Peerages and baronetcies of Britain and Ireland
En, Sc, GB, Ir, UK (Law, Life:
1958–1979, 1979–1997, 1997–2010, 2010–present)

This page, one list of hereditary baronies, lists all baronies, extant, extinct, dormant, abeyant, or forfeit, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom.

George III (18011811)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Moore[1]17 Jan 1801Mooreextinct 1892also Marquess of Drogheda
Baron Loftus[1]19 Jan 1801Tottenham Loftusextantalso Marquess of Ely
Baron Butler[1]20 Jan 1801Butlerextinct 1820also Earl of Ormonde
Baron Carysfort[1]21 Jan 1801Probyextinct 1909also Earl of Carysfort
Baron Alvanley[2]22 May 1801Ardenextinct 1857 
Baroness Abercromby[2]28 May 1801Abercrombyextinct 1924 
Baron Grey[3]23 June 1801Greyextantcreated Earl Grey in 1806
Baron Saint Helens[4]31 July 1801Fitzherbertextinct 1839also Baron Saint Helens in Ireland
Baron Nelson[5]18 August 1801Nelsonextantcreated Viscount Nelson on 22 May 1801, which title became extinct on 21 October 1805; created Earl Nelson on 20 November 1805
Baron Thomond[6]2 October 1801O'Brienextinct 10 February 1808also Marquess of Thomond in Ireland
Baron Arklow[7]27 November 1801Guelphextinct 21 April 1843subsidiary title of the Duke of Sussex
Baron Culloden[7]27 November 1801Guelphextinct 17 March 1904subsidiary title of the Duke of Cambridge
Baron Keith[8]15 December 1801Elphinstoneextinct 10 March 1823also Baron Keith in Ireland; created Baron Keith on 17 September 1803 and Viscount Keith on 1 June 1814
Baron Hutchinson[8]16 December 1801Hely-Hutchinsonextinct 29 June 1832also Earl of Donoughmore in Ireland
Baron Redesdale[9]15 February 1802Mitfordextinct 2 May 1886created Earl of Redesdale in 1877
Baron Rivers[10]1 April 1802Pittextinct 31 March 1880also Baron Rivers until 1828
Baron Ellenborough[11]19 April 1802Lawextantcreated Earl of Ellenborough on 22 October 1844, which title became extinct on 22 December 1871
Baroness Sandys[12]19 June 1802Hillextant
Baron Arden[13]28 July 1802Percivalextinct 10 January 1929also Baron Arden in Ireland; succeeded as Earl of Egmont in 1841
Baron Sheffield[13]29 July 1802Baker Holroydextinct 21 April 1909also Baron Sheffield in Ireland; created Earl of Sheffield in Ireland in 1816, which title became extinct in 1909
Baron Dunira[14]24 December 1802Dundasextantsubsidiary title of the Viscount Melville
Baron Keith[15]17 September 1803Elphinstoneextinct 11 November 1867also Baron Keith in Ireland and Baron Keith; created Viscount Keith on 1 June 1814
Baron Herbert[16]14 May 1804Cliveextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Powis
Baron Powis[16]14 May 1804Cliveextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Powis
Baron Lake[17]1 September 1804Lakeextinct 24 June 1848created Viscount Lake on 4 November 1807
Baron Barham[18]1 May 1805Middletonextantcreated Earl of Gainsborough 1841
Baron Collingwood[19]20 November 1805Collingwoodextinct 7 March 1810
Baron Erskine[20]10 February 1806Erskineextantsucceeded as Earl of Buchan in Scotland in 1960
Baron Soberton[21]17 February 1806Ansonextantsubsidiary title of the Viscount Anson; created Earl of Lichfield on 15 September 1831
Baron Monteagle[21]20 February 1806Brownextantalso Marquess of Sligo in Ireland
Baron Ardrossan[21]21 February 1806Montgomeryextantalso Earl of Eglinton in Scotland
Baron Lauderdale[21]22 February 1806Maitlandextinct 22 March 1863also Earl of Lauderdale in Scotland
Baron Granard[21]24 February 1806Forbesextantalso Earl of Granard in Ireland
Baron Crewe[21]25 February 1806Creweextinct 3 January 1894
Baron Beauchamp[21]26 February 1806Lygonextinct 3 January 1979created Earl Beauchamp on 1 December 1815
Baron Ponsonby[22]13 March 1806Ponsonbyextinct 1866created Viscount Ponsonby in 1839, which title became extinct in 1855
Baron Ailsa[23]12 November 1806Kennedyextantalso Earl of Cassillis in Scotland; created Marquess of Ailsa in 1831
Baron Breadalbane[23]13 November 1806Campbellextinct 8 November 1862also Earl of Breadalbane and Holland in Scotland; created Marquess of Breadalbane in 1831
Baron Gardner[24]27 November 1806Gardnerdormant 1883also Baron Gardner in Ireland
Baron Manners[25]20 April 1807Manners Suttonextant 
Baron Greenock[26]9 November 1807Cathcartextantsubsidiary title of the Viscount Cathcart; created Earl Cathcart in 1814
Baron Gambier[26]9 November 1807Gambierextinct 1833 
Baron Hopetoun[27]3 February 1809Hopeextantalso Earl of Hopetoun in Scotland; created Marquess of Linlithgow on 27 October 1902
Baron Douro[28]4 September 1809Wellesleyextantsubsidiary title of the Viscount Wellington; created Earl of Wellington on 28 February 1812, Marquess of Wellington on 3 October 1812 and Duke of Wellington on 11 May 1814; also Earl of Mornington from 25 July 1863

Regency (18111820)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Wilmington[29]7 September 1812Comptonextantsubsidiary title of the Marquess of Northampton
Baron Niddry[30]17 May 1814Hopeextantalso Earl of Hopetoun from 1816; created Marquess of Linlithgow in 1902
Baron Lynedoch[30]17 May 1814Grahamextinct 18 December 1843
Baron Combermere[30]17 May 1814Cottonextantcreated Viscount Combermere on 8 February 1827
Baron Hill[30]17 May 1814Hillextinct 10 December 1842created Baron Hill on 16 January 1816 and Viscount Hill on 27 September 1842
Baron Beresford[30]17 May 1814Beresfordextinct 8 January 1854created Viscount Beresford on 22 April 1823
Baron Exmouth[31]1 June 1814Pellewextantcreated Viscount Exmouth on 10 December 1816
Baron Stewart[32]1 July 1814Stewartextantcreated Earl Vane on 8 July 1823; succeeded as Marquess of Londonderry in 1872
Baron Trench[33]4 August 1815Trench Le Poerextantalso Earl of Clancarty in Ireland
Baron Bowes[34]7 August 1815Bowesextinct 3 July 1820also Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne in Scotland
Baron Dalhousie[34]11 August 1815Ramsayextinct 22 December 1860also Earl of Dalhousie in Scotland; created Marquess of Dalhousie on 25 August 1849
Baron Meldrum[34]11 August 1815Gordonextantalso Earl of Aboyne in Scotland; succeeded as Marquess of Huntly in 1836
Baron Ross[34]11 August 1815Boyleextinct 1890also Earl of Glasgow in Scotland
Baron Grinstead[34]11 August 1815Coleextantalso Earl of Enniskillen in Ireland
Baron Foxford[34]11 August 1815Peryextantalso Earl of Limerick in Ireland
Baron Churchill[34]11 August 1815Spencerextantcreated Viscount Churchill in 1902
Baron Melbourne[34]11 August 1815Lambextinct 1853also Viscount Melbourne in Ireland; also Baron Beauvale from 1848
Baron Harris[34]11 August 1815Harrisextant 
Baron Adbaston[35]25 November 1815Whitworthextinct 1825subsidiary title of the Earl Whitworth
Baron Hill[36]16 January 1816Hillextantalso Baron Hill, which title became extinct on 10 December 1842; created Viscount Hill on 27 September 1842
Baron Prudhoe[37]27 November 1816Percyextinct 12 February 1865succeeded as Duke of Northumberland in 1847
Baron Colchester[38]3 June 1817Abbotextinct 26 February 1919

George IV (18201830)

Title Date of
Surname Current Status Notes
Baron Ker[39] 17 July 1821 Kerr extant also Marquess of Lothian in Scotland
Baron Minster[39] 17 July 1821 Conyngham extant also Marquess Conyngham in Ireland
Baron Ormonde[39] 17 July 1821 Butler extinct 25 October 1997 also Earl of Ormonde in Ireland
Baron Wemyss[39] 17 July 1821 Douglas extant also Earl of Wemyss and Earl of March in Scotland
Baron Clanbrassil[39] 17 July 1821 Jocelyn extinct 3 July 1897 also Earl of Roden in Ireland
Baron Kingston[39] 17 July 1821 King extinct 8 September 1869 also Earl of Kingston in Ireland
Baron Silchester[39] 17 July 1821 Pakenham extant also Earl of Longford in Ireland
Baron Glenlyon[39] 17 July 1821 Murray extinct 8 May 1957 succeeded as Duke of Atholl in Scotland in 1846
Baron Maryborough[40] 17 July 1821 Pole extinct 25 July 1863
Baron Oriel[40] 17 July 1821 Foster, Skeffington extant also Viscount Ferrard in Ireland from 1828 and Viscount Massereene in Ireland from 1843
Baron Stowell[40] 17 July 1821 Scott extinct 28 January 1836
Baron Ravensworth[40] 17 July 1821 Liddell extant created Earl of Ravensworth on 2 April 1874, which title became extinct on 7 February 1904
Baron Delamere[40] 17 July 1821 Cholmondeley extant
Baron Forester[40] 17 July 1821 Forester extant
Baroness Rayleigh[40] 8 July 1821 Strutt extant
Baron Bexley[41] 1 March 1823 Vansittart extinct 8 February 1851
Baron Gifford[42] 30 January 1824 Gifford extant
Baron Penshurst[43] 26 January 1825 Smythe extinct 9 January 1869 also Viscount Strangford in Ireland
Baron Tadcaster[44] 3 July 1826 O'Bryen extinct 21 August 1846 also Marquess of Thomond in Ireland
Baron Somerhill[44] 4 July 1826 de Burgh extinct 12 April 1916 also Marquess of Clanricarde in Ireland
Baron Wigan[44] 5 July 1826 Lindsay extant also Earl of Crawford and Earl of Balcarres in Scotland
Baron Ranfurly[44] 6 July 1826 Knox extant also Viscount Northland in Ireland; created Earl of Ranfurly in Ireland on 14 September 1831
Baron Farnborough[44] 8 July 1826 Long extinct 17 January 1838
Baron de Tabley[44] 10 July 1826 Leicester extinct 22 November 1895
Baron Wharncliffe[44] 12 July 1826 Mackenzie extant
Baron Feversham[44] 14 July 1826 Duncombe extant created Earl of Feversham on 25 July 1868, which title became extinct on 4 September 1963
Baron Seaford[44] 15 July 1826 Ellis extant
Baron Lyndhurst[45] 25 April 1827 Copley extinct 12 October 1863
Baron Fife[46] 28 April 1827 Duff extinct 9 March 1857 also Earl Fife in Ireland
Baron Tenterden[46] 30 April 1827 Abbott extinct 16 September 1939
Baron Plunket[46] 1 May 1827 Plunket extant
Baron Melros[47] 24 July 1827 Hamilton extinct 1 December 1858 also Earl of Haddington in Scotland from 17 March 1828
Baron Cowley[48] 21 January 1828 Wellesley extant created Earl Cowley on 11 April 1857
Baron Stuart de Rothesay[48] 22 January 1828 Stuart extinct 6 November 1845
Baron Heytesbury[48] 23 January 1828 À Court extant
Baron Rosebery[48] 26 January 1828 Primrose extant also Earl of Rosebery
Baron Clanwilliam[48] 28 January 1828 Meade extant also Earl of Clanwilliam
Baron Durham[48] 29 January 1828 Lambton extant created Earl of Durham on 23 March 1833
Baron Skelmersdale[48] 30 January 1828 Wilbraham extant created Earl of Lathom on 3 May 1880, which title became extinct 6 February 1930
Baron Wallace[49] 2 February 1828 Wallace extinct 23 February 1844
Baron Wynford[50] 5 June 1829 Best extant

