The Catalan counties (Catalan: Comtats Catalans, IPA: [kumˈtats kətəˈlans]) were the administrative Christian divisions of the eastern Carolingian Hispanic Marches and the southernmost part of the March of Gothia in the Pyrenees created after their rapid conquest by the Franks.

The various counties roughly defined what later came to be known as the Principality of Catalonia.

In 778, Charlemagne led the first military Frankish expedition into Hispania to create the Hispanic Marches, a buffer zone between the Umayyad Moors and Arabs of Al-Andalus and the Frankish Kingdom of Aquitaine. The territory that he subdued was the kernel of Catalonia (not yet known like that since the first written mention of Catalonia and the Catalans as an ethnicity appears almost a century later in 1113 at the Liber maiolichinus) which was already a no man's land since the defeat of the Visigoths and the arrival of the Muslims in 714 who crossed the Pyrenees with an army to be defeated in 732 at the Battle of Tours. In 781, Charlemagne made his 3-year-old son Louis the Pious (778 – 840) king of Aquitaine, who was sent there with regents and a court in order to secure the southern border of his kingdom against the Arabs and the moors and to expand southwards into Muslim territory.

These counties were originally feudal entities ruled by a small military elite. Counts were appointed directly by and owed allegiance to the Carolingian (Frankish) emperor. The appointment to heirs could not be taken for granted. However, with the rise of the importance of the Bellonids and strong figures among them such as, Sunifred (fl. 844848) and Wilfred the Hairy (c.870-897), and the weakening of Carolingian royal power, the appointment of heirs eventually become a formality. This trend resulted in the counts becoming de facto independent of the Carolingian crown under Borrell II in 987, starting since, to call themselves and to be known as dei gratia comes (counts by the grace of god) and dux catalanensis (Catalan dukes) or even Hispaniae subjogator (attorney of Hispania) and Propugnator et murus christiani populi (wall and defender of the Christian folk).

The many counties (aside from the counties of County of Pallars, County of Urgell and County of Empuries) were to be soon absorbed into the County of Barcelona. A Count of Barcelona, prince Ramon Berenguer IV, married princess Petronilla of Aragon of the Kingdom of Aragon in 1150, uniting as equals the County of Barcelona and the Kingdom of Aragon. Thus, their son, Alfonso II of Aragon, became the first king of the Crown of Aragon, ruling over both the Catalans and the Aragonese.


The Catalan counties between the late 8th and the 12th centuries, including their expansion southwards

The reconquista from the Moors by the Franks began in 785.[1] In 785, Rostany (or Rostaing) was made Count of Girona, the first of the Catalan counties to be established. Besalú and Empúries were originally part of Girona. In 801, in the greatest military triumph of his long career, the young Louis took Barcelona, the greatest city of the Catalan littoral. When Urgell and Cerdanya were subdued around 798, they were also made counties and Borrell was made count. He took a very active part in the subsequent conquest of Osona in 799 and the successful siege of Barcelona in 801. He was made count of Osona in 799, perhaps as a reward for his services. In 801, the greatest of the counties, Barcelona, was established under Bera. In 812, Count Odilo of Girona (which included Besalú and Empúries) died and the county also passed to Bera.

In 804 and 805, Borrell participated in the expeditions to Tortosa, but not in the subsequent campaigns of 808 and 809. On Borrell's death in 820, Osona was given to Rampon and Urgell and Cerdanya went to Aznar Galíndez. Also in 820, Bera went into political disfavour and lost the countships of Barcelona and Girona, which also went to Rampon.

Around 813, Empúries became a separate county under Ermenguer, and in 817, it was united to the County of Roussillon. From 835 to 844, Sunyer I was count of Empúries and Peralada while Alaric I was count of Roussillon and Vallespir.

Besalú was made a separate county in 878 for Radulf on the condition that it pass to the heirs of Wilfred the Hairy on his death. It went to Miro I the Younger in 912.

Barcelona soon overshadowed the other counties in importance, especially during the reign of Wilfred the Hairy in the late 9th century. At that time, the power of the Carolingians was waning and the neglected Hispanic march was practically independent of royal authority. In the early 11th century, Berenguer Ramon I, Count of Barcelona, was able to submit to Sancho III of Navarre as his suzerain, even though he was still legally a vassal of Robert II of France. With the accession of Robert's father, Hugh Capet, the first non-Carolingian king, in 987, most of the Catalan counts refused to pay homage to the new dynasty. Over the next century, most of the Catalan counties came into the hands of the counts of Barcelona. In time, one of the Counts of Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer IV, married the heiress of Aragon, Petronella, uniting the counties under the count's power to that kingdom, creating the Crown of Aragon. Several of the later kings re-created some Catalan counties as appanages for younger sons.

Catalan Counties and Viscounties

Catalan CountiesCatalan Viscounties

Appointed rulers

Ruler Born Reign Death Ruling part Family Notes
Borrell I?798-820820Cerdanya
?After his death his counties were annexed by the County of Aragon (820-834/38).
Beggo755806-81628 October 816Pallars
Bera 770790-820 844Razès
? Nominated to three different counties in the Hispanic March. Conflent merged in Razès.
Gaucelm 796817-832 834Roussillon
?Osona merged in Barcelona from 820.
Bernard of Septimania 770825-832
Guilhelmids Married Dhuoda of Gascony, daughter of the Duke of Gascony.
Berengar the Wise 790816-835 835Pallars
Sunifred I ?834-848 848Cerdanya Bellonids Married Ermesinde (in 840), and had offspring, which succeeded him; See Hereditary period below.
Sunyer I ?835-848 ?Roussillon Bellonids Brother of Sunifred I.
Argila?844-846846Razès?Son of Count Bera I.
Bera II?846-849849Razès?Also Count of Carcassonne.
Miro Eutili?849-850849Razès?Also Count of Carcassonne.
Fredelo ?844-852 852Pallars
? Also Count of Carcassonne.
William of Septimania826848-850850Barcelona
GuilhelmidsSon of Bernard of Septimania.
Aleran of Troyes? 850-852? Barcelona
House of Blois
Joint rulers.
Isembard of Vergy??House of Vergy
Humfrid ?858-864 859Roussillon
Bernard of Gothia?864-878After 879Roussillon
GuilhelmidsAlso Count of Poitiers.

