This is a list of incidents of cannibalism, or anthropophagy, as the consumption of human flesh or internal organs by other human beings. Accounts of human cannibalism date back as far as prehistoric times, and some anthropologists suggest that cannibalism was common in human societies as early as the Paleolithic. Historically, numerous tribal organizations have engaged in cannibalism, although very few are thought to continue the practice to this day.

Occasionally, starving people have resorted to cannibalism for survival necessity. Classical antiquity recorded numerous references to cannibalism during siege starvations. More recent well-documented examples include the Essex sinking in 1820, the Donner Party in 1846 and 1847, and the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 in 1972. Some murderers, such as Albert Fish, Boone Helm, Andrei Chikatilo, and Jeffrey Dahmer, are known to have devoured their victims after killing them. Other individuals, such as artist Rick Gibson and journalist William Seabrook, have legally consumed human flesh out of curiosity or to attract attention to themselves.


A maxilla from Gough's Cave with cut marks near the teeth
  • The 100,000-year-old bones of six Neanderthals found in the Moula-Guercy Cave, France, had been broken by other Neanderthals in such a way as to extract marrow and brains. Finds made in the Sidrón Cave in Spain also show evidence of exocannibalism.[1]
  • Genetic studies have revealed a "powerful episode" of natural selection concurrent with the extinction of the Neanderthals.[2] Drawing on hundreds of studies in relation to the kuru disease which is only known to spread through cannibalism, researchers conclude that the 127V gene, which is known only for resisting kuru-like diseases, evidences widespread cannibalism among recent humans. If modern humans and Neanderthals, who co-existed with each other at that time, practised cannibalism together, it is theorized this gene would have protected humans from the kuru-like diseases, but led to the Neanderthals' deaths, perhaps even their extinction.[3]
  • Human bones and skulls found in Gough's Cave in Somerset, England, show that around 15,000 years ago, ritual cannibalism was practised in Stone Age Britain.[4][5]

Early history

First millennium

  • During the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, a woman named Mary of Bethezuba was said to have cannibalized her infant son due to starvation.[10]
  • St. Jerome, in his treatise Against Jovinianus, claimed that the British Attacotti were cannibals who regarded the buttocks and breasts of humans as delicacies.[11]
  • In 409, the Visigoths under the command of Alaric I took control of the city of Rome by convincing the Romans to install Priscus Attalus as usurper instead of the legitimate emperor Honorius. In order to regain control, Honorius blockaded the city's ports, and in the resulting famine "some persons were suspected of having partaken of human flesh", as the historian Sozomen writes.[12] Angry at having lost the city, Alaric laid siege to Rome again, finally conquering and sacking it. According to St. Jerome's account, the siege led to another cruel famine, in which "the starving people had recourse to hideous food and tore each other limb from limb that they might have flesh to eat. Even the mother did not spare the babe at her breast." He also describes the sack as very brutal, claiming that "numberless" citizens were killed. Procopius likewise writes that "the Romans ... being destroyed by hunger and other suffering ... were tasting each other's flesh". Another contemporary historian, Orosius, "painted a very different picture, reporting that the sack involved little if any loss of life" and not mentioning any cannibalism. It is unclear which source is closer to the truth, but archaeological evidence shows that few buildings were destroyed, pointing to a relatively mild sack. On the other hand, the city's population shrank from 800,000 inhabitants before the sieges to less than half of that nine years later.[13]
  • In the sixth century, Emperor Wu of Liang (ruled 502–549) in Southern China allowed prisoners of war to be traded for food. They were "caged" and "whenever there was a demand for meat, some of them were taken out, cut, broiled and consumed."[14] A few years later, the usurper Hou Jing was defeated. Parts of his body were said to have been salted and distributed in the regions that had suffered the most from his wars, where they were boiled in stews and consumed by angry mobs.[14]
  • According to an account written a few years later, "at the end of the Sui dynasty (581–618 A.D.), there was a wealthy man named Zhuge Ang who was open and high-spirited." For one of his feasts, attended by "hundreds of guests", a "pair of teenage twin brothers" were boiled together with "pigs and sheep." On the basis of this and similar accounts, the Chinese author Zheng Yi concluded that "the rich competed in wealth, a sport that included competition over cannibalism" as one way of surprising one's guests with an exotic novelty food.[15]
  • In 618–619, when the newly established Tang dynasty was fighting to take control of the whole country, rebel soldiers tried to conquer a district near Luoyang. The inhabitants resisted, and the siege situation lead to famine and cannibalism on both sides. The rebel soldiers "took to abducting children, whom they steamed and ate." Their leader boldly declared: "Of all the delicious things to eat, none surpasses human flesh. As long as there are people in neighboring districts we have nothing to fear from famine." He is said to have used a large inverted bell with a capacity of 200 bushels (7 cubic metres) to stew "the flesh of children and women", which was then divided among his officers and some of his 200,000 soldiers.[16]
  • After the Battle of Uhud (625), Hind bint Utba ate (or at least attempted to) the liver of Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib, an uncle of the prophet Muhammad. At that time, the liver was considered "the seat of life".[17] While at that time Hind still opposed the spread of Islam, she converted a few years later.
  • A severe famine in 698–700 was the first famine in Ireland for which the historian Cormac Ó Gráda found references to cannibalism. Cannibalism is also documented for a famine in 1116 and for several ones in the 16th and 17th centuries, including reports of little children being killed so they could be eaten.[18] He also found a few accounts pointing to the consumption of corpses in the Great Irish Famine in the late 1840, but concludes that in that famine cannibalism must have been rare, as there is very little "hard evidence" for it. [19]
  • During the prolonged siege of Suiyang in 757, the bodies of up to 30,000 civilians were reported to have been eaten by the city's defenders.[20]

Middle Ages

Depiction of Mongol cannibalism from Matthew Paris's chronicle
  • The Mongols were reported by several European chroniclers such as Matthew Paris to have engaged in cannibalism. Giovanni da Pian del Carpine stated they did so only out of necessity, but Simon of Saint-Quentin believed they were also motivated by pleasure and a desire to instil fear into their enemies.[27] They invaded Hungary (Pannonia) and penetrated Austria almost to Vienna in 1241–1242. To the south of Vienna, they reached the Austrian town of Wiener Neustadt and devastated the countryside around the town, torturing and eating civilians regardless of their age, sex, fortune, or class. According to Frenchman Ivo of Narbonne, who was in the town at that time, their soldiers ate old and deformed women right away, while virgin girls and beautiful women were gang-raped to death and then eaten; their breasts were cut off and served to the Mongol leaders as special delicacies.[28][29]
A Chinese writer who had lived through the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) likewise complained about their cannibalism, criticizing that Mongol soldiers did not hesitate to sacrifice civilians for their culinary pleasure: "Young children were the most appreciated; women came next and men last." He also criticized their cruelty, stating that victims were roasted alive (on iron grates) or boiled alive (by placing them "inside a double bag ... which was put into a large pot"). Just like Ivo of Narbonne's, his account indicates that breasts were particularly prized – if there were more corpses around than needed, they were sometimes the only part of a woman's body that was eaten.[30] The Song Shi written during, as well as later chronicles written about the dynasty, also note that children and "the weak were killed and eaten" during war campaigns at that time.[30]
  • After his return from China in the late 13th century, Marco Polo wrote about the "kingdom of Fuzhou" in the south-east of the country that "they eat all manner of foul things and any kind of meat, including human flesh, which they devour with great relish. They will not touch someone who has died of natural causes, but if he has been stabbed to death or otherwise killed they eat him all up and consider it a great delicacy." Soldiers regularly drank the blood and ate the flesh of those they had killed, he added.[31]
  • There are various reports of cannibalism during the Great Famine of 1315–1317 in Europe, including cases of desperate people killing and consuming their own family members.[32][33]
  • The Akokisa and Atakapa people of modern-day Texas practised cannibalism.[34][35]
  • Island Caribs practised ritualistic cannibalism.[36]
  • The Wari' people practised endocannibalism, specifically mortuary cannibalism.[37]
  • Numerous incidents of cannibalism were recorded during the drought of 1200–1201 in the Nile River region.[38]
  • The Aztec practised cannibalism to some extent, but there is debate about how widespread the practice was and disagreement about if human flesh was a significant part of their diet.[39][40][41][42]
  • The Korowai people claimed to have continued practising cannibalism into the present day, as part of an attempt to encourage tourism.[43]
  • Archeologists found evidence of cannibalism in a Native American tribe in what is now Colorado, dating to 1150.[44]
  • In 1305, Giovanni do Aleramici, the marquess of Montferrat, died. Giovanni's personal doctor was suspected to have poisoned him and was subsequently stabbed to death by Giovanni's vassals, many of whom "ate his flesh", according to the chronicler Guglielmo Ventura.[45]
  • In 1385, an anti-taxation riot broke out in Ferrara. In exchange of his own safety, the marquess turned over the man in charge of tax policies, Tommaso da Tortona, to the rioters. Da Tortona's heart and liver were torn out and eaten, while some other parts of his body were hung in the harbour as a warning.[46]
  • In 1437, a man from the village of Acquapendente in central Italy murdered a boy who had accidentally killed his son, and served the boy's cooked body parts to his father in an act of revenge. This led to a feud between the two families, which took the lives of 36 people during the following month.[47]
  • In 1438, near the end of the Hundred Years War, a woman in Abbeville was reported to have murdered and dismembered her sons and preserved their corpses in salt in preparation for upcoming famines.[48][49]

