Emmanuel François Varez called E. F. Varez (17 October 1780 – 8 September 1866) was an early 19th-century French playwright and novelist.

Born in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, Varez was a dramaturge at the Théâtre de l'Ambigu-Comique and the Théâtre de la Gaîté and his plays were presented, with some exceptions, on the stages of these two theatres.

He died in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.


  • Le Gourmand puni, comedy in 1 act, 1803
  • La Fille coupable, repentante, melodrama in 3 acts, extravaganza, 1804
  • Une journée de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse, comédie-anecdote, in 1 act and in prose, 1804
  • Le Criminel invisible, novel, 2 vol, Lacourière, 1807
  • Frédéric de Guéréhard, duc de Lorraine, novel, 2 vol, Masson, 1808
  • L'Homme de la forêt, novel, 2 vol, Collin, 1808
  • Métusko, ou les Polonais, melodrama in 3 acts, extravaganza, from the novel by Pigault-Lebrun, with Séville, 1808
  • Frédéric duc de Nevers, melodrama in 3 acts, with Jean-Baptiste Mardelle, 1810, music by Henry Darondeau
  • Hilberge l'amazone, ou les Monténégrins, pantomime in 3 acts, with Jean-Guillaume-Antoine Cuvelier, 1810
  • Herminie ou la Chaumière allemande, melodrama in 3 acts, extravaganza, 1812
  • Laissez-moi faire, ou la Soubrette officieuse, vaudeville in 1 act, with Armand Séville, 1813
  • Une vengeance de l'amour, ballet-pantomime in 1 act, extravaganza, 1813
  • Vive la paix ! ou le Retour au village, impromptu in 1 act, mingled with songs and danses, with Coupart, 1814
  • Le Troubadour portugais, melodrama in 3 acts, extravaganza, 1815
  • Voilà notre bouquet ! ou le Cabinet littéraire, impromptu-vaudeville in 1 act, with Coupart, 1815
  • Retournons à Paris, comedy in 1 act, mingled with vaudevilles, with Aimé Desprez, 1817
  • Les Deux fugitifs, comedy in 2 acts, 1818
  • Calas, drama in 3 acts and in prose, with Victor Ducange, 1819
  • L'Ours et l'enfant, ou la Fille bannie, mimodrame in 3 acts, with Cuvelier, 1819
  • Le Mari confident, comédie-vaudeville in 1 act, with Overnay and Jean-François-Constant Berrier, 1820
  • Sigismond, ou les Rivaux illustres, melodrama in 3 acts and extravaganza, 1820
  • Le Baptême, ou la Double fête, vaudeville in 1 act, with Antoine-Marie Coupart, 1821
  • La Famille irlandaise, melodrama in 3 acts, with Théodore Nézel, 1821
  • Adieu la Chaussée-d'Antin, comedy in 1 act, mingled with couplets, with Hippolyte Magnien, 1822
  • Élodie, ou la Vierge du monastère, melodrama in 3 acts, 1822
  • L'Inconnu, ou les Mystères, melodrama in 3 acts, 1822
  • Un trait de bienfaisance, ou la Fête d'un bon maire, à-propos in 1 act mingled with couplets, with Coupart, 1822
  • La Poule aux œufs d'or, ou l'Amour et la fortune, comédie-féerie in 1 act, mingled with vaudevilles, 1823
  • Entre chien et loup, comedy in 1 act and in prose, with Magnien, 1824
  • La Fête d'automne, tableau villageois in 1 act mingled with vaudevilles, with Coupart and Jacquelin, 1824
  • Le Retour d'un brave, vaudeville in 1 act for the King's day, with Coupart and Jacquelin, 1824
  • Le Petit postillon de Fimes, ou Deux fêtes pour une, historical à-propos in 1 act, with Coupart and Jacquelin, 1825
  • Le Jour fatal, novel, Bouquin de La Souche, 1826
  • Le Fils de l'invalide, one-act play, mingled with couplets, with Coupart, 1826
  • La Demoiselle et la paysanne, comedy in 1 act and in prose, with Théodore Nézel, 1828
  • Les lanciers et les marchandes de modes, one-act play, mingled with couplets, with Benjamin Antier, Nézel and Overnay, 1828
  • La Comédie au château, one-act play, mingled with couplets, with Coupart and Jacques-André Jacquelin, 1829
  • John Bull, ou le Chaudronnier anglais, play in 2 acts, with Nezel and Armand Joseph Overnay, 1830
  • Tout pour ma fille, drame-vaudeville in 3 acts, mingled with couplets, with Charles Henri Ladislas Laurençot, Lubize and Petit, 1832
  • Le Tartufe de village, vaudeville in 1 act, with Lubize and Petit, 1833
  • Chambre à louer, comédie-vaudeville in 1 act, 1834
  • Le Château d'Oppenheim, novel, Bibliothèque de romans nouveaux, 1834
  • Une partie de campagne, novel, Bibliothèque des romans nouveaux, 1834
  • Le Fils de Ninon, drama in 3 acts, mingled with songs, with Jacques-Arsène-François-Polycarpe Ancelot et Hippolyte Rimbaut, 1834
  • Eustache, folie-vaudeville in 1 act, 1839


  • Joseph Marie Quérard, La France littéraire, vol. 10 (VAB-ZYG), 1839, p. 52–54.
  • J. M. Quérard, Les Supercheries littéraires dévoilées, vol. 5 (1853), p. 396.

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