Flag of the Kingdom of Saxony

This list contains the locomotives and railbuses of the Royal Saxon State Railways (Königlich Saxon Staatseisenbahnen) and the locomotives of the Leipzig–Dresden Railway Company.

Leipzig-Dresden Railway

The Leipzig–Dresden Railway Company (Leipzig-Dresdner Eisenbahn or LDE) started up its operations between 1837 and 1839, successively opening its sections of line, and was therefore the first German long distance railway. It remained independent for nearly three decades and was only absorbed into the Royal Saxon State Railways on 1 June 1876.

The LDE locomotives were only classified by name.

LDE name State railway class
(to 1896)
State railway number(s)
(to 1892)
Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
COLUMBUS11835B n2Built by Winans (USA), so-called "Crab class"; given in payment for the locomotive PEGASUS in 1842
COMET and FAUST21835–1837B n2Built by Rothwell (GB), driving wheel diameter 1372 mm; COMET rebuilt in 1842 into B1 n2, retired by 1848
BLITZ and WINDSBRAUT21836–1837B n2Built by Rothwell (GB), driving wheel diameter 1524 mm; rebuilt in 1842 into B1 n2, retired by 1848
RENNER to GREIF51837–18391A1 n2Built by Kirtley (GB), retired by 1869
PETER ROTHWELL to NORDLICHT61838–18401A1 n2Built by Rothwell (GB), retired by 1864
ROBERT STEPHENSON118381A1 n2Built by Stephenson (GB), retired 1858
EDWARD BURY to PFEIL41838B n2Built by Bury (GB), retired by 1854
SAXONIA11838B1 n2Built by Übigau; carrying axle removed in 1840/41 (B n2), 1844 mothballed
PEGASUS118391A1 n2Built by the Sächsische Maschinenfabrik Co., Chemnitz, bought in 1842 after lengthy trials; retired 1862
PHÖNIX118401A1 n2Built by Übigau, not bought after trials
BRÜSSEL118421A1 n2Built by Renard (B), retired 1860
DRESDEN to RIESA31844–18461B n2Built by Hawthorn (GB), retired by 1867
WURZEN and OSCHATZ218471B n2Built by Borsig, retired by 1868
ELBE to HAYN51848–18491A1 n2Built by Borsig, retired by 1868
RICHARD HARTMANN to ZWICKAU318491A1 n2Built by Hartmann, retired by 1868
from 1886: B IIa
613–626141852–18591B n2Mixed traffic locomotives, built by Borsig
HAMBURG to BREMEN418541A1 n2Passenger train locomotives, built by Borsig; 1873–1876 in B1 n2t and B1n2 rebuilt
SAXONIA to ALTHENH VIa, B VIa544–571281856–18681A1 n2Express train locomotives, built by Hartmann and Borsig
from 1885: K II
584–603201866–18681B n2Mixed traffic locomotives, built by Esslingen
from 1885: K II
604–61291874–18751B n2Mixed traffic locomotives, built by Esslingen
MANNHEIM to DOLDENHORNK V, Sigl V, Hsch V514-543301868–1876C n2Goods train locomotives, built by Esslingen, Sigl and Henschel
Nos. 3 to 6W VII T628–63141874B n2tShunting locomotives, built by Wöhlert
MEISSEN to WILHELM SEYFFERTHHsch VI572–583121875–18761B n2Express train locomotives, built by Henschel
GROSSENHAIN I and GROSSENHAIN IISt II T635–636(2)(1856)1B n2tTaken over in 1869 with the GroßenhainPriestewitz branch; appeared in 1856 as a rebuild of the Bavarian E.
Nos. 7 to 9B IIa T632–634(3)(1873–1875)B1 n2tRebuilt from 1A1 locomotives by Borsig, built in 1854
BREMENB II627(1)(1875)B1 n2t

Royal Saxon State Railways

Description of the Locomotives

Initially all locomotives were classified by name as was common practice. This was usual on all engines up to 1892. From 1893 to 1900 only passenger and express train locomotives still carried name plates. Thereafter name plates on all locomotives, apart from old shunting and branch line engines, were removed.

Specific groups of names were supposed to be allocated to the different classes (e.g. rivers, alpine peaks, American cities).

