Dialectical Map of Pashto: An edited map of the Pashtun tribes, from Olaf Caroe’s “The Pathans”. The North Eastern dialects have been highlighted in dark blue, the North Western dialects in light blue, the North-Central (North Karlāṇi) is pink, the South-Central (South Karlāṇi) in red, the South Eastern in orange and the South Western in yellow.[1]

Pashto dialects (Pashto: د پښتو ژبګوټي də Pəx̌tó žәbgóṭi) can be divided into two large varieties: Northern Pashto and Southern Pashto. Each of the two varieties of Pashto is further divided into a number of dialects. Northern Pashto is spoken in eastern Afghanistan, and central, northern and eastern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (including Peshawar). Southern Pashto is spoken to the south of it, in southern and western Afghanistan (including Kandahar), southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and northern Balochistan (including Quetta). 'Ethnologue' divides Pashto into Northern, Southern and Central Pashto, and Wanetsi.[2]


According to David Neil MacKenzie , a consonant shift took place in the northern parts of Pashtunistan in several phases in the medieval era. During the shift, the retroflex fricative ṣ̌ [ʂ] changed to [ç] or to x [x], while ẓ̌ [ʐ] changed to ǵ [ʝ] or to g [g].[3] That is supported by the linguist Georg Morgenstierne's assertion that the Pashto script developed in the Northeast which had the phonology of a Southwestern Pashto in the 16th century.[4] The shift was likely complete before the Pashto book Khayr al-Bayān was written by Bayazid Pir Roshan from Waziristan in 1651. According to Michael M. T. Henderson in Balochistan [Southeast]: the spilt ṣ̌ [ʂ] into š [ʃ] and ẓ̌ [ʐ] into ž [ʒ] may never have occurred in that they were always pronounced as š [ʃ] and ž [ʒ] there or that a split did occur.[5]

Among the other Eastern Iranian languages outside Pashto, the Shughni (Khughni) and Yazgulyami branch of the Pamir languages also seem to have been affected from the ṣ̌ to x consonant shift. E.g. "meat": ɡuṣ̌t in Wakhi and ğwáṣ̌a in Southwestern Pashto, but changes to guxt in Shughni and ğwáxa in Northerneastern Pashto.[6]


1. Southern variety

  • Abdali dialect (or South Western dialect)
  • Kakar dialect (or South Eastern dialect)
  • Shirani dialect
  • Marwat-Bettani dialect
  • Southern Karlani group
  • Khattak dialect
  • Baniswola dialect
  • Dawarwola dialect
  • Masidwola dialect
  • Wazirwola dialect

2. Northern variety

  • Central Ghilji dialect (or North Western dialect)
  • Yusufzai dialect (or North Eastern dialect)
  • Northern Karlani group
  • Taniwola dialect
  • Khosti dialect
  • Zadran dialect
  • Mangal dialect
  • Afridi dialect
  • Khogyani dialect
  • Wardak dialect

3. Waṇetsi Dialect


Regional standards

There are several regional standard forms of Pashto which have high prestige, and serve as a means of communication between the various tribal communities in those regions.

Central Pashto

Central Pashto dialects are also referred to as middle dialects.[7]

Southern regional standard

Southern Pashto compromises of the South Western and South Eastern dialects.[8]

Southern Western Pashto, also called Kandahari Pashto, is the prestige variety of Pashto in southern and western Afghanistan.

A similar variety known as South Eastern is spoken in the Balochistan province of Pakistan.[9]

Northern regional

Northern Pashto compromises of the North Western and North Eastern dialects.[10]

North Eastern Pashto, also called Eastern Pashto, is the prestige variety of Pashto, known as Yusufzai Dialect, it is spoken in central, northern, and eastern parts of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan and in northeastern Afghanistan.

North Western Pashto is spoken, in eastern and northeastern Afghanistan, in the central Ghilji or Ghilzai region.[9]


Although this dialect is spoken only by the Spin Tareens and not the Tor Tareens, it is known locally as Tareeno and by Western academics as Wanetsi. It is the most distinct amongst the dialects of Pashto.


