European Union Netherlands
Elections, candidates and members of the
European Parliament for the Netherlands
1952–1958 ECSC delegation
1958–1979 EP delegation
1979–1984 1st election, candidates and members
1984–1989 2nd election, candidates and members
1989–1994 3rd election, candidates and members
1994–1999 4th election, candidates and members
1999–2004 5th election, candidates and members
2004–2009 6th election, candidates and members
2009–2014 7th election, candidates and members
2014–2019 8th election, candidates and members
2019–2024 9th election, candidates and members
Voting ballot

The 2009 European Parliament election for the election of the delegation from the Netherlands was held on 4 June 2009. This is the 7th time the elections have been held for the European elections in the Netherlands.

Sources for everything below:[1]

Numbering of the candidates list

The official order and names of candidate lists:

Candidate lists for the European Parliament election in the Netherlands
List English translation List name (Dutch)
1 list CDA - European People's Party CDA – Europese Volkspartij
2 list P.v.d.A./European Social Democrats P.v.d.A./Europese Sociaaldemocraten
3 list VVD - European Liberal-Democrats VVD – Europese Liberaal-Democraten
4 list GreenLeft Groenlinks
5 list SP (Socialist Party) SP (Socialistische Partij)
6 list Christian Union-SGP ChristenUnie–SGP
7 list Democrats 66 (D66) Democraten 66 (D66)
8 list Newropeans
9 list Europe Cheap! & Sustainable Europa Voordelig! & Duurzaam
10 list Solidara
11 list Party for the Animals Partij voor de Dieren
12 list European Whistleblower Party (EKP) Europese Klokkenluiders Partij (EKP)
13 list The Greens De Groenen
14 list PVV (Party for Freedom) PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid)
15 list Liberal Democratic Party Liberaal Democratische Partij
16 list Party for European politics (PEP) Partij voor Europese Politiek (PEP)
17 list Libertas

Candidate lists

CDA - European People's Party

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the CDA
CDA candidates 1979 (1979)
CDA candidates 1984 (1984)
CDA candidates 1989 (1989)
CDA candidates 1994 (1994)
CDA candidates 1999 (1999)
CDA candidates 2004 (2004)
CDA candidates 2009 (2009)
CDA candidates 2014 (2014)
CDA candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for the Christian Democratic Appeal for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Wim van de Camp Male 579,775 thumbs
2 Corien Wortmann-Kool Female 48,270 thumbs
3 Maria Martens Female 38,781 thumbs
4 Esther de Lange Female 43,406 thumbs
5 Lambert van Nistelrooij Male 41,846 thumbs
6 Cornelis Visser Male 13,914
7 Winand Quaedvlieg Male 2,190
8 Michiel Holtackers Male 4,126
9 Agnes Mulder Female 15,859 thumbs
10 Peter Cammaert Male 5,285
11 Mito Croes Male 17,975
12 Michiel Dijkman Male 5,762
13 Rena Netjes Female 4,305
14 Mariëlla Smids Female 3,127
15 Pier Antuma Male 2,439
16 Wim Kuiper Male 892
17 Ans van Zeeland Female 3,403
18 Hester Jansen Female 919
19 Arine Sijl Female 1,118
20 Greet Seinen Female 1,719
21 Joma Kaal Female 714
22 Marianne van Hall-Disch Female 3,255
23 Mirjam Depondt-Olivers Female 2,553
24 André Kolodziejak Male 1,212
25 Ria Oomen-Ruijten Female 70,388 thumbs
Total: 913,233

P.v.d.A./European Social Democrats

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the PvdA
PvdA candidates 1979 (1979)
PvdA candidates 1984 (1984)
PvdA candidates 1989 (1989)
PvdA candidates 1994 (1994)
PvdA candidates 1999 (1999)
PvdA candidates 2004 (2004)
PvdA candidates 2009 (2009)
PvdA candidates 2014 (2014)
PvdA candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for the Labour Party for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Thijs Berman Male 372,060 thumbs
2 Emine Bozkurt Female 66,385 thumbs
3 Jan Cremers Male 13,606 thumbs
4 Judith Merkies Female 18,553 thumbs
5 René Cuperus Male 7,209 thumbs
6 Marijke Clerx Female 13,828
7 Louis Meuleman Male 5,038
8 Elsbeth van Hijlckama Vlieg Female 5,295
9 Lo Breemer Male 7,183
10 Jannewietske de Vries Female 11,034 thumbs
11 Hans Bosch Male 11,255
12 Marijke Drees Female 13,972
13 Martin Siecker Male 3,273
Total: 548,691