16th century

  • In 1503, a group of Qizilbash militants ate the corpses of their enemies after taking over a fort in east Iran.[50]
  • Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca along with other Spanish conquistadors committed cannibalism in the aftermath of a shipwreck.[51]
  • On 21 July 1514, the captured Hungarian rebel leader György Dózsa was condemned to sit on a smouldering, heated iron throne, and forced to wear a heated iron crown and scepter (mocking his ambition to be king). While he was suffering, a procession of nine fellow rebels who had been starved beforehand were led to this throne. Next, executioners removed some pliers from a fire and forced them into Dózsa's skin. After tearing his flesh, the remaining rebels were ordered to bite spots where the hot pliers had been inserted and to swallow the flesh. The three or four who refused were simply cut up, prompting the others to comply. In the end, Dózsa died from the ordeal, while the rebels who obeyed were released.[52]
  • In 1521 two Frenchmen named Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun were executed for murder and lycanthropy after they admitted having killed and eaten six children while transformed into wolves after making a pact with a witch coven.[53]
  • Several works by Michel de Montaigne and Jean de Léry, among others, indicate that the South American Tupinambá people practised cannibalism, killing and eating their enemies as an act of revenge.[54][55]
An 18th century albarello used for storing mummia
  • From the 16th century on, an unusual form of medical cannibalism became widespread in several European countries, for which thousands of Egyptian mummies were ground up and sold as medicine. Powdered human mummy – called mummia – was thought to stop internal bleeding and to have other healing properties. The practice developed into a widespread business that flourished until the early 18th century. The demand was much higher than the supply of ancient mummies, leading to much of the offered "mummia" being counterfeit, made from recent Egyptian or European corpses – often from the gallows – instead. In a few cases, mummia was still offered in medical catalogues in the early 20th century.[56][57][58][59][60]
  • In 1563 French settlers from Charlesfort-Santa Elena Site are reported to have resorted to cannibalism while fleeing back to Europe.
  • The so-called "Werewolf of Dole", Gilles Garnier, was executed in 1572 for strangling four children and eating their flesh.[61]
  • French Catholics ate livers and hearts of Huguenots at the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572, in some cases also offering them for sale.[62][63] In Languedoc, Protestants took revenge by destroying the embalmed body of the 11th-century Catholic saint St. Fulcran at the Lodève Cathedral and eating his remains in a dinner mocking the Eucharist.[64] Jean de Léry unfavourably compared these events with the situation in South America, pointing out that the Tupinambá only ate their enemies, while in France family members and neighbours devoured each other because of religious differences.[65]
  • Peter Stumpp, nicknamed the "Werewolf of Bedburg", was executed in October 1589 after accusations of cannibalism and other crimes.
  • An unidentified man (his name may have been Nicolas Damont) was burned at the stake in 1598 for the murders of 50 children in the French town of Châlons-en-Champagne after their remains were found in his home, including several partially-eaten cuts of human flesh. He admitted to having abducted, killed, and eaten his victims during psychotic episodes but denied accusations by authorities that he had done so while transformed into a werewolf.[66]

17th century

  • A French youth named Jean Grenier claimed in 1603 that he was a werewolf and had killed and eaten 50 children who had recently gone missing from the town of Saint-Sever. He was convicted of lycanthropy and sentenced to confinement for life due to his young age.[67]
  • In colonial Jamestown, Virginia, United States, colonists resorted to cannibalism during a period from 1609 to 1610 known as the Starving Time.[68] After food supplies had diminished, some colonists began to dig up corpses for food. During this period, one man was tortured until he confessed to having killed, salted, and eaten his pregnant wife; he was burned alive as punishment.[69][70]
  • In 1612, Polish troops stationed in the Moscow Kremlin resorted to cannibalism, in the aftermath of a prolonged siege.[71]
  • A party of Cossacks under Vassili Poyarkov cannibalized the corpses of Siberian aborigines they had previously killed.[72]
  • According to Samuel Clarke's General Martyrology, Catholic troops massacred a considerable number of Protestants in the Piedmontese valleys in April 1655. Clarke asserts that his description of these events, which took place between the first (1651) and second (1660) editions on his book, are based on signed eyewitness accounts of French soldiers. One of them stated that his comrades had eaten "the boiled brains of the Protestants"; both brains and heart of a killed man were fried for consumption, according to another witness. A soldier reported that after a woman was raped, her breasts were cut off and parts of her genitals cut out. They were fried together and served to other unsuspecting soldiers as "tripes". A young girl, aged about ten, was impaled on a pike and roasted alive over an open fire; the soldiers then tried to eat her flesh, but found it too poorly roasted.[73] A modern commentator warns that, since "martyrologies are a form of religious polemic ... we shouldn't assume that the atrocities they depict happened" as described in every single case, but also notes that Clarke's book is a stark remainder of the "ingenious capacity of humans to inflict ever more horrible suffering upon their fellows", with massacres and cruel violence being a reality in many wars.[74]
  • On 20 August 1672, an Orangist mob lynched and ate parts of two prominent anti-monarchist politicians, the Grand Pensionary of Holland (and de facto prime minister of the Netherlands) Johan de Witt and his brother and political ally Cornelis.[75]

18th century

The Luxborough Galley on fire.[76]
  • The accounts of the sinking of the Luxborough Galley in 1727 reported cannibalism amongst the survivors during their two weeks on a small boat in the mid-Atlantic.
  • The July 1737 issue of The Gentleman's Magazine contains a sworn account by two sailors, Thomas Thompson (born in Rhode Island) and Simon McCrone (born in Drogheda, Ireland), crew survivors from a slave-carrying ship, the Mary, lost at sea en route from Lisbon to Guinea. Their account covers the period from mid-1735, when they first set sail, to January 1736, when they were rescued. Glanveil Nicholas, master of a schooner, picked them up and landed them in Bridgetown, Barbados, where they gave their disposition. The men described in some detail how the ship sprung a leak; how the slaves were unchained to help pump; how the ship finally sank; how eight men abandoned ship and some of them later ate human flesh as a means of surviving before they were rescued.[77]
  • In June 1752, a group of Ottawa and Chippewa raided a British trade post at Fort Pickawillany. According to newspaper reports, they killed and partially ate at least one English trader and a chief of the Miami people, apparently as an act of revenge and in order to humiliate their enemies and their allies.[78]
  • During the Revolt of the Altishahr Khojas, Manchu soldiers under Qing Manchu general Zhaohui stationed in a barracks in Karasu (Black water or Heishui 黑水 in Chinese) in Yarkand cooked & ate Uyghur Muslims after butchering them. If the Manchu soldiers caught a married Uyghur Muslim couple, the Manchus would eat the Uyghur man while gang raping the Uyghur woman and then cook and eat her after.[79][80]
  • In 1763, North American Indians performed an act of ritual cannibalism on a British soldier during the Siege of Fort Detroit.
  • French showman and soldier Tarrare (c. 1772  1798) was a voracious eater repeatedly caught consuming corpses stolen from a morgue. He was also suspected of having eaten a toddler who disappeared without a trace.[81]
  • Polish soldier Charles Domery was a similarly insatiable eater, said to have consumed, among many other things, a considerable number of cats. While he served on a French ship in the 1790s, the leg of another sailor was shot off by cannon fire. Domery grabbed it and began to eat it raw until a crew member wrestled it from him and threw it into the sea.[82]