Variations have been noted in dialects of Pashto.[11] The differences between the standard varieties of Pashto are primarily phonological, and there are simple conversion rules.[12] The morphological differences between the standard varieties are very few and unimportant. Two of the key phonemes whose pronunciation vary between the different Pashto dialects are ښ and ږ. The southern dialect of Kandahar is considered to be the most conservative with regards to phonology. It retains the original pronunciation of these two phonemes as voiceless and voiced retroflex sibilants, respectively, and does not merge them into other phonemes unlike the northern dialects.[13]

The dialects spoken by the tribes from the Karlani confederacy of Pashtuns are lexicologically different and very varied. Moreover, the Karlani dialects have a tendency towards a change in the pronunciation of vowels. Depending on the particular dialect, the standard Pashto [a], [ā], [o], [u] may change into [ā], [â/å/o], [ȯ/ȫ/e], [i], respectively.[14] In the Karlani dialects of Waziristan, Bannu, and Tani (southern Khost), which follow the vowel shift to the greatest extent, these four vowels normally change into [ā], [o], [e], [i], respectively.

The nine phonemes represented in the column headings below show key phonetic differences between the dialects. Five of them are consonants written in the Pashto alphabet, and four are vowels written in the Latin script; sounds are transcribed in the IPA:

Dialects Location ښ ږ څ ځ ژ a ā o u
Abdali Southern and western Afghanistan, including Kandahar [ʂ] [ʐ] [t͡s] [d͡z] [ʒ] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Kākaṛ Northern Balochistan [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡s] [d͡z] [ʒ, z] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Shirani Shirani and Darazinda [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [z] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Marwat-Beṭani-Ganḍāpur[15] Lakki Marwat, Jandola, Tank, and Dera Ismail Khan [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡ʃ] [d͡ʒ] [z] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Tareeno[16] Haranai Harnai and Sanjawi [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡s, s, t͡ʃ] [d͡z, z, d͡ʒ] [z] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Khattak General Karak District and eastern Kohat [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɔ] [o] [u]
Baniswola Bannu , Mir Ali , Baka Khel , Jani Khel [ʃ] [ʒ] [s] [z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɔ] [ɛː] [i]
Dawarwola Tochi in North Waziristan [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [o] [e] [i]
Wazirwola Southern [17](Ahmadzai) From Janimela, South Waziristan to Shuidar Ghar (south of Razmak) [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡ʃ] [d͡ʒ] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɒ] [œː, ɛː] [i]
Masidwola South Waziristan [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡ʃ] [d͡ʒ] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɒ] [œː, ɛː] [i]
Northern [17](Utmanzai) North Waziristan, Khaisora Valley, Razmak, Dossali, Datta Khel, Spin Wam, Shawal[18] [ʃ] [ʒ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɔ] [œː, ɛː] [i]
Taṇi Tani, Gurbuz, and Mandozayi, in southern Khost [x] [ɡ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [o] [e] [i]
Khosti Central and northern Khost [x] [ɡ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɒ] [ɵ] [u]
Dzādroṇ[19] The Zadran Arc in southern Paktia, northeastern Paktika, and southwestern Khost [ç] [ʝ] [t͡s] [d͡z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [o] [o, e] [u, i]
Bangash-Orakzai-Turi-Zazi-Mangal Kurram, eastern Paktia, northeastern Khost, Orakzai, Hangu, and northwestern Kohat [x] [ɡ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɔ] [o] [u]
Apridi[20][21] Kambar Khel Central and southern Khyber and Darra Adamkhel [x] [ɡ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ, d͡ʒ] [ɑ] [ɔ] [ɵ] [u, i]
Zakha Khel
Khogyani Khogyani, Sherzad, and Pachir aw Agam, in southwestern Nangarhar [x] [ɡ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [ɑ] [ɒ] [ɵ] [u]
Wardag Chaki Wardak, Saydabad, Jaghatu, and Jilga, in central and southern Maidan Wardak [ç] [ʝ] [t͡s] [d͡z] [ʒ, z] [ɑ] [ɒ] [o] [u]
Central Ghilzai[9] Central Ghilji region
(Sharana, Qalat, southern Ghazni, etc.)
[ç] [ʝ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ, z] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Momand and Shinwari Upper Momand and Shinwari Nangrahar province [x] [ɡ] [t͡s, s] [d͡z, z] [ʒ] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Lower Momand


Peshawar, Mohmand Districy [x] [ɡ] [s] [z] [d͡ʒ] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
Yusapzai Swat Central, northern, and eastern Pakhtunkhwa
(Dir, Swat, Swabi, Hazara etc.)
[x] [ɡ] [s] [z] [d͡ʒ] [a] [ɑ] [o] [u]
  • Dialects belonging to the southern non-Karlani variety, the southern Karlani variety, the northern Karlani variety, and the northern non-Karlani variety, respectively, are color-coded.
  • Tareeno/Wanetsi is color-coded as pink