Hereditary Rulers

Catalan Counties under Bellonid dynasty

Partitions of the Catalan counties under Bellonid/Barcelona domain

County of

(Bellonid line)
County of

(Barcelona line
from 1325)
       County of

(Barcelona line)
County of

County of

(1st creation)
County of

(small interlude by the
House of Cabrera
County of

       Barcelona joined by
the Kingdom of Aragon

County of

County of

(2nd creation)
(with Roussillon
since 1172)
Inherited by the
Kingdom of Naples
Annexed to the
Aragonese House
of Trastámara
Annexed to the Aragonese House of Trastámara

Table of rulers

RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Wilfred I the Hairy
El Pilós
Disputed filiation,
Presumed son of Sunifred, Count of Barcelona and Ermesinde
aged 46–47
County of BarcelonaGuinidilda
ten children
Children of Sunifred, divided their lands. Wilfred was the first count to explicitly pass his titles to his children: with him begins the hereditary period in the Catalan counties. Radulf had no children and his county passed to his nephew Miro, Count of Cerdanya.
Son of Sunifred, Count of Barcelona and Ermesinde
878 –920920
aged 34–35
County of Barcelona
(at Besalú)
Miro I the Elder
El Vell
c.840Son of Sunifred, Count of Barcelona and Ermesinde878 –895896County of RoussillonQuíxol
one child
Besalú briefly annexed to Cerdanya
Sunyer II c.840
Son of Sunyer I, Count of Empúries
870 –894 915
aged 74–75
County of Empúries Ermengarda
four children
Children of Sunyer I, ruled separated lands.
895 –915County of Roussillon
Son of Sunyer I, Count of Empúries
870 –894894
aged 33–34
County of EmpúriesCixilona
two children
Empúries briefly annexed to Roussillon
Wilfred II Borrell I
(Guifré Borrell)
First son of Wilfred I and Guinidilda
897 –26 April 91126 April 911
aged 36–37
County of BarcelonaGarsenda
one child
Children of Wilfred the Hairy, divided the land. Miro passed his lands to his descendants, but Wilfred had no children. Therefore, Barcelona passed to a younger brother, Sunyer. Sunifred died without descendants and the county went to his nephew Borrell II, Count of Barcelona, Girona and Osona.
Miro II the Younger
El Jove
Second son of Wilfred I and Guinidilda
897 –October 927October 927
aged 48–49
County of CerdanyaAva of Pallars
eight children
Sunifred IIc.880
Fourth son of Wilfred I and Guinidilda
897 –948948
aged 67–68
County of Barcelona
(at Urgell)
Adelaide of Barcelona Bonafilla
no children
Urgell briefly annexed to Barcelona
Sixth son of Wilfred I and Guinidilda
26 April 911 –94715 October 950
aged 59–60
County of BarcelonaAimilda
one child

five children
Younger brother of Wilfred II and Miro II, succeeded his brother in Barcelona.
Son of Sunyer II and Ermengarda
915 –9164 March/1 September 916
aged 45–46
County of RoussillonGodlana of Barcelona
no children
Children of Sunyer II, ruled jointly. Bencion was son-in-law of his uncle Miro the Elder, but was Gausbert who assured the continuity of the inheritance.
Son of Sunyer II and Ermengarda
915 –931931
aged 69–70
County of RoussillonTrudegarda
three children
Regency of Ava of Pallars (927-942) Children of Miro II; divided the land. Wilfred was the last Catalan count that came to pay tribute to the Carolingian king. After Wilfred II's death with no descendants, Sunifred reunited Besalú with Cerdanya. However, as Sunifred didn't have children himself, the county passed to his younger brother.
Sunifred II915
First son of Miro II and Ava of Pallars
October 927 –30 October 96830 October 968
aged 52–53
County of CerdanyaGodlana of Barcelona
no children
Wilfred IIc.920
Second son of Miro II and Ava of Pallars
October 927 –957November/December 957
aged 36–37
County of Cerdanya
(at Besalú)
Gausfred Ic.900
Son of Gausbert and Trudegarda
931 –991991
aged 90–91
County of RoussillonAva Guisla of Rouergue
four children

no children
Miro I
Second son of Sunyer and Richilde
947 –966966
aged 39–40
County of BarcelonaUnmarried Children of Sunyer, ruled jointly. In his testament, Borrell II, gave Barcelona, Girona and Osona to Ramon Borrell (992-1017), while Urgell went to Ermengol I (992-1010), so that the Count of Urgell title became separated from the House of Barcelona.
Borrell II
Third son of Sunyer and Richilde
947 –992992
aged 64–65
County of BarcelonaLuitgarde
five children
Miro III
El Bonfill
(The Good Son?)
Third son of Miro II and Ava of Pallars
968 –22 January 98422 January 984
aged 63–64
County of CerdanyaUnmarriedAlso Bishop of Girona (968-984).
Cabreta (?)
Fourth son of Miro II and Ava of Pallars
22 January 984 –988990
aged 69–70
County of CerdanyaErmengarda of Roussillon-Empúries
five children
Abdicated to his children in 988 to follow a monastic life.
Ramon Borrell
26 May 972
Son of Borrell II and Luitgarde
988 –8 September 10178 September 1017
aged 45
County of BarcelonaErmesinde of Carcassonne
two children
Children of Ramon Borrell, divided the land.
Ermengol I of Córdoba
El de Córdoba
Second son of Borrell II and Luitgarde
992 –1 September 10101 September 1010
aged 36–37
County of UrgellTetberga of Forez
two children
Regency of Ermengarda of Roussillon-Empúries (988-994) Children of Oliba Cabreta, divided the county. Oliba abdicated of Berga to become abbot and then Bishop of Vic (1018-1046).
Bernard I Taillefer
First son of Oliba Cabreta and Ermengarda of Roussillon-Empúries
988 –1020September/October 1020
aged 49–50
County of BesalúToda of Provence
eight children
Wilfred IIc.970
Second son of Oliba Cabreta and Ermengarda of Roussillon-Empúries
988 –103531 July 1049
Abbey of Saint-Martin-du-Canigou
aged 78–79
County of CerdanyaGuisla of Pallars
eight children
Third son of Oliba Cabreta and Ermengarda of Roussillon-Empúries
988 –100231 October 1046
aged 74–75
County of Cerdanya
(at Berga)
Hugh Ic.965
First son of Gausfred I and Ava Guisla of Rouergue
991 –10401040
aged 74–75
County of EmpúriesGuisla of Béziers
five children
Children of Gausfred I, divided the land.
Giselbert Ic.965
Third son of Gausfred I and Ava Guisla of Rouergue
991 –10141014
aged 48–49
County of RoussillonBeliarda
three children
Regency of Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona (1010-1018) Began a war of conquest alongside his uncle and regent. Died in pilgrimage.
Ermengol II the Pilgrim
El Pelegrí
Son of Ermengol I and Tetberga of Forez
1 September 1010 –10381038
aged 26–27
County of UrgellArsenda of Béziers
no children

Velasquita-Constance of Besalú
one child
Gausfred IIc.1000
Son of Giselbert I and Beliarda
1014 –10741074
aged 73–74
County of RoussillonAdelaide
five children
Regency of Ermesinde of Carcassonne (1017-1021)
Berenguer Ramon I the Crooked
El Corbat
Son of Ramon Borrell and Ermesinde of Carcassonne
8 September 1017 –31 March 103531 March 1035
aged 30–31
County of BarcelonaSancha of Castile
two children

Guisla of Lluçá
three children
William I the Fat
El Gras
Son of Bernard I and Toda of Provence
1020 –10521052
aged 56–57
County of BesalúAdelaide of Provence
three children
Regency of Ermesinde of Carcassonne (1035-1039) He was the first to have the intention of creating a Principality of Catalonia,[2] ideal then applied by his descendant Alfonso II of Aragon from 1162. Some authors argue that he may have ruled with his wife Almodis de La Marche,[3] although her status as sovereign is very disputed.
Ramon Berenguer I the Old
El Vell
Son of Berenguer Ramon I and Sancha of Castile
31 March 1035 –26 June 107626 June 1076
aged 52–53
County of BarcelonaÉlisabeth de Nîmes
three children

