The Chairperson of the Organisation of African Unity served as the head of the Organisation of African Unity, a rotating position.[1]


No.PortraitChairpersonTook officeLeft officeCountryRegion
1Haile Selassie25 May 196317 July 1964 EthiopiaEast Africa
2Gamal Abdel Nasser17 July 196421 October 1965 EgyptNorth Africa
3Kwame Nkrumah21 October 196524 February 1966 GhanaWest Africa
4Joseph Arthur Ankrah24 February 19665 November 1966
(1)Haile Selassie5 November 196611 September 1967 EthiopiaEast Africa
5Mobutu Sese Seko11 September 196713 September 1968Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the CongoCentral Africa
6Houari Boumédiène13 September 19686 September 1969 AlgeriaNorth Africa
7Ahmadou Ahidjo6 September 19691 September 1970 CameroonCentral Africa
8Kenneth Kaunda1 September 197021 June 1971 ZambiaSouthern Africa
9Moktar Ould Daddah21 June 197112 June 1972 MauritaniaNorth Africa
10Hassan II12 June 197227 May 1973 MoroccoNorth Africa
11Yakubu Gowon27 May 197312 June 1974 NigeriaWest Africa
12Siad Barre12 June 197428 July 1975Somalia SomaliaEast Africa
13Idi Amin28 July 19752 July 1976 UgandaEast Africa
14Seewoosagur Ramgoolam2 July 19762 July 1977 MauritiusSouthern Africa
15Omar Bongo2 July 197718 July 1978 GabonCentral Africa
16Gaafar Nimeiry18 July 197812 July 1979Sudan SudanEast Africa
17William Tolbert12 July 197912 April 1980 LiberiaWest Africa
Léopold Sédar Senghor
Acting Chairperson
28 April 19801 July 1980 Senegal
18Siaka Stevens1 July 198024 June 1981 Sierra LeoneWest Africa
19Daniel arap Moi24 June 19816 June 1983 KenyaEast Africa
20Mengistu Haile Mariam6 June 198312 November 1984 EthiopiaEast Africa
21Julius Nyerere12 November 198418 July 1985 TanzaniaEast Africa
22Abdou Diouf18 July 198528 July 1986 SenegalWest Africa
23Denis Sassou-Nguesso28 July 198627 July 1987 People's Republic of the CongoCentral Africa
(8)Kenneth Kaunda27 July 198725 May 1988 ZambiaSouthern Africa
24Moussa Traoré25 May 198824 July 1989 MaliWest Africa
25Hosni Mubarak24 July 19899 July 1990 EgyptNorth Africa
26Yoweri Museveni9 July 19903 June 1991 UgandaEast Africa
27Ibrahim Babangida3 June 199129 June 1992 NigeriaWest Africa
(23)Abdou Diouf29 June 199228 June 1993 SenegalWest Africa
(26)Hosni Mubarak28 June 199313 June 1994 EgyptNorth Africa
28Zine El Abidine Ben Ali13 June 199426 June 1995 TunisiaNorth Africa
29Meles Zenawi26 June 19958 July 1996 EthiopiaEast Africa
30Paul Biya8 July 19962 June 1997 CameroonCentral Africa
31Robert Mugabe2 June 19978 June 1998 ZimbabweSouthern Africa
32Blaise Compaoré8 June 199812 July 1999 Burkina FasoWest Africa
33Abdelaziz Bouteflika12 July 199910 July 2000 AlgeriaNorth Africa
34Gnassingbé Eyadéma10 July 20009 July 2001 TogoWest Africa
35Frederick Chiluba9 July 20012 January 2002 ZambiaSouthern Africa
36Levy Mwanawasa2 January 20029 July 2002

See also


  1. "OAU Founders". African Union. Archived from the original on 2 February 2014. Retrieved 30 January 2014.
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