Jaime Fábrega Colón (Fontcoberta, Girona, 1948) is a Spanish gastronomy writer, journalist, historian and professor at some universities. He has written more than fifty gastronomy and cooking books, he has won five times the Gourmand World Cookbook Award and he has made Ferran Adrià known over the world as a Catalan chef. He takes part of some international cultural associations as for example AICA and FIJET.

He has worked as journalist for all the most important journals in Catalonia and Spain, as La Vanguardia, Avui, El Temps, El Món, El Punt, Diari de Girona, etc. and in radio channels as Catalunya Ràdio. Also in cultural or gastronomic publications over the world, as la Gazeta del Arte, Batik, Mesa y más, Descobrir cuina, etc.

He is a very prolific writer who has written some gastronomy encyclopaedic books which have been translated in English and other languages. Some of them are La cuina. Gastronomia tradicional sana, La cuina catalana, etc. He has redacted, for example, El Gran Llibre de la Cuina Catalana for Josep Lladonosa or El Bulli, El sabor del Mediterráneo for Ferran Adrià.

Awards and honors

  • Robert de Nola 1981, with Jean-François Revel
  • Chaîne des Rôtisseurs 1987
  • Jaume Ciurana 1987 of journalism
  • Raïm d'Argent 1991 with Juan Maria Arzak
  • Premi Nacional d'Assaig of Andorra 1996 and 2007
  • Josep Vallverdú 1996
  • Rovira i Virgili 1999
  • C. Sarthou 2007
  • His books have been selected to be exposed in the Olympic International Exposition of Cooking Books of Beijin (China) 2007
  • He is the only person in the world who has won five times a Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
  • He is director of Pèl & Ploma, a gastronomic collection of "La Magrana" editions
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