Blanche de Narbonne
16 March 1051
(annulled 1052)
no children

Almodis de La Marche
(together since 1052)
four children
Regency of Guisla de Lluçá (1035-1054) Received the counties of Osona and Manresa. As he also was a minor, he was under regency of his mother. As she married again in 1054, William decided to give back his counties to his half-brother.
Son of Berenguer Ramon I and Guisla de Lluçá
31 March 1035 –10541057
aged 28–29
County of Barcelona
(at Osona and Manresa)
Osona reabsorbed in Barcelona
First son of Wilfred II and Guisla of Pallars
1035 –10681068
aged 57–58
County of CerdanyaAdelaide
two children
Children of Wilfred II. Ramon kept Cerdanya and Bernard inherited Berga, which was short-lived, as Bernard died without issue and his successor, his brother Berenguer, abdicated of the county to Cerdanya to become Bishop of Girona (1050-1093).
Bernard Ic.1010
Second son of Wilfred II and Guisla of Pallars
1035 –10501050
aged 39–40
County of Cerdanya
(at Berga)
Son of Wilfred II and Guisla of Pallars
aged 57–58
County of Cerdanya
(at Berga)
Regency of Velasquita-Constance of Besalú (1038-1050) He was given the rule of Barbastro following its conquest during the Crusade of Barbastro (1064).
Ermengol III of Barbastre
El de Barbastre
June 1032
Son of Ermengol II and Velasquita-Constance of Besalú
1038 –17 April 106617 April 1066
aged 33–34
County of UrgellAdelaide of Besalú
two children

Clemence of Bigorre
three children

Sancha of Aragon
no children
Ponce I990
Son of Hugh I and Guisla of Béziers
1040 –10781078
aged 87–88
County of EmpúriesAdelaide of Besalú
3 August 1364
eight children
William II Trunus
El Tro
First son of William I and Adelaide of Provence
1052 –10661066 or 25 January 1070
aged 45–46 or 49-50
County of Besalúmarriage agreement with
Lucie de La Marche 1054, not fulfilled
Stephanie of Provence
two children
Regency of Sancha of Aragon (1066-1075) His second marriage expanded his authority into the Provençal County of Forcalquier.
Ermengol IV of Gerb
El de Gerb
Son of Ermengol III and Adelaide of Besalú
17 April 1066 –11 March 109211 March 1092
aged 35–36
County of UrgellLucie of Upper Pallars
one child

Adelaide, Countess of Forcalquier
two children
Bernard IIc.1020
Second son of William I and Adelaide of Provence
1066 –10971097
aged 56–57
County of BesalúErmengard of Empúries
one child
Probably intended as regent for his nephew, he took his place and ruled until his own death.
William I Raymondc.1040
Son of Sunyer II and Ermengarda
1068 –10951095
aged 54–55
County of CerdanyaAdelaide of Carcassonne
no children

Isabella of Urgell
no children

Sancha of Barcelona
(c.1058- aft. 13 April 1102)
two children
Giselbert IIc.1025
Son of Gausfred II and Ava Guisla of Rouergue
1074 –11021102
aged 76–77
County of RoussillonStephanie
one child
Made a treaty with his cousin Ponce I of Empúries.
Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead
El Cap d'Estopes
First/Second son of Ramon Berenguer I
and Almodis de La Marche
26 June 1076 –6 December 10826 December 1082
Sant Feliu de Buixalleu
aged 28–29
County of BarcelonaMafalda of Apulia-Calabria
three children
Twin children of Ramon Berenguer and Almodis, ascended jointly. Berenguer Ramon probably perpetrated his brother's murder (hence his cognomen). After the event, his nephew was associated to the co-rulership.
Berenguer Ramon II the Fratricide
El Fratricida
First/Second son of Ramon Berenguer I
and Almodis de La Marche
26 June 1076 –1097
(joint rule 10761082)
aged 43–44
County of BarcelonaUnmarried
Hugh II1035
Son of Ponce I and Adelaide of Besalú
1078 –11161116
aged 80–81
County of EmpúriesSancha of Urgell
six children
His brother Berenguer was the forefather of the Viscounts of Rocabertí.
Ramon Berenguer III the Great
El Gran
11 November 1082
Son of Ramon Berenguer II
and Mafalda of Apulia-Calabria
6 December 1082 –19 July 1131 19 July 1131
aged 48
County of Barcelona María Rodríguez de Vivarbr/>1103
two children

Almodis de Mortain
no children

Douce I, Countess of Provence
3 February 1112
seven children
Ruled jointly with his uncle until 1097. His last marriage with the heiress of the County of Provence brought it under Barcelona domain. His reign saw a proliferation of Provençal culture in Catalonia.
1112 –19 July 1131County of Provence
Ermengol V of Mollerussa
El de Mollerussa
Son of Ermengol IV and Lucie of Upper Pallars
11 March 1092 –11 September 110211 September 1102
aged 23–24
County of UrgellMaría Pérez of Valladolid
five children
Children of Ermengol IV. Ermengol V was the first count since Ermengol I to not be a minor at the time of his accession. His marriage brought Urgell into the Leonese-Castilian court. William received his mother's inheritance in Forcalquier.
William IIIc.1080
Son of Ermengol IV and Adelaide, Countess of Forcalquier
1129 –7 October 11297 October 1129
aged 48–49
County of ForcalquierGersende of Albon
two children
William II Jordan1079
First son of William I and Sancha of Barcelona
1095 –1109July/August 1109
aged 29–30
County of CerdanyaUnmarriedDied in crusade. He left no heirs and was succeeded by his brother.
Bernard IIIc.1065
Son of William II and Stephanie of Provence
1097 –11111111
aged 45–46
County of BesalúXimena, Countess of Osona
1 October 1107
no children
Besalú annexed to Barcelona
Girard Ic.1070?
Son of Giselbert II and Stephanie
1102 –11131113
aged 62–63
County of RoussillonAgnes
two children
Regency of Pedro Ansúrez, Lord of Valladolid (1102-1108) His close bonds with the Castlian court (started by his father) rendered him his nickname.
Ermengol VI of Castile
El de Castella
Son of Ermengol V and María Pérez of Valladolid
1102 –28 June 115428 June 1154
aged 57–58
County of UrgellArsenda de Cabrera
one child

Elvira Rodríguez de Lara
three children
Second son of William I and Sancha of Barcelona
1109 –11181118
aged 37–38
County of CerdanyaTeresa of Urgell
no children

