Kana Supplement
(256 code points)
ScriptsHiragana (255 char.)
Katakana (1 char.)
Major alphabetsJapanese
Assigned256 code points
Unused0 reserved code points
Unicode version history
6.0 (2010)2 (+2)
10.0 (2017)256 (+254)
Unicode documentation
Code chartโ€ƒโˆฃโ€ƒWeb page
Note: [1][2]

Kana Supplement is a Unicode block containing one archaic katakana character and 255 hentaigana (non-standard Hiragana) characters. Additional hentaigana characters are encoded in the Kana Extended-A block.


Kana Supplement[1]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
U+1B00x ๐›€€ ๐›€ ๐›€‚ ๐›€ƒ ๐›€„ ๐›€… ๐›€† ๐›€‡ ๐›€ˆ ๐›€‰ ๐›€Š ๐›€‹ ๐›€Œ ๐›€ ๐›€Ž ๐›€
U+1B01x ๐›€ ๐›€‘ ๐›€’ ๐›€“ ๐›€” ๐›€• ๐›€– ๐›€— ๐›€˜ ๐›€™ ๐›€š ๐›€› ๐›€œ ๐›€ ๐›€ž ๐›€Ÿ
U+1B02x ๐›€  ๐›€ก ๐›€ข ๐›€ฃ ๐›€ค ๐›€ฅ ๐›€ฆ ๐›€ง ๐›€จ ๐›€ฉ ๐›€ช ๐›€ซ ๐›€ฌ ๐›€ญ ๐›€ฎ ๐›€ฏ
U+1B03x ๐›€ฐ ๐›€ฑ ๐›€ฒ ๐›€ณ ๐›€ด ๐›€ต ๐›€ถ ๐›€ท ๐›€ธ ๐›€น ๐›€บ ๐›€ป ๐›€ผ ๐›€ฝ ๐›€พ ๐›€ฟ
U+1B04x ๐›€ ๐› ๐›‚ ๐›ƒ ๐›„ ๐›… ๐›† ๐›‡ ๐›ˆ ๐›‰ ๐›Š ๐›‹ ๐›Œ ๐› ๐›Ž ๐›
U+1B05x ๐› ๐›‘ ๐›’ ๐›“ ๐›” ๐›• ๐›– ๐›— ๐›˜ ๐›™ ๐›š ๐›› ๐›œ ๐› ๐›ž ๐›Ÿ
U+1B06x ๐›  ๐›ก ๐›ข ๐›ฃ ๐›ค ๐›ฅ ๐›ฆ ๐›ง ๐›จ ๐›ฉ ๐›ช ๐›ซ ๐›ฌ ๐›ญ ๐›ฎ ๐›ฏ
U+1B07x ๐›ฐ ๐›ฑ ๐›ฒ ๐›ณ ๐›ด ๐›ต ๐›ถ ๐›ท ๐›ธ ๐›น ๐›บ ๐›ป ๐›ผ ๐›ฝ ๐›พ ๐›ฟ
U+1B08x ๐›‚€ ๐›‚ ๐›‚‚ ๐›‚ƒ ๐›‚„ ๐›‚… ๐›‚† ๐›‚‡ ๐›‚ˆ ๐›‚‰ ๐›‚Š ๐›‚‹ ๐›‚Œ ๐›‚ ๐›‚Ž ๐›‚
U+1B09x ๐›‚ ๐›‚‘ ๐›‚’ ๐›‚“ ๐›‚” ๐›‚• ๐›‚– ๐›‚— ๐›‚˜ ๐›‚™ ๐›‚š ๐›‚› ๐›‚œ ๐›‚ ๐›‚ž ๐›‚Ÿ
U+1B0Ax ๐›‚  ๐›‚ก ๐›‚ข ๐›‚ฃ ๐›‚ค ๐›‚ฅ ๐›‚ฆ ๐›‚ง ๐›‚จ ๐›‚ฉ ๐›‚ช ๐›‚ซ ๐›‚ฌ ๐›‚ญ ๐›‚ฎ ๐›‚ฏ
U+1B0Bx ๐›‚ฐ ๐›‚ฑ ๐›‚ฒ ๐›‚ณ ๐›‚ด ๐›‚ต ๐›‚ถ ๐›‚ท ๐›‚ธ ๐›‚น ๐›‚บ ๐›‚ป ๐›‚ผ ๐›‚ฝ ๐›‚พ ๐›‚ฟ
U+1B0Cx ๐›ƒ€ ๐›ƒ ๐›ƒ‚ ๐›ƒƒ ๐›ƒ„ ๐›ƒ… ๐›ƒ† ๐›ƒ‡ ๐›ƒˆ ๐›ƒ‰ ๐›ƒŠ ๐›ƒ‹ ๐›ƒŒ ๐›ƒ ๐›ƒŽ ๐›ƒ
U+1B0Dx ๐›ƒ ๐›ƒ‘ ๐›ƒ’ ๐›ƒ“ ๐›ƒ” ๐›ƒ• ๐›ƒ– ๐›ƒ— ๐›ƒ˜ ๐›ƒ™ ๐›ƒš ๐›ƒ› ๐›ƒœ ๐›ƒ ๐›ƒž ๐›ƒŸ
U+1B0Ex ๐›ƒ  ๐›ƒก ๐›ƒข ๐›ƒฃ ๐›ƒค ๐›ƒฅ ๐›ƒฆ ๐›ƒง ๐›ƒจ ๐›ƒฉ ๐›ƒช ๐›ƒซ ๐›ƒฌ ๐›ƒญ ๐›ƒฎ ๐›ƒฏ
U+1B0Fx ๐›ƒฐ ๐›ƒฑ ๐›ƒฒ ๐›ƒณ ๐›ƒด ๐›ƒต ๐›ƒถ ๐›ƒท ๐›ƒธ ๐›ƒน ๐›ƒบ ๐›ƒป ๐›ƒผ ๐›ƒฝ ๐›ƒพ ๐›ƒฟ
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Kana Supplement block:

VersionFinal code points[lower-alpha 1]CountL2 IDWG2 IDDocument
6.0U+1B000..1B0012L2/07-421N3388Kato, Nozomu (2008-01-14), Proposal to encode two Kana characters concerning YE
L2/08-117N3394UTC/L2 request to review proposal for encoding 2 kana characters, 2008-02-28
L2/08-257Kato, Nozomu (2008-07-14), Letter from Nozomu Kato to UTC, re Kana [restricted access]
L2/08-358N3528Japan's Input to N3388 (Two Kana Characters), 2008-10-09
L2/08-359Kato, Nozomu (2008-10-24), About WG2 N3528
L2/08-412N3553 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2008-11-05), "M53.24e", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 53
L2/09-062Kato, Nozomu (2009-01-27), Background Info on "e" Letters in Kana (in Japanese)
L2/09-003RMoore, Lisa (2009-02-12), "B.15.18", UTC #118 / L2 #215 Minutes
L2/09-234N3603 (pdf, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2009-07-08), "M54.06b, M54.06c", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 54
L2/09-104Moore, Lisa (2009-05-20), "Consensus 119-C24", UTC #119 / L2 #216 Minutes
L2/09-335RMoore, Lisa (2009-11-10), "Consensus 121-C7", UTC #121 / L2 #218 Minutes, Change block name HISTORIC KANA to KANA SUPPLEMENT.
L2/16-037Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurenศ›iu (2016-01-22), "16", Recommendations to UTC #146 January 2016 on Script Proposals
L2/16-123"Two comments on hentaigana proposal", Comments on Public Review Issues (Jan 22, 2016 - May 03, 2016), 2016-05-05
L2/16-189N4731Proposal to add a new character name alias to U+1B001, 2016-06-20
L2/16-216Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurenศ›iu; Moore, Lisa (2016-07-30), "6.b", Recommendations to UTC #148 August 2016 on Script Proposals
L2/16-203Moore, Lisa (2016-08-18), "B.15.2", UTC #148 Minutes
L2/17-014Orita, Tetsuji (2017-01-13), Notes on the HENTAIGANAใ€ŒๆฑŸใ€and the ARCHAIC HIRAGANA YE
L2/17-016Moore, Lisa (2017-02-08), "C.9.1 Notes on the HENTAIGANAใ€ŒๆฑŸใ€and the ARCHAIC HIRAGANA YE", UTC #150 Minutes
10.0U+1B002..1B0FF254L2/09-099N3698van der Werven, Jeroen Ruigrok (2009-02-15), A proposal for encoding the hentaigana characters
L2/09-200McGowan, Rick (2009-05-07), Page images from Yomikata Nyuumon, 1884
L2/09-201McGowan, Rick (2009-05-07), Type sample page image, hentaigana, 1903
L2/11-229N4091 (pdf, doc)Notes on hentaigana, 2011-06-01
N4103"11.1.2 Hentaigana characters", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 58, 2012-01-03
L2/15-193N4670Orita, Tetsuji (2015-07-23), Request for Comments on HENTAIGANA proposal
L2/15-239N4674Proposal of Japanese HENTAIGANA, 2015-09-18
L2/15-300Tashiro, Shuichi (2015-10-31), Hentaigana List after Matsue discussion
L2/15-312Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurenศ›iu (2015-11-01), "8. Hentaigana", Recommendations to UTC #145 November 2015 on Script Proposals
L2/15-316Takada, Tomokazu; Yada, Tsutomu; Saito, Tatsuya (2015-11-03), The past, present, and future of hentaigana [in Japanese]
L2/15-318 (pdf, xlsx)Yada, Tsutomu (2015-11-04), About the inclusion of standardized codepoints for Hentaigana
L2/15-334Tranter, Nicolas (2015-12-09), Hentaigana proposal
L2/15-343 (pdf, xlsx)N4708Orita, Tetsuji (2015-12-09), Revised Proposal of HENTAIGANA
L2/16-053Lunde, Ken (2015-12-16), Hentaigana Comment Document
L2/16-037Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurenศ›iu (2016-01-22), "16", Recommendations to UTC #146 January 2016 on Script Proposals
L2/16-040Lunde, Ken (2016-01-26), Hentaigana Unification Candidates
L2/16-085Lunde, Ken (2016-04-28), Status of hentaigana proposal
L2/16-123"Two comments on hentaigana proposal", Comments on Public Review Issues (Jan 22, 2016 - May 03, 2016), 2016-05-05
L2/16-121Moore, Lisa (2016-05-20), "C.3", UTC #147 Minutes
L2/16-188 (pdf, xlsx)N4732Revised Proposal of Hentaigana, 2016-06-20
L2/16-216Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurenศ›iu; Moore, Lisa (2016-07-30), "6.a", Recommendations to UTC #148 August 2016 on Script Proposals
L2/16-203Moore, Lisa (2016-08-18), "C.3.1", UTC #148 Minutes
N4743Proposal to correct the note for "HENTAIGANA LETTER HO-8", 2016-09-12
N4873R (pdf, doc)"10.3.2", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 65, 2018-03-16
L2/16-325Moore, Lisa (2016-11-18), "B.1.1.4, B.13.3.1", UTC #149 Minutes
  1. โ†‘ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names

See also


  1. โ†‘ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. โ†‘ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
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