Marianna Denhoff née Bielińska

Marianna Denhoff (1685–1730) was a German-Polish aristocrat. She replaced Anna Constantia von Brockdorff as the official royal mistress of Augustus II the Strong in 1713 and was succeeded by in Erdmuta Zofia von Dieskau 1719. She was politically active and cooperated with Jean Victor de Besenval, the French ambassador, to persuade the king in favor of a Pro-French policy. She convinced August to ally with Louis XIV.
She was originally married to Bogusław Ernest Denhof however she obtained papal permission from Clement XI to divorce. She remarried to Jerzy Ignacy Lubomirski. She died from a postpartum infection.


    • Historia Dyplomacji Polskiej, tom II 1572-1795 pod red. Zbigniewa Wójcika, PWN Warszawa 1982, s. 433-434.
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