William IV (18301837)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Brougham and Vaux[51]22 November 1830Broughamextinct 7 May 1868created Baron Brougham and Vaux on 22 March 1860
Baron Tewkesbury[52]4 June 1831FitzClarenceextinct 30 December 2000subsidiary title of the Earl of Munster
Baron Kilmarnock[53]17 June 1831Hay, Carrextantalso Earl of Erroll in Scotland until 24 January 1941
Baron Fingall[54]20 June 1831Plunkettextinct 5 March 1984also Earl of Fingall in Ireland
Baron Sefton[54]20 June 1831Molyneuxextinct 13 April 1972also Earl of Sefton in Ireland
Baron Clements[55]20 June 1831Clementsextinct 9 June 1952also Earl of Leitrim in Ireland
Baron Rossie[54]20 June 1831Kinnairdextinct 7 January 1878also Lord Kinnaird in Scotland
Baron Dover[54]20 June 1831Agar Ellisextinct 10 September 1899also Viscount Clifden in Ireland and Baron Mendip in Great Britain from 1836
Baron Cavendish of Keighley[56]10 September 1831Cavendishextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Burlington; succeeded as Duke of Devonshire on 18 January 1858
Baron Kenlis[56]10 September 1831Taylourextantalso Marquess of Headfort in Ireland
Baron Chaworth[56]10 September 1831Brabazonextantalso Earl of Meath in Ireland
Baron Dunmore[56]10 September 1831Murrayextinct 12 August 1980also Earl of Dunmore in Scotland
Baron Ludlow[56]10 September 1831Ludlowextinct 16 April 1842also Earl Ludlow in Ireland
Baron Hamilton[56]10 September 1831Hamiltonextinct 22 December 1868also Lord Belhaven and Stenton in Scotland
Baron Howden[56]10 September 1831Cradockextinct 9 October 1873also Baron Howden in Ireland
Baron Panmure[56]10 September 1831Mauleextinct 6 July 1874
Baron Oakley[56]10 September 1831Cadoganextantalso Earl Cadogan from 1832
Baron Poltimore[56]10 September 1831Bampfyldeextant
Baron Wenlock[56]10 September 1831Lawleyextinct 10 April 1834
Baron Mostyn[56]10 September 1831Lloydextant
Baron Segrave[56]10 September 1831Berkeleyextinct 10 October 1857created Earl Fitzhardinge on 17 August 1841
Baron Templemore[56]10 September 1831Chichesterextant
Baron Dinorben[56]10 September 1831Hughesextinct 6 October 1852
Baron Cloncurry[57]14 September 1831Lawlessextinct 18 July 1929also Baron Cloncurry in Ireland
Baron de Saumarez[57]15 September 1831Saumarezextant
Baron Godolphin[58]14 May 1832Osborneextinct 20 March 1964also Duke of Leeds in England
Baron Hunsdon[58]15 May 1832Caryextinct 12 March 1884also Viscount of Falkland in Scotland
Baron Amesbury[58]16 May 1832Dundasextinct 30 June 1832
Baron Stanley of Bickerstaffe[59]22 December 1832Smith Stanleyextantalso Earl of Derby from 1834
Baron Western[60]28 January 1833Westernextinct 4 November 1844
Baron Raby[60]29 January 1833Vaneextinct 21 August 1891subsidiary title of the Duke of Cleveland
Baron Leveson[61]10 May 1833Leveson Gowerextantsubsidiary title of the Earl Granville
Baron Solway[62]7 June 1833Douglasextinct 3 December 1837also Marquess of Queensberry in Scotland
Baron Denman[63]28 March 1834Denmanextant
Baroness Wenman[64]3 June 1834Wykamextinct 9 August 1870
Baron Duncannon[65]19 July 1834Ponsonbyextantsucceeded as Earl of Bessborough in Ireland on 3 February 1844
Baron Fitzgerald[66]10 January 1835Vesey-FitzGeraldextinct 11 May 1843also Baron Fitzgerald and Vesey in Ireland
Baron Abinger[66]12 January 1835Scarlettextant 
Baron de L'Isle and Dudley[66]13 January 1835Sidneyextantcreated Viscount De L'Isle in 1956
Baron Bottesford[67]10 March 1835Manners Suttonextinct 1941subsidiary title of the Viscount Canterbury
Baron Ashburton[68]10 April 1835Baringextant 
Baron Glenelg[69]8 May 1835Grantextinct 1866 
Baron Hatherton[70]11 May 1835Littletonextant 
Baron Strafford[70]12 May 1835Byngextantcreated Earl of Strafford in 1847
Baron Worlingham[71]13 June 1835Achesonextantalso Earl of Gosford in Ireland
Baron Cottenham[72]20 January 1836Pepysextantcreated Earl of Cottenham in 1850
Baroness Stratheden[72]22 January 1836Campbellextant
Baron Langdale[72]23 January 1836Bickerstethextinct 18 April 1851
Baron Portman[73]27 January 1837Portmanextantcreated Viscount Portman on 28 March 1873
Baron Moreton[73]28 January 1837Moretonextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Ducie
Baron Lovat[73]28 January 1837Fraserextant
Baron Worsley[73]30 January 1837Pelhamextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Yarborough
Baron Bateman[73]30 January 1837Hanburyextinct 4 November 1931
Baron Charlemont[74]13 February 1837Caulfeildextinct 12 January 1892also Earl of Charlemont in Ireland