19th century

  • In an 1809 incident known as the Boyd massacre, about 66 passengers and crew of the Boyd were killed and eaten by Maori on the Whangaroa peninsula, in the north of New Zealand.
  • Following the French invasion of Russia in 1812, the ill-fated retreat saw some of Napoleon's soldiers resort to cannibalism when facing starvation in the Russian winter.
  • In 1816, the French frigate Méduse ran aground off Mauritania, and 147 passengers and crew took to sea on a hastily constructed raft. In the chaotic 13 days before they were rescued, the occupants of the raft were driven to suicide, murder, and cannibalism; only 15 men survived the experience, five of whom died soon afterwards.
  • The Essex was sunk by a sperm whale in the Pacific Ocean, in 1820. Most survivors of Captain Pollard's ship spent 90 days in small whaling boats before being rescued. Seven of the members who died during the 90 days were documented to have been eaten, some after they died, two others who were sacrificed for that purpose after drawing lots. One of the small boats was found containing two survivors sucking on the marrow of a human bone. The tale of the Essex inspired Herman Melville to write his novel, Moby-Dick (1851).
  • In 1822, Alexander Pearce, an Irish convict, led an escape from Macquarie Harbour Penal Settlement in Van Diemen's Land. Pearce was captured near Hobart and confessed that he and the other escapees had successively killed and cannibalized members of their group over a period of weeks, he being the last survivor.[83]
  • A French girl named Aimée Debully was raped and murdered by Antoine Léger in 1824. Léger then ate Debully's heart and performed acts of necrophilia on the body.
  • The 27 May 1826 issue of The Acadian Recorder reported that the surviving crew of the ship Francis Mary resorted to cannibalism.[84]
  • In New Zealand in the 1830s, a European trader named Anscow saw how a fifteen-year-old slave girl was killed with a tomahawk in a Maori village, apparently as punishment for having been absent without permission. Her body was then dismembered, the flesh washed in the river, cooked and eaten. The next day, when Anscow moved on, some villagers insisted on accompanying him, carrying "small baskets" of the girl's cooked flesh, which they brought as gifts to a nearby village.[85][86] The unfortunate girl was one of a considerable number of slaves – most of them women and children – who were murdered and consumed in New Zealand up to the first half of the nineteenth century, either as punishment for perceived misbehaviors or to provide meat for "festive occasions such as coming-of-age or exhumation ceremonies".[87]
  • During the 1833 Red Inn murder case in France, it was alleged that the Martin family, the proprietors of the Red Inn in Ardèche, had served some of their guests the cooked remains of people they had killed.[88]
  • In 1837, a British cruiser captured the Portuguese schooner Arrogante, which had tried to bring several hundred West African slaves to Cuba, circumventing the British blockade. More than 60 Africans had died of hunger and diseases during the crossing, and the rest was severely undernourished. Many of the survivors reported "that one of the Africans on board the Arrogante had been murdered, and that, subsequently, the sailors had cooked pieces of his body and served them with rice to the rest of the Africans."[89] Half a dozen witnesses had seen "how the Portuguese sailors took Mina behind a sail that they had put up across the deck to stop the rest of the Africans from witnessing what was about to happen." One "who had peeped through the holes in the sail ... described how they cut Mina's throat 'with a long knife'".[90] Several enslaved girls saw how "the flesh of Mina had been cut into small pieces and ... cooked in the big pot destined for the Africans." One of them added "that the sailors had also cooked the liver and heart of Mina in their own smaller pot, and then had eaten those parts themselves", and another witness confirmed this observation.[91]
The British colonial authorities in Jamaica decided not to press charges against any of the Portuguese sailors, mostly based on the argument that they considered the ship's captain – who was known to have directed at least six slave voyages – too "inoffensive" to be capable "of such a horrible transaction".[92] Observing that this was not the only case where accusations of "White cannibalism" by Black victims of the slave trade were dismissed, the author of the paper investigating the case concludes that, "sheltered by distance, isolation, and lawlessness while at sea, other similar instances may have indeed taken place between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries."[93]
  • John Williams of the London Missionary Society and a colleague were killed and eaten at Dillon Bay, Erromango island, Vanuatu, in 1839.[94][95]
  • An ex-voto painting at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tal-Ħerba in Birkirkara, Malta which is dated 29 March 1840 depicts the crew of a ship being massacred in an unknown location in West Africa by pygmies who appear to be cannibals. The latter are depicted as drinking the blood of three beheaded crew members, while five other people are still alive and waiting a similar fate. It is unclear if the crew were from a British ship[96] or a Maltese brigantine.[97] The painting was commissioned or possibly painted by Michele Cachia, who might have been the sole survivor, and he attributed his survival to divine intervention.[96][97]
  • The last survivors of Captain Sir John Franklin's lost arctic expedition of 1845 were found to have resorted to cannibalism in their final push across King William Island, Canada, towards the Back River.[98]
  • In the 1840s in Sumatra, a Batak raja served the German-Dutch botanist and geologist Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn a soup containing the flesh of freshly slaughtered captives. The host was genuinely surprised to learn that Europeans did not like to eat human flesh, which in Sumatra was widely praised as particularly tasty. At that time, captured enemies and convicted criminals were generally eaten, and some wealthy men bought slaves for fattening and consumption.[99][100]
  • In the United States, the group of settlers known as the Donner Party resorted to cannibalism while snowbound in the Sierra Nevada mountains, for the winter of 1846–1847.
  • Liver-Eating Johnson reportedly ate the livers of Crow warriors he had previously slain.
  • Clergyman Sabine Baring-Gould, in his 1865 book The Book of Were-Wolves, Being an Account of a Terrible Superstition, recorded an 1849 case in which a vagrant named Swiatek was arrested in the Galician village of Połomia for murdering a 14-year-old girl and eating parts of her body. Swiatek also admitted to having killed and eaten five other people since 1846, although evidence was found of up to 14 victims. He claimed that he had developed a taste for human flesh three years previously after hunger obliged him to eat the body of a man killed in a tavern fire.[101] Baring-Gould also recorded another case from the same year in which a French graverobber named Bertrand was sentenced to one year's imprisonment after admitting that he had spent the past three years partially devouring corpses he had dug up from Parisian cemeteries.[102]
  • Boone Helm, also known as "The Kentucky Cannibal", was an American mountain man, serial killer, and fugitive, who ate human flesh on several occasions between 1850 and 1854, often out of necessity in extreme conditions. He made no secret of the fact and is reported to have said: "Many's the poor devil I've killed, at one time or another ... and the time has been that I've been obliged to feed on some of 'em".
  • In 1858, a French ship, the Saint Paul, carrying 300 Chinese "coolies" destined for Australia, became shipwrecked on Rossel Island east of New Guinea. According to the testimony of survivors, the majority of the Chinese were killed and eaten by the native islanders over the course of three months.[103][104]
  • In the United States, ten survivors found nearly two months after the Utter Party Massacre of 1860 had eaten five deceased party members.[105]
  • In November 1874, three British sailors survived by committing cannibalism acts in the aftermath of the Cospatrick disaster.[106]
  • Alferd Packer was an American prospector who was accused of cannibalism during the winter of 1873–1874. First tried for murder, Packer was eventually sentenced to 40 years in prison after being convicted of manslaughter.[107]
  • The Flatters expedition of 1880–81 was a doomed attempt to explore the route of a proposed Trans-Saharan railway from Algeria to the Sudan. Almost all members of the expedition were massacred by hostile Tuaregs at Bir el-Garama in February 1881. 37 of the expedition's 93 men were killed and over 200 camels seized by the Tuaregs, but 56 survivors, including four Frenchmen, began a 1,500 kilometres (930 mi) retreat by foot to Ouargla with little food or water. Continuously stalked by the Tuaregs, the survivors resorted to cannibalism on the long retreat through the desert. Only seven of the original 93 men survived.
  • The case of R v. Dudley and Stephens (1884) 14 QBD 273 (QB) is an English case which dealt with four crew members of an English yacht, the Mignonette, who were cast away in a storm some 1,600 miles (2,600 km) from the Cape of Good Hope. After several days, one of the crew, a 17-year-old cabin boy, fell unconscious due to a combination of starvation and drinking seawater. The others (one possibly objecting) decided then to kill him and eat him. They were picked up four days later. Two of the three survivors were found guilty of murder. A significant outcome of this case was that necessity was determined to be no defence against a charge of murder.
  • In May 1888, the Scottish whiskey heir James Jameson, while participating in the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, allegedly paid Tippu Tip to procure a young slave girl who was then killed and eaten in front of them. In his diary, Jameson admitted that he saw the event and made drawings of it, and even that he paid for the girl, but claimed that he considered the whole affair a joke and did not expect her to be actually killed.
"Presently a man appeared, leading a young girl of about ten years old at the hand, and I then witnessed the most horribly sickening sight I am ever likely to see in my life. He plunged a knife quickly into her breast twice, and she fell on her face, turning over on her side. Three men then ran forward, and began to cut up the body of the girl; finally her head was cut off, and not a particle remained, each man taking his piece away down to the river to wash it. The most extraordinary thing was that the girl never uttered a sound, nor struggled, until she fell. Until the last moment, I could not believe that they were in earnest... that it was anything save a ruse to get money out of me.... When I went home I tried to make some small sketches of the scene while still fresh in my memory, not that it is ever likely to fade from it. No one here seemed to be in the least astonished at it."[108]
Jameson's diary also shows that he was well informed of cannibal customs and had even seen remainders of a cannibal meal, making his line of defence doubtful.[109] The interpreter Assad Farran accused him of having deliberately instigated the murder out of curiosity, and Henry Morton Stanley finally decided to inform the European and American press. The resulting bad publicity likely contributed to the fact that privately organized, non-scientific expeditions into Africa ceased after that time.[110]
  • During October 1888, during the investigation of the Whitechapel murders, George Lusk received a letter alongside half a preserved human kidney. The letter's writer claimed to be serial killer Jack the Ripper, and claimed to have fried and eaten the other half of the kidney.
  • A report dated to 28 July 1892, indicates that three people were convicted on charges of cannibalism in the Sakhalin penal colony. Two songs referencing cannibalism were also recorded among the residents of the colony.[111]
Black-and-white photograph of five nearly naked young women and girls standing in front of a hut; a sixth is visible in the background
"Slave girls being fattened for the cannibal feast", photographed by Rodolphe Festetics de Tolna
  • In the 1890s, five or six young slave women and girls were butchered for a cannibal feast held in honour of the French count Rodolphe Festetics de Tolna and his crew on occasion of their visit to Malaita, one of the Solomon Islands. The count took their photo shortly before they were killed. He does not say whether he ate any of their flesh, but admits to having eaten human flesh on one or two other occasions.[112][113]
  • In the late nineteenth century, the German travel writer Stefan von Kotze got himself invited to a cannibal feast in New Ireland, one of the largest islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. The main course was a young woman purchased by the host; Kotze himself contributed financially to the feast, thus effectively helping to pay for her purchase (and murder). He did not see how the woman was killed, but watched while her flesh was roasted, some parts in an earth oven and the rest on spits over an open fire. The piece he was served reminded him of "foie gras pâté". According to his own account, seeing it made him feel so nauseous that he did not eat it, though he had intended to do so.[114]

20th century


  • The Protestant missionaries James Chalmers and Oliver Fellows Tomkins were murdered and cannibalized on Goaribari Island, Papua New Guinea, on 8 April 1901.[115]
  • During the course of the Bailundo Revolt, a group of Ovimbundu rebels decapitated a native merchant named Antonio de Silveira, roasted, and then consumed his body. The rebels forced Silveira's wife to carry his head in a basket. The killing held a ritualistic purpose aiming to produce "success magic", as the perpetrators belonged to the Kandundu Cult.[116]
  • On 27 March 1902, the body of 11-year-old Sosuke Kawai was found in Tokyo, Japan, with his eyeballs gouged out and pieces of flesh from his buttocks missing. His supposed murderer, Otokosaburo Noguchi, who was arrested three years later for an unrelated murder, claimed that he had boiled the boy's muscle tissues and served them in chicken soup to his ill brother-in-law, ostensibly to cure his leprosy.[117]


