International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations
Founded1920 (1889)
HeadquartersGeneva, Switzerland
  • International
12 million
Key people
Mark Lauritsen, President
Sue Longley, General Secretary

The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) is a global union federation of trade unions with members in a variety of industries, many of which relate to food processing.


The federation was founded in 1920 with the merger of the International Federation of Bakers, Pastry Cooks and Allied Workers' Associations, the International Federation of Meat Workers, and the International Federation of Brewery Workers.[1] Originally named the International Union of Food and Allied Workers' Associations (IUFAWA), its affiliates were all European until 1950, but it then rapidly expanded worldwide.[2]

In 1958, the International Federation of Tobacco Workers merged into the federation, which renamed itself as the International Union of Food, Drinks and Tobacco Workers' Associations, then in 1961 the International Union of Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Workers merged in, and the federation became the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF). By 1978, the federation's affiliates had a total of 2.1 million members.[2][3]

During the 1980s, the IUF campaigned against Coca-Cola following the assassination of union leaders in Guatemala. In 1988, the IUF was the first international trade union to sign a global framework agreement with the French food multinational BSN (Danone). In 1994, the International Federation of Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Workers merged into the IUF, which took its present name. In 2006, most of the former affiliates of the World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers joined the federation.[4]

Current operations

In 2019, the IUF was composed of 422 member organisations in 127 countries, representing more than 10 million workers.

The organization represents workers employed in agriculture, the preparation and manufacture of food and beverages, hotels, restaurants and catering services and in tobacco processing.

The international headquarters of IUF is located in Geneva, Switzerland. Within the organization, there are autonomous regional organizations for Africa, Asia/Pacific, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America.


As of December 2019, the IUF has the following affiliates:[5]

Syndicat National Autonome des Personnels de la Fonction Publique-Fédération National de l'Agriculture est du développement RuralSNAPAP-SNATAAlgeria
Syndicat National Autonome des Travailleurs de L’Électricité et du GazSNATEGAlgeria
Antigua and Barbuda Workers' UnionABWUAntigua and Barbuda
Antigua Trades and Labour UnionATLUAntigua and Barbuda
Asociación de Trabajadores de la Industria LecheraATILRAArgentina
Federación Argentina de Trabajadores Cerveceros y AfinesFATCAArgentina
Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Aguas Gaseosas y AfinesFATAGAArgentina
Federación Argentina Unión Personal de Panadería y Afines de la República ArgentinaFAUPPAArgentina
Federación de Trabajadores de la Industria de la AlimentaciónFTIAArgentina
Federación de Trabajadores del Tabaco de la República ArgentinaFTTArgentina
Federación Gremial del Personal de la Industria de la Carne y sus DerivadosFGPICDArgentina
Federación Argentina Trabajadores Pasteleros, Confiteros, Heladeros, Pizzeros y AlfajorerosFTPSRCHPYAArgentina
Sindicato Argentino de Trabajadores de la Industria Fideera y AfinesSATIFArgentina
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria del Hielo y Mercados Particulares de la República ArgentinaSTIHMPRAArgentina
Sindicato Único de Empleados del Tabaco de la República ArgentinaSUETRAArgentina
Unión de Trabajadores de Carga y Descarga de la República ArgentinaUTCYDRAArgentina
Unión de Trabajadores del Turismo, Hoteleros y Gastronómicos de la República ArgentinaUTHGRAArgentina
Unión Personal Auxiliar de Casas ParticularesUPACPArgentina
Republican Union of Agro-Industrial Workers Organisations of ArmeniaArmenia
Australasian Meat Industry Employees' UnionAMIEUAustralia
Australian Manufacturing Workers' UnionAMWUAustralia
