Finney strictureplasty

Finney strictureplasty is indicated for strictures up to 15 centimeters. The Finney strictureplasty is performed by folding the diseased bowel on itself and creating a large opening between the two loops. This strictureplasty can be used to address longer strictures (>7 cm and ≤15 cm) than those manageable with the Heineke-Mikulicz technique (usually performed for strictures up to 7 cm).[1]

The Finney strictureplasty is named after the Finney pyloroplasty, first described in 1937.[2] The strictured loop is folded over itself at its midpoint section, forming a U shape. A longitudinal enterotomy is then performed halfway between the mesenteric and the antimesenteric side on the folded loop. The opposed edges of the bowel are sutured together to create a short side-to-side anisoperistaltic enteroenterostomy. Concerns about long-term complications, such as bacterial overgrowth in the bypassed segment, limit the length of the stricture to be addressed by this strictureplasty to less than 15 cm.[3]

Strictureplasties are categorized into three groups: Conventional, intermediate, and complex procedures. The Heineke-Mikulicz Strictureplasty is the most common among the conventional stricutreplasties, the Finney strictureplasty is the most common intermediate strictureplasty, and the most common complex strictureplasty is the Michelassi Strictureplasty.


  1. Fichera A, Hurst RD, Michelassi F (2003). "Current methods of bowel-sparing surgery in Crohn's disease". Adv Surg. 37: 231–51. PMID 12953636.
  2. Fazio VW, Galandiuk S, Jagelman DG, Lavery IC (November 1989). "Strictureplasty in Crohn's disease". Ann. Surg. 210 (5): 621–5. doi:10.1097/00000658-198911000-00009. PMC 1357796. PMID 2818031.
  3. Michelassi F, Taschieri A, Tonelli F, Sasaki I, Poggioli G, Fazio V, Upadhyay G, Hurst R, Sampietro GM, Fazi M, Funayama Y, Pierangeli F (March 2007). "An international, multicenter, prospective, observational study of the side-to-side isoperistaltic strictureplasty in Crohn's disease". Dis. Colon Rectum. 50 (3): 277–84. doi:10.1007/s10350-006-0804-y. PMID 17245614. S2CID 12443510.
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