  • Seven-year-old Bernardo Gonzalez Parra was kidnapped and murdered by Francisco Leona and several others in June 1910, and his blood drunk by a man named Ortega as a folk cure for tuberculosis.[118]
  • An elderly Iraqi couple named Abboud and Khajawa murdered one adult neighbour and more than a hundred young children in Mosul in 1917, then cooked and ate or sold their remains. They blamed their cannibalism on a famine that had been brought by inflation of the country's currency. Both were executed that same year.[119]
  • The crew members of the steamship, Dumaru, spent three weeks adrift in a lifeboat, after the ship exploded and sank in the western Pacific Ocean on 16 October 1918. Quickly exhausting their supply of food and water, they resorted to cannibalism to survive.[120]
Fritz Haarmann, the "Butcher of Hanover"
  • In Germany, Fritz Haarmann, also called the "Butcher of Hanover", sexually assaulted and murdered at least 24 boys, most of them teenagers, between 1918 and 1924. He regularly sold boneless ground meat on the black market and gave different and contradictory explanations about the origin of this meat. Suspicions that this was his way of getting rid of some of the mortal remains of his victims were never definitively confirmed, nor refuted.[121]


Cannibalism during the Russian famine of 1921–1922
  • During the Russian famine of 1921–1922, there were many reports of cannibalism.[122] In his book The Gulag Archipelago, Soviet writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described cases of cannibalism in 20th-century Soviet Union.[122] About the famine of 1921–1922 he wrote: "That horrible famine was up to cannibalism, up to consuming children by their own parents – the famine, which Russia had never known even in Time of Troubles [in 1601–1603]".[122]
  • Serial killer Albert Fish caused much debate over whether or not he was insane, because he consumed his victims. He confessed to molesting more than 400 children over 20 years and is believed to have murdered somewhere between 6 and 15 children.[123] Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham described Fish as looking like "a meek and innocuous little old man, gentle and benevolent, friendly and polite. If you wanted someone to entrust your child to, he would be the one you would choose".[124] Fish's most infamous murder is that of Grace Budd in 1928, whose flesh he cut into strips, and cooked with carrots, onions, and strips of bacon. This excited him sexually.[125] Wertham described how Fish's account of the culinary process was "like a housewife describing her favorite methods of cooking. You had to remind yourself that this was a little girl he was talking about".[126] When the same psychiatrist declared Fish mad, Fish disagreed and stated he was just "queer".[127]
  • On 20 December 1924, German authorities uncovered pieces of human flesh along with a list of 40 people Karl Denke had previously killed and cannibalized.
  • 19 December 1926, fisherman Eli Kelly washed up on Santa Catalina Island after being lost at sea for 11 days. He had partially subsisted on the flesh of his fishing companion James McKinley who died naturally (of dehydration or starvation) during the ordeal.[128]


  • Before 1931, The New York Times reporter William Seabrook, allegedly in the interests of research, obtained from a hospital intern at the Sorbonne a chunk of human meat from the body of a healthy human killed in an accident, then cooked and ate it. He reported,
"It was like good, fully-developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have. The steak was slightly tougher than prime veal, a little stringy, but not too tough or stringy to be agreeably edible. The roast, from which I cut and ate a central slice, was tender, and in color, texture, smell as well as taste, strengthened my certainty that of all the meats we habitually know, veal is the one meat to which this meat is accurately comparable".[129][130]
Seabrook might have eaten human flesh also on another occasion. Originally he had implied that he had eaten it during a trip to West Africa, and when this claim turned out wrong (and he had not yet dared reveal the hospital story), he was much mocked for it. According to his autobiography, the wealthy socialite Daisy Fellowes one day invited him to one of her garden parties, stating "I think you deserve to know what human flesh really tastes like". During the party, which was attended by about a dozen guests (some of them well-known), a piece of supposedly human flesh was grilled and eaten with much pomp. Seabrook comments that, while he never found out "the real truth" behind this meal, it "looked and tasted exactly" like the human flesh he had eaten before.[131]
"Survival was a moral as well as a physical struggle. A woman doctor wrote to a friend in June 1933 that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was "not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you". The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died. ... At least 2,505 people were sentenced for cannibalism in the years 1932 and 1933 in Ukraine, though the actual number of cases was certainly much higher".[135]
  • Cannibalism also occurred in the parallel famine in Kazakhstan, which was another part of the widespread Soviet famine of 1930–1933. Some of the starving consumed corpses, while others committed murders in order to get meat. Villagers "discovered people among them who ate body parts and killed children" and a survivor remembered how he repeatedly saw "a little foot float[ing] up, or a hand, or a child's heel" in cauldrons boiling over a fire.[136][137]
  • In May 1933, about 6,700 Soviet prisoners were deported to a Siberian island and there abandoned with scant supplies and virtually no clothing, shelter, or tools, resulting in widespread disease, violence, and cannibalism. This episode became known as the Nazino tragedy, after the name of the island.
  • On 9 December 1934, grave robber and suspected serial killer Alonzo Robinson was arrested for the axe-slaying of the Turner couple in their Cleveland, Mississippi home. Among other items, salted and cured portions of human flesh belonging to Mrs. Turner, completed with bite marks, were found in his pockets.[138]
  • An Italian woman named Leonarda Cianciulli killed three women in 1939 and 1940, turning their bodies into teacakes which she fed to others as well as consumed herself.


  • Members of the Leopard Society centered in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, engaged in cannibalism.[139]
  • There are eyewitness accounts of cannibalism during the Siege of Leningrad (1941–1944), including reports of people cutting off and eating their own flesh.[140]
  • Following the German surrender at the Battle of Stalingrad in January and February 1943, roughly 100,000 German soldiers were taken prisoner of war (POW). Almost all of them were sent to POW camps in Siberia or Central Asia where, due to being chronically underfed by their Soviet captors, many resorted to cannibalism. Fewer than 5,000 of the prisoners taken at Stalingrad survived captivity. The majority, however, died early in their imprisonment due to exposure or sickness brought on by conditions in the surrounded army before the surrender.[141]
  • In November 1942, Finnish soldiers discovered the remains of a Soviet partisan, butchered and eaten by his comrades in Seesjärvi. There are also accounts of cannibalism in Karelia during the 1920s Heimosodat wars.
  • Cannibalism took place in the concentration and death camps in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), a Nazi German puppet state which was governed by the fascist Ustasha organization, who committed the Genocide of Serbs and the Holocaust in NDH.[142][143][144][145] Some survivors testified that some of the Ustashas drank the blood from the slashed throats of the victims.[143][146]
  • The Australian War Crimes Section of the Tokyo Tribunal, led by prosecutor William Webb (the future Judge-in-Chief), collected numerous written reports and testimonies that documented Japanese soldiers' acts of cannibalism among their own troops, on enemy dead, and on Allied prisoners of war in many parts of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. In September 1942, Japanese daily rations on New Guinea consisted of 800 grams of rice and tinned meat. However, by December, this had fallen to 50 grams.[147]:78–80 According to historian Yuki Tanaka, "cannibalism was often a systematic activity conducted by whole squads and under the command of officers".[148]
In some cases, flesh was cut from living people. An Indian POW, Lance Naik Hatam Ali (later a citizen of Pakistan), testified that in New Guinea: "the Japanese started selecting prisoners and every day one prisoner was taken out and killed and eaten by the soldiers. I personally saw this happen and about 100 prisoners were eaten at this place by the Japanese. The remainder of us were taken to another spot 50 miles (80 kilometres) away where ten prisoners died of sickness. At this place, the Japanese again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those selected were taken to a hut where their flesh was cut from their bodies while they were alive and they were thrown into a ditch where they later died."[149]
  • Another well-documented case occurred in Chichijima in February 1945, when Japanese soldiers killed and consumed five American airmen. This case was investigated in 1947 in a war crimes trial, and of 30 Japanese soldiers prosecuted, five (Maj. Matoba, Gen. Tachibana, Adm. Mori, Capt. Yoshii, and Dr Teraki) were found guilty and hanged (Admiral Mori was initially sentenced to life in prison, but he was hanged after being convicted in a separate war crimes trial by the Dutch East Indies).[150]


  • In Nyasaland (today Malawi) in the 1950s, a European shopping for meat for his Christmas dinner was offered "two well-fattened children".[151]
  • German serial killer Joachim Kroll, nicknamed "Duisburg Man-Eater", practised cannibalism from the mid-1950s until his arrest more than 20 years later.[152]
  • A tradition of ritualistic cannibalism among the Fore people caused a Kuru epidemic, involving approximately 1000 deaths from 1957 to 1960.[153]
  • Thousands of cases of cannibalism are associated with the Great Chinese Famine of 1959 to 1961 that chiefly resulted from the Great Leap Forward. While the government downplays the events and treats the famine as a natural rather than a human-made disaster, the journalists Yang Jisheng and Jasper Becker provide many detailed reports in their books Tombstone[154][155] and Hungry Ghosts.[156]



  • On 13 July 1970, police arrested Stanley Baker on charges of killing and cannibalizing a Montana, U.S. resident.[160]
  • In 1972, Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 crashed on a glacier in Argentina at 3,570 metres (11,710 ft) altitude. They had only eight chocolate bars, a tin of mussels, three small jars of jam, a tin of almonds, a few dates, candies, dried plums, and several bottles of wine which they made last a week. Eight days after the crash on 13 October 1972, they learned that the search had been terminated. The remaining survivors, including the rugby team from Stella Maris College in Montevideo and some of their family members and other passengers, mutually agreed to cannibalism. They were rescued after 72 days on 22 December 1972. The story of the survivors was chronicled in Piers Paul Read's 1974 memoir, Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors (1974), in a film adaptation of the book, titled simply Alive (1993), and in the documentary: Stranded: I Have Come from a Plane That Crashed in the Mountains (2008).
  • Also in 1972, at the same time as the Andean incident, Marten Hartwell crashed his aircraft near the arctic circle in Canada's Northwest Territories. The three passengers died in the month it took searchers to find them, but Hartwell survived by eating part of one body.
  • Between 1970 and 1973, Lester Harrison raped and murdered between four and six women in Chicago's Grant Park area. After his arrest, he confessed that he had cut off a piece of flesh from one of the victims' bodies, which he brought back to his home and ate.[161]
  • In 1977 and 1978, the "Vampire of Sacramento" Richard Chase ate parts of his victims and drank their blood to treat his imaginary illnesses.
  • On 20 August 1979, Albert Fentress lured, killed and cannibalized an 18-year-old high school student.[162]
  • From 1979 to 1980, Nikolai Dzhumagaliev killed at least seven women and cannibalized their corpses.[163]


