List of commentaries on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah:

Before 1800s

Name of Work Author Location of First Printing Publication Date
Hasagot HaRamach Moshe HaKohen MeLunil
Hasagot HaRaavad Abraham ben David
Migdal Oz Shem Tov ibn Gaon
Maggid Mishneh Vidal of Tolosa Constantinople 1509
Ba'alei Elsha'rach Combined commentary of the "Men of Elsha'rach" Unprinted Manuscripts written in Yemen between 13th-16th centuries
Divrei David David ben Solomon Livorno 1828
Yekar Tifereth David ben Solomon Hafla'ah and Zeraim in Smyrna; remaining portions in Vilna Hafla'ah and Zeraim 1757; remaining portions 1890
Kessef Mishneh Yosef Karo Venice 1574
Lechem Mishneh Abraham de Boton Venice 1609
Mishneh LaMelech Yehudah Rosanes
Hagahot Maimoniot Rabbi Meir ben Rabbi Yekusiel HaKohen
Yad Hamelech Rabbi Eleazar Segal Landau
Kiryat Sefer

mirkeves hamishnah, Shlomo of Chelm

1800s — present

Name of Work Author Location of First Printing Publication Date
Tzofnath Paneach Yosef Rosen
Ohr Somayach Meir Simcha of Dvinsk
Chiddushei Rabbeinu Chaim Chaim Soloveitchik
Even HaEzel Isser Zalman Meltzer
Hadranim al HaRambam Menachem Mendel Schneerson Kehot Publication Society, Brooklyn, New York 1992
Perush Makif shel Mori Yosef Qafih Yosef Qafih
Rambam La'Am Shmuel Tanchum Rubinstein Mossad Harav Kook, Jerusalem 1971
Iyyunim BaMishneh Torah LeHaRambam Jose Faur Mossad Harav Kook, Jerusalem 1978
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