In addition to their names the locomotives were given 'list numbers' (Listennummern or Bahnnummern) that were also displayed on the engines from 1869 onwards. A new numbering scheme was introduced in 1892, which attempted to bring in some sort of orderly system. However it was not successful.

Because this system was confusing and impractical with the ever-rising quantity of locomotives, in 1869 a system of distinguishing between the individual classes was introduced in 1869. This system was based on an abbreviation of the manufacturer's name and a Roman numeral for each type of locomotive.

Only two years later this system was changed and the numbers were used to classify engines based on specific wheel arrangements, the manufacturer's abbreviations being retained. In addition the letters "a" (for alt = 'old') and "b" (for neu = 'new') were added.

Class Type
I1B with Long Boiler from 1845
II1B with Long Boiler from 1845
III1B with Long Boiler from 1852
IIIa1B with low firebox, built in 1853
IIIb1B passenger train locomotives, built in 1871
IV1'B locomotives for mountain routes (including tank engines), from 1856
Va and VC goods train locomotives from 1855
VI1B fast stopping (Eilzug) locomotives from 1858
VIa1A1 locomotives from 1848
VIIB mixed traffic locomotives from 1868
VIII2'B locomotives from 1857

Later on, there were further changes to the classification system. Letters were introduced to indicate locomotive classes as follows:

and as supplementary information (after the class number):

  • T for tank locomotives (from 1876)
  • K for 750-mm narrow gauge locomotives (sometimes also in front of the class number)
  • S for Sekundärbahn locomotives (from 1884)
  • O for omnibus train locomotives (from 1885)
  • C for compound (Verbund) locomotives (from 1887), replaced by...
  • for compound locomotives (from 1889)
  • M for metre gauge locomotives
  • for superheated locomotives.

In 1885 the supplementary letter "b" was given the meaning 'movable carrying axle'. The last major reorganisation of the classification system took place in 1896. The manufacturer's name was dropped. New classes of express train and goods train locomotives were given even class numbers and goods train, branch line and shunting locomotives were given odd numbers. Narrow gauge locomotives were given new class designations beginning with I. Locomotives of the same class however with different driving wheel diameters were given the additional number 1 (express train locomotives) and 2 (passenger train locomotives).

Steam locomotives

Early locomotives for all types of train

Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
Saxonia to Tiger1842–18431B n2Only in service with the Saxon-Bavarian and Saxon-Bohemian Railways, not given a class number
I1844–18521B n2Various types, even rebuilt to tank locomotives, formerly classified as St I, St I (ex St II), St II (ex St III), St IIT, C I, B I, B II, H I (H IT), K I (K IT),
B IIaT18541A1 n2
B1 n2
Rebuilt into B1 n2, one locomotive classified as B II
IIa1851–18591B n2Various types, even rebuilt to tank locomotives, formerly classified as H II (H IIT/H IIaT), H III, B IIa (B III, B II), B II (B IV, B III), W II (W I, W III)
IIIa18531B n2Formerly classified as: B IIIa (B V), W IIIa (W), H IIIa (H III)

