The most fundamental item of study in modern algebraic geometry is the category of schemes. This category admits many different Grothendieck topologies, each of which is well-suited for a different purpose. This is a list of some of the topologies on the category of schemes.

  • v-topology (also called universally subtrusive topology): coverings are maps which admit liftings for extensions of valuation rings
  • l topology A variation of the Nisnevich topology
  • Nisnevich topology Uses etale morphisms, but has an extra condition about isomorphisms between residue fields.
  • qfh topology Similar to the h topology with a quasifiniteness condition.
  • Zariski topology Essentially equivalent to the "ordinary" Zariski topology.
  • Smooth topology Uses smooth morphisms, but is usually equivalent to the etale topology (at least for schemes).
  • Canonical topology The finest such that all representable functors are sheaves.

See also


  • Belmans, Pieter. Grothendieck topologies and étale cohomology
  • Gabber, Ofer; Kelly, Shane (2015), "Points in algebraic geometry", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 219 (10): 4667–4680, arXiv:1407.5782
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