Victoria (18371901)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Kintore[75]1838Keith Falconerextinct 25 May 1966also Earl of Kintore in Scotland
Baron Lismore[75]1838O'Callaghanextinct 29 October 1898also Viscount Lismore in Ireland
Baron Rossmore[75]1838Westenraextantalso Baron Rossmore in Ireland
Baron Carew[75]1838Carewextantalso Baron Carew in Ireland
Baron de Mauley[75]1838Ponsonbyextant
Baron Wrottesley[75]1838Wrottesleyextant
Baron Sudeley[75]1838Hanbury Tracyextant
Baron Methuen[75]1838Methuenextant
Baron Beauvale[76]1839Lambextinct 29 January 1853succeeded as Viscount Melbourne in Ireland on 24 November 1848
Baron Furnival[77]1839Talbotextinct 29 October 1849also Baron Talbot of Malahide in Ireland
Baron Stanley of Alderley[77]1839Stanleyextant
Baron Stuart de Decies[77]1839Villiers Stuartextinct 23 January 1874
Baron Leigh[77]1839Leighextant
Baron Wenlock[77]1839Thompsonextinct 14 June 1932
Baron Lurgan[77]1839Brownlowextinct 17 September 1991
Baron Colborne[77]1839Ridley Colborneextinct 3 May 1854
Baron de Freyne[77]1839Frenchextinct 29 September 1856created Baron de Freyne on 5 April 1851
Baron Dunfermline[78]1839Abercrombyextinct 2 July 1868
Baron Monteagle of Brandon[79]1839Spring Riceextant
Baron Seaton[80]1839Colborneextinct 12 March 1955
Baron Eden[81]1839Edenextinct 1 January 1849subsidiary title of the Earl of Auckland
Baron Keane[81]1839Keaneextinct 27 November 1901
Baron Sydenham[82]1840Poulett Thomsonextinct 19 September 1841
Baron Campbell[83]1841Campbellextant
Baron Noel[84]1841Noelextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Gainsborough
Baron Oxenfoord[84]1841Dalrympleextantalso Earl of Stair
Baron Kenmare[84]1841Browneextinct 1853also Earl of Kenmare
Baron Ennishowen and Carrickfergus[84]1841Chichesterextinct 1883also Marquess of Donegall in Ireland from 1844 to 1883
Baron Vivian[84]1841Vivianextant 
Baron Congleton[84]1841Parnellextant 
Baron Metcalfe[85]1845Metcalfeextinct 1846 
Baron Gough[86]1846Goughextinct 14 April 2023created Viscount Gough in 1849
Baron Acheson[87]1847Achesonextantalso Earl of Gosford from 1849
Baron Dartrey[87]1847Dawsonextinct 9 February 1933also Baron Cremorne; created Earl of Dartrey on 12 July 1866
Baron Milford[87]1847Philippsextinct 3 January 1857
Baron Eddisbury[88]1848Stanleyextant
Baron Elgin[89]1849Bruceextantalso Earl of Elgin and Earl of Kincardine in Scotland
Baron Clandeboye[90]1850Blackwoodextinct 29 May 1988created Earl of Dufferin on 13 November 1871 and Marquess of Dufferin and Ava on 17 November 1888, which titles became extinct on 29 May 1988
Baron Londesborough[91]1850Denisonextantcreated Earl of Londesborough in 1887, which titles became extinct in 1963
Baron Overstone[91]1850Loydextinct 1883
Baron Truro[92]1850Wildeextinct 1899
Baron Cranworth[93]1850Rolfeextinct 1868
Baron Broughton[94]1851Hobhouseextinct 1869
Baron de Freyne[95]1851Frenchextantalso Baron de Freyne, which title became extinct in 1856
Baron St Leonards[96]1852Sugdenextinct 1985 
Baron Raglan[97]1852Somersetextant
Baron Aveland[98]1856Heathcoteextinct 1983also Baron Willoughby de Eresby from 1888 to 1983; created Earl of Ancaster in 1892
Baron Kenmare[99]1856Browneextinct 1952also Earl of Kenmare in Ireland
Baron Lyons[100]1856Lyonsextinct 1887created Viscount Lyons (1881)
Baron Wensleydale[101]1856Parkeextinct 25 February 1868also Baron Wensleydale for life
Baron Belper[102]1856Struttextant
Baron Talbot de Malahide[103]1856Talbotextinct 14 April 1973also Baron Talbot de Malahide in Ireland
Baron Ebury[104]1857Grosvenorextantalso Earl of Wilton from 1 October 1999
Baron Macaulay[104]1857Macaulayextinct 28 December 1859
Baron Skene[105]1857Duffextinct 29 January 1912also Earl Fife in Ireland; created Earl of Fife on 13 July 1885, Duke of Fife on 29 July 1889 and Duke of Fife on 16 October 1899
Baron Chesham[106]1858Cavendishextant
Baron Chelmsford[107]1858Thesigerextantcreated Viscount Chelmsford on 3 June 1921
Baron Churston[108]1858Buller Yarde Bullerextant
Baron Strathspey[109]1858Grantextinct 31 March 1884also Earl of Seafield in Scotland
Baron Clyde[109]1858Campbellextinct 14 August 1863
Baron Kingsdown[110]1858Pemberton Leighextinct 7 October 1867
Baron Leconfield[111]1859Wyndhamextantalso Baron Egremont from 1967
Baron Egerton[111]1859Egertonextinct 30 January 1958created Earl Egerton on 22 July 1897
Baron Tredegar[111]1859Morganextinct 17 November 1962created Viscount Tredegar on 28 December 1905, which title became extinct on 11 March 1913, and Viscount Tredegar on 4 August 1926, which title became extinct on 27 April 1949
Baron Elphinstone[112]1859Elphinstoneextinct 19 July 1860also Lord Elphinstone in Scotland
Baron Lyveden[113]1859Smithextant
Baron Llanover[113]1859Hallextinct 27 April 1867
Baron Taunton[114]1859Labouchereextinct 13 July 1869
Baron Brougham and Vaux[115]1860Broughamextantalso Baron Brougham and Vaux, which title became extinct on 7 May 1868
Baron Kinnaird[116]1860Kinnairdextinct 27 February 1997also Lord Kinnaird in Scotland
Baron Herbert of Lea[117]1861Herbertextantsucceeded as Earl of Pembroke in 1862
Baron Westbury[118]1861Bethellextant
Baron FitzHardinge[119]1861Berkeleyextinct 5 December 1916
Baroness Castlehaven[120]1861Sutherland-Leveson-Gowerextantsubsidiary title of the Countess of Cromartie
Baroness Macleod[120]1861Sutherland-Leveson-Gowerextantsubsidiary title of the Countess of Cromartie
Baron Annaly[121]1863Whiteextant
Baron Houghton[121]1863Milnesextinct 20 June 1945created Earl of Crewe on 17 July 1895 and Marquess of Crewe on 3 July 1911
Baroness Buckhurst[122]1864Sackville, Westextantalso Earl De La Warr in Great Britain from 9 January 1870
Baron Romilly[123]1866Romillyextinct 29 June 1983
Baron Northbrook[123]1866Baringextantcreated Earl of Northbrook on 10 June 1876, which titles became extinct on 12 April 1929
Baron Barrogill[124]1866Sinclairextinct 25 May 1889also Earl of Caithness in Scotland
Baron Clermont[124]1866Fortescueextinct 29 July 1887also Baron Clermont in Ireland
Baron Meredyth[124]1866Somervilleextinct 8 January 1929also Baron Athlumney in Ireland
Baron Kenry[125]1866Windham-Quinextinct 14 June 1926also Earl of Dunraven and Mount-Earl in Ireland
Baron Monck[126]1866Monckextantalso Viscount Monck in Ireland
Baron Hartismere[127]1866Henniker, Henniker-Majorextantalso Baron Henniker in Ireland
Baron Lytton[127]1866Bulwer Lyttonextantcreated Earl of Lytton on 28 April 1880
Baron Hylton[127]1866Jolliffeextant
Baron Strathnairn[128]1866Roseextinct 16 October 1885
Baron Penrhyn[129]1866Douglas Pennantextant
Baron Brancepeth[130]1866Hamilton Russellextantalso Viscount Boyne in Ireland
Baron Colonsay[131]1867McNeillextinct 31 January 1874
Baron Cairns[131]1867Cairnsextantcreated Earl Cairns on 27 September 1878
Baron Kesteven[132]1868Trollopeextinct 5 November 1915
Baron Ormathwaite[132]1868Walshextinct 8 March 1984
Baron Fitzwalter[132]1868Bridgesextinct 6 December 1875
Baron O'Neill[132]1868O'Neillextant
Baron Napier of Magdala[133]1868Napierextant
Baron Gormanston[134]1868Prestonextantalso Viscount Gormanston in Ireland
Baron Hatherley[135]1868Woodextinct 1881 
Baron Lawrence[136]1869Lawrenceextinct 14 August 2023 
Baron Penzance[137]1869Wildeextinct 1899 
Baron Dunning[138]1869Rogerson Rolloextantalso Lord Rollo in Scotland
Baron Balinhard[139]1869Carnegieextantalso Earl of Southesk in Scotland; also Duke of Fife from 1992
Baron Hare[139]1869Hareextantalso Earl of Listowel in Ireland
Baron Howard of Glossop[139]1869FitzAlan Howardextantalso Duke of Norfolk since 1975
Baron Castletown[139]1869FitzPatrickextinct 1937 
Baron Acton[139]1869Dalberg-Actonextant 
Baron Robartes[139]1869Agar-Robartesextinct 1974 
Baron Wolverton[139]1869Glynextant
Baron Greville[139]1869Greville-Nugentextinct 9 December 1987
Baron Kildare[140]1870Fitzgeraldextantalso Duke of Leinster from 1874
Baron O'Hagan[141]1870O'Haganextant
Baron Lisgar[142]1870Youngextinct 6 October 1876
Baron Dalling and Bulwer[143]1871Bulwerextinct 23 May 1872
Baron Sandhurst[143]1871Mansfieldextantcreated Viscount Sandhurst on 1 January 1917, which title became extinct in 1921
Baroness Burdett-Coutts[144]1871Burdett-Couttsextinct 30 December 1906
Baron Bloomfield[145]1871Bloomfieldextinct 17 August 1879also Baron Bloomfield in Ireland
Baron Blachford[146]1871Rogersextinct 1889 
Baron Ettrick[147]1872Napierextantalso Lord Napier in Scotland
Baron Hanmer[148]1872Hanmerextinct 1881 
Baron Selborne[149]1872Palmerextantcreated Earl of Selborne in 1882
Baron Breadalbane[150]1873Campbellextinct 1922also Earl of Breadalbane and Holland
Baron Somerton[151]1873Agarextantalso Earl of Normanton in Ireland
Baron Waveney[151]1873Adairextinct 1886 
Baron Marjoribanks[152]1873Robertsonextinct 1873 
Baron Aberdare[153]1873Bruceextant 
Baron Lanerton[154]1874Howardextinct 1880 
Baron Moncreiff[154]1874Moncreiffextant
Baron Coleridge[154]1874Coleridgeextant
Baron Emly[154]1874Monsellextinct 24 November 1932
Baron Carlingford[155]1874Parkinson Fortescueextinct 30 January 1898
Baron Cottesloe[155]1874Fremantleextant
Baron Hammond[155]1874Hammondextinct 29 April 1890
Baron Hampton[156]1874Pakingtonextant
Baron Winmarleigh[157]1874Wilson Pattenextinct 11 July 1892
Baron Eslington[158]1874Liddellextinct 7 February 1904subsidiary title of the Earl of Ravensworth
Baron Douglas[159]1875Homeextantalso Earl of Home
Baron Ramsay[159]1875Ramsayextantalso Earl of Dalhousie in Scotland
Baron Grey de Radcliffe[159]1875Egertonextinct 18 January 1885succeeded as Earl of Wilton in 1882