VVD - European Liberal-Democrats

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the VVD
VVD candidates 1979 (1979)
VVD candidates 1984 (1984)
VVD candidates 1989 (1989)
VVD candidates 1994 (1994)
VVD candidates 1999 (1999)
VVD candidates 2004 (2004)
VVD candidates 2009 (2009)
VVD candidates 2014 (2014)
VVD candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Hans van Baalen Male 367,796 thumbs
2 Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert Female 52,184 thumbs
3 Toine Manders Male 34,973 thumbs
4 Jan Mulder Male 12,884 thumbs
5 Betty de Boer Female 10,234 thumbs
6 Pim van Ballekom Male 1,517
7 Marianne Kallen-Morren Female 3,698
8 Ingrid de Caluwé Female 4,595
9 Ferdi de Lange Male 1,380
10 Bart Keuper Male 1,991
11 Gijs Schilthuis Male 666
12 Joost van den Akker Male 4,167
13 David van den Burg Male 1,394
14 Nicole Maes Female 1,648
15 André Bosman Male 1,685
16 Bernd Roks Male 1,596
17 Frank van Oorschot Male 683
18 Tjalling Wiarda Male 721
19 Hans Pluckel Male 640
20 Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk-Groeneveld Female 2,348
21 Frank Verveld Male 2,023
22 Willem Gasman Male 747
23 Sam Cherribi Male 558 thumbs
24 Dries Lodewijks Male 1,574
25 Joost van Keulen Male 704
26 Rudmer Heerema Male 1,055
27 Laetitia Smits van Oyen Female 1,825
28 Edward Koops Male 491
29 Robert de Oude Male 705
30 Hans Aeijelts Averink Male 2,161
Total: 518,643


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the GL
CPN candidates 1979 (1979)
PSP candidates 1979 (1979)
PPR candidates 1979 (1979)
GPA candidates 1984 (1984)
RBW candidates 1989 (1989)
GL candidates 1994 (1994)
GL candidates 1999 (1999)
GL candidates 2004 (2004)
GL candidates 2009 (2009)
GL candidates 2014 (2014)
GL candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for GreenLeft for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Judith Sargentini Female 321,744 thumbs
2 Bas Eickhout Male 13,782 thumbs
3 Marije Cornelissen Female 14,486 thumbs
4 Niels van den Berge Male 4,588 thumbs
5 Nadya van Putten Female 9,446
6 Rogier Elshout Male 1,972
7 Isabelle Diks Female 5,893 thumbs
8 Kosta Skliris Male 1,489
9 Harold Boerekamp Male 1,084
10 Inti Suarez Male 1,822
11 Laura Punt Female 4,976
12 Ewout Deurwaarder Male 927
13 Toine Wuts Male 3,127
14 Karin van den Berg Female 2,075
15 Pieter van Abshoven Male 673
16 Sebastiaan van 't Erve Male 1,050
17 Tineke Strik Female 3,078 thumbs
18 Joost Lagendijk Male 2,634
19 Kathalijne Buitenweg Female 9,174 thumbs
Total: 404,020

SP (Socialist Party)

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the SP
SP candidates 1989 (1989)
SP candidates 1994 (1994)
SP candidates 1999 (1999)
SP candidates 2004 (2004)
SP candidates 2009 (2009)
SP candidates 2014 (2014)
SP candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for Socialist Party for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Dennis de Jong Male 194,359 thumbs
2 Kartika Liotard Female 32,426 thumbs
3 Nicole van Gemert Female 23,662
4 Niels Jongerius Male 11,481
5 Rein van Gisteren Male 2,288
6 Jessica van Ruitenburg Female 6,310
7 Frank Futselaar Male 2,389
8 Tuur Elzinga Male 2,519 thumbs
9 Eric Smaling Male 1,011 thumbs
10 Bart Vermeulen Male 1,449
11 Vincent Mulder Male 2,506
12 Stephan Schaminée Male 2,421
13 Ron Meyer Male 5,513
14 Marga Berendse Female 1,649
15 Jamila Yahyaoui Female 4,320
16 Johan Kwisthout Male 2,777
17 Remine Alberts-Oosterbaan Female 2,854
18 Colette Sacco Female 1,149
19 Rikus Brader Male 908
20 Marloes Piepers Female 3,422
21 Antoine Theeuwen Male 558
22 Sandra Beckerman Female 2,008
23 Erdogan Kaya Male 2,326
24 Tjitske Siderius Female 1,017
25 Ingrid Gyömörei-Agelink Female 1,002
26 Spencer Zeegers Male 1,938
27 Arnout Hoekstra Male 714
28 Meta Meijer Female 1,748
29 Jos van der Horst Male 1,808
30 Nico Heijmans Male 4,737
Total: 323,269