The grammatical rules are may vary slightly in dialects; with the most divergence in Tarīno. Example:[22]

Dialect Dialect Sentence Literary Pashto Meaning Divergence Noted
Kandahar پلوشه راغلل

Palwašá rā́ğləl

پلوشه راغله

Palwašá rā́ğla

Palwasha came 3rd Person Plural Verbal suffix ل [əl] employed

instead of 3rd Person Feminine Verbal Suffix ه [a]

Nangarhar ما او تا ښار ته ځو

mā aw tā xār tə zú

زه او ته ښار ته ځو

zə aw tə x̌ār tə dzú

Me and you are going to the city Oblique pronouns ما [mā] and تا [tā] used instead of direct pronouns زه [zə] and ته [tə]
Dzādzə́i پلوشه زما خور دی

Palwašá zmā xor de

پلوشه زما خور ده

Palwašá zmā xor da

Palwasha is my sister No differentiation in masculine and feminine "to be" - uses دی
Ghani Paktya هلکان راغلو

haləkā́n rā́ğlu

هلکان راغل

haləkā́n rā́ğləl

The boys came The third person plural verbal suffix "u" used instead of "əl"


Special words

Dialects can also have special vocabulary[23]:

Dialect Meaning Pashto general</general> Borrowings


Banisi nest جاله / ځاله

dzā́la / jā́la

Not used




Waṇetsi shirt خت




[from Arabic]



Waṇetsi intellect ذهن/عقل


[from Arabic]



Kakāṛi universe ټوپن




[from Persian]


ما دې دا خبرې ته کليس نه رسېژ














mā de dā xabə́re tə kə́līs nə́ raséž

me:1:SG:STR:POSS de:CONT:PARTICLE this:DEM word:F:SG:OBL to:POST intellect:M:SG:DIR not:NEG reach:CONT:PRS:3:SG

This topic is beyond my understanding


زما دغه خبرې ته ذهن/عقل نه رسېږي














zmā dáğe xabə́re tə zehn/akə́l nə́ raséži

me:1:SG:STR:POSS this:DEM:OBL word:F:SG:OBL to:POST intellect:M:SG:DIR not:NEG reach:CONT:PRS:3

This topic is beyond my understanding

Derivative words

These can be classed as deriving from "standard" Pashto

Dialect Derived From Pashto general Meaning


Wazirwola ووړکی






Kandahar غږ


sound, voice, call


some Yusapzai باچا






Yusapazai وېره



Lexical comparison

English glossKandaharQuettaHarnai[28]Lakki MarwatKarakBannu MiramshahWanaTaniParachinar BangashJamrudKaga KhogyaniChaki Wardak[9]SharanaKabulPeshawarPashto lexeme
manyḍer zyātḍer zyāttsaṭḍer zyātḍer zyåtpirā zyotrəṭ zyotrəṭ zyotḍer zyâtḍer zyåtḍer zyâtḍer zyâtḍer zyātḍer zyātḍer zyātډېر زيات
to drinkčṣ̌əlčšəlğwətangčšəltshičšəlčšəltsəxəltsəxəltsəxəltsəxəlčx̌əlčx̌əltskəlskəlڅښل
footpṣ̌apšašpa, ğədəipšapšāpšāpšāpxāpxāpxāpxāpx̌āpx̌apxaxpaپښه
myzmāzmāmā eğēemāemåemoemoemoemâemåemâemâzmāzəmāzamāزما
Sunlmarlmarmirnmarmerə stərgāmyērğormə stərgāmyerə stərgāmerə stərgāmerə stərgālmerə stərgālmerlmarnmarnwarلمر
egghagəihagəihoyaangəiwȫyāyeyāyeyāyeyāȯyāwȫyāȯyāȯyāhagəihagəi, hāhagē, hāهګۍ
I amyəmyəmīyəmyəmyəmyəmyəmyəmyəmyəmyəmیم
I godzəmdzəmdramīǰəmtsəmtsətsətsəmtsəmtsəmtsəmdzəmzəmzəmځم
it existsstastastastaštāštāštāštāštāštāštāštāstaštaštaشته
English glossKandaharQuettaHarnaiLakki MarwatKarakBannuWanaTaniParachinarJamrudKagaChaki WardakSharanaKabulPeshawarPashto lexeme

In general, the Karlani dialects, both in southern and northern varieties, show more vocabulary differences than the non-Karlani southern and northern dialects.