Baron Fermanagh[160]1876Crichtonextantalso Earl of Erne
Baron Harlech[160]1876Ormsby-Goreextant
Baron Alington[160]1876Sturtextinct 17 September 1940
Baron Tollemache[160]1876Tollemacheextant
Baron Gerard[160]1876Gerardextant
Baron Sackville[161]1876Sackville-Westextant
Baron Airey[162]1876Aireyextinct 13 September 1881
Baron Norton[163]1878Adderleyextant
Baron Shute[164]1880Barringtonextinct 6 April 1990also Viscount Barrington
Baroness Bolsover[165]1880Cavendish-Bentinckextinct 30 July 1990also Duke of Portland from 1893
Baron Haldon[166]1880Palkextinct 11 January 1939
Baron Wimborne[166]1880Guestextantcreated Viscount Wimborne on 15 June 1918
Baron Ardilaun[166]1880Guinnessextinct 20 January 1915
Baron Lamington[166]1880Cochrane Wishart Baillieextinct 20 September 1951
Baron Donington[167]1880Abney Hastingsextinct 31 May 1927
Baron Trevor[167]1880Hill-Trevorextant
Baron Rowton[167]1880Lowry Corryextinct 9 November 1903
Baron Mount Temple[168]1880Cowper-Templeextinct 17 October 1888
Baron Brabourne[168]1880Knatchbull-Hugessenextantalso Earl Mountbatten of Burma from 2017
Baron Ampthill[169]1881Russellextant
Baron Arklow[170]1881Wettinsuspended 1919subsidiary title of the Duke of Albany
Baron Tweeddale[171]1881Hayextantalso Marquess of Tweeddale
Baron Howth[171]1881St Lawrenceextinct 9 March 1909also Earl of Howth
Baron Reay[171]1881Mackayextinct 1 August 1921also Lord Reay
Baron Derwent[171]1881Van den Bempde-Johnstoneextant
Baron Hothfield[171]1881Tuftonextant
Baron Tweedmouth[171]1881Marjoribanksextinct 23 April 1935
Baron Bramwell[172]1882Bramwellextinct 9 May 1892
Baron Alcester[173]1882Seymourextinct 30 March 1895
Baron Wolseley[173]1882Wolseleyextinct 25 March 1913created Viscount Wolseley on 28 September 1885
Baron Tennyson[174]1884Tennysonextant
Baron Strathspey[175]1884Ogilvie Grantextantalso Earl of Seafield in Scotland until 1915
Baron Monk Bretton[176]1884Dodsonextant
Baron Northbourne[176]1884Jamesextant
Baron Sudley[177]1884Goreextantalso Earl of Arran in Ireland
Baron de Vesci[177]1884Veseyextinct 6 July 1903also Viscount de Vesci in Ireland
Baron Herries[177]1884Constable Maxwellextinct 5 October 1908also Lord Herries in Scotland
Baron Halsbury[178]1885Giffardextinct 31 December 2010created Earl of Halsbury on 19 January 1898
Baron Powerscourt[179]1885Wingfieldextantalso Viscount Powerscourt
Baron Northington[179]1885Henleyextantalso Baron Henley in Ireland
Baron Rothschild[179]1885Rothschildextant
Baron Revelstoke[179]1885Baringextant
Baron Monkswell[179]1885Collierextant
Baron Hobhouse[179]1885Hobhouseextinct 6 December 1904
Baron Lingen[179]1885Lingenextinct 22 July 1905
Baron Ashbourne[179]1885Gibsonextant
Baron Saint Oswald[179]1885Winnextant
Baron Wantage[180]1885Loyd-Lindsayextinct 10 June 1901
Baron Esher[180]1885Brettextantcreated Viscount Esher on 11 November 1897
Baron Deramore[181]1885Batesonextinct 20 August 2006
Baron Montagu of Beaulieu[182]1885Montagu-Douglas-Scottextant
Baron Elphinstone[182]1885Elphinstoneextantalso Lord Elphinstone in Scotland
Baron Colville of Culross[182]1885Colvilleextantalso Lord Colville of Culross in Scotland; created Viscount Colville of Culross on 12 July 1902
Baron Herschell[183]1886Herschellextinct 26 October 2008
Baron Hillingdon[184]1886Millsextinct 1 September 1982
Baron Hindlip[184]1886Allsoppextant
Baron Grimthorpe[184]1886Beckettextant
Baron Stalbridge[185]1886Grosvenorextinct 24 December 1949
Baron Kensington[185]1886Edwardesextantalso Baron Kensington in Ireland
Baron Farnborough[186]1886Mayextinct 17 May 1886
Baron Burton[187]1886Bassextinct 1 February 1909created Baron Burton on 29 November 1897
Baron Hamilton of Dalzell[187]1886Hamiltonextant
Baron Brassey[187]1886Brasseyextinct 12 November 1919created Earl Brassey on 5 July 1911
Baron Thring[187]1886Thringextinct 4 February 1907
Baron Stanley of Preston[188]1886Stanleyextantsucceeded as Earl of Derby in 1893
Baron Connemara[189]1887Bourkeextinct 1902 
Baron Bowes[190]1887Bowes Lyonextantalso Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne
Baron Monckton[190]1887Monckton-Arundellextinct 1971also Viscount Galway in Ireland
Baron Saint Levan[190]1887St Aubynextant 
Baron Magheramorne[190]1887McGarel-Hoggextinct 1957 
Baron Armstrong[190]1887Armstrongextinct 1900 
Baron Basing[190]1887Sclater-Boothextant 
Baron de Ramsey[190]1887Fellowesextant 
Baron Cheylesmore[190]1887Eatonextinct 1974 
Baron Addington[191]1887Hubbardextant 
Baron Knutsford[192]1888Hollandextantcreated Viscount Knutsford on 3 August 1895
Baron Savile[193]1888Savileextant
Baron Field[194]1890Fieldextinct 23 January 1907
Baron Sandford[195]1891Sandfordextinct 31 December 1893
Baron Iveagh[195]1891Guinnessextantcreated Viscount Iveagh on 18 December 1905 and Earl of Iveagh on 30 September 1919
Baron Mount Stephen[196]1891Stephenextinct 29 November 1921
Baron Masham[197]1891Cunliffe Listerextinct 4 January 1924
Baroness Macdonald of Earnscliffe[198]1891Macdonaldextinct 5 September 1920
Baron Roberts of Kandahar[199]1892Robertsextinct 14 November 1914created Earl Roberts on 11 February 1901
Baron Hood of Avalon[199][200]1892Hoodextinct 15 November 1901
Baron Kelvin[200]1892Thomsonextinct 17 December 1907
Baron Killarney[201]1892Wettinmerged in Crown 6 May 1910subsidiary title of the Duke of York; became Duke of Cornwall in England and Duke of Rothesay and Earl of Carrick in Scotland on 22 January 1901; created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester on 9 November 1901
Baron Rookwood[202]1892Ibbetsonextinct 15 January 1902
Baron Cromer[202]1892Baringextantcreated Viscount Cromer on 25 January 1899 and Earl of Cromer on 6 August 1901
Baron Shand[203]1892Shandextinct 6 March 1904
Baron Medway[204]1892Gathorne-Hardyextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Cranbrook
Baron Ashcombe[205]1892Cubittextant
Baron Knightley[205]1892Knightleyextinct 19 December 1895
Baron Blythswood[205]1892Campbellextinct 14 September 1940
Baron Crawshaw[205]1892Brooksextant
Baron Amherst of Hackney[205]1892Tyssen Amherstextant
Baron Newton[206]1892Leghextant
Baron Dunleath[206]1892Mulhollandextant
Baron Llangattock[206]1892Rollsextinct 31 October 1916
Baron Playfair[207]1892Playfairextinct 26 December 1939
Baron Battersea[207]1892Flowerextinct 27 November 1907
Baron Swansea[208]1893Vivianextant
Baron Farrer[209]1893Farrerextinct 16 December 1964
Baron Overtoun[209]1893Whiteextinct 15 February 1908
Baron Hawkesbury[209]1893Foljambeextantcreated Earl of Liverpool on 22 December 1905
Baron Kelhead[209]1893Douglasextinct 19 October 1894
Baron Stanmore[210]1893Hamilton-Gordonextinct 13 April 1957
Baron Rendel[211]1894Rendelextinct 4 June 1913
Baron Welby[212]1894Welbyextinct 29 October 1915
Baron Loch[213]1895Lochextinct 24 June 1991
Baron Wandsworth[213]1895Sternextinct 10 February 1912
Baron Ashton[213]1895Williamsonextinct 27 May 1930
Baron Burghclere[214]1895Gardnerextinct 6 May 1921
Baron James of Hereford[215]1895Jamesextinct 18 August 1911
Baron Rathmore[216]1895Plunketextinct 22 August 1919
Baron Pirbright[216]1895de Wormsextinct 9 January 1903
Baron Glenesk[216]1895Borthwickextinct 24 November 1908
Baron Leighton[217]1896Leightonextinct 25 January 1896
Baron Aldenham[218]1896Gibbsextant
Baron Heneage[219]1896Heneageextinct 19 February 1967
Baron Malcolm of Poltalloch[219]1896Malcolmextinct 6 March 1902
Baron Roos[220]1896Mannersextantalso Duke of Rutland
Baron Rosmead[221]1896Robinsonextinct 26 May 1933
Baron Kinnear[222]1897Kinnearextinct 20 December 1917
Baron Lister[222]1897Listerextinct 10 February 1912
Baron Fairlie[223]1897Boyleextantalso Earl of Glasgow
Baron Dawnay[223]1897Dawnayextantalso Viscount Downe
Baron Ludlow[223]1897Lopesextinct 8 November 1922
Baron HolmPatrick[223]1897Hamiltonextant
Baron Inverclyde[223]1897Burnsextinct 17 June 1957
Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal[224]1897Smithextinct 21 January 1914created Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal on 26 June 1900
Baron Burton[225]1897Bassextantalso Baron Burton, which title became extinct on 1 February 1909
Baron Newlands[226]1898Hozierextinct 5 September 1929
Baron Farquhar[226]1898Townsend-Farquharextinct 30 August 1923created Viscount Farquhar on 21 June 1917 and Earl Farquhar on 30 November 1922
Baron Muncaster[227]1898Penningtonextinct 30 March 1917also Baron Muncaster in Ireland
Baron Haliburton[227]1898Haliburtonextinct 21 April 1907
Baron Kitchener of Khartoum[228]1898Kitchenerextinct 5 June 1916created Viscount Kitchener of Khartoum on 11 July 1902 and Earl Kitchener on 27 July 1914
Baron Currie[229]1899Currieextinct 12 May 1906
Baron Glanusk[229]1899Baileyextant
Baron Brampton[229]1899Hawkinsextinct 6 October 1907
Baron Cranworth[229]1899Gurdonextant
Baroness Dorchester[230]1899Carletonextinct 20 January 1963
Baron Pauncefote[231]1899Pauncefoteextinct 24 May 1902
Baron Northcote[232]1900Northcoteextinct 29 September 1911
Baron Avebury[232]1900Lubbockextant
Baron Killanin[233]1900Morrisextantalso Baron Morris for life
Baron O'Brien[233]1900O'Brienextinct 7 September 1914
Baron Alverstone[234]1900Websterextinct 15 December 1915created Viscount Alverstone on 24 November 1913
Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal[235]1900Smithextantalso Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal, which title became extinct on 21 January 1914
Baron Wensleydale[236]1900Ridleyextantsubsidiary title of Viscount Ridley