Sancha de Álvar
no children
Cerdanya annexed to Barcelona
Regency of Arnau Gausfred of Roussillon (1113-1121)
Gausfred III1103
Son of Girard I and Agnes
1113 –24 February 116424 February 1164
aged 60–61
County of RoussillonErmengarde of Béziers
(annulled 1152)
one child
Ponce II
(Ponç Hug I)
Son of Hugh II and Sancha of Urgell
1116 –11541154
aged 83–84
County of EmpúriesBrunesilda
one child
First son of William III of Forcalquier and Gersende of Albon
7 October 1129 –11491149
aged 58–59
County of ForcalquierUnknown
one child
His child probably predeceased him, as he was succeeded by his brother.
Berenguer Ramon IFebruary 1114
Son of Ramon Berenguer I and Douce I, Countess of Provence
19 July 1131 – March 1144March 1144
aged 30
County of ProvenceBeatrice of Melgueil
one child
Younger son, took and offensive against Genoa.
Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint
El Sant
Barcelona or Rodez
Son of Ramon Berenguer III
and Douce I, Countess of Provence
19 July 1131 –6 August 11626 August 1162
Borgo San Dalmazzo
aged 48–49
County of BarcelonaPetronilla, Queen of Aragon
August 1150
five children
His marriage with the queen of Aragon united Barcelona and the Kingdom of Aragon.
Regency of Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona (1144–1157) In August 1161, he travelled to Turin with his uncle to obtain confirmation of his countship in Provence from the Emperor Frederick I, for Provence was legally a fief of the Holy Roman Empire.
Ramon Berenguer IIc.1135
Son of Berenguer Ramon I and Beatrice of Melgueil
March 1144 – March 1166March 1166
aged 30–31
County of ProvenceRicheza of Poland
17 November 1161
one child
Bertrand I1104
Second son of William III of Forcalquier and Gersende of Albon
1149 –11511151
aged 46–47
County of ForcalquierJosserande de la Flotte
three children
Bertrand IIc.1130?
First son of Bertrand I and Josserande de la Flotte
1151 –13 May 120713 May 1207
aged 76–77
County of ForcalquierCecilia of Béziers
two children
Left no male heirs, and was succeeded by his brother.
Ermengol VII of Valencia
El de València
Son of Ermengol VI and Arsenda of Cabrera
28 June 1154 –11 August 118411 August 1184
aged 26–27
County of UrgellDouce of Foix
(1143-13 February 1209)
two children
Continued the Castilian bonds of his ancestors: inherited Castilian land from his grandmother and was Majordomo of Ferdinand II of León.
Hugh IIIc.1110/20
Son of Ponce II and Brunesilda
1154 –11731173
aged 62–63?
County of EmpúriesJessiana d'Entença
five children
Petronilla29 June 1136
Daughter of Ramiro II of Aragon
and Agnes of Aquitaine
6 August 1162 –18 July 116415 October 1173
aged 37
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Ramon Berenguer IV
August 1150
five children
After the death of her husband, she, as Queen of Aragon, assumed the reins of his lands until her own abdication.
Girard IIc.1120?
Son of Gausfred III and Ermengarde of Béziers
24 February 1164 – July 1172July 1172
aged 74–75
County of RoussillonUnmarriedHis will determined that the county should be inherited by his relative, Alfonso II of Aragon.
Roussillon annexed to Barcelona-Aragon
Regency of Richeza of Poland (1166-1167) She ruled a few months, as her half brother-in-law, Alfonso II of Aragon, claimed Provence for himself on the basis of the imperial enfeoffment of 1162.
Douce IIc.1162
Daughter of Ramon Berenguer II and Richeza of Poland
March 1166 – 11671172
aged 9–10
County of ProvenceUnmarried
Council of Regency (1164-1172) Formal union of the Kingdom of Aragon and Barcelona. Alfonso also reunited various feudal dependencies. In August 1161, he travelled to Turin with his uncle obtain the confirmation of his countship in Provence from the Emperor Frederick I, for Provence was legally a fief of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1173, he gave the county to his younger brother Ramon Berenguer. However, he kept the title until his death in 1196.
Alphonse I the Troubadour
El Trobador
Alfons I 1-25 March 1157
Son of Ramon Berenguer IV and Petronilla
18 July 1164 – 25 April 1196 25 April 1196
aged 44
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
marriage agreement with
Mafalda of Portugal 1159-1162, not fulfilled

Sancha of Castile
18 January 1174
seven children
1167 –1173County of Provence
Ramon Berenguer III
Son of Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona and Petronilla of Aragon
1162-1168 5 April 1181
aged 22–23
County of Cerdanya-Roussillon Unmarried Abdicated of Cerdanya to his brother Sancho. In 1173, assuming the county of Provence, changed his name to Ramon Berenguer. In 1176, he joined Sancho in conquering Nice from Genoa. He was assassinated.
1173–5 April 1181County of Provence
Sancho c.1161
Son of Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona and Petronilla of Aragon
1168-1223 1223
aged 61–62
County of Cerdanya-Roussillon Ermesinde of Rocabertí
one child

Sancha Núñez de Lara
one child
Received from his brother the counties of Cerdanya and Roussillon, and in 1181, received also the County of Roussillon, in the sequence of the same brother's death. In 1184, Sancho signed a treaty of alliance with the count of Forcalquier, the count of Toulouse and the Republic of Genoa agreeing to oppose the king of Aragon's efforts to dominate Genoa and to take the city of Marseille from him. Abdicated from Provence in 1185, but ruled in Cerdanya-Roussillon until his death.
1181–1185County of Provence
Ponce III
(Ponç Hug II)
Son of Hugh III and Jessiana d'Entença
1173 –12001200
aged 64–65
County of EmpúriesAdelaide of Montcada
two children

Ermesinde of Peratellada
no children
Ermengol VIII of Sant Hilari
El de Sant Hilari
Son of Ermengol VII and Douce of Foix
11 August 1184 –12091209
Sant Hilari Sacalm
aged 50–51
County of UrgellElvira Núñez de Lara[4]
one child
Ensured his daughter's succession to the county.
Alphonse II1180
Son of Alfonso I and Sancha of Castile
1185 –2 February 12092 February 1209
aged 28–29
County of ProvenceGarsenda, Countess of Forcalquier
July 1193
one child
His reign was marked by his conflicts with the count of Forcalquier, to whose granddaughter he was married.
Peter I the Catholic
El Catòlic
Peter IJuly 1178
Son of Alfons I and Sancha of Castile
25 April 1196 – 13 September 121312 September 1213
Battle of Muret
aged 35
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Marie of Montpellier
15 June 1204
two children
Died in the Battle of Muret, in which he retaliated the Cathar Crusade.
Hugh IV1170
Son of Ponce III and Adelaide of Montcada
1200 –April 1230April 1230
aged 59–60
County of EmpúriesMaria, Lady of Vilademuls
19 June 1373
five children
Joined the Conquest of Majorca.
William IVc.1130
Second son of Bertrand I and Josserande de la Flotte
13 May 1207 –7 October 12097 October 1209
aged 78–79
County of ForcalquierAdelaide of Béziers
one child
Left a daughter, Garsenda, who predeceased him; he was succeeded by his granddaughter, also named Garsenda.
Daughter of Rainou of Sabran and Garsenda of Forcalquier
7 October 1209 –12221242
aged 60–61
County of Forcalquier
(House of Sabran)
Alfonso II, Count of Provence
July 1193
one child
In 1222, she abdicated for her son, and Forcalquier was absorbed by Provence.
Forcalquier annexed to Provence
Regency of Garsenda, Countess of Forcalquier (1209–1220) Supporter of the Provençal lyric and culture and the Albigensian Crusade. He also helped his father-in-law in his conflict with Turin and Guigues VI of Viennois. His surviving four daughters all married kings, causing a dispute about his succession.
Ramon Berenguer IV1198
Son of Alfonso II and Garsenda, Countess of Forcalquier
February 1209 –19 August 124519 August 1245
aged 46–47
County of ProvenceBeatrice of Savoy
5 June 1219
six children
Regency of Elvira Núnez de Lara (1209-1220) Made a treaty of concubinage with James I of Aragon in 1209, and was his concubine until 1228. Some authors argue that the claimant Guerau IV of Cabrera had effective control of the county during her stay in the Aragonese court (1213-1228). In 1229, she married Peter of Portugal, and made him her co-ruler.
Daughter of Ermengol VIII and Elvira Núnez de Lara
1209 –12311231
Balagueraged 34–35
County of Urgellmarriage agreement with
James I of Aragon 1209, not fulfilled