Passenger and express train locomotives

(from 1896)
Railway number(s)
(from 1892)
DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
VIa8–1031861–18621A1 n2Originally Class H VI, from 1868: H VIa
281856–18681A1 n2Originally classes H VI a and B VIa; taken over in 1876 along with the LDE
VI17–51411860–18701B n2Originally classes H VI and B VI
54–59618741B n2Originally Class Hsch VI;
taken over in 1876 with the Saxon section of the former Berlin-Dresden Railway
60–71121875–18761B n2Originally Class Hsch VI; taken over in 1876 with the LDE
VIb52–53(2)(1885)1′B n2Rebuilt from Class H VI with Nowotny bogie, new class H VIb
to 1900: VIIIb
from 1914: 99–100
818702′B n2Originally Class K II, from 1871: K VIII, from 1885: K VIIIb
III201–27334 7611871871–18731B n2Originally classes H IIIb and K IIIb, from 1885: H III and K III;
14 units rebuilt in 1885 into 1'B n2 as Class K IIIb
IIIb274–28752 7001(14)(1885)1′B n2Rebuilt from Class K III with Nowotny bogie, new Class K IIIb
288–49134 7701–7702,
34 7721–7807
2041873–19011′B n2Originally Schw IIIb, H IIIb and Hsch IIIb;
Nos. 310–319 taken over in 1876 with the Muldenthal Railway;
Nos. 335–337 taken over in 1876 with the Zwickau-Falkenstein Railway;
Nos. 338–345 taken over in 1876 with the Chemnitz-Komotau Railway;
No. 485 taken over in 1896 with the Altenburg-Zeitz Railway;
Nos. 486–491 taken over with the Zittau-Reichenberg Railway
VIb V161–17434 8011141886–18901′B n2vOriginally Class H VIb, from 1887: H VIb C, from 1889: H VIb V
IIIb V501–51834 7901–7902181889–18921′B n2vOriginally Class H IIIb V
to 1900: VIIIb 2
101–12013 7001–7012201891–18942′B n2Originally Class H VIIIb
to 1900: VIIIb V1
121–14013 7101–7112201896–18972′B n2v
141–15213 1501–1511121900
to 1900: VIIIb V2
519–63636 901–919,
36 921–948,
36 951–1014
1181896–19022′B n2v
X V175–176,
from 1902: 181–195
14 201–215151900–19032′B1′ n4v
XII H1–617 601–606619062′C h4
XII HV7–14,
17 701–755421908–19142′C h4v
XII H115–2117 801–804719092′C h2
X H181–9814 301–317181909–19132′B1 h2
XII H2651–697,
from 1918: 3651–3809
38 201–3241591910–19222′C h2
38 325–334101927Copy, delivered with DRG numbers
XVIII H196–20518 001–010101917–19182′C1′ h3
XX HV66–80,
19 001–023231918–19231′D1′ h4v

Mixed traffic locomotives

Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
II98 7311–73121854–18751B n2Various types, formerly classified as: H II (H III), K II (K III), B II (B III), Schi II (Schi III)
IIb1858–18721′B n2Formerly classified as: H IV, H IVb, IVb
VII98 7111–71131868–1876B n2Formerly classified as: H VII, Schw VII (Schw I)

Goods train locomotives

(from 1896)
Railway number(s)
(from 1892)
DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
V a797–80041855–1863C n2Originally H Vb, from 1871: H Va;
Taken over in 1868 with the Albert Railway
from 1900: 2801…2984
53 8201–82111781859–1887C n2Originally classes H V, Schw V and Hsch V;
6 units sold in 1868 to the Berlin-Görlitz Railway;
12 units returned in 1877 to Hartmann for sale to the Russian Army;
Nos. 880–884 taken over in 1882 with the Saxon-Thuringian East-West Railway;
Nos. 861–865 taken over in 1888 with the Saxon section of the former Berlin-Dresden Railway
from 1900: 2921…2990
301868–1876C n2Originally classes K V, Sigl V and Hsch V;
Taken over in 1876 with the LDE
from 1900: 2991
11886C n2Originally Class U V;
same as Prussian G 3; taken over in 1888 with the Saxon section of the former Berlin-Dresden Railway
V V1001–106453 601–7291641885–1901C n2vOriginally Class H V C, from 1889: H V V and Sigl V V
100053 75111920C n2vFollow-on order using a spare boiler from a Turkish order
I V1251–128055 6001–6013301898–1903B′B n4vArticulated Mallet locomotive
IX V751–77056 501–516201902–19061′D n2v
1281–1282219191′D n2vkkStB 170, taken over from an order by the kkStB; Sold in 1922 to BBÖ
IX HV771–80056 601–625301907–19081′D h2v
XI H701–70857 101–10581905E h2With Gölsdorf running gear (drive on fourth coupled axle)
XI HV709–71057 201–20221905E h2vWith Gölsdorf running gear (drive on fourth coupled axle)
869–89757 203–218291915–1918
XI V711–71257 021–02221905E n2vWith Gölsdorf running gear (drive on fourth coupled axle)
57 001–014,
57 023–080
XIII H1165–118458 101–1142019171′E h3Modified copy of the Prussian G 121
1185–122658 401–442421919–19211′E h3Same as Prussian G 12
58 443–462201924Copy, delivered with DRG numbers