Edward VII (19011910)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Milner[237]1901Milnerextinct 13 May 1925created Viscount Milner on 15 July 1902
Baron Barrymore[238]1902Smith-Barryextinct 22 February 1925
Baron Kinross[239]1902Balfourextant
Baron Shuttleworth[239]1902Kay-Shuttleworthextant
Baron Allerton[239]1902Jacksonextinct 1 July 1991
Baron Grenfell[239]1902Grenfellextantcreated Baron Grenfell of Kilvey for life on 17 April 2000
Baron Knollys[239]1902Knollysextantcreated Viscount Knollys on 4 July 1911
Baron Redesdale[239]1902Freeman-Mitfordextantcreated Baron Mitford for life on 18 April 2000
Baron Burnham[240]1903Levy-Lawsonextantcreated Viscount Burnham on 16 May 1919, which title became extinct on 20 July 1933
Baron Biddulph[240]1903Biddulphextant
Baron Estcourt[240]1903Sotheron-Estcourtextinct 12 January 1915
Baron Armstrong[240]1903Watson-Armstrongextinct 1 October 1987
Baron St Helier[241]1905Jeuneextinct 9 April 1905
Baron Dunedin[242]1905Murrayextinct 21 August 1942created Viscount Dunedin on 17 February 1926
Baron Leith of Fyvie[243]1905Forbes-Leithextinct 14 November 1925
Baron Sanderson[244]1905Sandersonextinct 21 March 1923
Baron Ritchie of Dundee[245]1905Ritchieextant
Baron Waleran[246]1905Walrondextinct 4 April 1966
Baron Knaresborough[247]1905Meysey-Thompsonextinct 3 March 1929
Baron Northcliffe[247]1905Harmsworthextinct 14 August 1922created Viscount Northcliffe on 14 January 1918
Baron Michelham[247]1905Sternextinct 29 March 1984
Baron Faber[247]1905Faberextinct 17 September 1920
Baron Desborough[247]1905Grenfellextinct 9 January 1945
Baron Loreburn[248]1906Reidextinct 30 November 1923created Earl Loreburn on 4 July 1911
Baron Fitzmaurice[249]1906Fitzmauriceextinct 21 June 1935
Baron Weardale[249]1906Stanhopeextinct 1 March 1923
Baron Haversham[249]1906Hayterextinct 10 May 1917
Baron Hemphill[249]1906Hemphillextant
Baron Joicey[250]1906Joiceyextant
Baron Nunburnholme[251]1906Wilsonextant
Baron Winterstoke[251]1906Willsextinct 29 January 1911
Baron Colebrooke[252]1906Colebrookeextinct 28 February 1939
Baron Courtney of Penwith[253]1906Courtneyextinct 11 May 1918
Baron Eversley[253]1906Shaw-Lefevreextinct 19 April 1928
Baron Pirrie[253]1906Pirrieextinct 6 June 1924created Viscount Pirrie on 9 July 1921
Baron Glantawe[253]1906Jenkinsextinct 27 July 1915
Baron Armitstead[253]1906Armitsteadextinct 7 December 1915
Baron Allendale[253]1906Beaumontextantcreated Viscount Allendale on 5 July 1911
Baron Airedale[254]1907Kitsonextinct 19 March 1996
Baron Swaythling[254]1907Samuel-Montaguextant
Baron Blyth[254]1907Blythextant
Baron Peckover[254]1907Peckoverextinct 21 October 1919
Baron Lochee[255]1908Robertsonextinct 13 September 1911
Baron MacDonnell[256]1908MacDonnellextinct 9 June 1925
Baron Marchamley[256]1908Whiteleyextant
Baron Holden[257]1908Holdenextinct 6 July 1951
Baron St Davids[258]1908Philippsextantcreated Viscount St Davids on 17 June 1918
Baron Pentland[259]1909Sinclairextinct 14 February 1984
Baron Gorell[259]1909Barnesextant
Baron Desart[260]1909Cuffeextinct 4 November 1934also Earl of Desart in Ireland
Baron Fisher[261]1909Fisherextant
Baron Kilbracken[261]1909Godleyextant
Baron Ashby St Ledgers[262]1910Guestextantsucceeded as Baron Wimborne in 1914; created Viscount Wimborne in 1918
Baron Mersey[262]1910Bighamextantcreated Viscount Mersey on 22 January 1916
Baron Islington[263]1910Dickson-Poynderextinct 6 December 1936