Australian Workers' UnionAWUAustralia
National Union of WorkersNUWAustralia
United Voice AustraliaUnited VoiceAustralia
Gewerkschaft Offentlicher DienstGÖDAustria
Agricultural and Food Industry Workers' UnionKandgida-IsAzerbaijan
Bahamas Hotel, Catering and Allied Workers UnionBHCAWUBahamas
Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour FederationBAFLFBangladesh
National Women Farmers & WorkersNWFABangladesh
Nestlé Employees' UnionNEUBangladesh
Perfetti van Melle Employees UnionPVMEUBangladesh
Barbados Workers' UnionBWUBarbados
Belarusian Independent Trade Union of Miners, Chemists, Oil-refiners, Transport workers, Builders and Other WorkersBITUBelarus
ACV PulsBelgium
Food, Hospitality and Services UnionHORVAL-FGTBBelgium
Centrale nationale des employésCNE-CSCBelgium
CSC Alimentation et ServicesCCAS-CSCBelgium
General UnionBelgium
Association of Employees, Technicians and ManagersSETCa-BBTKBelgium
Syndicat Libéral CGSLB Alimentation & DistributionCGSLBBelgium
Belize Workers UnionBWUBelize
Fédération des syndicats du développement ruralFESYNDERBenin
Fédération des Travailleurs de l'Hôtellerie, de Tourisme et AssimilésFESYNTRA-HTABenin
Fédération des Unions Nationales des Travailleurs de la TerreFUNTRATBenin
Syndicat des Forestiers du BéninSYNFORBBenin
Syndicat des Travailleurs de la SOBEBRASYNTRA.SOBBenin
Syndicat des Travailleurs du Sucre et de l'AlcoolSYNTRASABenin
Syndicat National des Agents Contractuels de l'État et Assimilés du Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Élevage et de la PêcheSYNACEA-MAEPBenin
Syndicat national des Maraîchers du BéninSYNAMABBenin
Syndicat National des Pêcheurs, Pisciculteurs, Vendeurs et Vendeuses des produits de Pêche du BéninSYNAPEPIVEPBenin
Syndicat national des travailleurs de boulangeries et pâtisseries du BéninSYNTRABOPABBenin
Syndicat National des Travailleurs du Secteur de l'Urbanisme et de l'HabitatSYNTRA-SUHBenin
Union Nationale des Pêcheurs, Marins, Artisans et Assimilés du BéninUNAPEMABBenin
Bermuda Industrial UnionBIUBermuda
Sindicato de Trabajadores Fabriles de Embol S.A.STFESABolivia
Sindicato Embol CochahambaSECBolivia
Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Poljoprivrede, Prehrambene i Duhanske Industrije, Vodoprivrede, Ugostiteljstva, Turizma i Trgovine Republike BiHPPDIVUT BIHBosnia and Herzegovina
Sindikat Poljoprivrede I Prehrambene IndustrijeRS BiHBosnia and Herzegovina
Confederação Brasileira Democrática dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias da AlimentaçãoCONTACBrazil
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Turismo e HospitalidadeCONTRATUHBrazil
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na AgriculturaCONTAGBrazil
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Alimentação e AfinsCNTA AfinsBrazil
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores no Comércio e ServiçosCONTRACSBrazil
Federação dos Empregados Rurais Assalariados do Estado de São PauloFERAESPBrazil
Federação Interestadual dos Trabalhadores no Comércio e Serviços de Hospedagem, Alimentação preparada e Bebidas a Varejo nos Estados de São Paulo et Mato Grosso do SulFETRHOTELBrazil
Federación de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Alimentación de São PauloFETIASPBrazil
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias do Fumo e Alimentação de Santa Cruz do Sul e RegiãoSTIFABrazil
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Açúcar da Alimentação e Afins de Sertãozinho e RegiãoSTIASERBrazil
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Laticínios e Produtos Derivados, do Açúcar e de Torrefação, Moagem e Solúvel de Café e do Fumo de SPSTILACAFEBrazil
Agriculture and Forest Industry FederationPODKREPABulgaria
Federation of Independent Trade Unions in the Food IndustryFITU-FoodBulgaria
Federation of the Independent Trade Unions in AgricultureFNSZ/FITUABulgaria
Fédération nationale des agriculteurs, planteurs, éleveurs et maraîchersFNAPEMBurkina Faso
Fédération nationale des boulangers et pâtissiers du Burkina FasoFNBPBurkina Faso
Syndicat national des employées de maison et de gardiennage du Burkina FasoSYNEMAGBurkina Faso
Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'agricultureSYNATRAGBurkina Faso
Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'environnement, du tourisme et de l'hôtellerieSYNTETHBurkina Faso
Syndicat national des travailleurs domestiques et du secteur informel du BurkinaSYNTDIBBurkina Faso
Cambodian Food and Service Workers' FederationCFSWFCambodia
Labour Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of Naga HotelNHWCambodia
Fako Agricultural Workers' UnionFAWUCameroon
Fédération Nationale des Syndicats de Travailleurs - Filière Banane du CamerounFENASYTRAFBACAMCameroon
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' International UnionBCTGMCanada
Teamsters CanadaCanada
National Union of Public and General EmployeesNUPGECanada
UNITE HERE! CanadaCanada
United Food and Commercial Workers International UnionUFCWCanada
Confederación de Federaciones de Empresa Alimenticias y Afines de ChileCONFEDACHChile
Confederación Trabajadores Empresa de la Alimentación y Area privada de ChileCONTALAPCHChile
Confederación Trabajadores Pesqueros de Chile y Ramas AfinesCONTRAPECHChile
Federación Nacional de Sindicatos UnileverFENASIUNChile
Sindicato de Trabajadores Nestlé Chile S.A. Fábrica Los ÁngelesChile
Sindicato N°2 Nestlé GranerosChile
Sindicato de Trabajadores del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIATSINTRACIATColombia
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria AgropecuariaSINTRAINAGROColombia
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de las Bebidas, Alimentos, Sistema Agroalimentarios, Afines y Similares en ColombiaSINALTRAINBECColombia
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria de los Alimentos, y Bebidas, Cerveceras, Maltera, Jugos, Refrescos, Aguas Gaseosas de ColombiaSICOColombia
Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Agroindutria, Gastronomía, Hotelería y AfinesFENTRAGHCosta Rica
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores Costarricense del Banano y Afines LibreSINTRACOBALCosta Rica
Centrale des industries agroalimentaires, de l'hôtellerie et des branches connexes de Côte d'IvoireCIAGAHCI-DIGNITECôte d’Ivoire
Coalition Nationale des Agents Techniques des Eaux et ForêtsCôte d’Ivoire
Sindikat turizma i usluga HrvatskeSTUHCroatia
Sindikat zaposlenih u poljoprivredi, prehrambenoj i duhanskoj industriji i vodoprivedi HrvatskePPDIVCroatia
Cyprus Industrial Workers' FederationOVIEK-SEKCyprus
Federation of Transport Petroleum and Agricultural Workers of CyprusFTPAWCyprus
Hotel, Catering & Restaurant Employees FederationOEXEKA-SEKCyprus
Odborový Svaz Pracovníků Zemědělství a Výživy-Asociace Svobodných Odborů České RepublikyOSPZV-ASO ČRCzechia
United Federation of Danish Workers3FDenmark
Food Union NNFNNFDenmark
HK DenmarkHKDenmark
Waterfront and Allied Workers' UnionWAWUDominica
Federación Nacional de Mujeres TrabajadorasFENAMUTRADominican Republic
Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de la AlimentaciónFENTADominican Republic
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Induspalma, Dominicana SASITRAPALMADominican Republic
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Nestlé Dominicana - Fábrica San Francisco de MacorisSITRANESTLESFDominican Republic
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Nestlé Dominicana - Fábrica San Francisco de San CristóbalSINTRANESTLESCDominican Republic
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Unilever CaribeSITRAUCDominican Republic
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Bepensa DominicanaSINATRABEPENSADominican Republic
Sindicato Progresista de Trabajadores/as de la Empresa Pollo Cibao Corporación Avícola del CaribeSITRAPOLLODominican Republic
Comité de Empresa y Sindicato de Trabajadores de Nestlé Ecuador S.A.CESTNEEcuador
Federación Sindical Independiente de los Trabajadores-as del EcuadorFESITRAEEcuador
Independent Union Workers Mondelez Egypt FoodsIUWMEFEgypt
Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Salvadoreños del Sector Alimentos, Bebidas, Hoteles, Restaurantes, AgroindustriasFESTSSABHRAEl Salvador
National Federation of Farm, Plantation, Fishery and Agro Industry Trade UnionsNFFPFAITUEthiopia
Federation of IndustryFISpain
Federación de Industria, Construcción y AgroUGT- FICASpain
Federation of ServicesSpain
Federación de Servicios, Movilidad y Consumo de UGTFeSMC-UGTSpain
