This is a list of electrical engineers (by no means exhaustive), people who have made notable contributions to electrical engineering or computer engineering.

Norman AbramsonALOHAnet network communication
Robert Campbell AitkenTesting and diagnosis of integrated circuits
Luigi Amerio Laplace transforms
Edwin ArmstrongRadio, Regenerative circuit, superheterodyne receiver, frequency modulation (FM)
Maria ArtiniFirst female university graduate in electrical engineering in Italy (1918)
Rodney AdkinsFirst African American to serve as a senior vice president at IBM, worked on IBM ThinkPad.
Hertha Marks AyrtonElectric arc lighting, Hughes Medal of the Royal Society
William Edward Ayrton Measuring instruments, electric railways, searchlight
John BardeenTwo Nobel prizes: transistor, superconductivity
Emile BaudotTelegraphy communications
Andy Bechtolsheim Co-founder of Sun Microsystems
Arnold Orville Beckman pH meter, Beckman Instruments, Silicon Valley pioneer
Alexander Graham Bell Bell Telephone Company
Alfred Rosling Bennett Pioneer of electric lighting and telephones
Harold Stephen BlackNegative feedback amplifier
Ottó BláthyPioneering electrical engineer
André Blondel Oscillography, electrical machine theory
Alan Blumlein Inventions in telecommunications, sound recording, stereo, television, radar
Hendrik Wade BodeControl theory, Bode plot
Mikhail BotvinnikComputer chess, expert system AI
Paul BoucherotReactive power
Karlheinz BrandenburgAudio compression scheme MP3
Charles Tilston Bright Transatlantic telegraph cable
Charles Eugene Lancelot BrownCo-founder of Brown, Boveri & Cie
William C. BrownCrossed-field amplifier, microwave power transmission
Walter BruchTelevision pioneer, inventor of the PAL colour television system
Charles BrushEfficient dynamo, electric lighting, a founder of General Electric, wind power
James BuieInventor of TTL Logic
Charles Frederick BurgessBattery technology development, pioneer of electrochemical engineering
Alan Archibald Campbell-SwintonTheory of television
Marvin CamrasMagnetic recording
John Renshaw CarsonSingle-sideband modulation
James Kilton ClappClapp oscillator, General Radio Corporation
Edith ClarkeFirst American female professor of EE, author of Circuit Analysis of A-C Power Systems
Lynn ConwayVery large scale integrated circuit design, Mead and Conway revolution
William Coolidge X-ray technology
William Corin Snowy Mountains Scheme
Seymour CraySupercomputer architect
Rookes Evelyn Bell CromptonElectric lighting, FRS, Crompton & Company, Major in the U.K. Army
Sidney DarlingtonDarlington transistor
Lee de ForestAudion vacuum tube
Jack DennisTime sharing, Multics
Robert DennardDynamic random-access memory
Marcel DeprezHVDC power transmission pioneer
Bern Dibner Founder Burndy Co., electrical connectors, historian of the Transatlantic telegraph cable
Mikhail Dolivo-DobrovolskyInventor of three-phase motor
Ray DolbyDolby sound
William DuddellOscillography, the singing arc lamp
Allen DuMontTelevision manufacturing pioneer
John Presper EckertComputer pioneer
Thomas EdisonProlific inventor: phonograph, first practical light bulb, telegraph improvements
Cyril Frank ElwellContinuous Wave radio transmission, AM radio, founder of Federal Telegraph Company
Douglas EngelbartComputer mouse, hypertext
Gertrude Lilian Entwisle First woman student member of Institution of Electrical Engineers first female engineer at British Westinghouse.
Justus EntzElectric transmission, electric vehicles, worked with Edison
Agner Krarup Erlang Communications and Queueing
Lloyd EspenschiedDevelopments in radio communications and coaxial cable technology.