George V (19101936)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Southwark[264]1910Caustonextinct 23 February 1929
Baron Ilkeston[265]1910Fosterextinct 4 January 1952
Baron Devonport[265]1910Kearleyextantcreated Viscount Devonport on 22 June 1917
Baron Cowdray[265]1910Pearsonextantcreated Viscount Cowdray on 2 January 1917
Baron Rotherham[265]1910Hollandextinct 24 January 1950
Baron Furness[265]1910Furnessextinct 1 May 1995created Viscount Furness on 16 January 1918
Baron Willingdon[265]1910Freeman-Thomasextinct 19 March 1979created Viscount Willingdon on 23 June 1924, Earl of Willingdon on 20 February 1931 and Marquess of Willingdon on 26 May 1936
Baron Hardinge of Penshurst[266]1910Hardingeextant
Baron de Villiers[267]1910de Villiersextant
Baron Glenconner[268]1911Tennantextant
Baron Mountgarret[269]1911Butlerextantalso Viscount Mountgarret and Baron Kells in Ireland
Baron Aberconway[269]1911McLarenextant
Baron St Audries[269]1911Fuller-Acland-Hoodextinct 16 October 1971
Baron Stamfordham[269]1911Biggeextinct 31 March 1931
Baron Merthyr[269]1911Lewisextant
Baron Inchcape[270]1911Mackayextantcreated Viscount Inchcape on 21 January 1924 and Earl of Inchcape on 20 June 1929
Baron Rowallan[270]1911Corbettextant
Baron Ashton of Hyde[270]1911Ashtonextant
Baron Charnwood[270]1911Bensonextinct 1 February 1955
Baron Epsom[269]1911Primroseextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Midlothian; also Earl of Rosebery
Baron Douglas of Baads[269]1911Akers-Douglasextantsubsidiary title of the Viscount Chilston
Baron Ravensdale[271]1911Curzonextantsubsidiary title of the Earl Curzon of Kedleston, created Viscount Scarsdale at the same time, also Baron Curzon of Kedleston in Ireland, created Marquess Curzon of Kedleston and Earl of Kedleston on 28 June 1921, which titles all extinct 20 March 1925, except Viscount Scarsdale, from which this title was separated, created Baroness Ravensdale of Kedleston for life on 6 October 1958, which title extinct 9 February 1966
Baron Emmott[272]1911Emmottextinct 13 December 1926
Baron Strachie[272]1911Stracheyextinct 17 May 1973
Baron Carmichael[273]1912Gibson-Carmichaelextinct 16 January 1926
Baron Pontypridd[273]1912Thomasextinct 14 December 1927
Baron Hollenden[273]1912Morleyextant
Baron Butler of Mount Juliet[274]1912Butlerextantalso Earl of Carrick in Ireland
Baron Channing of Wellingborough[274]1912Channingextinct 20 February 1926
Baron Nicholson[275]1912Nicholsonextinct 13 September 1918
Baron Murray of Elibank[276]1912Murrayextinct 13 September 1920
Baron Whitburgh[277][278]1912Borthwickextinct 29 September 1967
Baron Sydenham of Combe[279]1913Clarkeextinct 7 February 1933
Baron Rochdale[280]1913Kempextantcreated Viscount Rochdale on 20 January 1960
Baron Reading[281]1914Isaacsextantcreated Viscount Reading on 26 June 1916, Earl of Reading on 20 December 1917 and Marquess of Reading on 7 May 1926
Baron Strathclyde[282]1914Ureextinct 2 October 1928
Baron Rothermere[282]1914Harmsworthextantcreated Viscount Rothermere on 17 May 1919
Baron Parmoor[283]1914Crippsextant
Baron Cozens-Hardy[284]1914Cozens-Hardyextinct 11 September 1975
Baron D'Abernon[285]1914Vincentextinct 1 November 1941created Viscount D'Abernon on 20 February 1926
Baron Ranksborough[285]1914Brocklehurstextinct 28 February 1921
Baron Lyell[285]1914Lyellextinct 11 January 2017
Baron Denton[286]1914Kitchenerextinct 16 December 2011subsidiary title of the Earl Kitchener
Baron Cunliffe[287]1914Cunliffeextant
Baron Wrenbury[288]12 Apr 1915Buckleyextant
Baron Buckmaster[289]14 Jun 1915Buckmasterextantcreated Viscount Buckmaster on 24 February 1933
Baron Bertie of Thame[290]28 Jun 1915Bertieextinct 29 August 1954created Viscount Bertie of Thame on 2 September 1918
Baron Muir-Mackenzie[291]29 Jun 1915Muir Mackenzieextinct 22 May 1930
Baron Beresford[292]1916Beresfordextinct 6 September 1919
Baron Faringdon[292]1916Hendersonextant
Baron Shaughnessy[292]1916Shaughnessyextant
Baron Astor[292]1916Astorextantcreated Viscount Astor on 23 June 1917
Baron Rathcreedan[292]1916Nortonextant
Baron Rhondda[292]1916Thomasextinct 3 July 1918created Viscount Rhondda on 19 June 1918
Baron Somerleyton[293]1916Crossleyextant
Baron Carnock[293]1916Nicolsonextant
Baron Anslow[293]1916Mosleyextinct 20 August 1933
Baron Glentanar[293]1916Coatsextinct 28 June 1971
Baron Roundway[293]1916Colstonextinct 29 March 1944
Baron Finlay[294]1916Finlayextinct 30 June 1945created Viscount Finlay on 27 March 1919
Baron Stuart of Wortley[295]1917Stuart-Wortleyextinct 24 April 1926
Baron Beaverbrook[295]1917Aitkenextant
Baron Nuneham[295]1917Harcourtextinct 3 January 1979Viscount Harcourt
Baron Gainford[295]1917Peaseextant
Baron Forteviot[296]1917Dewarextant
Baron Roe[296]1917Roeextinct 7 June 1923
Baron Doverdale[296]1917Partingtonextinct 18 January 1949
Baron Atholstan[297]1917Grahamextinct 28 January 1938
Baron Annesley[298]1917Annesleyextinct 6 October 1949also Viscount Valentia in Ireland
Baron Lambourne[299]1917Lockwoodextinct 26 December 1928
Baron Treowen[299]1917Herbertextinct 18 October 1933
Baron Leverhulme[299]1917Leverextinct 4 July 2000created Viscount Leverhulme on 27 November 1922
Baron Colwyn[300]1917Smithextant
Baron Gisborough[299]1917Chalonerextant
Baron Southborough[301]1917Hopwoodextinct 15 June 1992
Baron Morris[302]1918Morrisextant
Baron Cawley[303]1918Cawleyextant
Baron Armaghdale[303]1918Lonsdaleextinct 8 June 1924
Baron Queenborough[303]1918Pagetextinct 22 September 1949
Baron Terrington[303]1918Woodhouseextant
Baron Weir[304]1918Weirextantcreated Viscount Weir on 25 June 1938
Baron Glenarthur[305]1918Arthurextant
Baron Glanely[305]1918Tatemextinct 28 June 1942
Baron Wittenham[306]1918Faberextinct 1 February 1931
Baron Shandon[306]1918O'Brienextinct 10 September 1930
Baron Phillimore[305]1918Phillimoreextant
Baron Lee of Fareham[304]1918Leeextinct 21 July 1947created Viscount Lee of Fareham on 28 November 1922
Baron Bledisloe[307]1918Bathurstextantcreated Viscount Bledisloe on 24 June 1935
Baron Sterndale[308]1918Pickfordextinct 17 August 1923
Baron Downham[309]1918Fisherextinct 2 July 1920
Baron Birkenhead[310]1919Smithextinct 18 February 1985created Viscount Birkenhead on 15 June 1921 and Earl of Birkenhead on 28 November 1922
Baron Ernle[311]1919Protheroextinct 1 July 1937
Baron Inverforth[311]1919Weirextant
Baron Sinha[312]1919Sinhaextant
Baron Askwith[313]1919Askwithextinct 2 June 1942
Baron Chalmers[314]1919Chalmersextinct 17 November 1938
Baron Cochrane of Cults[315]1919Cochraneextant
Baron Wyfold[315]1919Hermon-Hodgeextinct 8 April 1999
Baron Clwyd[315]1919Robertsextant
Baron Dewar[315]1919Dewarextinct 11 April 1930
Baron Beatty[316]1919Beattyextantsubsidiary title of the Earl Beatty
Baron Haig[316]1919Haigextantsubsidiary title of the Earl Haig
Baron Plumer[317]1919Plumerextinct 24 February 1944created Viscount Plumer on 24 June 1929
Baron Byng of Vimy[317]1919Byngextinct 6 June 1935created Viscount Byng of Vimy on 12 January 1928
Baron Horne[317]1919Horneextinct 14 August 1929
Baron Russell of Liverpool[317]1919Russellextant
Baron Rawlinson[318]1919Rawlinsonextinct 28 March 1925
Baron Wavertree[318]1919Walkerextinct 2 February 1933
Baron Ruthven of Gowrie[318]1919Hore-Ruthvenextantalso Earl of Gowrie since 1956
Baron Swinfen[319]1919Eadyextant
Baron Wester Wemyss[320]1919Wemyssextinct 24 May 1933
Baron Meston[321]1919Mestonextant
Baron Forster[322]1919Forsterextinct 15 January 1936
Baron Ashfield[323]1920Stanleyextinct 4 November 1948
Baron Riddell[324]1920Riddellextinct 5 December 1934
Baron Dawson of Penn[325]1920Dawsonextinct 7 March 1945created Viscount Dawson of Penn on 30 October 1936
Baron Cullen of Ashbourne[326]1920Cokayneextant 
Baron Killarney[327]1920Windsormerged in Crown 1936subsidiary title of the Duke of York
Baron Marshall of Chipstead[328]1921Marshallextinct 1936 
Baron Invernairn[329]1921Beardmoreextinct 1936 
Baron Cable[330]1921Cableextinct 1927 
Baron Ystwyth[331]1921Vaughan-Daviesextinct 1935 
Baron Seaforth[332]1921Stewart-Mackenzieextinct 1923 
Baron Illingworth[333]1921Illingworthextinct 1942 
Baron Bearsted[334]1921Samuelextantcreated Viscount Bearsted in 1925
Baron Dalziel of Kirkcaldy[335]1921Dalzielextinct 1935 
Baron Ailwyn[336]1921Fellowesextinct 1988 
Baron Glenavy[337]1921Campbellextinct 1 June 1984
Baron Trevethin[338]1921Lawrenceextant
Baron Glendyne[339]1922Nivisonextant
Baron Woolavington[339]1922Buchananextinct 9 August 1935
Baron Manton[339]1922Watsonextant
Baron Barnby[339]1922Willeyextinct 30 April 1982
Baron Hewart[340]1922Hewartextinct 23 July 1964created Viscount Hewart on 28 October 1940
Baron Forres[341]1922Williamsonextant
Baron Vestey[341]1922Vesteyextant
Baron Waring[342]1922Waringextinct 9 January 1940
Baron Borwick[343]1922Borwickextant
Baron Mildmay of Flete[344]1922Mildmayextinct 12 May 1950
Baron Maclay[344]1922Maclayextant
Baron Wargrave[344]1922Gouldingextinct 17 July 1936
Baron Bethell[344]1922Bethellextant
Baron Daryngton[345]1923Peaseextinct 5 April 1994
Baron Kylsant[346]1923Philippsextinct 5 June 1937
Baron Lawrence of Kingsgate[347]1923Lawrenceextinct 17 December 1927
Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon[347]1923Gibbsextantalso Baron Aldenham from 1939
Baron Jessel[348]1924Jesselextinct 13 June 1990
Baron Darling[348]1924Darlingextant
Baron Banbury of Southam[349]1924Banburyextant
Baron Olivier[350]1924Olivierextinct 15 February 1943
Baron Thomson[350]1924Thomsonextinct 5 October 1930
Baron Arnold[350][351]1924Arnoldextinct 3 August 1945
Baron Danesfort[352]21 Feb 1924Butcherextinct 30 June 1935
Baron Stevenson[353]7 May 1924Stevensonextinct 10 June 1926
Baron Merrivale[354]19 Jan 1925Dukeextant
Baron Bradbury[355]28 Jan 1925Bradburyextant
Baron Stonehaven[356]12 Jun 1925Bairdextantcreated Viscount Stonehaven on 27 June 1938
Baron Lloyd[357]16 Nov 1925Lloydextinct 5 November 1985
Baron Irwin[358]22 Dec 1925Woodextantalso Viscount Halifax from 19 January 1934; created Earl of Halifax on 11 July 1944
Baron Mereworth[359]19 Jan 1926Browneextantalso Baron Oranmore and Browne in Ireland
Baron Hanworth[360]28 Jan 1926Pollockextantcreated Viscount Hanworth on 17 January 1936
Baron Buckland[361]16 Jul 1926Berryextinct 23 May 1928
Baron Warrington of Clyffe[362]25 Oct 1926Warringtonextinct 26 October 1937
Baron Greenway[363]18 Jan 1927Greenwayextant
Baron Hayter[364]29 Jan 1927Chubbextant
Baron Cornwallis[364]31 Jan 1927Cornwallisextant
Baron Daresbury[365]21 Jun 1927Greenallextant
Baron Dalziel of Wooler[366]4 Jul 1927Dalzielextinct 18 April 1928
Baron Cushendun[367]7 Nov 1927McNeillextinct 12 October 1934
Baron Wraxall[368]11 Jan 1928Gibbsextant
Baron Strickland[369]19 Jan 1928Stricklandextinct 22 August 1940
Baron Lugard[370]21 Mar 1928Lugardextinct 11 April 1945
Baron Culloden[371]30 Mar 1928Windsorextantsubsidiary title of the Duke of Gloucester
Baron Hailsham[372]5 Apr 1928Hoggextantcreated Viscount Hailsham on 4 July 1929
Baron Melchett[373]15 Jun 1928Mondextinct 29 August 2018
Baron Remnant[374]26 Jun 1928Remnantextant
Baron Ebbisham[375]5 Jul 1928Bladesextinct 12 April 1991
Baron Davidson of Lambeth[376]14 Nov 1928Davidsonextinct 25 May 1930
Baron Trent[377]18 Mar 1929Bootextinct 8 March 1956
Baron Moynihan[377]19 Mar 1929Moynihanextant
Baron Fairhaven[377]20 Mar 1929Broughtonextinct 20 August 1966created Baron Fairhaven on 25 July 1961
Baron Craigmyle[378]7 May 1929Shawextantalso Baron Shaw for life, which title became extinct on 28 June 1937
Baron Brotherton[379]17 Jun 1929Brothertonextinct 21 October 1930
Baron Bayford[379]18 Jun 1929Sandersextinct 24 February 1940
Baron Camrose[379]19 Jun 1929Berryextantcreated Viscount Camrose on 20 January 1941
Baron Sankey[380]21 Jun 1929Sankeyextinct 6 February 1948created Viscount Sankey on 30 January 1932
Baron Passfield[381]22 Jun 1929Webbextinct 13 October 1947
Baron Dulverton[382]8 Jul 1929Willsextant
Baron Alvingham[382]10 Jul 1929Yerburghextant
Baron Marks[382]16 Jul 1929Marksextinct 24 September 1938
Baron Luke[383]9 Jul 1929Lawson-Johnstonextant
Baron Amulree[384]22 Jul 1929Mackenzieextinct 15 December 1983
Baron Tyrrell[385]24 Jul 1929Tyrrellextinct 14 March 1947
Baron Greenwood[386]31 Oct 1929Greenwoodextinct 7 July 2003created Viscount Greenwood on 16 February 1937
Baron Baden-Powell[387]17 Sept 1929Baden-Powellextant
Baron Marley[388]16 Jan 1930Amanextinct 13 March 1990
Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede[389]17 Jan 1930Ponsonbyextantcreated Baron Ponsonby of Roehampton for life on 19 April 2000
Baron Dickinson[389]18 Jan 1930Dickinsonextant
Baron Wakefield[389]20 Jan 1930Wakefieldextinct 15 January 1941created Viscount Wakefield on 28 June 1934
Baron Kirkley[390]21 Jan 1930Nobleextinct 11 September 1935
Baron Trenchard[391]23 Jan 1930Trenchardextantcreated Viscount Trenchard on 31 January 1936
Baron Noel-Buxton[392]17 Jun 1930Buxtonextant
Baron Sanderson[392]18 Jun 1930Furnissextinct 25 March 1939
Baron Howard of Penrith[393]10 Jul 1930Howardextant
Baron Plender[394]20 Jan 1931Plenderextinct 19 January 1946
Baron Hyndley[394]21 Jan 1931Hindleyextinct 5 January 1963created Viscount Hyndley on 2 February 1948
Baron Rutherford of Nelson[394]22 Jan 1931Rutherfordextinct 19 October 1937
Baron Rochester[395]23 Jan 1931Lambextant
Baron Snell[396]23 Mar 1931Snellextinct 21 April 1944
Baron Mamhead[397]5 Dec 1931Newmanextinct 2 November 1945
Baron Conway of Allington[397][398]7 Dec 1931Conwayextinct 19 April 1937
Baron Mount Temple[399]13 Jan 1932Ashleyextinct 3 July 1939
Baron Selsdon[399]14 Jan 1932Mitchell-Thomsonextant
Baron Allen of Hurtwood[400]18 Jan 1932Allenextinct 3 March 1939
Baron Moyne[401]21 Jan 1932Guinnessextant
Baron Rhayader[402]25 Jan 1932Jonesextinct 26 September 1939
Baron Woodbridge[403]17 Jun 1932Churchmanextinct 3 February 1949
Baron Essendon[404]20 Jun 1932Lewisextinct 18 July 1978
Baron Davies[404]21 Jun 1932Daviesextant
Baron Gladstone of Hawarden[404]22 Jn 1932Gladstoneextinct 28 April 1935
Baron Rankeillour[405]28 Jun 1932Hopeextant
Baron Hutchison of Montrose[406]30 Jun 1932Hutchisonextinct 13 June 1950
Baron Runciman[407]17 Jan 1933RuncimanextantHeir created Viscount Runciman of Doxford on 10 June 1937 and Barony subsequently merged
Baron Brocket[408]19 Jan 1933Nall-Cainextant
Baron Horder[408]23 Jan 1933Horderextinct 2 July 1997
Baron Milne[409]26 Jan 1933Milneextant
Baron Duveen[410]3 Feb 1933Duveenextinct 25 May 1939
Baron Rennell[411]1 Mar 1933Roddextant
Baron Mottistone[412][413]21 Jun 1933Seelyextant
Baron Iliffe[414]22 Jun 1933Iliffeextant
Baron Palmer[414]24 Jun 1933Palmerextant
Baron Bingley[415]24 Jul 1933Lane-Foxextinct 11 December 1947
Baron Rockley[416]11 Jan 1934Cecilextant
Baron Portsea[416]12 Jan 1934Falleextinct 1 November 1948
Baron Nuffield[416]13 Jan 1934Morrisextinct 22 August 1963created Viscount Nuffield on 24 January 1938
Baron Eltisley[416]15 Jan 1934Newtonextinct 2 September 1942
Baron Elton[417]16 Jan 1934Eltonextant
Baron Bingham[418]26 Jun 1934Binghamextantalso Earl of Lucan and Baron Lucan in Ireland
Baron Alness[419]27 Jul 1934Munroextinct 6 October 1955
Baron Hirst[418]28 Jun 1934Hirstextinct 22 January 1943
Baron Wakehurst[418]29 Jun 1934Loderextant
Baron Downpatrick[420]9 Oct 1934Windsorextantsubsidiary title of the Duke of Kent
Baron Rushcliffe[421]24 Jan 1935Bettertonextinct 18 November 1949
Baron Hesketh[421]25 Jan 1935Fermor-Heskethextant
Baron Portal[421]26 Jan 1935Portalextinct 6 May 1949created Viscount Portal on 1 February 1945
Baron Tweedsmuir[422]1 Jun 1935Buchanextant
Baron Sysonby[423]24 Jun 1935Ponsonbyextinct 23 October 2009
Baron Wigram[423]25 Jun 1935Wigramextant
Baron Blackford[423]26 Jun 1935Masonextinct 15 May 1988
Baron Riverdale[424]27 Jun 1935Balfourextant
Baron May[424]28 Jun 1935Mayextant
Baron St Just[424]29 Jun 1935Grenfellextinct 14 October 1984
Baron Kennet[425]15 Jul 1935Youngextant
Baron Gowrie[426]20 Dec 1935Hore-Ruthvenextantcreated Earl of Gowrie on 8 January 1945
Baron Strathcarron[427]11 Jan 1936Macphersonextant