Føroya ArbeidarafelagFaeroe Islands
National Union of Hospitality, Catering and Tourism Industries EmployeesNUHCTIEFiji
National Union of WorkersNUWFiji
Fédération Commerce, Distribution, Services CGTFCDS-CGTFrance
Federation of ServicesFdS-CFDTFrance
Fédération des Syndicats Commerce, Services et Force de VenteCFTC-CSFVFrance
General Agri-Food FederationFGA-CFDTFrance
General Federation of Agriculture, Food, Tobacco and Related Services WorkersFGTA-FOFrance
Fédération Nationale Agro AlimentaireCFE-CGC AGROFrance
Fédération nationale de l'hôtellerie, restauration, sports, loisirs et casinosCFE-CGC INOVAFrance
Georgian Agriculture, Commercial and Industry Worker’s Trade UnionGACIWGeorgia
Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-GaststättenNGGGermany
IG Bauen-Agrar-UmweltIG-BAUGermany
General Agricultural Workers' UnionGAWUGhana
Industrial and Commercial Workers' UnionICUGhana
Union of Education Agriculture & General Services WorkersUNEAGESGhana
Panellinia Omospondia Ergaton Episitismou kai Ypallelon Touristiko EpaggelmatonPOEEYTEGreece
Grenada Technical and Allied Workers' UnionGTAWUGrenada
Federación Sindical de Trabajadores de la Alimentación y Afines Servicios y SimilaresFESTRASGuatemala
Sindicato de Trabajadores Bananeros de IzabalSITRABIGuatemala
Fédération Nationale d'Agriculture, d'Alimentation, Élevages, Hôtellerie, TouristiquesFNAAEHTGuinea
Clerical & Commercial Workers' UnionCCWUGuyana
Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' UnionGAWUGuyana
National Association of Agricultural, Commercial & Industrial EmployeesNAACIEGuyana
Syndicat des Travailleurs de la BranaSYTBRANAHaiti
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Agricultura y Similares de HondurasSTASHonduras
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Azúcar, Mieles, Alcoholes y SimilaresSITIAMASHHonduras
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de las Bebida y SimilaresSTIBYSHonduras
Sindicato de Trabajadores del Instituto Nacional AgrarioSITRAINAHonduras
Catering & Hotels Industries Employees General UnionCHIEGUHong Kong
Nestlé Workers UnionNWUHong Kong
Swire Beverages Hong Kong Employees General UnionSBHKEGUHong Kong
All India Nestlé Workers FederationIndia
Andhra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vruthidarula UnionAPVVUIndia
Dairy Employees Federation of IndiaDEFOIIndia
Godavari Magasvargiya Mtsya Vyavsay Sahakari SansthaIndia
Gujarat Agricultural Labour UnionGALUIndia
Haryana Brewery Ltd. Mazdoor UnionHBLWUIndia
Hemarus Employees UnionHEUIndia
Hind Khet Mazdoor PanchayatHKMPIndia
Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Mazdoor SabhaIndia
Hindustan Lever LTD (PPF) Workers UnionIndia
Hotel Employees Federation of IndiaHEFOIIndia
Imsofer Manufacturing Employees UnionIMEUIndia
ITC Food Employees UnionITCIndia
Milk, Food, Factory Workers UnionIndia
Neelamalai Plantation Workers' UnionNPWUIndia
Nutricia Employees UnionNEUIndia
Pepsico India Holding Workers UnionAITUCIndia
Progressive Plantation Workers Union (Batabari)India
Progressive Plantation Workers Union (Nowera)India
Schreiber Dynamix Dairies Employees UnionSDDEIndia
Self Employed Women's AssociationSEWAIndia
Estates Staff's Union of South IndiaESUSIIndia
Federation of Hindustan Lever Ltd. and/or its Associated/Allied Company’s Employees UnionsFHLEUIndia
Federation of Hotel, Restaurant, Plaza, Apartment, Catering and Tourism Workers' Free UnionFSPMIndonesia
National Federation of Food and Beverage WorkersFSBMMIndonesia
Serikat Pekerja P.T. Sarihusada Generasi MahardhikaPERKASAIndonesia
Services Industrial Professional Technical UnionSIPTUIreland
Matvæla- og veitingafélag ÍslandsMATVÍSIceland
Starfsgreinasamband ÍslandsSGSIceland
National Union of Salaried EmployeesIsrael
Union of Food and Pharmaceutical WorkersSYNTAPIsrael
Italian Federation of Agriculture, Food and the EnvironmentFAI-CISLItaly
Italian Federation of Commerce, Hotel and Service WorkersFILCAMS-CGILItaly
Federazione Italiana Sindacati TerziarioFIST CISLItaly
Italian Federation of Agroindustrial WorkersFLAI-CGILItaly
Italian Union of Agricultural and Food WorkersUILA-UILItaly
Unione italiana lavoratori turismo commercio e servizi UILUILTuCS-UILItaly