Federico FagginIntel microprocessor, Zilog z80
Michael FaradayDiscovered electromagnetic induction and Faraday shield
Moses FarmerElectric railway
Philo FarnsworthAmerican television pioneer
Galileo FerrarisRotating magnetic field
Sebastian Ziani de FerrantiFerranti Corporation
Reginald Fessenden'Father' of radio broadcasting
Donald FinkRadio navigation LORAN, television standards, author and editor
Gerhard FischerHandheld metal detector
John Ambrose FlemingInventor of the thermionic valve (vacuum tube)
Tommy FlowersDesigner of the first programmable digital electronic computer
Jay ForresterAmerican computer pioneer
Charles Legeyt FortescueSymmetrical components for three-phase power system analysis
Jean Baptiste Joseph FourierPhysicist; Fourier transform / Fourier series
Limor Fried Founder of Adafruit Industries, open source hardware advocate
Leonard Fuller Radio pioneer, carrier current on power systems
Dennis GaborHungarian inventor of holography, Nobel Laureate
Claire GmachlAdvanced development of quantum cascade lasers
Bernhard GoldenbergResponsible for the rapid expansion of electrification in the Rhineland and Ruhr area
James Edward Henry Gordon (J.E.H. Gordon)Electric lighting and power
Zénobe GrammeDynamo
Elisha GrayTelephone pioneer
Richard GrimsdaleTransistorized computers
Susan HackwoodCo-inventor of electro-wetting
Erna Hamburger Swiss electrical engineer working in radio-wave research. First female STEM professor in Switzerland.
Edward E. HammerSpiral compact fluorescent lamp
Naomi HalasNanophotonics
Roger F. HarringtonComputational electromagnetics, method of moments (MoM)
Ralph HartleyElectronics
Caroline HaslettFounder of The Woman Engineer
Oliver HeavisideRe-formulated Maxwell's equations (vector calculus)
Oskar HeilField-effect transistor, loudspeaker
Heinrich Rudolf HertzHertzian waves
Peter Cooper HewittMercury vapor lamp, mercury arc rectifier
William HewlettHewlett-Packard
Hugo Hirst Co-founder of General Electric Company
Godfrey HounsfieldInventor of the world's first computed tomography (CT) scanner, shared 1979 Nobel prize
Edwin J. HoustonArc lighting, co-founder of what would become General Electric, president of AIEE
John HopkinsonInventor of three-phase electrical system
Grace HopperComputer programmer (first compiler)
Lawrence A. HylandRadar pioneer, leader of Hughes Aircraft
Kees Schouhamer ImminkPioneer optical recording, CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc
Fleeming JenkinSubmarine telegraph cables
Kristina JohnsonPolarization-control techniques
Paul HorowitzSETI, co-author of The Art of Electronics
Mina Hsiang Third Administrator of the United States Digital Service, Executive Office of the President of the United States
Samuel InsullCentral station generation, electrical utilities, Edison pioneer
Bill Joy Unix - Sun Microsystems
Rudolf KálmánInventor of the Kalman filter
Kálmán KandóPioneer of high voltage railway electrification systems
Nathaniel S. KeithFounding secretary of AIEE; electric power
Arthur E. KennellyComplex numbers in AC circuit theory
Charles KetteringAutomobile electrical innovations, Delco founder
Jack KilbyNobel prize: integrated circuit
Max KnollElectron microscope
Otto A. Knopp Innovator of the standard testing transformer and the compensation winding.
John D. KrausRadio telescope, antennas
Herbert KroemerHeterostructures and semiconductor physics
Eric LaithwaiteLinear induction motor
Uno LammSwedish, HVDC and mercury-arc valves
Ayyalasomayajula Lalitha India’s first female electrical engineer
Benjamin G. Lamme Niagara Falls power engineering
Bertha Lamme Westinghouse's first female engineer, first American woman to graduate in a main discipline of engineering other than civil engineering
Georges LeclanchéPrimary battery
Morris E. LeedsLeeds & Northrup measurement and control devices
Alexander LodyginRussian, incandescent lighting, motors
Östen Mäkitalo'Father' of cellular phone
Guglielmo MarconiPractical radio
Orlando R. MarshElectrical sound recording
Erwin Otto MarxMarx generator high voltage DC
Mabel Lucy Matthews British electrical and production engineer, instigator of idea for the Electrical Association for Women
John MauchlyENIAC designer
Florence Violet McKenzieAustralia's first female EE, educator, OBE
Charles Hesterman MerzNESCO electric power grid, England
William Henry MerrillFounder of Underwriters Laboratories
