01-17.
  2. Yasmin, Robina (2022). Muslims Under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century: Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Religious Tolerance. Library of Islamic South Asia. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 92. ISBN 9780755640348.


  • Suri, Sohan Lal, `Umdat-ut-Twarikh. Lahore, 1885–89
  • Griffin, Lepel, and C.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909
  • Hasrat, B.J., Life and Times of Ranjit Singh. Hoshiarpur, 1977
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