Álvaro Pérez de Castro
(annulled 1228)
no children

Peter of Portugal
no children
Peter (I) of Portugal23 February 1187
Sixth son of Sancho I of Portugal and Dulce of Aragon
1229 –12312 June 1258
Balearic Islands
aged 71
County of UrgellAurembiaix, Countess of Urgell
no children
Co-ruler with his wife. He then ruled the Balearic Islands (1231–44 and 1254–56).
Regency of Sancho, Count of Cerdanya (1213-1218) In his reign, by the Treaty of Corbeil (1258) with Louis IX of France, Aragon formally renounced all possessions beyond the Pyrenees; In compensation, Aragon-Barcelona expands its borders south against the Moors; Aragon conquers also the Balearic Islands, where it is established the Kingdom of Majorca.
James I the Conqueror
El Conqueridor
James I2 February 1208
Son of Peter I the Catholic and Marie of Montpellier
13 September 1213 – 27 July 127627 July 1276
aged 68
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
marriage agreement with
Aurembiaix, Countess of Urgell 1209, not fulfilled

Eleanor of Castile
6 February 1221
one child

Violant of Hungary
8 September 1235
ten children

Teresa Gil de Vidaure
(lover, then wife)
(uncanonical marriage, repudiated 1260)
two children
Nuño Sancho1185
Son of Sancho and Sancha Núñez de Lara
aged 56–57
County of Cerdanya-RoussillonPetronilla, Countess of Bigorre
(annulled 1216)
no children

Teresa López de Haro
no children
After his death without heirs, the county was briefly annexed to Barcelona-Aragon.
Cerdanya-Roussillon briefly annexed to Barcelona-Aragon
Ponce IV
(Ponç Hug III)
Son of Hugh IV and Maria of Vilademuls
April 1230 –12691269
aged 63–64
County of EmpúriesBenedetta of Torres
no children

Teresa Fernández de Lara
four children
His brother, Ponce Hugh, was the forefather of the House of Entença.
First son of Guerau IV de Cabrera and Eylo Pérez de Castro
1231 –12431243
aged 26–27
County of Urgell
(House of Cabrera)
María González Girón
six children
Grandson of Marquesa, daughter of Ermengol VII. After a period of dynastic squabbles James I of Aragon acknowledged him as the successor to the County of Urgell.
Regency of María González Girón and James of Cervera (1243) Died as a minor. He was succeeded by his brother.
Ermengol IX1235
First son of Ponce and María González Girón
aged 7–8
County of Urgell
(House of Cabrera)
Regency of María González Girón and James of Cervera (1243-1253)
Álvaro the Castilian
El Castellà
Second son of Ponce and María González Girón
1243 –12681268
aged 28–29
County of Urgell
(House of Cabrera)
Constance of Béarn
Cecilia of Foix
three children
Daughter of Ramon Berenguer IV and Beatrice of Savoy
19 August 1245 –23 September 126723 September 1267
Nocera Inferiore
aged 37–38
County of ProvenceCharles I, King of Sicily
31 January 1246
seven children
Her inheritance caused tense relations with her sisters; Her husband installed his French court in Provence and, after her death, inherited the county.
Provence annexed to the Kingdom of Naples
Regency of Cecilia of Foix (1268-1270) and Roger-Bernard III, Count of Foix (1268-1278)
Ermengol X1254
Son of Álvaro and Cecilia of Foix
1268 –13141314
aged 59–60
County of Urgell
(House of Cabrera)
Sybille of Montcada
no children

Faydida of L'Isle-Jourdain
no children
Hugh V1240
Son of Ramon Berenguer and Teresa Fernández de Lara
1269 –12771277
aged 59–60
County of EmpúriesSybilla de Palau
two children
Peter II the Great
El Gran
Peter IIJuly or August 1240
Son of James I and Violant of Hungary
27 July 1276 – 2 November 12852 November 1285
Vilafranca del Penedès
aged 45
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Constance of Sicily
13 June 1262
six children
Children of James I, divided their possessions. Peter kept Aragon and the majority of the counties, and James inherited Majorca and the more remote counties (Roussillon and Cerdanya). In Peter's reign, Aragon conquers the Kingdom of Sicily, during the Sicilian Vespers.
James IIJames I31 May 1243
Son of James I of Aragon and Violant of Hungary
27 July 1276 – 29 May 131129 May 1311
Palma de Mallorca
aged 68
County of Cerdanya-Roussillon
(with Kingdom of Majorca, 1276–86; 1295–1311)
Esclaramunda of Foix
six children
Ponce V
(Ponç Hug IV)
Son of Hugh V and Sybilla de Palau
1277 –13131313
aged 48–49
County of EmpúriesMarquesa de Cabrera
three children
Alphonse II the Liberal
El Liberal
Alfons II4 November 1265
Son of Peter II and Constance of Sicily
2 November 1285 – 18 June 129118 June 1291
aged 27
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Eleanor of England
15 August 1290
(by proxy and not consummated; death of the groom during bride's way to Aragon)
James II the Just
El Just
James II10 August 1267
Son of Peter II and Constance of Sicily
18 June 1291 – 2 November 13275 November 1327
aged 60
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Isabella of Castile
1 December 1291
no children

Blanche of Anjou
29 October or 1 November 1295
ten children

Marie de Lusignan
15 June 1315(by proxy)
27 November 1315 (in person)
no children

Elisenda de Montcada
25 December 1322
no children
Son of James II of Majorca and Esclaramunda of Foix
29 May 1311 –4 September 13244 September 1324
aged 48
County of Cerdanya-Roussillon
(with Kingdom of Majorca)
Maria of Naples
20 September 1304
no children
Ponce VI
Malgaulí (?)
(Ponç Hug V)
Second son of Ponce V and Marquesa de Cabrera
1313 –13221322
aged 31–32
County of EmpúriesSybilla of Narbonne
no children

Elisabeth of Sicily
one child
Daughter of Gombau d'Entença and Constance of Antillón
1314 – 20 October 132720 October 1327
aged 26–27
County of Urgell
(House of Entença)
Alfonso IV of Aragon
seven children
Daughter of Constance, niece of Ermengol X. She married the heir to the crown of Aragon, and by this, she returned the county to the House of Barcelona.
Regency of Elisabeth of Sicily (1322) Died as a minor. The county passed to Hug de Cardona, the nearest relative of the family.
Daughter of Ponce VI and Elisabeth of Sicily
aged 4–5
County of EmpúriesUnmarried
Hugh VI1307
Son of Ramon Folch VI of Cardona and María Alfonso de Haro
1322 –13251334
aged 26–27
County of Empúries
(House of Folch de Cardona)
UnmarriedGrandson of Sybilla, daughter of Ponç IV. Also Viscount of Cardona. He was deposed by James II of Aragon, who replaced him with his own son.
James III5 April 1315
Son of Ferdinand of Majorca and Isabelle of Sabran
4 September 1324 –134425 October 1349
aged 34
County of Cerdanya-Roussillon
(with Kingdom of Majorca)
Constance of Aragon
two children