Edward VIII (1936)

TitleDate of CreationSurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Glenravel[428]1 Feb 1936Bennextinct 1937 
Baron Kemsley[428]3 Feb 1936Berryextantcreated Viscount Kemsley in 1945
Baron Catto[429]24 Feb 1936Cattoextant 
Baron Cautley[430]14 July 1936Cautleyextinct 1946 
Baron Hailey[430]15 July 1936Haileyextinct 1969 
Baron Austin[430]16 July 1936Austinextinct 1941 
Baron Wardington[430]17 July 1936Peaseextinct 2019 

George VI (19361952)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Windlesham[431]22 Feb 1937Hennessyextantcreated Baron Hennessy for life in 1999
Baron Mancroft[431]23 Feb 1937Samuelextant 
Baron McGowan[431]24 Feb 1937McGowanextant 
Baron Addison[432]22 May 1937Addisonextantcreated Viscount Addison in 1945
Baron Denham[432]24 May 1937Bowyerextant 
Baron Rea[432]3 Jun 1937Reaextant
Baron Chatfield[432]4 Jun 1937Chatfieldextinct 30 September 2007
Baron Cadman[432]7 Jun 1937Cadmanextant
Baron Marchwood[433]8 Jun 1937Pennyextantcreated Viscount Marchwood on 13 September 1945
Baron Kenilworth[434]10 Jun 1937Siddeleyextant
Baron Southwood[434]11 Jun 1937Eliasextinct 10 April 1946created Viscount Southwood on 25 January 1946
Baron Pender[434]12 Jun 1937Denison-Penderextant
Baron Roborough[435]24 Jan 1938Lopesextant
Baron Birdwood[436]25 Jan 1938Birdwoodextinct 11 July 2015
Baron Brassey of Apethorpe[437]26 Jan 1938Brasseyextant
Baron Belstead[436]27 Jan 1938Ganzoniextinct 2005created Baron Ganzoni for life in 1999
Baron Perry[438]28 Jan 1938Perryextinct 17 June 1956
Baron Stamp[439]28 Jun 1938Stampextant
Baron Bicester[439]29 Jun 1938Smithextant
Baron Fairfield[440]1 Feb 1939Greerextinct 1945 
Baron Milford[440]2 Feb 1939Philippsextant 
Baron Hankey[440]3 Feb 1939Hankeyextant 
Baron Harmsworth[440]4 Feb 1939Harmsworthextant 
Baron Brooke of Oakley[441]4 Jul 1939Brookeextinct 1944 
Baron Rotherwick[441]5 Jul 1939Cayzerextant 
Baron Ennisdale[441]6 Jul 1939Lyonsextinct 1963 
Baron Woolton[441]7 Jul 1939Marquisextantcreated Viscount Woolton in 1953 and Earl of Woolton in 1956
Baron Glentoran[442]8 Jul 1939Dixonextant 
Baron Tryon[443]18 Apr 1940Tryonextant 
Baron Croft[444]28 May 1940Croftextant 
Baron Abertay[445]26 Jun 1940Barrieextinct 1940 
Baron Teviot[445]27 Jun 1940Kerrextant
Baron Nathan[445]28 Jun 1940Nathanextant
Baron Reith[446]21 Oct 1940Reithextant
Baron Quickswood[447]25 Jan 1941Gascoyne-Cecilextinct 10 December 1956
Baron Merriman[448]27 Jan 1941Merrimanextinct 18 January 1962
Baron Kindersley[448]28 Jan 1941Kindersleyextant
Baron Ironside[448]29 Jan 1941Ironsideextant
Baron Leathers[449]19 May 1941Leathersextantcreated Viscount Leathers on 18 January 1954
Baron Vansittart[450]3 Jul 1941Vansittartextinct 14 February 1957
Baron Cherwell[450]4 Jul 1941Lindemannextinct 3 July 1957created Viscount Cherwell on 26 June 1956
Baron Greene[451]16 Jul 1941Greeneextinct 16 April 1952
Baron Soulbury[452]6 Aug 1941Ramsbothamextantcreated Viscount Soulbury on 16 July 1954
Baron Sherwood[453]14 Aug 1941Seelyextinct 1 April 1970
Baron Latham[454]16 Jan 1942Lathamextant
Baron Wedgwood[455]21 Jan 1942Wedgwoodextant
Baron Geddes[456]28 Jan 1942Geddesextant
Baron Winster[457]3 Feb 1942Fletcherextinct 7 June 1961
Baron Clauson[458]20 Feb 1942Clausonextinct 15 March 1946
Baron Bruntisfield[459]9 Mar 1942Warrenderextant
Baron Lang of Lambeth[460]2 Apr 1942Langextinct 5 December 1945
Baron Brabazon of Tara[461]27 Apr 1942Moore-Brabazonextant
Baron Keynes[462]6 Jul 1942Keynesextinct 21 April 1946
Baron Keyes[463]22 Jan 1943Keyesextant
Baron Hemingford[464]1 Feb 1943Herbertextant
Baron Moran[465]8 Mar 1943Wilsonextant
Baron Killearn[466]17 May 1943Lampsonextant
Baron Dowding[467]5 Jul 1943Dowdingextant
Baron Gretton[468]27 Jan 1944Grettonextant
Baron Royden[469]28 Jan 1944Roydenextinct 6 November 1950
Baron Westwood[469]29 Jan 1944Westwoodextant
Baron Ammon[469]31 Jan 1944Ammonextinct 2 April 1960
Baron Courtauld-Thomson[469]1 Feb 1944Courtauld-Thomsonextinct 1 November 1954
Baron Schuster[470]26 Jun 1944Schusterextinct 28 June 1956
Baron Norman[471]13 Oct 1944Normanextinct 4 February 1950
Baron Hazlerigg[472]12 Feb 1945Hazleriggextant
Baron Hacking[473]2 Jul 1945Hackingextant
Baron Courthope[473]3 Jul 1945Courthopeextinct 2 September 1955
Baron Balfour of Inchrye[473]5 Jul 1945Balfourextinct 14 April 2013
Baron Jackson[474]6 Jul 1945Jacksonextinct 2 May 1954
Baron Quibell[474]7 Jul 1945Quibellextinct 16 April 1962
Baron Walkden[474]9 Jul 1945Walkdenextinct 25 April 1951
Baron Chetwode[474]10 Jul 1945Chetwodeextant
Baron Cope[475]11 Jul 1945Copeextinct 15 July 1946
Baron Ramsden[475]12 Jul 1945Ramsdenextinct 9 August 1955
Baron Chattisham[475]13 Jul 1945Brassextinct 24 August 1945
Baron Sandford[475]14 Jul 1945Edmondsonextant
Baron Altrincham[476]1 Aug 1945Griggextant
Baron Jowitt[476]2 Aug 1945Jowittextinct 16 August 1957created Viscount Jowitt on 20 January 1947 and Earl Jowitt on 24 December 1951
Baron Pethick-Lawrence[477]16 Aug 1945Pethick-Lawrenceextinct 17 September 1961
Baron Llewellin[478]12 Sept 1945Llewellinextinct 24 January 1957
Baron Lyle of Westbourne[478]13 Sept 1945Lyleextinct 1 August 1976
Baron Broadbridge[478]14 Sept 1945Broadbridgeextant
Baron Cunningham of Hyndhope[479]15 Sept 1945Cunninghamextinct 12 June 1963created Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope on 26 January 1946
Baron Portal of Hungerford[479]17 Sept 1945Portalextinct 29 September 1990created Viscount Portal of Hungerford on 28 January 1946, which title became extinct on 22 April 1971
Baron Alanbrooke[480]18 Sept 1945Brookeextinct 10 January 2018created Viscount Alanbrooke on 29 January 1946
Baron Broughshane[479]19 Sept 1945Davisonextinct 2006
Baron Pakenham[479]12 Oct 1945Pakenhamextantsucceeded as Earl of Longford in 1961
Baron Henderson[480]19 Oct 1945Hendersonextinct 4 April 1984
Baron Mountevans[481]12 Nov 1945Evansextant
Baron Lindsay of Birker[481]13 Nov 1945Lindsayextant
Baron Piercy[482]14 Nov 1945Piercyextant
Baron Morrison[482]15 Nov 1945Morrisonextinct 28 October 1997
Baron Chorley[482]16 Nov 1945Chorleyextant
Baron Calverley[483]17 Nov 1945Muffextant
Baron Rusholme[484]1 Dec 1945Palmerextinct 18 August 1977
Baron Tedder[485]23 Jan 1946Tedderextant
Baron Colgrain[485]28 Jan 1946Campbellextant
Baron Inman[485]30 Jan 1946Inmanextinct 26 August 1979
Baron Tovey[486]11 Feb 1946Toveyextinct 12 January 1971
Baron Darwen[486]12 Feb 1946Daviesextant
Baron Wilson[487]12 Mar 1946Wilsonextinct 1 February 2009
Baron Inverchapel[488]5 Apr 1946Clark Kerrextinct 5 July 1951
Baron Beveridge[489]25 Jun 1946Beveridgeextinct 16 March 1963
Baron Uvedale of North End[490]26 Jun 1946Woodallextinct 28 February 1974
Baron Lucas of Chilworth[490]27 Jun 1946Lucasextant
Baron Shepherd[490]28 Jun 1946Shepherdextantcreated Baron Shepherd of Spalding for life on 16 November 1999
Baron Citrine[491]16 Jul 1946Citrineextinct 5 August 2006
Baron Brand[492]17 Jul 1946Brandextinct 23 August 1963
Baron Newall[491]18 Jul 1946Newallextant
Baron Fraser of North Cape[493]19 Sept 1946Fraserextinct 12 February 1981
Baron Oaksey[494]13 Jan 1947Lawrenceextant
Baron Ismay[495]14 Jan 1947Ismayextinct 17 December 1965
Baron Rugby[496]15 Jan 1947Maffeyextant
Baron Layton[494]16 Jan 1947Laytonextant
Baron Simon of Wythenshawe[494]17 Jan 1947Simonextant
Baron Kershaw[495]20 Jan 1947Kershawextant
Baron Trefgarne[495]21 Jan 1947Garro-Jonesextant
Baron Dukeston[497]1 Apr 1947Dukesextinct 14 May 1948
Baron Crook[498]3 Jul 1947Crookextant
Baron Robinson[499]15 Jul 1947Robinsonextinct 5 September 1952
Baron Amwell[500]16 Jul 1947Montagueextant
Baron Milverton[501]9 Oct 1947Richardsextant 
Baron Romsey[502]18 Oct 1947Mountbattenextantsubsidiary title of the Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Baron Greenwich[503]20 Nov 1947Mountbattenmerged in Crown 8 September 2022subsidiary title of the Duke of Edinburgh, created Earl of Merioneth at the same time
Baron Mackintosh of Halifax[504]6 Feb 1948Mackintoshextantcreated Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax in 1957
Baron Douglas of Kirtleside[505]7 Feb 1948Douglasextinct 1969 
Baron Braintree[506]9 Feb 1948Crittallextinct 1961 
Baron Clydesmuir[507]26 Feb 1948Colvilleextant 
Baron Webb-Johnson[508]22 Jun 1948Webb-Johnsonextinct 1958 
Baron Maenan[508]23 Jun 1948Taylorextinct 1951 
Baron Williams[509]24 Jun 1948Williamsextinct 1966 
Baron Adams[510]16 Feb 1949Adamsextinct 1960 
Baron Boyd-Orr[511]19499 Mar Boyd-Orrextinct 25 June 1971
Baron Macdonald of Gwaenysgor[512]13 Apr 1949Macdonaldextinct 27 January 2002
Baron Badeley[513]21 Jun 1949Badeleyextinct 27 September 1951
Baron Dugan of Victoria[514]7 Jul 1949Duganextinct 17 August 1951
Baron Archibald[515]12 Jul 1949Archibaldextinct 27 February 1996
Baron Wilmot of Selmeston[516]30 Jan 1950Wilmotextinct 22 July 1964
Baron Bilsland[517]31 Jan 1950Bilslandextinct 10 December 1970
Baron Burden[518]1 Feb 1950Burdenextant
Baron Haden-Guest[518]2 Feb 1950Haden-Guestextant
Baron Henderson of Ardwick[516]3 Feb 1950Hendersonextinct 26 February 1950
Baron Lawson[519]17 Mar 1950Lawsonextinct 3 August 1965
Baron Douglas of Barloch[520]11 Apr 1950Douglasextinct 31 March 1980
Baron Silkin[521]4 Jul 1950Silkinextant
Baron Hurcomb[521]5 Jul 1950Hurcombextinct 7 August 1975
Baron Campion[521]6 Jul 1950Campionextinct 6 April 1958
Baron Hives[521]7 Jul 1950Hivesextant
Baron Greenhill[522]8 Jul 1950Greenhillextinct 2020
Baron Ogmore[521]10 Jul 1950Rees-Williamsextant
Baron Morris of Kenwood[521]11 Jul 1950Morrisextant
Baron Macpherson of Drumochter[523]25 Jan 1951Macphersonextant
Baron Hungarton[524]7 Feb 1951Crawfordextinct 14 June 1966
Baron McEntee[525]26 Jun 1951McEnteeextinct 11 February 1953
Baron Kenswood[526]27 Jun 1951Whitfieldextant
Baron Freyberg[527]16 Oct 1951Freybergextant
Baron Milner of Leeds[528]20 Dec 1951Milnerextant
Baron Kirkwood[529]22 Dec 1951Kirkwoodextant
Baron Wise[529]24 Dec 1951Wiseextant
Baron Mathers[530]30 Jan 1952Mathersextinct 26 September 1965

