The following organizations, individuals, and media outlets (including newspapers) have endorsed parties and or candidates in the 2006 Canadian federal election:

Endorsements by party

  Endorsing the Liberals
Person or organization Notes
Bob ChiarelliEndorsed candidate Richard Mahoney in Ottawa Centre
Federation of Canadian MunicipalitiesPresident Gloria Kovach stated that the Liberals went the farthest in meeting the "infrastructure challenges faced by our cities and communities"
Dalton McGuintySays that "Prime Minister Martin remains the best choice for the people of Ontario."
David MillerEndorsing Liberal candidate John Godfrey in Don Valley West
National Métis CouncilPresident Clement Chartier said "We feel we have to do everything we can to ensure that there is a Liberal government."
David OrchardSaid Conservatives are a threat to national unity
Margo TimminsEndorsing candidate Sam Bulte in Parkdale—High Park
Toronto StarStated that the Liberals "best understands Canada's needs and has the more credible program to address those needs."
Buzz HargroveEndorsed Belinda Stronach in Newmarket—Aurora and called for voters to support the Liberals in a number of ridings.
Kyle RaeEndorsed Bill Graham in Toronto Centre.
  Endorsing the Conservatives
Person or organization Notes
Pat Binns, John Hamm, Bernard Lord
Calgary Herald
Congress of Aboriginal PeoplesChief Dwight Dorey said "The Conservative Party is the only party with a plan to help Aboriginal Canadians"
Rob Davis, former Toronto City Councillor and TTC vice-chairmanEndorsing candidate Lewis Reford in Toronto Centre
Mario DumontSaid that he feels "the Bloc Québécois is becoming a millstone around the province's neck"
The Globe and MailStated that "we have concluded that the time has arrived for a change of government in Canada."
David Kilgour, former Liberal MPEndorsing candidates Tenzin Khangsar and Steven Fletcher.
La PresseStated that "In the last two years, the Liberals have become ossified"
Montreal Gazette
National Post Stated that "This country needs new leadership and Mr. Harper is the man to provide it."]
The Province (Vancouver)
John Tory and Bill DavisEndorsing Candidate Jim Flaherty in Whitby—Oshawa
David Asper co-owner of Canwest GlobalEndorsed Peter Kent in St. Paul's and appeared on stage with Tory leader Stephen Harper at a Toronto Conservative Party rally.
Ron Chyczij, former President of the Etobicoke-Lakeshore Federal Liberal AssociationEndorsing John Capobianco in Etobicoke-Lakeshore
  Endorsing the New Democratic Party
Person or organization Notes
Barenaked Ladies"Have long backed Layton"
Dona Cadman (widow of Chuck Cadman)Endorsing candidate Penny Priddy in Surrey North. She ran for the Conservatives in 2008.
Canadian Employment and Immigration UnionEndorsing various candidates including Sid Ryan, Jack Layton, Olivia Chow and Marilyn Churley.
Shirley DouglasIn support of medicare.
Canadian Labour CongressIs organisationally linked with the NDP
Sarah HarmerEndorsing candidate Marilyn Churley in Beaches—East York
Stephen Lewis and June CallwoodSupport candidate Peggy Nash in Parkdale—High Park
David MillerEndorsing candidate Peggy Nash.
David SuzukiTestimonials used in campaign material for Churley and Vancouver Centre candidate Svend Robinson.
Rafe Mair"If I were in Vancouver Centre I would be voting for Svend Robinson…I hope he wins … because it is a Parliament that looks into corners it wouldn’t otherwise look in without guys like Svend there"
Muslim Canadian Congress"As far as the Liberal Party is concerned, for too long it has taken our communities for granted; it is time for the traditional leadership of Canada's Muslim communities to cut their ties with the tainted record of the Federal Liberal Party and demonstrate solidarity with Jack Layton and his New Democrats"
  Endorsing the Bloc Québécois
Person or organization Notes
Quebec Federation of LabourIs "urging members to vote Bloc"
Various community groups from Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and BangladeshEndorsing candidate Vivian Barbot in Papineau
  Endorsing the Greens
Person or organization Notes
Ottawa CitizenEndorsing David Chernushenko in Ottawa Centre

See also


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