Robert MetcalfeEthernet, 3Com
Antonio Meucci Telephone pioneer
John L. MollSolid-state physics, the Ebers-Moll transistor model
Robert MoogElectronic music pioneer, invented Moog synthesizer
Daniel McFarlan MooreElectrical discharge lighting
Shuji NakamuraBlue gallium-nitride light-emitting diode
Edward Lawry NortonNorton's theorem
Robert NoyceCo-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel
Nikhilesh ChandrashekarChandashekar's phenomenon
Bernard M. (Barney) Oliver Hewlett-Packard, founder HP Labs
Kenneth OlsenMagnetic-core memory; Digital Equipment Corporation
Stanford R. OvshinskySemiconductors
David PackardHewlett-Packard
Robert H. ParkPark's transformation
Margaret Partridge Electrical engineer, contractor and founder member of the Women's Engineering Society (WES) and the Electrical Association for Women (EAW). Helped change the International Labour Organisation convention on night work for women in 1934
Donald Pederson'Father' of SPICE
Dinh Thuy Phan HuyWireless 5G research in Europe
G. W. PierceOscillator, crystal control
William Henry PreeceTelegraphy, nemesis of Heaviside
Franklin Leonard PopeTelegraphy, electric lighting, Edison influence
Valdemar PoulsenMagnetic recording
Michael I. PupinLong-distance telephone communication; "Pupin coil"
Simon RamoPhysicist, microwaves, missiles, founder of TRW and Bunker Ramo Corporation
Richard H. RangerWireless fax, radar, magnetic tape recording
Alec Reeves Inventor of pulse code modulation
Johann Philipp ReisInventor of the Reis telephone
Hyman G. Rickover'Father' of the nuclear Navy
Edward S. Rogers, Sr.Inventor of the first successful AC radio tube
Francis RonaldsBuilt first working electric telegraph
Arye RosenSemiconductor devices and circuits for use in microwave systems and for microwave applications to medicine
Harold RosenSyncom communication satellite
H. J. RoundRadio pioneer and assistant to Guglielmo Marconi
Reinhold RudenbergElectron microscope
Carl Louis SchwendlerElectric lighting and telegraph
Thomas Johann SeebeckThermoelectric effect
Oliver B. ShallenbergerAC electricity meters
Claude Shannon'Father' of communication theory
Ernst Werner von SiemensInventor, industrialist, Siemens & Halske, Siemens (unit)
Carl Wilhelm SiemensTelegraphy, motors and generators, electric pyrometer
Alexander SiemensElectric lighting, power, Society of Telegraph Engineers (predecessor to IEE)
Phillip Hagar SmithSmith chart
Percy SpencerMicrowave oven
Frank J. Sprague'Father' of electric traction
Chauncey StarrFounder of Electric Power Research Institute
J. J. StifflerKey contributions in communications (especially coding theory) and fault-tolerant computing
Charles Proteus SteinmetzAlternating current theories, first use of j operator
Sarkes TarzianRadio inventor, broadcasting, radio manufacturer
Albert H. Taylor First demonstration of radar
Bernard D. H. Tellegen Inventor of the pentode, formulated Tellegen's theorem
Nikola TeslaRevolving magnetic field induction motor, Tesla coil, polyphase transmission systems, transformer
Silvanus P. ThompsonEducator, author, electrical machinery, X-ray technology, radio
Elihu ThomsonEntrepreneur, co-founder of what would become General Electric
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)Telegraphic cables
René ThuryHigh-voltage direct current power transmission, electric traction
Kálmán TihanyiTelevision pioneer
Philip TorchioEdison Electric Company
Charles Joseph Van DepoeleElectric railway pioneer
C. F. VarleySubmarine cable, Varley bridge
Milan VidmarPower transformers and high-voltage transmission
Andrew Viterbi Communications
Alessandro Volta Inventor of electrical battery and pioneer of electrical science
Trevor WadleyInnovations in radio and microwave technology
Harry Ward LeonardInventor of the Ward Leonard control system.
Robert Watson-WattFirst practical radar
George WestinghouseAC power industrialist
Harold Alden WheelerAutomatic volume control, radar
Uncas A. WhitakerFounder of AMP Inc. and philanthropist
Bob WidlarIntegrated circuits
Niklaus WirthComputer programming languages
Steve WozniakPersonal computers, Apple Computer
Pavel YablochkovElectric arc lighting
Hidetsugu Yagi Yagi-Uda antenna
Kane S. YeeFinite-difference time-domain method
Otto Julius ZobelFilters
Konrad Zuse Computers

See also

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