Violante of Vilaragut
10 November 1347
one child
Nephew of Sancho. Deposed by Peter the Ceremonious, in his attempt to reunite the domains of the Crown of Aragon.
Cerdanya-Roussillon reabsorbed in Barcelona
Peter I1305
Eighth son of James II and Blanche of Anjou
1325 –13414 November 1381
aged 74–75
County of EmpúriesJoanna of Foix
(d.1358)12 May 1331
Castelló d'Empúries
four children
Son of James II of Aragon, he was appointed as count of Empúries. Abdicated to his brother in 1341.
Alphonse III the Kind
El Benigne
Alfons III2 November 1299
Son of James II and Blanche of Anjou
2 November 1327 – 24 January 133627 January 1336
aged 37
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Teresa d'Entença
seven children

Eleanor of Castile
5 February 1329
two children
James I1321
Fourth son of Alphonse III and Teresa d'Entença
20 October 1327 –15 November 134715 November 1347
aged 25–26
County of UrgellCecilia of Comminges
two children
Son of Alfonso IV of Aragon (III as Count of Barcelona), he was appointed as count of Urgell.
Peter III the Ceremonious
El Cerimoniós
Peter III5 October 1319
Son of Alphonse III and Teresa d'Entença
24 January 1336 – 5 January 13875 January 1387
aged 68
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Maria of Navarre
25 July 1337
two children

Leonor of Portugal
14 or 15 November 1347
no children

Eleanor of Sicily
27 August 1349
four children

Sibila of Fortia
11 October 1377
three children
Ramon Berenguer1308
Fifth son of James II and Blanche of Anjou
1341 –13641366
aged 57–58
County of EmpúriesBlanche of Taranto
two children

María Alvárez de Xérica
one child
Abdicated of the county to his son, and died two years later.
Regency of Cecilia of Comminges (1347-1357)
Peter II1340
Son of James I and Cecilia of Comminges
15 November 1347 –14081408
aged 67–68
County of UrgellBeatrice of Cardona
22 August 1363
no children

Margaret Palaiologina of Montferrat
eight children
John I the Old
El Vell
Son of Ramon Berenguer and María Alvárez de Xérica
1364 –13981398
Castellví de Rosanes
aged 59–60
County of EmpúriesBlanche of Sicily
3 August 1364
one child

Joanna of Aragon
19 June 1373
five children
During his reign, in 1386–1387, the county was briefly occupied by Barcelona-Aragon.
John the Hunter
El Caçador
John I27 December 1350
Son of Peter III and Eleanor of Sicily
5 January 1387 – 19 May 139619 May 1396
aged 46
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
marriage agreement with
Jeanne-Blanche of France 1370-1371, not fulfilled

Martha of Armagnac
24 June 1373
five children

Violant of Bar
2 February 1380
seven children
Martin the Humanist
Martí I1356
Son of Peter III and Eleanor of Sicily
19 May 1396 – 31 May 141031 May 1410
aged 54
County of Barcelona
(with Kingdom of Aragon)
Maria de Luna
13 June 1372
four children

Margaret of Prades
17 September 1409
no children
Left no surviving heirs at the time of his death. Barcelona (and Aragon) entered in a period of convulsion that ended with the Compromise of Caspe (1412).
John IIc.1375
First son of John I and Joanna of Aragon
1398 –14011401
Castelló d'Empúries
aged 74–75
County of EmpúriesElsa of Cardona
no children
Left no heirs, and was succeeded by his brother.
Peter II1377
Second son of John I and Joanna of Aragon
1401 –14021402
aged 23–24
County of Empúries 20 October 1399
no children
Son of James II of Aragon, he was appointed as count of Empúries.
Joana of Rocabertí1358
Daughter of Philip Dalmau I of Rocabertí and Esclarmunda of Fenollet
aged 57–58
County of EmpúriesWidow of Peter II, ruled for a brief period before the county was annexed to Aragon.
Empúries annexed to Barcelona
James II the Unlucky
El Dissortat
First son of Peter II and Margaret Palaiologina of Montferrat
1408 –14131 June 1433
aged 52–23
County of UrgellIsabella of Aragon
29 June 1407
five children
Pretender in the Aragonese War of Succession (1410–12), which caused him the loss of his properties. In 1413 Urgell was annexed to Aragon.
Urgell annexed to the Kingdom of Aragon

Catalan Counties under House of Pallars

(Note: According to some authors, the county of Pallars (and by extension Ribagorça) aren't exactly part of the Catalan group of counties[5] )

Partitions of the Catalan counties under Pallars domain

County of Pallars
       County of

County of
Upper Pallars

(Pallars Sobirà)
(Inherited by the
Houses of
County of
Lower Pallars

(Pallars Jussà)
To the
Taifa of Zaragoza
To Pamplona
To Aragon
To Barcelona/Aragon
(from 1162)
To Barcelona/Aragon
(from 1192)

Table of rulers

RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Raymond I?872-920920County of PallarsGuinigenta
five children

A daughter of
Mutarrif ibn Lop

no children
Probably a son of Lop I, Count of Bigorre.
Bernard I?920-955955County of RibagorçaToda of Aragon
two children
Children of Raymond I, divided the land. The eldest, Bernard, received Ribagorça; the younger ones received Pallars and ruled it together. Bernard was probably the father of the countess Ava of Cerdanya.
Loup I?920-947947County of PallarsGoldregoda of Cerdanya
five children
Isarn?920-948948County of Pallars1. Senegunda
2. Adelaide

two children
(in total)
Raymond II?948-992992County of PallarsUnmarried Children of Loup, Raymond, Borrell and Sunyer ruled jointly. After Borrell's death, his son Ermengol was associated to the co-rulership. After Sunyer's death in 1011, Ermengol was forced out of power by his cousins, sons of Sunyer, who split the county between them.
Borrell I?948-995995County of PallarsErmengard of Rouergue
six children
Sunyer I?948-10111011County of PallarsToda, Countess of Ribagorça
five children
Ermengol?995-10111030County of PallarsUnmarried
Bernard I?955-970970County of RibagorçaGarsende of Fézensac
six children
Unifred?970-979979County of RibagorçaSancha
no children
Left no heirs, and was succeeded by his brother.
Arnaud?979-990990County of RibagorçaUnmarriedHe also left no heirs, and was succeeded by his younger brother.
Isarn?990-10031003County of RibagorçaUnmarriedLeft no legitimate heirs, and was succeeded by his sister.
Toda?1003-10111019County of RibagorçaSunyer I
five children
Abdicated in 1011 to her nephew, illegitimate son of her brother Isarn.
Raymond IIIc.9951011-10471047County of Lower PallarsMayor García of Castile
(annulled 1020)
no children