See also


  1. Khan, Ibrahim (2021-09-07). "Tarīno and Karlāṇi dialects". Pashto. 50 (661). ISSN 0555-8158. Archived from the original on September 8, 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  2. Lewis, M. Paul (ed.), 2009. Language Family Trees. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International.
  3. MacKenzie, D. N. "A Standard Pashto". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 22: 232–233. Archived from the original on October 24, 2005.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  4. Morgenstierne, Georg (2003). A New Etymological Vocabulary of Pashto. Reichert. pp. vii–viii. ISBN 978-3-89500-364-6.
  5. Henderson, Michael M. T. (1983). "Four Varieties of Pashto". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 103 (3): 596. doi:10.2307/602038. ISSN 0003-0279. JSTOR 602038.
  6. Gawarjon (高尔锵/Gāo Ěrqiāng) (1985). Outline of the Tajik language (塔吉克语简志/Tǎjíkèyǔ Jiǎnzhì). Beijing: Nationalities Publishing House.
  7. David, Anne Boyle (2015-06-16). Descriptive Grammar of Bangla (in German). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. p. 37. ISBN 978-1-5015-0083-1.
  8. "Glottolog 4.3 - Southern Pashto". glottolog.org. Retrieved 2020-10-16.
  9. 1 2 3 4 Coyle, Dennis Walter (2014). Placing Wardak Among Pashto Varieties (Master's thesis). University of North Dakota.
  10. "Glottolog 4.3 - Northern Pashto". glottolog.org. Retrieved 2020-10-16.
  11. Grierson, George (1921). Linguistic survey of India. Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing. [Reprinted by Accurate Publishers, Karachi, Pakistan.] p. 96. The dialects spoken by those tribes do not vary greatly from one another, but differ considerably in accidence, vocabulary, and even idiom, from the dialects spoken by the Pathans on the Kohat and Peshawar Frontiers
  12. Herbert Penzl. "Orthography and Phonemes in Pashto (Afghan)". Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 74, No. 2. (Apr. - Jun., 1954), pp. 74-81.
  13. Michael M.T. Henderson, Four Varieties of Pashto
  14. Morgenstierne, Georg (15 December 1983). "AFGHANISTAN vi. Paṧto". Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved 24 January 2015.
  15. Khan Jazab, Yousaf (2017). An Ethno-linguisitic Study of the Karlani Varieities of Pashto. Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar. p. 71.
  16. Elfenbein, Josef (1967). "Lanḍa Zor Wəla Waṇecī". Archiv Orientální. XXXV: 563–606.
  17. 1 2 Kaye, Alan S. (1997-06-30). Phonologies of Asia and Africa: (including the Caucasus). Eisenbrauns. pp. 751–753. ISBN 978-1-57506-019-4.
  18. "UTMANZAI WAZIR TRIBE". Naval Postgraduate School. The Program for Culture & Conflict Studies Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA.
  19. David, Anne Boyle (2014). Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and Its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p. 39. ISBN 978-1-61451-303-2.
  20. Kaye, Alan S. (1997-06-30). Phonologies of Asia and Africa: (including the Caucasus). Eisenbrauns. pp. 750–751. ISBN 978-1-57506-019-4.
  21. Morgenstierne, Georg (1931). The Story of an Afridi Sepoy. Verlag nicht ermittelbar.
  22. زيار, پوهاند مجاور (2006). ليکلار ښود (PDF). د ساپي پښتو څېړنې او پراختيا مركز. p. 16.
  23. Khan Jazab, Yousaf (2017). An Ethno-linguisitic Study of the Karlani Varieities of Pashto. Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar. p. 81.
  24. Elfenbein, J. H. (1984). "The Wanetsi Connexion: Part I". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 116 (1): 54–76. doi:10.1017/S0035869X00166122. ISSN 0035-869X. JSTOR 25211626.
  25. Elfenbein, J. (1984). "The Wanetsi Connexion. Part II: Glossary". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (2): 236. ISSN 0035-869X. JSTOR 25211709.
  26. صادق, محمد. کاکړۍ غاړي. پښتو ادبي غورځنګ - کوټه. p. 22.
  27. "باچخه". thePashto.com.
  28. Hallberg, Daniel G. 1992. Pashto, Waneci, Ormuri. Sociolinguistic Survey of Northern Pakistan, 4.
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