Christian Union-SGP

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the CU-SGP
SGP candidates 1979 (1979)
GPV candidates 1979 (1979)
SGP, RPF and GPV candidates 1984 (1984)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1989 (1989)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1994 (1994)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1999 (1999)
CU-SGP candidates 2004 (2004)
CU-SGP candidates 2009 (2009)
CU-SGP candidates 2014 (2014)
CU-SGP candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for Christian Union-SGP for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Peter van Dalen Male 209,947 thumbs
2 Bas Belder Male 53,450 thumbs
3 Ruud van Eijle Male 8,906
4 Leon Meijer Male 4,668
5 Jan Lock Male 2,687
6 Carla Dik-Faber Female 9,921 thumbs
7 Stieneke van der Graaf Female 6,752
8 Marcel de Haas Male 1,171
9 Klaas Koelewijn Male 2,333
10 Fred Lachman Male 1,613
11 Ton de Jong Male 937
12 Gerdine Visser-Westland Female 988
13 Jochem Pleijsier Male 568
14 Diederik van Dijk Male 753 thumbs
15 Joanne van der Schee-van de Kamp Female 1,500
16 Jan Harm Boiten Male 718
17 Kees van Burg Male 464
18 Bert Tijssen Male 704
19 Hans Hekstra Male 618
20 Evert-Jan Brouwer Male 1,842
Total: 310,540

Democrats 66 (D66)

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the D66
D66 candidates 1979 (1979)
D66 candidates 1984 (1984)
D66 candidates 1989 (1989)
D66 candidates 1994 (1994)
D66 candidates 1999 (1999)
D66 candidates 2004 (2004)
D66 candidates 2009 (2009)
D66 candidates 2014 (2014)
D66 candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for the Democrats 66 for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Sophie in 't Veld Female 433,957 thumbs
2 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy Male 18,107 thumbs
3 Marietje Schaake Female 18,662 thumbs
4 Gerhard Mulder Male 3,933
5 Ivo Thijssen Male 3,129
6 Stientje van Veldhoven-van der Meer Female 2,759 thumbs
7 Erik Veldman Male 2,329
8 Tim Eestermans Male 707
9 Sietse Wijnsma Male 661
10 Johan Piet Male 1,099
11 Ernst Klatte Male 440
12 Unico van Kooten Male 604
13 Douwe Swierstra Male 935
14 Jolanta Polomski Female 1,364
15 At Ipenburg Male 2,297
16 Osman Biçen Male 6,713
17 Remco Jaasma Male 260
18 Jan-Willem Bertens Male 1,668
19 Laurens Jan Brinkhorst Male 5,655 thumbs
20 Annelien Bredenoord Female 1,357
21 Coen Brummer Male 716
22 Helga Duijfjes-Dissel Female 770
23 Rineke Gieske-Mastenbroek Female 1,911
24 Fleur Gräper-van Koolwijk Female 524
25 Bibi van Ginkel Female 568
26 Mendeltje van Keulen Female 508
27 Floris Kreiken Male 255
28 Dirk van der Hagen Male 920
29 Hana van Ooijen Female 820
30 Björn van Roozendaal Male 1,794
Total: 515,422


Below is the candidate list for Newropeans for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Arno Uijlenhoet Male 11,677
2 Bart Kruitwagen Male 1,145
3 Veronique Swinkels Female 4,154
4 Taco Dankers Male 397
5 Wencke van der Meijden Female 1,014
6 Peter de Bourgraaf Male 338
7 Thijs van der Rol Male 449
8 Reinder Rustema Male 666
Total: 19,840

Europe Cheap! & Sustainable

Below is the candidate list for Europe Cheap! & Sustainable for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Frank Neumann Male 2,560 thumbs
2 Emiel Lamers Male 386
3 Merel Tilstra Female 1,014
4 Tom Bucx Male 171
5 Ben Holewijn Male 300
Total: 4,431


Below is the candidate list for Solidara for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Düzgün Yildirim Male 3,346
2 Niermala Jankie Female 1,817
3 Sarwar Eric Male 196
4 Bob Hoogendoorn Male 196
5 Els Graczyk Female 154
6 Kenneth Naipal Male 146
7 Margriet Twisterling Female 174
8 Jan Boelens Male 46
9 Daniël Prens Male 63
10 Mustafa Yildirim Male 289
11 Soedesh Jankie Male 163
12 Ramon Barends Male 58
13 Joop Klomp Male 35
14 Sevim Gerkakan Male 105
15 Denis Wood Male 50
16 Hüseyin Akyol Male 165
17 Edgar Wortmann Male 22
18 Cemile Kelekci Male 101
19 Mirjam Slippens Female 36
20 Hüseyin Kaya Male 91
21 Richard Sleegers Male 49
22 Ture Eijsbouts Male 45
23 Faisal Navmaly Male 51
24 Rob Bosma Male 35
25 Dick Twisterling Male 100
Total: 7,533