three children
Children of Sunyer, divided the county of Pallars between them. Through his wife Mayor, Raymond was involved in the Ribagorzan succession, as Mayor was a maternal granddaughter of Raymond II of Ribagorza. However, their divorce place Raymond on Mayor's opposte side, and supporting the claim of Sancho III of Pamplona.
William IIc.9951011-10351035County of Upper PallarsStephanie of Urgell (I)
four children
William Isarn?1011-1017955County of RibagorçaUnmarriedIllegitimate son of Isarn. His death caused a succession crisis in the county. One small part went to Lower Pallars, while the rest, after a brief possession by the Taifa of Zaragoza, was annexed to the Kingdom of Pamplona and then inherited by the Kingdom of Aragon.
Ribagorça annexed to the Taifa of Zaragoza (1017-1018), the Kingdom of Pamplona (1018-1035), and then inherited by the Kingdom of Aragon
Bernard II?1035-10491049County of Upper PallarsUnmarriedLeft no heirs and was succeeded by his brother.
Raymond IV?1047-10981098County of Lower PallarsValença of Tost
four children
Artaud I10101049-10811081County of Upper PallarsConstance
three children

Lucie of La Marche
one child
Artaud II?1081-11241124County of Upper PallarsEslonza Martínez
one child
Arnaud Raymond?1098-11111111County of Lower PallarsAlmodis of Cerdanya
two children

one child
Elder children of Raymond IV, ruled jointly.
Peter Raymond?1098-11131113County of Lower PallarsUnmarried
Bernard Raymond?1113-11241124County of Lower PallarsToda
one child
Younger child of Raymond IV.
Artaud III?1124-11671167County of Upper PallarsAgnes
two children

Jimena Pérez de Alagón
one child
From his second wife's child, developed a branch of the family, which used and continued the maternal surname Alagón.
Arnaud Miro11131124-11741174County of Lower PallarsStephanie of Urgell (II)
no children

Oria d'Entença
two children
Son of Arnald Raymond.
Artaud IV1110/321167-11821182County of Upper PallarsGuillema
two children
Son of Artald III and Agnes.
Raymond V?1174-1178September 1178County of Lower PallarsUnknown
one child

Anglesa of Cardona
no children
Regency of Oria d'Entença (1178-c.1180) Left no children. She nominated her grandfather's cousin Douce as her heir.
Valença11671178-11821182County of Lower PallarsUnmarried
Regency of Guillema (1182-c.1185) Left no children, and was succeeded by his sister.
Bernard III11701182-11991199County of Upper PallarsUnmarried
Douce?1182-11921198County of Lower PallarsUnmarriedDaughter of Bernard Raymond, and the last living member of the Lower Pallars branch. In 1192 she donated the county to the County of Barcelona.
Lower Pallars annexed to the County of Barcelona
Guillema11801199-12291250County of Upper PallarsGuilhem d'Erill
no children

Roger I, Count of Upper Pallars
no children
Sister of Bernard. Associated her husband to the county in 1216. In 1229, she retired to a monastic life, and left her husband the entire county. As they didn't have children, the Pallars dynasty was deemed extinct after Guillema's death.
Roger I11821216-12361240County of Upper Pallars
(House of Comminges)
before 1216
at least one son

Guillema, Countess of Upper Pallars
no children
Also Viscount of Couserans. Had no children from his first wife, but she left him the county in 1229. He abdicated to his son (from his second wife) in 1236.
Roger II?1236-12561256County of Upper Pallars
(House of Comminges)
Sybilla of Berga
two children
Arnald Roger I12361256-12881288County of Upper Pallars
(House of Comminges)
Sancha of Villamur
no children

Lucretia Lascaris of Ventimglia
three children
Raymond Roger Ic.12401288-12951295County of Upper Pallars
(House of Comminges)
Blanca de Bellera
no children
Sybilla12821295-13301330County of Upper Pallars
(House of Comminges)
Hug VII, Lord of Mataplana
seven children
Daughter of Arnald Roger.
Arnald Roger II12991330-13431343County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Alamanda of Rocabertí
no children

Urraca d'Entença
no children

Eleanor of Comminges
no children
Son of Sybilla and Hugh VII, Lord of Mataplana. Left no heirs and was succeeded by his brother.
Raymond Roger II13051343-13501350County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Sybilla of Cardona
six children
Hugh Roger I13221350-13661366County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Geralda de Cruïlles
four children
Arnald Roger III13471366-13691369County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Beatrice of Requesens
no children
Left no heirs, and was succeeded by his brother.
Hugh Roger II13501369-14161416County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Blanche of Foix-Castelbon
eight children
Roger Bernard13701416-14241424County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Beatrice of Cardona
two children
Bernard Rogerc.14001424-14421442County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
UnmarriedLeft no heirs, and was succeeded by his brother.
Arnald Roger IV14011442-14511451County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Joana of Cardona
four children
Hugh Roger III14301451-148726 November 1508County of Upper Pallars
(House of Mataplana)
Caterina Albert
two children
Upper Pallars annexed to the Aragonese House of Trastámara

The House of Trastámara and successors

House of Trastámara (1412-1516) and the Catalan Civil War (1462-1472)

Martin died without legitimate descendants (interregnum 31 May 1410 – 24 June 1412). By the Compromise of Caspe of 1412 the County of Barcelona and the rest of the dominions of the Crown of Aragon passed to a branch of the House of Trastamara.

Ferdinand I the Honest3 September 1412 – 2 April 1416He was the nephew of Martin I and the first Count of Barcelona of the House of Trastámara.
Alphonse IV the Magnanimous2 April 1416 – 27 June 1458He was the son of Ferdinand I.
John II the Faithless or the Just27 June 1458 – 1462He was the brother of Alphonse IV. The Catalans confronted him during the Catalan Civil War and in 1462 transferred the title of count to another Trastamara House pretender
During the Catalan Civil War, a war between the Catalan government and the king|John II, the Catalan authorities transferred the title of Count of Barcelona to a succession of 3 foreign sovereigns.
Henry I the Impotent
(House of Trastámara)
1462 - 1463He was the Ferdinand I grandson and thus also from the Trastámara House.
Peter IV of Portugal
(House of Aviz)
1463 – 1466He was the greatgrandson of Peter III.
René I
(House of Valois-Anjou)
1466 – 1472He was the grandson of John the Hunter. He was also the Count of Provence.
After the Catalan Civil War, the House of Trastámara was restituted as tenants of the Count of Barcelona title and thus sovereigns of the Principality of Catalonia.
John II the Faithless or the Just1472 – 20 January 1479He was the brother of Alphonse IV. The Catalans confronted him during the Catalan Civil War and afterward reinstated him as Count of Barcelona.
Ferdinand II20 January 1479 – 23 January 1516He was the son of John II.
Joanna23 January 1516 – 12 April 1555She was the daughter of Ferdinand II. Her rule was nominal as it was his son Charles who co-ruler.