Elizabeth II (19522022)

TitleDate of
SurnameCurrent StatusNotes
Baron Turnour[530]31 Jan 1952Turnourextinct 26 August 1962also Earl Winterton
Baron Rideau[531]11 Mar 1952Alexanderextantsubsidiary title of the Earl Alexander of Tunis
Baron Simonds[532]24 Jun 1952Simondsextinct 28 June 1971also Baron Simonds for life; created Viscount Simonds on 18 October 1954
Baron Jeffreys[533]12 Jul 1952Jeffreysextant
Baron Rathcavan[534]11 Mar 1953O'Neillextant
Baron Percy of Newcastle[534]12 Mar 1953Percyextinct 3 April 1958
Baron Baillieu[535]13 Feb 1953Baillieuextant
Baron Glyn[536]29 Jun 1953Glynextinct 1 May 1960
Baron Grantchester[536]30 Jun 1953Suenson-Taylorextant
Baron Bennett of Edgbaston[536]1 Jul 1953Bennettextinct 29 September 1957
Baron Salter[537]16 Oct 1953Salterextinct 1975 
Baron Hore-Belisha[538]14 Jan 1954Hore-Belishaextinct 1957 
Baron Strang[539]16 Jan 1954Strangextinct 19 December 2014 
Baron Dovercourt[538]18 Jan 1954Holmesextinct 1961 
Baron Moore[540]30 Jan 1954Mooreextantalso Earl of Drogheda
Baron Coleraine[541]16 Feb 1954Lawextant 
Baron Harvey of Tasburgh[542]3 Jul 1954Harveyextant 
Baron Glassary[543]30 Jul 1954Scrymgeour-Wedderburnextantalso Earl of Dundee
Baron Cooper of Culross[544]31 Jul 1954Cooperextinct 1955 
Baron Gridley[545]10 Jan 1955Gridleyextant 
Baron Adrian[546]28 Jan 1955Adrianextinct 1995 
Baron Strathalmond[547]18 Feb 1955Fraserextant
Baron Strathclyde[548]4 May 1955Galbraithextant
Baron Masham[548]5 May 1955Cunliffe-Listerextantsubsidiary title of the Earl of Swinton
Baron Conesford[549]12 May 1955Straussextinct 28 August 1974
Baron Clitheroe[550]20 Jun 1955Asshetonextant
Baron Heyworth[551]23 Jul 1955Heyworthextinct 15 June 1974
Baron McNair[552]4 Aug 1955McNairextant
Baron McCorquodale of Newton[553]2 Sept 1955McCorquodaleextinct 25 September 1971
Baron Colyton[554]19 Jan 1956Hopkinsonextant
Baron Evershed[554]20 Jan 1956Evershedextinct 3 October 1966
Baron Astor of Hever[555]21 Jan 1956Astorextant
Baron Godber[555]23 Jan 1956Godberextinct 10 April 1976
Baron Weeks[556]9 Jul 1956Weeksextinct 19 August 1960
Baron Cohen of Birkenhead[557]16 Jul 1956Cohenextinct 7 August 1977
Baron Sinclair of Cleeve[558]21 Jan 1957Sinclairextant
Baron Mills[558]22 Jan 1957Millsextantcreated Viscount Mills on 22 August 1962
Baron Bridges[559]4 Feb 1957Bridgesextant
Baron Hailes[560]15 Feb 1957Buchan-Hepburnextinct 5 November 1974
Baron Evans[561]1 Jul 1957Evansextinct 26 October 1963
Baron Rank[561]2 Jul 1957Rankextinct 29 March 1972
Baron Norrie[562]22 Aug 1957Norrieextant
Baron Brecon[563]30 Jan 1958Lewisextinct 10 October 1976
Baron Birkett[564]31 Jan 1958Birkettextant
Baron Harding of Petherton[565]17 Feb 1958Hardingextant
Baron Robins[566]10 Jul 1958Robinsextinct 21 July 1962
Baron Poole[567]11 Jul 1958Pooleextant
Baron Rootes[568]16 Feb 1959Rootesextant
Baron Netherthorpe[569]10 Mar 1959Turnerextant
Baron Crathorne[570]15 Jul 1959Dugdaleextant
Baron Forster of Harraby[570]16 Jul 1959Forsterextinct 24 July 1972
Baron Spens[571]20 Aug 1959Spensextant
Baron MacAndrew[572]8 Dec 1959MacAndrewextant
Baron Nelson of Stafford[573]20 Jan 1960Nelsonextant
Baron Howick of Glendale[574]8 Feb 1960Baringextant
Baron Gladwyn[575]12 Feb 1960Jebbextinct 15 August 2017
Baron Sanderson of Ayot[576]4 Jul 1960Sandersonextant
Baron Nugent[577]23 Aug 1960Nugentextinct 27 April 1973
Baron Cobbold[578]23 Nov 1960Cobboldextant
Baron Fleck[579]3 Feb 1961Fleckextinct 6 August 1968
Baron Robertson of Oakridge[580]29 Jun 1961Robertsonextant
Baron Marks of Broughton[581]10 Jul 1961Marksextant
Baron Fairhaven[582]25 Jul 1961Broughtonextantalso Baron Fairhaven, which title extinct 20 August 1966
Baron Leighton of St Mellons[583]25 Jan 1962Seagerextant
Baron Brain[583]26 Jan 1962Brainextant
Baron Aldington[584]29 Jan 1962Lowextantcreated Baron Low for life on 16 November 1999, which title became extinct on 7 December 2000
Baron Inchyra[585]2 Feb 1962Millarextant
Baron Lambury[586]26 Mar 1962Lordextinct 13 September 1967
Baron Mabane[587]15 Jun 1962Mabaneextinct 16 November 1969
Baron Dilhorne[588]17 Jul 1962Manningham-Bullerextantcreated Viscount Dilhorne on 7 December 1964
Baron Fyfe of Dornoch[589]20 Jul 1962Fyfeextinct 27 January 1967subsidiary title of the Earl of Kilmuir
Baron Eccles[590]1 Aug 1962Ecclesextantcreated Viscount Eccles on 14 January 1964
Baron Silsoe[591]18 Jan 1963Eveextant
Baron Normanbrook[592]24 Jan 1963Brookextinct 15 June 1967
Baron Weston-super-Mare[593]30 Jan 1963Alexanderextinct 11 January 1965subsidiary title of the Earl Alexander of Hillsborough
Baron Drumalbyn[594]9 Nov 1963Macphersonextinct 11 October 1987
Baron Wakefield of Kendal[595]15 Nov 1963Wakefieldextinct 12 August 1983
Baron Egremont[596]27 Nov 1963Wyndhamextantalso Baron Leconfield from 1967
Baron Thomson of Fleet[597]10 Mar 1964Thomsonextant
Baron Martonmere[598]13 May 1964Robinsonextant
Baron Sherfield[599]29 Jun 1964Makinsextant
Baron Inglewood[599]30 Jun 1964Fletcher-Vaneextant
Baron Glendevon[600]16 Jul 1964Hopeextant
Baron Erskine of Rerrick[601]4 Sept 1964Erskineextinct 7 June 1995
Baron Grimston of Westbury[602]11 Dec 1964Grimstonextant
Baron Erroll of Hale[603]19 Dec 1964Errollextinct 14 September 2000
Baron Renwick[604]23 Dec 1964Renwickextant
Baron Fraser of Allander[605]30 Dec 1964Fraserextinct 5 May 1987
Baron St Helens[605]31 Dec 1964Hughes-Youngextant
Baron Margadale[605]1 Jan 1965 (A.M.)Morrisonextant
Baron Killyleagh[606]23 Jul 1986Mountbatten-Windsorextantsubsidiary title of the Duke of York, created Earl of Inverness at the same time
Baron Carrickfergus[607]26 May 2011Mountbatten-Windsorextantsubsidiary title of the Duke of Cambridge, created Earl of Strathearn at the same time
Baron Kilkeel16 Jul 2018Mountbatten-Windsorextantsubsidiary title of the Duke of Sussex, created Earl of Dumbarton at the same time

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 "No. 15327". The London Gazette. 10 January 1801. p. 55.
  2. 1 2 "No. 15367". The London Gazette. 19 May 1801. p. 562.
  3. "No. 15374". The London Gazette. 9 June 1801. p. 646.
  4. "No. 15386". The London Gazette. 14 July 1801. p. 839.
  5. "No. 15393". The London Gazette. 1 August 1801. p. 948.
  6. "No. 15406". The London Gazette. 12 September 1801. p. 1120.
  7. 1 2 "No. 15429". The London Gazette. 21 November 1801. p. 1403.
  8. 1 2 "No. 15432". The London Gazette. 1 December 1801. p. 1436.
  9. "No. 15452". The London Gazette. 9 February 1802. p. 140.
  10. "No. 15461". The London Gazette. 13 March 1802. p. 270.
  11. "No. 15471". The London Gazette. 13 April 1802. p. 386.
  12. "No. 15488". The London Gazette. 12 June 1802. p. 613.
  13. 1 2 "No. 15498". The London Gazette. 17 July 1802. p. 758.
  14. "No. 15542". The London Gazette. 18 December 1802. p. 1345.
  15. "No. 15618". The London Gazette. 6 September 1803. p. 1179.
  16. 1 2 "No. 15700". The London Gazette. 8 May 1804. p. 590.
  17. "No. 15732". The London Gazette. 28 August 1804. p. 1069.
  18. "No. 15800". The London Gazette. 23 April 1805. p. 553.
  19. "No. 15859". The London Gazette. 5 November 1805. p. 1376.
  20. "No. 15887". The London Gazette. 4 February 1806. p. 160.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "No. 15889". The London Gazette. 11 February 1806. p. 192.
  22. "No. 15897". The London Gazette. 8 March 1806. p. 313.
  23. 1 2 "No. 15971". The London Gazette. 1 November 1806. p. 1438.
  24. "No. 15974". The London Gazette. 11 November 1806. p. 1479.
  25. "No. 16020". The London Gazette. 14 April 1807. p. 477.
  26. 1 2 "No. 16083". The London Gazette. 3 November 1807. p. 1457.
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