Tank locomotives

Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
IIb T101856–18621′B n2tOriginally classified as H IV, H IV T, H IVb T and IVb T
I T61857–18651B n2tOriginally classified as H I and H I T
H VIIIb T51857–18662′B n2tOriginally classified as H VIII and H VIII T
V T1541–169189 201–295,
89 8201–8221,
89 8251–8267
1541872–1920C n2tOriginally classified as H T bzw. H V T, several designs
VII T1401–1412,
98 7031,
98 7041,
98 7051–7079,
98 7091
571873–1894B n2tOriginally classified as Crlsr VII T, Sch VII/Sch VII T,W VII T, E VII T and H VII T
IIIb T1301–134298 7211–7212,
98 7221–7227
421874–1892B1′ n2tOriginally classified as Schw IIIbT/H III T and H IIIb T
VII TS1501–151598 7011151880–1890B n2tOriginally classified H VII T and H VII TS, reclassified as VII TSV after rebuild into compound locomotive
XVI TB+B n4tRebuilt double locomotive from VII TS
VII TOV1413–141641885–1887B n2vtOriginally classified as H VII TO and H VII TOV (compound locomotives)
XVI TVB+B n4vtRebuilt double locomotive from VII TOV
M I TV1399, 140021890B′B′ n4vtOriginally classified as H M I TV
I TV1381–139898 001–015191910–1914B′B′ n4vt
IV T1701–179171 301–385911897–19091′B1′ n2tOriginally classified as VIIIbbT
XI HT2001–215494 1901–1908,
94 2001–2139,
94 2051, 2052
1631908–1923E h2t
XIV HT1801–190675 501–5881061911–19211′C1′ h2t
XV HTV1351, 135279 001–00221916CC h4vt

Narrow gauge locomotives

Metre gauge
Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
I M251–25399 161–16331902B′B′ n4vt
750 mm gauge
Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
Hg VII TK5 11873B n2t
I K1–4, 6–17, 20–34, 37–42, 47–53 99 7501–7527451881–1892C n2tOriginally classified as H V TK
II K (old)18–19 21885B′B′ n4tOriginally classified as F T K
II K (new)61AB, 62AB 21913C+C n4tDouble locomotive from two IKs
III K35–36, 43–46 99 7541–754661889–1891C1′ n2tOriginally classified as Kr Kl T K and H Kl T K
IV K103–19899 511–608961892–1921B′B′ n4vtAlso classified as H M T K V[1]
V K201–20999 611–61991901–1907D n2vt
VI K210–22499 641–655151918–1927E h2t[2]

Fireless locomotive

Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
I F1 11917BFireless locomotive

Railbuses and electric locomotives

Class Railway number(s) DRG number(s) Quantity Year(s) of manufacture Type Remarks
Hz 031883A2Steam railcar, Thomas type
S 111903A1Steam railcar, Serpollet type
E 111904Bo+BoBattery-electric railcar
I MEE 191 01–0221914B′B′Metre gauge electric locomotive
I METET 197 21–2221916BoMetre gauge electric railcar
Dai 111904A1Diesel railcar
DET 1–2219143′B′Diesel railcar

See also


  1. "Entwicklung von der I K bis zur IV K". Sächsische Schmalspurfahrzeuge der 750mm-Spur (in German). July 31, 2007.
  2. "Von der Heeresfeldbahnlok zur Gattung VI K der K.Sächs.Sts.E.B." Sächsische Schmalspurfahrzeuge der 750mm-Spur (in German). July 31, 2007.
  • Valtin, Wolfgang (1992). Deutsches Lok-Archiv: Verzeichnis aller Lokomotiven und Triebwagen Band 1 - Nummerierungssysteme (in German). Berlin: transpress. ISBN 3-344-70739-6.
  • Valtin, Wolfgang (1992). Deutsches Lok-Archiv: Verzeichnis aller Lokomotiven und Triebwagen Band 2 - Dampflokomotiven und Dampftriebwagen (in German). Berlin: transpress. ISBN 3-344-70740-X.
  • Valtin, Wolfgang (1992). Deutsches Lok-Archiv: Verzeichnis aller Lokomotiven und Triebwagen Band 3 - Elektro- und Dieselloks, Triebwagen (in German). Berlin: transpress. ISBN 3-344-70741-8.
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