The Houses of Habsburg and Bourbon 1516-1808

Charles I (emperor)14 March 1516 – 12 April 1555 (as regent)
12 April 1555 – 16 January 1556 (as sole ruler)
He was the son of Queen Joanna and Philip I of Castile. Till the death of her mother, in 1555, he was regent but the de facto ruler. From 155 to 1556, he was the sole ruler. As he was not the Count (till her mother died) and had good relations with Catalan authorities, they awarded him the title of Prince of Catalonia.[6]
Philip I16 January 1556 – 13 September 1598He was the son of Charles I.
Philip II13 September 1598 – 31 March 1621He was the son of Philip I.
Philip III31 March 1621 – 1641He was the son of Philip II. He wanted to reduce the Catalan sovereignties, and the Catalan authorities confronted him during the Reapers' War. The title of Count of Barcelona was transferred by the Catalan Courts to the House of Bourbon in France.
Louis I
(Louis XIII of France)
27 September 1601 – 14 May 1643
1641–1643During the Reapers' War, the States-General (Braços Generals) of the Principality of Catalonia on 21 January 1641 declared the French king Louis XIII Count of Barcelona as Louis I.[7][8]
Louis II
(Louis XIV of France)
5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715
1643–1652 and 1697He inherits the title of Count of Barcelona from his father during the Reapers' War. In 1652 he renounces the title in favor of Philip III in exchange for the Roussillon.
Philip III1641 – 17 September 1665He was the son of Philip II. He was reinstated as Count of Barcelona.
Charles II17 September 1665 – 1 November 1700He was the son of Philip III. In 1697 the Duke of Vendôme briefly re-conquers Catalan capital city of Barcelona, and Louis XIV of France was reinstated as Count of Barcelona for some months. On January 9, 1698, Catalonia is returned to Charles II after signing the Treaty of Rijswijk.
Philip IV1700 – 1705 Philip was a great-grandson of Philip III, and Charles was a cousin of thesame king. Charles II's testament in favor of the former destabilized Western Europe because it meant too much power for the Kingdom of France. The rest of the European powers tried to impose another pretender to the Crown of Spain: the Archduke Charles of Austria. The Catalans were caught in the middle of this major conflict: the Spanish Succession War. They initially supported Philip of Anjou but afterward shifted their allegeance towards Archduke Charles, who was committed to maintaining the composite monarchy system and thus respect the Catalan Constitutions. In 1714, Philip owned the Spanish possessions of the Habsburgs.
Charles III1705 – 1714

House of Bourbon (Spanish branch) 1714-1808

In 1714, Catalan lost their war (within the Spanish war of Succession conflict) against the remaining sole pretender to the Crown of Spain: Philip of Anjou. Through the Nueva Planta decrees, the new king Philip V abolished the Catalan Constitutions and dissolved the Crown of Aragon. The Principality of Catalonia became another province of the Crown of Castille, and thus the title of Count of Barcelona was emptied of real political significance and power. Since then, the numbering of the Counts of Barcelona follows that of the Crown of Castille. That is the reason why Philip of Anjou was called by the Catalan Authorities 'Felip IV' in 1702 but called himself 'Felipe V' when he sized the title of Count of Barcelona in 1714, after winning the war against the Catalans.

House of Bonaparte 1808-1813

In 1808 Charles IV and his son Ferdinand resign from their Crown of Spain titles and transfer them to Emperor Napoleon, who kept for himself the title of Count of Barcelona. By 1812, once he had full military control over the Principality of Catalonia, he separated it from the Crown of Spain and annexed it to the French Empire.

Napoleon I, Emperor1808–1813Napoleon annexed Catalonia to the French Empire as 4 new departments. In 1813 it was returned to Spain.

House of Bourbon (Reannexation to Spain) 1813-1931; 1975-present day

After the Napoleonic Wars, Barcelona returned to Spanish domain. During the 2nd Spanish Republic and Francoist Dictatorship the Bourbons remained in exile and retained their dinastic titles, including 'Count of Barcelona'. Although on 26 July 1947, Spain was declared a kingdom, no monarch was designated until 1969, when Franco established Juan Carlos of Bourbon as his official heir-apparent. With the death of Franco on 20 November 1975, Juan Carlos became the King of Spain.

John III
(Juan III)
1977–1993claimed the title from 1941; officially granted by his son Juan Carlos I as a courtesy in exchange for renouncing his claim to the Spanish throne


Corona d'AragóPere II d'UrgellJaume I d'UrgellTeresa d'EntençaErmengol XÀlvar IErmengol IXAurembiaixErmengol VIIIErmengol VIIErmengol VIErmengol VErmengol IVErmengol IIIErmengol IIErmengol IBorrell IIRamon Berenguer IIIOliba CabretaOliba CabretaCorona d'AragóPere III el CerimoniósRamon Berenguer IIIBerenguer Ramon IIRamon BorrellBorrell IISunyer ICorona d'AragóSunyer IICorona d'AragóHug II d'EmpúriesSunyer IICounty of UrgellCounty of CerdagneCounty of BesalúCounty of GironaCounty of BarcelonaCounty of RoussillonCounty of EmpúriesCatalan counties
Sunifred ISunifred IHumfridOdalricSunifred IRampóBeràRostanyHumfridOdalricAleranGuillem de SeptimàniaSunifred IRampóBeràHumfridOdalricAleranGuillem de SeptimàniaSunyer IGaucelmSunyer IIHumfridOdalricAleranGuillem de SeptimàniaSunyer IAlaric ISunyer IGaucelmErmenguer


  1. Lewis, Archibald Ross. The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society, 7181050. University of Texas Press: Austin, 1965.
  2. Fidel Fita i Colomer: Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, tomo 40 (1902): Principado de Cataluña - Razón de este nombre: Ya en las cortes del año 1064, que son las primeras de la colección académica, aparece en el Usaje 65 con el nombre de Principado la demarcación del territorio al que entonces se aplicaba, es decir al de la vieja Cataluña ó al de los tres condados de Barcelona, Ausona y Gerona, que regían como soberanos D. Ramon Berenguer I y su mujer Doña Almodis
  3. Albertí, Elisenda (2007). Dames, reines, abadesses, 18 personalitats femenines a la Catalunya medieval. Archived from the original on 2014-11-08. Retrieved 2014-11-08. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  4. The origins of Elvira have been subject to recent scholarly reevaluation. She was once identified as daughter of Manrique Pérez de Lara, but Canal Sánchez-Pagín showed that Ermengol's wife was Elvira Pérez, daughter of Pedro Alfonso of Asturias. However, Sánchez de Mora has presented evidence that Aurembiaix was close kin to the Lara family and suggests that a documented countess Elvira Nuñez de Lara, daughter of Nuño Pérez de Lara, was in fact a second wife of Ermengol, to whom he married after the death of Elvira Pérez, and that Aurembiaix was her daughter. Sánchez de Mora, pp. 300-305.
  5. Whether Pallars is referred to as a part of Catalonia or not depends on the author. Lewis, passim, treats it as independent of Catalonia proper.
  6. Testamento de Carlos V, ISBN 84-276-0606-0
  7. Grau, Jaume. Pau Claris. Una vida amb misteris (in Catalan). Sàpiens [Barcelona], núm. 121, octubre 2012, p.54-57. ISSN 1695-2014
  8. Gelderen, Martin van; Skinner, Quentin (2002). Republicanism: Volume 1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe: A Shared European Heritage. Cambridge University Press. p. 284. ISBN 978-1-139-43961-9


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