Several cutaneous conditions can be diagnosed with the aid of immunofluorescence studies.

Cutaneous conditions with positive direct or indirect immunofluorescence when using salt-split skin include:

Antibody isotype(s) and location of antibody deposition in immunofluorescence studies using salt-split skin for autoimmune bullous conditions targeting the basement membrane zone of the human integumentary system
ConditionAntibody isotype(s) depositedLocalization of antibody with use of salt-split skin
Antiepilegrin cicatricial pemphigoidIgGDermal
Bullous lupus erythematosusDermal
Bullous pemphigoidIgGEpidermal
Cicatricial pemphigoidIgGEpidermal
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisitaIgGDermal
Linear IgA bullous dermatosisIgAEpidermal
Orf-induced immunobullous diseaseIgGDermal
Pemphigoid gestationisIgGEpidermal

For several subtypes of pemphigus a variety of substrates are used for indirect immunofluorescence:

Substrates used in indirect immunofluorescence studies for the different pemphigus variants
Pemphigus variantSubstrate
Pemphigus foliaceousGuinea pig esophagus
Pemphigus vulgarisMonkey esophagus
IgA pemphigusCultured skin
Paraneoplastic pemphigusRat bladder

See also


    • Bolognia, Jean L.; et al. (2007). Dermatology. St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 1-4160-2999-0.
    • James, William D.; et al. (2006). Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 0-7216-2921-0.
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