This is a list of the treaties and agreements signed during the history of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire. The definition of a treaty is any agreement between the Byzantine Empire and any foreign power, including peace agreements, trade agreements, and understandings between the two powers. For external conflicts see Byzantine wars.
Constantinian dynasty (306–363)
Valentinian–Theodosian dynasty (364–457)
- Peace of Acilisene (c.387) – Peace treaty between Sassanid Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, dividing Greater Armenia in half.
Leonid dynasty (457–518)
Justinian dynasty (518–602)
- Eternal Peace (532), between the Byzantines and Sassanid Persia
- Fifty-Year Peace Treaty (562) – between Byzantines and Sassanid Persia
Non-dynastic (602–610)
Heraclian dynasty (610–711)
Non-dynastic (711–717)
- Byzantine–Bulgarian Treaty of 716 – Officially ends the Battle of Anchialus and establishes the borders between Byzantium and the Bulgarian Empire.
Isaurian dynasty (717–802)
Nikephoros' dynasty (802–813)
- Pax Nicephori (803) peace treaty between Charlemagne and Nicephorus I
Non-dynastic (813–820)
Phrygian dynasty (820–867)
Macedonian dynasty (867–1056)
Non-dynastic (1056–1057)
Komnenid dynasty (1057–1059)
Doukid dynasty (1059–1081)
Komnenid dynasty (1081–1185)
Angelid dynasty (1185–1204)
Laskarid dynasty (Empire of Nicaea, 1204–1261)
Palaiologan dynasty (1261–1453)
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1268
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1277
- Byzantine–Trapezuntine treaty of 1282
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1285
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1302
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1310
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1324
- Treaty of Chernomen (1327)
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1332
- Byzantine–Aydinid alliance (1335)
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1342
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1357
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1363
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1370
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1376
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1390
- Treaty of Gallipoli (1403) – agreement that released the Byzantine Empire of vassalage to the Ottoman Empire and extensive territorial additions.
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1406
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1412
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1418
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1423
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1431
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1436
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1442
- Byzantine–Venetian treaty of 1448
- Bartusis, Mark C. (1997). The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society 1204–1453. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 0-8122-1620-2.
- Cavallo, Guglielmo (1997). The Byzantines. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-09792-3.
- Laiou, Angeliki (2009). "Political-historical survey - D. 1204-1453". In Jeffreys, Elizabeth; Haldon, John; Cormack, Robin (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-925246-6.
- Nicol, Donald MacGillivray (1993). The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261–1453. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-43991-6.
- Nicol, Donald MacGillivray (1996). The Reluctant Emperor: A Biography of John Cantacuzene, Byzantine Emperor and Monk, C. 1295–1383. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-52201-4.
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