A number of Presbyterian and Reformed denominations exist in Australia.



Name Number of congregations Bible translation Singing Origin Notes
Evangelical Presbyterian Church3 KJV onlyExclusive psalmody1961Formed in Tasmania by members who left other non-reformed denominations. Various Schisms. Denies free offer of the gospel.
Free Presbyterian Church (Ulster)4 KJV only 1970sIndependent churches approached and joined the Ulster FPC.
Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland2 KJV only Exclusive psalmody 1970sTwo churches created from Scottish preachers.
Presbyterian Church of Australia546 1901Formed in 1901 by a union of state Presbyterian churches. In 1977, two-thirds of the PCA amalgamated with other denominations to form the Uniting Church in Australia.
Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia14 Exclusive psalmody 1843The PCEA formed as a result of the Disruption of 1843 in Scotland.
Presbyterian Reformed Church3 + 4 others in South Pacific 1967Originally PCA. Broke away over theological liberalism.
Reformed Presbyterian Church3 Exclusive psalmody 19th centuryFormed by migrant Irish Covenanters. Part of the Reformed Presbyterian Global Alliance
Southern Presbyterian Church2 KJV only Exclusive psalmody 1986Originally EPC.
Westminster Presbyterian Church15 1970Began with support from the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod.
Australian Free Church2 KJV only Exclusive psalmody 1979Originally PCEA. Broke away over King James Bible.
Christian Reformed Churches60 1951Formed by Dutch migrants who were associated with the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands.
Free Reformed Churches19 1951Formed by Dutch migrants who were associated with the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated).
Hungarian Reformed Church2After World War IIFormed by Hungarian migrants.
Reformation Presbyterian Church4 + 1 in USA Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus Exclusive Psalmody 2010


  • "Bible translation" column refers to versions of the Bible accepted. See also: King James Only movement
  • "Singing" column refers to the manner in which songs are sung during public worship. See also: Exclusive psalmody


  • Free Presbyterian Church of Victoria, formerly the Free Presbyterian Church of Australia Felix, based in Melbourne 1846–1953 (joined Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia)
  • Free Presbyterian Church of South Australia, originated 1850, joined union which formed Presbyterian Church of South Australia in 1865, but minority led by Rev James Benny continued until the 1920s
  • Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), one congregation in Adelaide, South Australia 2003–2010, now Gospel Presbyterian Church


Timeline showing the various Presbyterian denominations in Australia


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