  • On 11 June 1981, Issei Sagawa murdered a Dutch woman, named Renée Hartevelt, by shooting her in the neck with a rifle at his home in Paris. After having sex with the corpse, he began to eat her, starting with the buttocks and thighs. A few days later, he was discovered while attempting to dump the mutilated body into a lake and was subsequently arrested. He was held for two years without trial, then declared legally insane. Soon afterward, Japanese author Inuhiko Yomota published Sagawa's memoirs, including a detailed account of the murder. The book was a bestseller, and Sagawa became a minor celebrity. However, he was quickly extradited to Japan, where mental health professionals announced that he was perfectly sane. Because the French government refused to grant access to secret court documents, the Japanese authorities were unable to bring charges against him. He was released in 1986, and moved to Tokyo where he made a living as a freelance writer.[164]
  • Ladislav Hojer, a serial killer from Czechoslovakia, confessed to killing a young woman in 1981. He cut off her breasts and vulva and tried to eat the latter with mustard, after boiling it in salty water. He later admitted he had thrown part of it away because of its underwhelming taste.[165]
  • Michael Woodmansee was convicted in 1983 of kidnapping and killing 5-year-old Jason Foreman in 1975 in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. According to the victim's father, Woodmansee wrote in his journal that he ate the boy's flesh.[166]
  • In 1986, American Hadden Clark killed and cannibalized 6-year-old Michelle Dorr.
  • In November 1986, American Gary M. Heidnik abducted six women. After one of the women died, he fed the other victims a combination of dog food and human flesh.
  • In 1988, artist Rick Gibson tried to eat a slice of human testicle in Vancouver in 1989, but was stopped by the police.[167] However, the charge was dropped and he finally ate a testicle hors d'œuvre in Vancouver, in 1989.[168]
  • On 19 August 1989, New York City resident Daniel Rakowitz stabbed Monika Beerle to death in their apartment. He then boiled and ate her brains before distributing food containing her body parts to the homeless.


  • Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, murdered 17 young men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Following his arrest, he told police that he had cut up the thighs, biceps, and internal organs of three of his victims and cooked them in a stovetop skillet before consuming them. He claimed they tasted like filet mignon.[169]
  • In November 1991, newlywed Omaima Aree Nelson murdered, dismembered, and cannibalized her husband, William E. "Bill" Nelson, in their Costa Mesa, California home. Pathology reports indicate Bill was still alive when Omaima began butchering his body, in which court and media reports indicate was a ritualistic manner. She then boiled and cooked his head in the oven, ate its flesh, and stored the foil-wrapped skull in the freezer; skinned his torso; deep fried his hands in oil; and cooked and dipped his ribs in barbecue sauce and tasted them.[170][171][172][173]
  • Andrei Chikatilo, a serial killer born in Ukraine, experienced killing and cannibalism as paraphilia. He was convicted for murder in 1992 and subsequently executed.[127][174]
  • The Chijon family was a South Korean gang that engaged in cannibalism.[175]
  • On 21 February 1995, 21-year-old Brazilian farmer Marinaldo de Alcântara Silva, killed his own mother, 54-year-old Raimunda Soares Alcântara Silva with a knife and ate some parts of her face, before being shot dead by a soldier in Castanhal II, Belém, Brazil. Earlier, he wanted to kill a watchman from the Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura's building, Domingos Souza, but was prevented by his mother. Silva then threatened to set his family's hut on fire. His mother attempted to calm him down, but he stabbed her in the face, decapitated her and tore off her eyes, lips, nose and tongue and ate the pieces. José Lima Soares, Silva's brother-in-law, called the police. Silva resisted arrest, and was shot in the thigh, dying of haemorrhage. Before being shot, he injured the soldier Miguel Gurjão.[176]
  • Child molester Nathaniel Bar-Jonah was suspected of abducting, murdering and cannibalizing 10-year-old Zach Ramsay in February 1996. Bar-Jonah, who had sexual fantasies about eating human flesh, possessed a journal written in code which, when decoded, was found to contain a number of recipes for cooking and eating children and neighbours recalled that he often hosted barbecues where he served "funny-tasting meat" that he claimed to have personally hunted despite never going hunting.[177] He also had not made any grocery purchases in the month after Ramsay's disappearance[178] and human hair and body tissue that was not his was found in his meat grinder.[179]
  • Ilshat Kuzikov, of St. Petersburg, Russia, was convicted in March 1997 of eating three male acquaintances since 1992.[180]
  • Between 1997 and 1998, Mikhail Malyshev murdered at least two acquaintances and cannibalized their remains at his apartment in Perm, Russia. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with two years time served for these murders and multiple counts of animal cruelty, and was released in October 2022 after serving out his sentence in full.[181]
  • In March 1999, in Indonesia, more than 200 (according to estimations) Madurese people were beheaded and eaten by Dayaks when an ethnic conflict erupted into violence.[182][183]
  • A court submission at the trial of perpetrators of the Snowtown murders, in South Australia, revealed that two of the murderers fried and ate a part of their final victim in 1999.[184]
  • Dorángel Vargas, also known as el comegente (Spanish for "people-eater"), was a Venezuelan serial killer and cannibal who killed and ate at least ten men in a period of two years preceding his arrest in 1999.
  • On 13 August 1999, Kazakhstani authorities arrested three male psychiatric nurses on charges of killing and eating seven prostitutes.[185]

21st century


  • In February 2000, Katherine Knight killed her partner John Price and cooked his corpse, later preparing to serve it to his children.[186]
  • In 2000, the Chinese performance artist Zhu Yu claimed to have prepared, cooked, and eaten human fetuses[187] as an artistic performance.[188] He was prosecuted for his actions by the Chinese government.[189]
  • In FebruaryMarch 2001 in Indonesia, violence between Dayaks and Madurese erupted again during the Sampit conflict, with various reports indicating that body parts, including the hearts, of Madurese victims were eaten.[190][191]
  • In March 2001 in Germany, Armin Meiwes posted an Internet ad seeking a young man willing to be slaughtered and eaten. The ad was answered by Bernd Jürgen Brandes. Meiwes stabbed Brandes in the neck with a kitchen knife, kissing him first, then chopped him up into several pieces. He placed several pieces of Brandes in the freezer. Over the next few weeks, Meiwes defrosted and cooked parts of Brandes in olive oil and garlic and eventually consumed 20 kg of human flesh. Meiwes was convicted of manslaughter in 2004.[192] A retrial in 2006 found Meiwes guilty of murder, and sentenced him to life imprisonment.[193] Three songs, "Mein Teil" by Rammstein, "Eaten" by Bloodbath, and "Armin Meiwes" by SKYND, are based on this case.
  • On March 11, 2000, Igor Churasov and Gennady Shurmanov were arrested for murdering seven people in Ryazan, Russia from 1997 to 2000, for which they were later found incompetent to stand trial. It was later revealed that Churasov dismembered some of his victims' remains and ate them.[194]
  • In April 2001 in Kansas City, Kansas, United States, Marc Sappington went on a murder spree and was subsequently convicted of murdering four acquaintances. He gained notoriety for eating part of the leg of one of his victims, Alton "Fred" Brown.
  • In July 2002, four Ukrainians were arrested in Kyiv for killing and eating a teenage girl. They were suspected of killing at least six people. Evidence showed that the murders may have been influenced by satanism.[195]
  • In a 2003 drug-related case, the rap artist Big Lurch was convicted of the murder and partial consumption of an acquaintance while both were under the influence of PCP.[196]
  • In 2003 and 2004, South Korean serial killer Yoo Young-chul murdered a total of 21 people, eating the livers of several of his victims.[197]
  • In February 2004, 34-year-old Peter Bryan from East London, England, was caught after he killed his friend Brian Cherry and ate parts of his brain, fried in butter. He had been arrested for murder previously, but was released shortly before this act was committed. While on trial for the murder of Cherry, Bryan was sentenced to life imprisonment, despite his claim of diminished responsibility.[198][199] In January 2006, his sentence was revised to a minimum of 15 years.[200]
  • 25 albino Tanzanians have been murdered since March 2007 reportedly through witch doctor butchery arising from prevailing superstition.[201][202] In 2008, Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete publicly condemned witch doctors for killing people with albinism for their body parts, which are thought to bring good luck.
  • In 2006 and 2007, Indian serial killer Surinder Koli killed and cannibalized 19 people, the majority of which were children.[203] His employer, Moninder Singh Pandher, was initially also convicted of the murders, but the conviction was later overturned.[204]
  • On 5 January 2007, French authorities reported that a prison inmate committed cannibalism on a cellmate, in the city of Rouen.[205]
  • On 13 January 2007, Marco Evaristti hosted a dinner party where the main course was agnolotti pasta that was topped with a meatball made from his own fat, removed earlier in the year in a liposuction operation.[206]
  • On 14 September 2007, a man named Özgür Dengiz was captured in Ankara, the Turkish capital, after killing and eating a man. After cutting slices of flesh from his victim's body, Dengiz distributed the rest to stray dogs on the street, according to his own testimony. He ate some of the man's flesh raw on his way home. Dengiz, who lived with his parents, arrived at the family house and placed the remaining parts of the body in the refrigerator without saying a word to his parents.[207][208]
  • On 8 October 2007, Mexican police arrested José Luis Calva Zepeda for murder. Numerous pieces of cooked human flesh were discovered in his house.
  • In January 2008, notorious Liberian ex-rebel and reformed warlord Joshua Blahyi, 37, confessed to participating in human sacrifices which "included the killing of an innocent child and plucking out the heart, which was divided into pieces for us to eat." The cannibalism of many children occurred during the conflict in which Blahyi fought against Liberian president Charles Taylor's militia.[209] On 13 March 2008, during the same war crimes trial, Joseph Marzah, Taylor's chief of operations and head of Taylor's alleged "death squad", accused Taylor of ordering his soldiers to commit acts of cannibalism against enemies, including peacekeepers and United Nations personnel.[210]
  • In 2008, a British model called Anthony Morley was imprisoned for the killing, dismemberment and partial cannibalization of his lover, magazine executive Damian Oldfield. In 1996, Morley was a contestant on the television programme God's Gift; one of the audience members of that edition was Damian Oldfield. Oldfield was a contestant of another edition of the show in October 1996. On 2 May 2008, it was announced that Morley had been arrested for the murder of Oldfield, who worked for the gay lifestyle magazine Bent. Police believed that Morley killed Oldfield after inviting him into his Leeds flat. He then removed a section of his leg and began cooking it, before he stumbled into a nearby kebab house around 2:30 in the morning, drenched in blood and asking that someone call the police. He was found guilty on 17 October 2008, and sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime.[211][212][213]
  • The murder of Tim McLean occurred on the evening of 30 July 2008. McLean, a 22-year-old Canadian man, was stabbed, beheaded and cannibalized while riding a Greyhound Canada bus near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. According to witnesses, McLean was sleeping with his headphones on when the man sitting next to him, Vincent Li, pulled a large knife out of his backpack and began stabbing McLean in the neck and chest. The attacker then decapitated McLean, severed other body parts, and consumed some of McLean's flesh.
  • In a documentary by Colombian journalist Hollman Morris, a demobilized paramilitary confessed that during the mass killings that took place in Colombia's rural areas, many of the paras performed cannibalism. He also confessed that they were told to drink the blood of their victims in the belief that it would make them want to kill more.[214]
  • In November 2008, a group of 33 undocumented immigrants from the Dominican Republic, who were en route to Puerto Rico, resorted to cannibalism after they were lost at sea for over 15 days before being rescued by a U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat.[215]
  • In February 2009, it was reported that five members of the Kulina tribe in Brazil were wanted by Brazilian authorities on the charge of murdering, butchering, and eating a farmer in a ritual act of cannibalism.[216]
  • In April 2009, two men from the city of Perm, Russia, killed and ate their brother.[217]
  • On 28 April 2009, Angelo Mendoza Sr attacked his 4-year-old son, eating the boy's left eye and damaging the boy's right eye. Angelo Mendoza Jr. told authorities "my daddy ate my eyes," when they came to the scene. Mendoza was charged with mayhem, torture, child cruelty, and inflicting an injury to a child, and was later found not guilty by reason of insanity.[218]
  • On 26 July 2009, a San Antonio, Texas woman, Otty Sanchez, was found in a hysterical state by police, having killed her own 3-week-old son and cannibalized parts of the infant's corpse.[219]
  • On 14 November 2009, three homeless men in Perm, Russia were arrested for killing and eating the parts of a 25-year-old male victim. The remaining body parts were then sold to a local pie and kebab house.[220]
  • Between 2009 and 2011, a Berlinskoe, Russia resident and serial killer Alexander Bychkov engaged in numerous acts of cannibalism, targeting people he had previously lured into his house.[221]