Bustamante Industrial Trade UnionBITUJamaica
Jamaica Household Workers UnionJHWUJamaica
University and Allied Workers' UnionUAWUJamaica
General Trade Union of Workers in Public Services & Free OccupationsJordan
Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of AlmatyAIWUKazakhstan
Almaty Tobacco Workers' UnionTobacco-APKKazakhstan
Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied WorkersKUCFAWKenya
Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied WorkersKUDHEIHAKenya
Kenya Union of Sugar Plantation WorkersKUSPAWKenya
Arbeit Workers' UnionAWUSouth Korea
Association for Khmer Workers' RightsAKWRSouth Korea
Coca-Cola Beverage Korea North Labor UnionCCBKNLUSouth Korea
Coca-Cola Beverage Korea Southeast Labor UnionCCBKSELUSouth Korea
Coca-Cola Beverage Korea Southwest Labor UnionCCBKSWLUSouth Korea
Korean Chemical, Textile and Food Workers' Union, Dongsuh Foods Union ChapterKCTWU DongsuhSouth Korea
Korean Chemical, Textile and Food Workers' Union, Lotte Nestlé Korea Union ChapterKCTFU Lotte NestléSouth Korea
Korean Chemical, Textile and Food Workers' Union, OB Union ChapterKCTFU OBSouth Korea
Korean Federation of Service Workers UnionsKFSUSouth Korea
Korean Women's Trade UnionKWTUSouth Korea
Oriental Brewery (OB) Labour UnionOBLUSouth Korea
Agro-industrial Workers' UnionAIWUKyrgyzstan
Food and Processing Workers UnionKyrgyzstan
Latvijas Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu un Transporta darbinieku arodbiedrībaLAKRSLatvia
Fédération des Syndicats des Employés des Hôtels, Restaurants, Alimentation et Lieux de Loisirs au LibanFHRLibya
National Federation of Tobacco WorkersNFTWLibya
Agricultural and Agro-Processing and Industrial Workers Union of LiberiaAAIWULLiberia
General Agriculture and Allied Workers' Union of LiberiaGAAWULLiberia
Liberia Industrial Workers' UnionLIWULiberia
Lithuanian Trade Union of Commercial and Cooperative EmployeesLTUCCELithuania
Lithuanian Trade Union of Food ProducersLMPLithuania
Trade Union Federation of Lithuanian Agricultural WorkersTUFLAWLithuania
Syndikat Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten OGB-LNGG-OGB-LLuxembourg
Húsipari Dolgozók SzakszervezeteHDSzHungary
Mezőgazdasági, Erdészeti, Élelmiszeripari és Vízügyi Dolgozók SzakszervezeteMEDOSZHungary
Vendéglátó és Turisztikai SzakszervezetVISZHungary
Trade Union of the Workers from the Agroindustrial Complex of the Republic of MacedoniaAgro-SindikatNorth Macedonia
Trade Union of the Workers in Catering, Tourism, Communal Economy, Handicraft and Companies Training and Employing Disabled PersonsSUTKOZNorth Macedonia
Commercial Industrial & Allied Workers UnionCIAWUMalawi
Hotels, Food Processing and Catering Workers UnionHFPCWUMalawi
Plantation and Agriculture Workers Union of MalawiPAWUMMalawi
Sugar Plantation and Allied Workers Union of MalawiSPAWUMMalawi
Tobacco and Allied Workers Union of MalawiTOAWUMMalawi
All Malayan Estates Staff UnionAMESUMalaysia
Genting Malaysia Bhd Executive UnionGMBEUMalaysia
Genting Malaysia Workers UnionGMWUMalaysia
Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Perkilangan Perusahaan Makanan/Food Industry Employees' UnionKPPPM/FIEUMalaysia
Sabah Hotel Resort, Restaurant Employees' UnionSHRREUMalaysia
Tourism Employees Association of MaldivesTEAMMaldives
Fédération Nationale de Syndicats des Travailleurs Domestiques et de l’Economie InformelleSYNTRDO/EC.INMali
Syndicat National de la ProductionSYNAPROMali
Syndicat national des travailleurs-euses des Industries AgroalimentairesSNTIAMauritania
Artisans and General Workers' UnionAGWUMauritius
Government Services Employees AssociationGSAMauritius
Agrupación Sindical Única de Trabajadores y Empleados de la Industria Gastronómica, Hoteles, Moteles, Bares, Centros Nocturnos, Recreativos y Conexos del D.F.ASUTIGHMexico
Federación Nacional RefresqueraCROCMexico
Sindicato de Empleados y Trabajadores en Hoteles, Restaurantes, Neverías, Casas de Huéspedes y Similares del Estado de JaliscoSITIHGA92Mexico
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Embotelladora de Aguas Gaseosas, Refrescos, Aguas Naturales, Cervezas y de las Bebidas Envasadas en General, Similares y Conexos de la República Mexicana, C.T.M.STIEMexico
Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores Agro-Pecuários e FlorestaisSINTAFMozambique
Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Alimentar e BebidasSINTIABMozambique
Sindicato nacional dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Hoteleira, Turismo e SimilaresSINTIHOTSMozambique
Commerce, Catering, Restaurant, Hotel, Service and Consumer Cooperatives Workers' UnionSindLUCASMoldova
Federatia Sindicatelor din Domeniil Cooperatiei de Consum, Comertului si Antreprenoreatului din Republica MoldovaMOLDSINDCOOPCOMERTMoldova
Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Poljoprivrede, Prehrambene i Duvanske Industrije Crne GoreSPPDICGMontenegro
Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Turizma i Ugostiteljstva Crne GoreMontenegro
Agriculture and Farmer Federation of Myanmar and Food Allied WorkersAFFMMyanmar
Agriculture and Farmers Federation of MyanmarAFFMMyanmar
Ayeyarwaddy Food (Ma Ma) Noodle UnionAFNUMyanmar
Food Workers Federation of MyanmarFWFMMyanmar
Hotel Chitthu Township Labour Organization, Bagan-Nyaung OoHLOBMyanmar
Myanmar Mayson Basic Labour UnionMMLUMyanmar
CNV VakmensenNetherlands
Federation of Dutch Trade UnionsFNVNetherlands
Catering UnionHorecaNetherlands
Agriculture & Plantation Workers Union of NepalFAPWUNNepal
Nepal Independent Hotel, Casino & Restaurant Workers' UnionNIHWUNepal
Union of Trekking-Travel-Rafting WorkersUNITRAVNepal
Whole Industry Trade Union NepalWHINNepal
E tūE TῡNew Zealand
First UnionFIRSTNew Zealand
New Zealand Dairy Workers UnionNZDWUNew Zealand
New Zealand Meat & Related Trades Workers UnionNew Zealand
Unite UnionUniteNew Zealand
Federación Unitaria de Trabajadores de la Alimentación, Agroindustria, Turismo, Servicio, Comercio y Conexos de NicaraguaFUTATSCONNicaragua
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Compañía Centroamericana de Productos LácteosSINPROLACNicaragua
Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Industria Nacional de Refrescos SASUT-INARSANicaragua
Syndicat national autonome des travailleurs des eaux et fôretsSNATEFNiger
Syndicat national des agents de l'agriculture du NigerSNAANNiger
Syndicat national des travailleurs des hôtels, bars, restaurants et assimilésSYNTHOBRANiger
Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'industrie du NigerSNTINNiger
Syndicat unique du personnel des ressources animalesSUPRANiger
Agricultural and Allied Employees' Union of NigeriaAAEUNNigeria
Food, Beverage & Tobacco Senior Staff AssociationFOBTOBNigeria
Hotel and Personal Services Senior Staff AssociationHPSSSANigeria
National Union of Food, Beverage and Tobacco EmployeesNUFBTENigeria
National Union of Hotels and Personal Services WorkersNUHPSWNigeria
Federation of All Japan Foods and Tobacco Workers' UnionFood RengoJapan
Japan Federation of Service and Tourism Industries Workers' UnionService-Tourism RengoJapan
National Federation of Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Cooperatives' Workers' UnionsNoh-Dan-RohJapan
Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Commerce, Food and General Services Workers' UnionsUA ZENSENJapan
Industri EnergiIENorway
Norsk Nærings- og NytelsesmiddelarbeiderforbundNNNNorway
Pakistan Food Workers' FederationPFWFPakistan
Pakistan Hotel, Restaurant, Clubs, Tourism, Catering and Allied WorkersPHRCTCAWFPakistan
Sindh Nari Porhyat CouncilSNPCPakistan
Sindh Sugar Mills Workers' FederationSSMWFPakistan
General Union of Agriculture and Food Industries WorkersGUAFIWPalestine
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Cervecera de PanamáSTICPPanama
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria del Banano, Agropecuario y Empresas AfinesSITRAIBANAPanama
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores de Envases y AlimentosSITEAPanama
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores de la Fabricación y Comercialización de Refrescos Bebidas, Gaseosas, Cervezas, Licores y SimilaresSITRAFCOREBGASCELISPanama
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores de la Harina y AfinesSITHAPanama
Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores Gastronòmicos, Hoteles, Comercio y AfinesSITGHCAPanama
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Parmalat ParaguaySITRAPARPASAParaguay
Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Sector de la Industria de Alimentos, Bebidas y AfinesFNT-CGTP-ABAPeru
Sindicato de Obreros de Mondelez, PerúPeru
Sindicato Nacional de Obreros de Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y JohnstonBackus y JohnstonPeru
Coca-Cola Misamis Oriental Plant Labor UnionCCMOPLUPhilippines
Council of Filipino Nestlé UnionsCFNUPhilippines
Indorama Ventures Labor Union Misamis Oriental PlantIVLU-MOPPhilippines
National Union of Workers in Hotel, Restaurant and Allied IndustriesNUWHRAINPhilippines
SENTRO Food and Beverages Workers' CouncilPhilippines
United Labor Union of Universal Robina Corporation Esmo PlantULUURCEPPhilippines
Workers Union of COFIPAC CorporationWUUCPhilippines
Sekretariat Przemyslu Spozywczego NSZZ "Solidarnosc"NSZZ "Solidarnosc"Poland
Federatia Nationala a Sindicatelor din Industria Alimentara, a Bauturilor, Tutunului si Ramuri ConexeSINDALIMENTARomania
National Federation of Rural Workers' UnionsAGROSTARRomania
Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of the Russian FederationAIWURussia
Interregional Trade Union Novye ProfsoyzuNovoprofRussia
Syndicat des Travailleurs de l’Agriculture, Pêche, Vétérinaires et de l’Environnement du RwandaSTAVERRwanda
Syndicat Autonome des Employés & Gens de MaisonSYNAEGMSenegal
Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de Nestlé SénégalSATNS-UNSASSenegal
Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de l'hôtellerie, de la Restauration et des branches connexesSATHRSenegal
Syndicat Autonome et Démocratique des Travailleurs des Industries AlimentairesSYNADTRIASenegal
Syndicat Démocratique des Techniciens du SénégalSDTSSenegal
Syndicat des Travailleurs des Boulangeries, Pâtisseries et Restaurants du SénégalSYTRABPRSSenegal
Syndicat National des Gargotiers et Associés du SénégalSYGASSenegal
Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'hôtellerie et de la restauration-cafés et barsSNTHRS CNTSSenegal
Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Industries AlimentairesSNTIASenegal
Syndicat National des Travailleurs Domestiques et Gens de maisonSNTDGM-CNTSSenegal
Syndicat Unique des Travailleurs de la Compagnie SénégalaiseSUT-CSSSenegal
Syndicat Unique des Travailleurs des Marais SalantsSUTMASSenegal
Union Démocratique des Agents de La SERAS SOGAUDASSenegal
Sindikat Delavcev Gostinstva in Turizma SlovenijeSGITSlovenia
Sindikat Kmetijstva in Zivilske Industrije SlovenijeKZISlovenia
Odborový zväz potravinárov Slovenskej RepublikyOZPSRSlovakia
Odborový zväz pracovníkov poĭnohospodárstva na SlovenskuOZPPSlovakia
Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural & Allied Workers UnionCSAAWUSouth Africa
National Union of Food, Beverages, Wine, Spirits and Allied WorkersNUFBWSAWSouth Africa
South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers UnionSACCAWUSouth Africa
Food, Hotel and Tourism Industry Branch Trade Union of NezavisnostGS PUT "Nezavisnost"Serbia
The Autonomous Trade Union of Employees in Agriculture, Food, Tobacco Industry and Waterworks of SerbiaSSPPDIVSerbia
Ceylon Mercantile, Industrial and General Workers' UnionCMUSri Lanka
National Workers' UnionNWUSt Lucia
St. Lucia Seamen Waterfront & General Workers' UnionSt Lucia
Industrial UnionFIUFinland
Service Union UnitedPAMFinland
Finnish Food Workers' UnionSELFinland
Swedish Food Workers' UnionLivsSweden
Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Workers' UnionHRFSweden
Swedish Municipal Workers' UnionKommunalSweden
Amalgamated Trade Union of SwazilandATUSWAeSwatini
Swaziland Agricultural, Plantation & Allied Workers UnionSAPAWUeSwatini
Conservation Hotels Domestic and Allied Workers' UnionCHODAWUTanzania
Tanzania Plantation and Agricultural Workers' UnionTPAWUTanzania
Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial WorkersTUICOTanzania
Cook and Server Workers' UnionCSWUThailand
Phuket Federation of Hotel and Service LabourFHSLThailand
Unilever Labour Union of ThailandThailand
General Workers Union of Timor LesteSJT-TLTimor-Leste
Syndicat des industries agroalimentaires du TogoSYNIATTogo
Syndicat des travailleurs des entreprises de boissonsSYNTEBTogo
National Union of Domestic EmployeesNUDETrinidad and Tobago