Party for the Animals

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the PvdD
PvdD candidates 2004 (2004)
PvdD candidates 2009 (2009)
PvdD candidates 2014 (2014)
PvdD candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for Party for the Animals for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Natasja Oerlemans Female 115,472 thumbs
2 Frank Wassenberg Male 5,191 thumbs
3 Anja Hazekamp Female 2,883 thumbs
4 Birgit Verstappen Female 2,514
5 Carla van Viegen Female 1,697
6 Wanda Bodewitz Female 797
7 Luuk van der Veer Male 1,181
8 Rob van Oeveren Male 1,181
9 Melissa Bax Female 1,614
10 Dick de Vos Male 1,516
11 Harry Voss Male 1,054
12 Tom Sprangers Male 1,565
13 Niko Koffeman Male 621 thumbs
14 Esther Ouwehand Female 2,135 thumbs
15 Marianne Thieme Female 18,314 thumbs
Total: 157,735

European Whistleblower Party (EKP)

Below is the candidate list for European Whistleblower Party (EKP) for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Joeri Wiersma Male 14,909
2 Engel Vrouwe Male 876
3 Harm Wiersma Male 969 thumbs
4 Henk Schattenberg Male 419
5 Hanco Elenbaas Male 633
6 Anne Polak Male 370
7 Gerard de Wilde Male 249
8 Ineke Schouten Female 2,386
9 Lex Sjerp Male 126
10 Willem Sikkes Male 511
Total: 21,448

The Greens

Candidates for the European Parliament
from The Greens
European Greens candidates 1984 (1984)
The Greens candidates 1994 (1994)
The Greens candidates 2009 (2009)
The Greens candidates 2014 (2014)
The Greens candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for The Greens for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Otto ter Haar Male 4,969
2 Rascha Wisse Female 1,595
3 Marijn Freriks Male 315
4 Trudy van der Hoop van Slochteren Female 550
5 Paul Berendsen Male 306
6 Nora Borsboom Female 354
7 Wim Wolbrink Male 151
8 Wim Sweers Male 277
Total: 8,517

PVV (Party for Freedom)

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the PVV
PVV candidates 2009 (2009)
PVV candidates 2014 (2014)
PVV candidates 2019 (2019)

Below is the candidate list for Party for Freedom for the 2009 European Parliament election

Elected members are in bold

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Barry Madlener Male 382,610
2 Louis Bontes Male 6,751
3 Daniël van der Stoep Male 5,650
4 Laurence Stassen Female 17,880
5 Lucas Hartong Male 2,571
6 Auke Zijlstra Male 3,617
7 Patricia van der Kammen Female 12,409
8 Gert Besselink Male 2,964
9 Menno Ludriks Male 3,448
10 Geert Wilders Male 334,846
Total: 772,746

Liberal Democratic Party

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the Liberal Democratic Party
LibDem candidates 2009 (2009)
LibDem candidates 2014 (2014)

Below is the candidate list for Liberal Democratic Party for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Sammy van Tuyll van Serooskerken Male 7,583
2 Det Regts Female 863
3 Anton Cozijnsen Male 154
4 Diederik Visser Male 346
5 Linda Beijlsmit Female 261
6 Jaap van Eenennaam Male 194
7 Niek van Trigt Male 120
8 Charlotte Lemmens Female 289
9 Louis Huijskes Female 74
10 Frans van de Camp Male 469
11 Dirk Cohen Tervaert Male 404
Total: 10,757

Party for European politics (PEP)

Below is the candidate list for Party for European politics (PEP) for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Nees Pellikaan Male 1,437
2 Meike Korpershoek Female 458
3 Jan-Leendert 't Lam Male 78
4 Tineke Weber Female 168
5 Hasso Weeke Male 73
6 Erik-Jan Klijn Male 213
Total: 2,427


Below is the candidate list for Libertas for the 2009 European Parliament election

Number Candidate Sex Preference vote Photo
1 Eline van den Broek Female 11,765
2 Marten Schwandt Male 267
3 Alexander Brom Male 242
4 Ron Verschoor Male 107
5 Marlies Mulder Female 199
6 Maurice de Valk Male 83
7 Rob IJff Male 106
8 Benjamin Nura Male 124
9 Loubna Berrada Female 134
10 Sander Boon Male 102
11 Johann Grünbauer Male 118
12 Abraham de Kruijf Male 53
13 Johan Bronsdijk Male 59
14 Jeroen Nieuwesteeg Male 80
15 Oğuzhan Kilic Male 145
16 Gerrit van den Berg Male 63
17 Davy Jansen Male 105
18 Koen Schröder Male 93
19 Lukas Teijema Male 50
20 Alexandra Strieker Female 48
21 Madelene Munnik Female 140
22 Floor Vreeswijk Female 173
23 Anton Brom Male 47
24 Hans Besseling Male 309
Total: 14,612


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