  • In April and May 2010, PhD student Stephen Griffiths from Bradford, England, killed and ate three prostitutes, becoming known as the Crossbow Cannibal.[222]
  • In November 2010, Isakin Jonsson killed and decapitated his girlfriend in Skara, Sweden. With a knife, saw and ax, he separated her head from the body. He also cut off pieces of flesh from one of her arms and legs, which he carried into the kitchen to cook. He prepared them with salt and home grown cannabis leaves, and ate them. He also carried her head over to the kitchen counter and processed it with an ax and knife, possibly to eat it. Jonsson was convicted of murder and sentenced to forensic psychiatric care.[223][224][225]
  • In April 2011, in the town of Darya Khan, Punjab, Pakistan, brothers Arif Ali and Farman Ali were arrested for eating a human corpse stolen from a grave. They were cooking body parts for a meal when arrested; the police also recovered remains of human body parts from their house.[226] The brothers were released from jail in 2013; however, in April 2014, they were once again discovered to be making curry out of a human corpse (this time, the body of a two- to three-year-old child), presumed to have been stolen from a graveyard.[227]
  • On 9 July 2011, a model in the St. Petersburg region of Russia drowned her colleague and consumed parts of her corpse. She was later detained, found guilty of murder, and sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, where she was diagnosed with schizophrenia.[228]
  • In August 2011, police found the body parts of various victims in serial killer Matej Čurko's refrigerator, including those of two Slovak women who disappeared in 2010.[229]
  • In 2011, officials in South Korea received a tip that ethnic Koreans living in China were smuggling drug capsules into the country containing powder made from dead babies, passing them off as stamina boosters. The ethnic Korean citizens of China tried to smuggle them into South Korea and consume the capsules or distribute them to other ethnic Korean citizens of China living in South Korea. Reportedly, the capsules were made in northeastern China from dead fetuses whose bodies were chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder.[230][231][232][233]
  • Dennis Storm and Valerio Zeno, the two presenters of the Dutch TV show, Proefkonijnen, appeared to eat each other's flesh on air in December 2011. They were filmed having a piece of their muscle tissue surgically removed, which was then fried and eaten in front of a studio audience.[234] The stunt was later revealed as a hoax.[235]
  • In December 2011, a man killed and ate a homeless man in the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States. The perpetrator of the crime was later found insane and committed to a maximum-security psychiatric hospital.[236]
  • On 21 March 2012, a Vladivostok man killed his friend, later selling his meat in a local market. Another man was convicted of willingly consuming the flesh of the victim.[237]
  • On 13 April 2012, a Japanese man, artist Mao Sugiyama, cut off, cooked, and served his genitals to five people. Each of the diners paid $250 per portion.[238]
  • In April 2012, a man and two women were arrested in the town of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil, for murdering at least two women and eating their flesh. One of the female suspects is said to have used some of the flesh of her victims for making pastries, which she allegedly sold in the town.[239]
  • In April 2012, Jieming Liu, 79, was accused of killing his wife and eating some of her flesh in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. The couple had immigrated from China in November 2011.[240]
  • On 26 May 2012, police in Miami, Florida, United States, shot and killed Rudy Eugene, 31, after he was found on the MacArthur Causeway naked and eating the face of a homeless man, Ronald Poppo, 65 who survived the attack. Police believed that Eugene was under the influence of a synthetic drug, but the autopsy of Eugene showed only marijuana in his system.[241] A security camera at the headquarters of the Miami Herald caught the attack live on film, which quickly began making rounds on the internet.[242] Poppo has had facial surgery since the attack and was still having treatment a year after the attack.[243]
  • In July 2012, 29 members of a cannibal cult were arrested in northeast Papua New Guinea after eating at least seven people (four men and three women) believed to be sorcerers.[244][245]
  • In October 2012, Japanese authorities convicted three men for killing and eating a common friend in 2009.[246]
  • On 26 December 2012, Mridul Kumar Bhattacharya and his wife Rita Bhattacharya who owned tea gardens in Assam, India were murdered by an angry mob of workers. Cannibalism was later reported in the incident.[247]
  • On 10 January 2013, the Chinese cannibal Zhang Yongming, aged 57, was executed for his crimes. He sold victims' flesh as "ostrich meat" and kept eyeballs in wine.[248][249]
  • On 17 March 2013, a 47-year-old man mutilated, sexually assaulted, and ate pieces of a 77-year-old woman, in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. He reportedly suffered from severe depression and the court found his attack was perpetrated during a psychotic incident, rendering him not criminally responsible.[250]
  • In May 2013, during the Syrian civil war, a rebel named Abu Sakkar was filmed cutting open the body of a fallen enemy soldier and biting into one of his organs; it is unclear what he bit into.[251]
  • In July 2013, the Italian cannibal Lino Renzi, aged 45, was discovered by the police whilst he was cooking some remains of his mother, Maria Pia Guariglia, aged 73, in his apartment. The police had been called by a neighbour after smelling a disgusting odour coming from Renzi's apartment, possibly caused by some intestine chunks burning on the grill. Several pieces of human body were also discovered in a freezer, oven and pots, while most of the corpse, lying in the bathroom, featured severe mutilation to arms and legs, with several intestine pieces removed. Later on, Renzi confessed that his mother had not died of natural causes, but she had been brutally beaten to death by him after a quarrel, then dismembered into pieces with a saw and a butcher knife.[252]
  • On 13 January 2014, the BBC reported that a Christian man nicknamed "Mad Dog" ate his Muslim rival's foot, during the CAR conflict.[253]
  • On 15 September 2014, a man from Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States, killed and ate parts of his girlfriend.[254]
  • On 31 October 2014, a crowd stoned to death, burned, and then ate a suspected Allied Democratic Forces insurgent in the town of Beni, North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The incident came after a number of ADF raids, that brought the October's civilian death toll to over 100 people.[255]
  • On 6 November 2014, Matthew Williams, 34, was allegedly found eating his 22-year-old victim's face in a room of the Sirhowy Arms Hotel in the village of Argoed, near Blackwood, South Wales, United Kingdom.[256]
  • On 6 January 2015, a Reuters report revealed that the Mexican La Familia Michoacana and Knights Templar cartels were forcing potential recruits to eat the hearts of their victims as part of an initiation rite.[257]
  • In November 2015, police in Bandar Lampung arrested 30-year-old Rudi Efendi and his wife Nuriah on suspicion of having murdered and castrated a man Nuriah accused of raping her before cooking and eating his penis.[258]
  • On 10 July 2016, an American man, along with ten of his friends, legally ate tacos made out of his own foot. The leg had been amputated three weeks earlier, after his foot failed to heal following a motorcycle accident two years prior. The man asked his friends: "Remember how we always talked about how, if we ever had the chance to ethically eat human meat, would you do it?", and that led to the friends sharing meat cut from his amputated foot. Details of this incident were posted to Reddit in 2018.[259]
  • On 16 August 2016, 19-year-old Florida State University student Austin Harrouff fatally stabbed a couple, Michelle Mishcon and John Stevens, in their garage and began eating Stevens' face before being subdued by deputies.[260]
  • In 2017, a ring of cannibals was arrested by the police and tried in South Africa.[261]
  • In a CNN documentary series titled Believers, journalist Reza Aslan consumed a portion of a human brain presented to him by the Aghori Hindu sect.[262]
  • Journalist Jesús Lemus Barajas claimed in an interview in 2017 that he had witnessed Los Zetas cartel kingpin Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano eating flesh from the buttocks of enemies he had sentenced to death. According to Barajas, before they died the victims were forced to bathe for two hours and given whiskey in order to reduce adrenaline levels and allow the meat to de-stress. They would then be killed as quickly as possible and their buttocks would be served to Lazcano in tamales or on toast.[263]
  • In August 2017, a man living in Kolhapur killed his mother and ate her heart with chutney and pepper.[264]
  • In September 2017, Dmitry Baksheev, 35, and Natalia Baksheeva, 42, were arrested in Krasnodar, Russia, on suspicion of committing more than 30 cannibalistic murders.[265]
  • Russian serial killer Eduard Seleznev was arrested in March 2018, and was soon found to have killed three people before liquefying their bodies and consuming them.[266]
  • On 30 October 2018, a father and son were detained in Saltivka, Kharkiv, Ukraine, after being accused of beheading an ex-police officer, aged 45, and consuming his body.[267]
  • In February 2019, Alberto Sánchez Gómez was arrested in Madrid, Spain, when he self confessed to killing his 66-year-old mother, cutting her body into 1,000 pieces, and sharing the meat with his dog to eat.[268]
  • In December 2019, the mutilated body of Kevin Bacon, a 25-year-old hairstylist from Swartz Creek, Michigan, was found hanging from the ceiling in the home of a man he met on the gay dating app Grindr. The alleged murderer, who has mental health issues, said he cut off and ate Bacon's testicles.[269]