National Union of Government and Federated WorkersNUGFWTrinidad and Tobago
Fédération générale de l'Alimentation, Tourisme, Commerce et de l'Artisanat UGTTFGAT-UGTTTunisia
Food and Sugar Industry Workers Trade Union of TurkeySEKER-ISTurkey
Türkiye Orman-Topraksu-Tarim Ve Tarim Sanayii Isçileri SendikasiTARIM-ISTurkey
Türkiye Otel, Lokanta Dinlenme Yerleri Isçileri Sendikasi Genel MerkezTOLEYISTurkey
Türkiye Tütün Müskirat, Gida ve Yardimci Isçileri SendikasiTEKGIDA-ISTurkey
National Union of Co-operative Movement and Allied WorkersNUCMAWUganda
National Union of Plantation & Agricultural WorkersNUPAWUUganda
Uganda Beverage, Tobacco & Allied Workers' UnionUBTAWUUganda
Uganda Fisheries and Allied Workers UnionUFAWUUganda
Uganda Horticultural, Service Providers and Allied Workers' UnionUHISPAWUUganda
Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism, Supermarkets and Allied Workers' UnionHTS-UnionUganda
Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of UkraineAIWU UkraineUkraine
Philip Morris Ukraine Workers' UnionUkraine
Ukrainian Trade Union of Workers in Tourism, Spa areas and Hotel IndustryUTUWTSHUkraine
Zakhist SpravedlivostiUkraine
Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' UnionBFAWUUnited Kingdom
GMBGMBUnited Kingdom
Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied WorkersUSDAWUnited Kingdom
UniteUniteUnited Kingdom
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International UnionBCTGMUnited States
Farm Labor Organizing CommitteeFLOCUnited States
International Brotherhood of TeamstersIBTUnited States
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store UnionRWDSU/UFCWUnited States
Service Employees International UnionSEIUUnited States
United Food and Commercial Workers International UnionUFCWUnited States
Centro Gremial de Maltería OrientalCGMOUruguay
Centro Gremial Maltero Uruguay - Nueva PalmiraUruguay
Sindicato de Empleados de Nix-Nativa y AfinesSENNAUruguay
Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados de NorteñaSOENUruguay
Sindicato de Trabajadores de Coca ColaSTCCUruguay
Sindicato Nestlé del UruguayUruguay
Unión de Trabajadores Rurales y Afines del Sur del PaísUTRASURPAUruguay
Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Hoteleros, Turísticos, Alimentación, Similares, Conexos y Afines de VenezuelaSINTRAHOSIVENVenezuela
Hotel, Catering, Tourism & Allied Workers Union of ZambiaHCTAWUZZambia
National Union of Commercial and Industrial WorkersNUCIWZambia
National Union of Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Workers of ZambiaNUPAAWZambia
Federation of Food and Allied Workers' Union of ZimbabweFFAWUZZimbabwe
General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of ZimbabweGAPWUZZimbabwe
Zimbabwe Catering & Hotel Workers' UnionZCHWUZimbabwe


General Secretaries

1920: Jean Schifferstein
1941: Hermann Leuenberger (acting)
1949: Juul Poulsen
1968: Dan Gallin
1997: Ron Oswald
2017: Sue Longley


1920: Max Wilhelm[6]
1934: Robert Fischer[6]
1939: Hermann Leuenberger[6]
1949: Marius Madsen[6]
1958: Hans Nätscher[6]
1964: John Swift[6]
1967: Henri Ceuppens[6]
1970: Daniel E. Conway[6]
1977: Sigvard Nyström[6]
1981: Günter Döding[6]
1989: Lage Andréasson
1993: Willy Vijverman
1997: Frank Hurt
2002: Paul Andela
2012: Hans-Olof Nilsson
2017: Mark Lauritsen


  1. Mitchell, James (1959). The International Union of Food and Drink Workers' Associations. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Labor.
  2. 1 2 Docherty, James C.; van der Velden, Sjaak (2012). Historical Dictionary of Organized Labor. Scarecrow Press. p. 149. ISBN 978-0810879881.
  3. Rütters, Peter (2001). International Trade Union Organisations (PDF). Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. p. 18. ISBN 3898920453. Retrieved 26 September 2019.
  4. "World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers (WFAFW)". Open Yearbook. Union of International Associations. Retrieved 3 December 2019.
  5. "IUF Affiliates". International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations. Retrieved 22 January 2020.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bushak, Willy (1985). Von Menschen, die wie Menschen leben wollten. Bund-Verlag. ISBN 9783766309228.
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