See also


  1. "Europe's Hypocritical History of Cannibalism". Smithsonian Magazine. 24 April 2013. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  2. Mead, Simon; Whitfield, Jerome; Poulter, Mark; Shah, Paresh; Uphill, James; Campbell, Tracy; Al-Dujaily, Huda; Hummerich, Holger; Beck, Jon; Mein, Charles A.; Verzilli, Claudio; Whittaker, John; Alpers, Michael P.; Collinge, John (2009). "A Novel Protective Prion Protein Variant that Colocalizes with Kuru Exposure" (PDF). New England Journal of Medicine. 361 (21): 2056–65. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa0809716. PMID 19923577.
  3. Liberski, Pawel (2013). "Kuru: A Journey Back in Time from Papua New Guinea to the Neanderthals' Extinction". Pathogens. 2 (3): 472–505. doi:10.3390/pathogens2030472. PMC 4235695. PMID 25437203.
  4. McKie, Robin (20 June 2010). "Bones from a Cheddar Gorge cave show that cannibalism helped Britain's earliest settlers survive the ice age". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 20 June 2010.
  5. Johnston, Ian (9 August 2017). "Cannibals who once lived in Somerset cave engraved human bones as part of eating ritual, study finds". The Independent. Retrieved 8 May 2023.
  6. Tatian. "Address to the Greeks". New Advent. ch. 34. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
  7. Thucydides. "Book 2" . History of the Peloponnesian War  via Wikisource.
  8. Garnsey, Peter (2009). Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 35–36. ISBN 978-0-511-58382-7.
  9. Strabo (1892) [c. AD 20], Hamilton, H. C.; Falconer, M. A. (eds.), The Geography of Strabo, vol. I, London: George Bell & Sons, p. 464 (book VII, chap. III, para. 9)
  10. Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews, Book VI, Chapter 3, Section 4. Translated by William Whiston. Hosted at the Perseus Digital Library.
  11. Schaff, Philip; Wace, Henry, eds. (1893). St. Jerome: Letters and Select Works. New York: The Christian Literature Company. p. 394 (book 2, chap. 7). Retrieved 20 July 2023. "Why should I speak of other nations when I myself, a youth on a visit to Gaul, heard that the Atticoti, a British tribe, eat human flesh, and that although they find herds of swine, and droves of large or small cattle in the woods, it is their custom to cut off the buttocks of the shepherds and the breasts of their women, and to regard them as the greatest delicacies?"
  12. Sozomen. Ecclesiastical History. bk. IX, ch. 8.
  13. Kneale, Matthew (2017). Rome: A History in Seven Sackings. London: Atlantic Books. ch. 2 (including the quotations by Jerome and Procopius).
  14. 1 2 Chong, Key Ray (1990). Cannibalism in China. Wakefield, NH: Longwood. pp. 86–87.
  15. Zheng, Yi (1996). Scarlet Memorial: Tales Of Cannibalism In Modern China. Boulder: Westview. p. 145.
  16. Benn, Charles (2004). China's Golden Age: Everyday Life in the Tang Dynasty. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 123–124. ISBN 0-19-517665-0.
  17. Orlandi, Riccardo; Cianci, Nicole; Invernizzi, Pietro; Cesana, Giancarlo (August 2018). "'I Miss My Liver.' Nonmedical Sources in the History of Hepatocentrism". Hepatology Communications. 2 (8): 989. doi:10.1002/hep4.1224. PMC 6078213. PMID 30094408.
  18. Ó Gráda, Cormac (2015). Eating People Is Wrong, and Other Essays on Famine, Its Past, and Its Future. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 25–29. ISBN 978-1-4008-6581-9.
  19. Ó Gráda 2015, pp. 30–37.
  20. Chong 1990, pp. 72–73.
  21. Symeon of Durham (1855). The Historical Works of Simeon of Durham. The Church Historians of England. Vol. III, Part II. Translated by Joseph Stevenson. London: Seeleys. p. 551. "So great a famine prevailed that men, compelled by hunger, devoured human flesh, that of horses, dogs, and cats, and whatever custom abhors; others sold themselves to perpetual slavery, so that they might in any way preserve their wretched existence."
  22. Heng, Geraldine (2003). Empire of Magic: Medieval Romance and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 23–24.
  23. Peters, Edward (1998). The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials (2 ed.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 84.
  24. Bell, Christopher (24 May 2016). "A Tibetan Ritual Master's Objects of Power". Dissertation Reviews.
  25. Gentry, J. (2013). Substance and Sense: Objects of Power in the Life, Writings, and Legacy of the Tibetan Ritual Master Sog bzlog pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan (PDF) (PhD Thesis). Harvard University. p. 69.
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  27. Jackson, Peter. The Mongols and The West 1221–1410. London: Routledge, 2018. Second Edition. p. 143.
  28. Andrea, Alfred J. (2020). Medieval Record: Sources of Medieval History. Hackett. p. 339. ISBN 978-1-62466-870-8.
  29. Holt, Andrew (8 June 2020). "Accounts of the Mongols in the Medieval Record". Andrew Holt, Ph.D. Retrieved 20 September 2023.
  30. 1 2 Siefkes, Christian (2022). Edible People: The Historical Consumption of Slaves and Foreigners and the Cannibalistic Trade in Human Flesh. New York: Berghahn. pp. 270–271. ISBN 978-1-80073-613-9.
  31. Polo, Marco (2015). The Travels. London: Penguin. p. 216. ISBN 978-0-141-19878-1.
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  35. Newcomb, William Wilmon, Jr. The Indians of Texas: From Prehistoric to Modern Times. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972:327
  36. Foote, Nicola (ed.), The Caribbean History Reader (London: Routledge, 2013), p. 2
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  39. Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano. Aztec Cannibalism: An Ecological Necessity? Science, 12 May 1978Vl. 200, No. 4342, pp. 611-617
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  41. Coe, Michael D.; Koontz, Rex (1 January 2008). Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. Thames & Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-28755-2.
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  43. John Garnaut (18 September 2006). "Cannibals may be feeding the lies". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 25 October 2006.
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  46. Montanari 2018, pp. 347–348.
  47. Graziani, Chronica di Perugia (Arch. stor. XVI, I, p. 415)
  48. Tuchman, Barbara W. A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century. Random House, 2011.
  49. Chronique de Enguerrand de Monstrelet des éditions Louis Douët d'Arcq (dernier tome)
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  51. W. W. Newcomb, Jr.,The Indians of Texas: From Prehistoric to Modern Times Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999, p. 77
  52. Barabási, Albert-László (2010). Bursts (First ed.). New York: Penguin Group. pp. 263–266. ISBN 978-0-525-95160-5.
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  54. Montaigne, Michel de (1595). "On Cannibals". Essays. Book 1, ch. 31.
  55. Ginzburg, Carlo (2012). "Montaigne, Cannibals, and Grottoes". Threads and Traces: True, False, Fictive. Berkeley: University of California Press. Ch. 3. ISBN 978-0-520-27448-8.
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  58. Noble, Louise Christine (2011). Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-11861-4. OCLC 714086301.
  59. Price, Merrall L. (2004). Consuming Passions: The Uses of Cannibalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Routledge.
  60. Sugg, Richard (2015). Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians. Routledge.
  61. Brad Steiger (1 September 2011). The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings. Visible Ink Press. pp. 118–. ISBN 978-1-57859-367-5.
  62. Roberts, Penny (2015). "Riot and Religion in Sixteenth-Century France". In Davis, Michael T. (ed.). Crowd Actions in Britain and France from the Middle Ages to the Modern World (illustrated ed.). Springer. pp. 35–36. ISBN 978-1-137-31651-6.
  63. Vandenberg, Vincent (2014). De chair et de sang: Images et pratiques du cannibalisme de l'Antiquité au Moyen Âge. Tables des hommes (in French). Tours: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais. ch. 2. ISBN 978-2-86906-828-5.
  64. Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel (1966). Les paysans de Languedoc (in French). Paris. p. 398.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  65. LaGuardia, David P.; Yandell, Cathy, eds. (2015). Memory and Community in Sixteenth-Century France. Ashgate. p. 196.
  66. "The Grim Story of the Werewolf of Châlons".
  67. "12 'Real' Werewolf Cases Throughout History". 15 May 2018.
  68. Wade, Nicholas (1 May 2013). "Evidence of Cannibalism Found at Jamestown Site". The New York Times. Retrieved 1 May 2013.
  69. "The official site of Colonial Williamsburg – Things which seame incredible: Cannibalism in Early Jamestown". Retrieved 30 August 2009.
  70. Dennis Montgomery (2007). 1607: Jamestown and the New World. Colonial Williamsburg. pp. 75–81, 82–85, "There are, then, at least half a dozen written seventeenth century reports of Starving Time cannibalism, each of which corroborates another in one or more details." (p.85). ISBN 978-0-87935-232-5.
  71. К. Валишевский. «Смутное время». М., 1993. С. 293–294. ISBN 5-8498-0037-9
  72. W Bruce Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, p. 65, citing Akheograficheskaya Kommissia,Dopolneniia k Aktam Istoricheskim, St Petersburg 1846–72, III, document 12, pp. 52–60.
  73. Clarke, Samuel (1660). A Generall Martyrologie Containing a Collection of All the Greatest Persecutions Which Have Befallen the Church of Christ (2 ed.). London: Tho. Ratcliffe. pp. 420–425.
  74. Sangha, Laura (12 April 2014). "Samuel Clarke's Martyrology: Images of Religious Violence". The Many-Headed Monster. Retrieved 14 September 2023.
  75. Kok, J. (1794) Vaderlandsch woordenboek; oorspronkelijk verzameld door Jacobus Kok. Deel 32, p. 352; Veeghens, D. (1884) Historische studien: Uitg. door J.D. Veegens. Eerste Deel, p. 48; the first name of Verhoeff was Hendrick according to Fruin, R. (1901) Robert Fruin's verspreide geschriften, p. 374, note 2
  76. "The Luxborough Galley on fire, 25 June 1727 (BHC2389)". National Maritime Museum. Retrieved 17 December 2010.
  77. The Gentleman's Magazine, July 1737, pp. 449–450.
  78. Martinez, Luke Aaron Fleeman (2011). "The Land Belongs to Neither One": Native Americans, Europeans, and the Raid on Pickawillany (master's thesis). California State University, Fresno. pp. 42, 51–52, 54–55. Retrieved 5 December 2023.
  79. 趙, 翼. "簷曝雜記/卷一#黑水營之圍". 簷曝雜記. Vol. 卷一. 黑水營之圍,孤軍陷萬里外,凡三月得全師以出,誠千古未有之奇事也。將軍兆惠既深入葉爾羌,賊眾我寡,且馬力疲不能衝殺,乃佔一村寨,掘濠築壘自守,即所謂黑水營也。所掘濠既淺,壘亦甚低,賊可步屧入,遂日夜來攻,而我兵處危地,皆死中求生,故殺賊甚力。賊懼我兵致死,欲以不戰收全功,别築一壘於濠外,爲長圍守之,如梁唐所謂夾城者,意我兵食盡,當自斃也。而營中掘得窖粟數百石,稍賴以濟。賊又決水灌營,我兵泄之於下流,其水轉資我汲飲。已而,隨處掘井皆得水。又所占地林木甚多,薪以供爨常不乏。賊以鳥槍擊我,其鉛子著枝葉間,每砍一樹輒得數升,反用以擊賊。惟拒守既久,粮日乏,僅瘦駝羸馬亦將盡。各兵每乘間出掠回人充食。或有夫婦同掠至者。殺其夫,即令妻煮之,夜則薦枕席。明日夫肉盡,又殺此婦以食。被殺者皆默然無聲,聽烹割而已。某公性最嗇,會除夕,明公瑞、常公鈞等皆至其帳聚語,屈指軍粮,過十日皆鬼籙矣。某公慨然謂:『吾出肅州時有送酒肴者,所餘餖飣,今尚貯皮袋中。』呼奴取出,供一啖。時絕粮久,皆大喜過望。既飽而去,則私相渭曰:『某公亦不留此,事可知矣。』不覺泣下,蓋自十月初旬被圍,至此已將百日,無復生還望也。而上已預調兵在途,富將軍、舒參贊率以進援,果毅阿公又以駝馬至,遂轉戰而入。兆將軍亦破壘而出,兩軍相遇,乃振旅歸。是役也,地在萬里之遙,圍及百日之久,不傷一人,全師而返,國家如天之福,於此可見。然向非預調索倫兵在途,將緩不及事,於此益見睿算之遠到云。其年遂盡平回地。
  80. 爱新觉罗, Zhaolian 昭槤. "嘯亭雜錄/卷六#平定回部本末". 嘯亭雜錄. Vol. 卷六. 兆文毅至軍,庫車已降於雅將軍,阿克蘇亦遣人迎降。八月二十四日,兆文毅遇雅將軍偕入,傳旨斬順德訥,即前守卡縱霍集占遁去者也。逮雅將軍送京,擇城中伯克鄂對隨軍,而留哈密回目玉素富及總兵閻師相率駐兵守。時舒文襄方為兵,效力軍前,亦令留阿克蘇讚畫諸務。兆文毅即起程,有烏什城伯克霍集斯者,即前縛送達瓦齊者,遣其子呼岱巴爾氐來迎。九月朔,兆文毅至烏什,以霍集斯熟回部事,與同進葉爾羌,分遣侍衛齊淩紮布偕鄂對往撫和闐六城。十月,兆文毅至葉爾羌。其城周十餘里,霍集占已堅壁清野,凡村莊人戶悉移入。初六日,我軍分七隊進,賊兩門各出四五百騎來迎,我兵擊敗之。賊又從北門出數百騎,索倫兵然遁,賴健銳營兵數百岸然不動,我兵得以濟,又敗賊眾,賊入城不復出。兆文毅以兵少不能圍城,欲伺便取勝,乃擇有水草處結營,即所謂黑水營也。聞納、三二將軍將至,遣愛隆阿以兵八百迎之。又偵知賊蓄在城南棋盤山,欲先取之以充軍實。十三日,由城南奪橋過河,甫過四百餘兵,橋忽斷,賊出四五千騎來截,步賊萬餘在後。我兵陣而前,騎賊退,步賊以鳥槍進,我兵方擊步賊,而騎賊又從後夾攻,兼有自兩翼衝入者。兆文毅馬中槍斃,再易馬又斃,我兵為賊所截,散落成數處,人皆自為戰,無不以死自誓,殺賊無算。而我兵陣亡者亦數百人,受傷者無算,總兵高天喜、副都統三保、護軍統領鄂實、監察御史何泰、侍衛特通額俱戰歿。日暮收兵歸,護大營過河者,亦泅水歸,馬力疲乏,不能衝殺,遂掘壕結寨守。所掘壕既淺,壘亦甚低,賊可步屟入,遂日夜來攻。我兵處危地,皆死中求生,故殺賊甚力。賊懼我兵致死,欲以不戰收全功,別築一壘於壕外,為長圍守之,如梁、宋所謂夾城者。意我兵食盡當自斃也,而營中掘得窖粟數百石,稍賴以濟。賊又決水灌營,我兵泄之於下遊,其水轉資我汲飲,已而隨處掘井皆得水。又所占地林木甚多,薪以供爨,常不乏。賊以鳥槍擊我,其鉛子著樹枝葉間,每砍一樹,輒得數升,反用以擊賊,惟拒守日久,糧日乏,僅瘦駝羸馬亦將盡,各兵每乘間出掠回人充食。或有夫婦同擄至者,殺其夫,即令其妻煮之,夜則薦枕席。明日夫肉盡,又殺此婦以食,被殺者皆默然無聲,聽烹割而已。某公性最嗇,會除夕,明忠烈公瑞、常中丞鈞皆至其帳聚語,屈指軍糧,過十日皆鬼籙矣。某公慨然謂:「吾出肅州時,有送酒餚者,所餘餖飣今尚貯皮袋中,呼奴取出供一啖。」時絕糧久,皆大喜過望,既飽而去,則私謂曰:「某公亦不留此,事可知矣!」不覺泣下。蓋自十月中旬被圍,已將百日,無復生還望也。納義烈公木劄爾、三公泰亦以十三日至愛隆阿軍,聞兆文毅等戰,率二百騎衝入,為賊所殺。
  81. Levin, Kris (20 May 2019). "The Medical Mystery Of Tarrare, A Cannibalistic French Spy". Ripley's Believe It or Not!. Retrieved 2 December 2023.
  82. Bondeson, Jan (2004). The Two-Headed Boy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. p. 273. ISBN 0-8014-8958-X.
  83. Collins, Paul (29 October 2002). "A journey through hell's gate". The Age. Retrieved 1 August 2012.
  84. "Article about the Francis Mary". The Acadian Recorder. 27 May 1826.
  85. Polack, Joel Samuel (1838). New Zealand: Being a Narrative of Travels and Adventures During a Residence in that Country Between the Years 1831 and 1837. London: Richard Bentley. pp. 2:5–7.
  86. Siefkes 2022, pp. 25–26.
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