Anna Wolff-Powęska (born 1941) is a Polish historian and political scientist specialising in Polish-German relations. She was the director of the Western Institute (Instytut Zachodni) in Poznań from 1990 to 2004.[1][2] She is one of the foremost authorities on Germany in Poland. [3]

In 1964, she graduated in history from the Philosophical-Historical Department of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. For a few years, she taught history in primary schools, until she was employed by the Western Institute (Instytut Zachodni) in Poznań in 1969. In 1970, she obtained a Ph.D., and in 1980 she completed her habilitation with a thesis on political and law doctrines at the same university. She became full professor in 1986 and was made director of the Western Institute in 1990. She left this post in 2004, but continues to work at the institute.

Areas of activity

Wolff-Powęska's main areas of interest are the history of German political thought and the political culture of Central-Eastern Europe.


In 2005, Wolff-Powęska received the Polish-German Award for special contribution to Polish-German relations.[4]


  • Doktryna geopolityki w Niemczech (1979),
  • Polityczne i filozoficzne nurty konserwatyzmu w Republice Federalnej Niemiec (1984),
  • Niemiecka myśl polityczna wieku oświecenia (1988),
  • Wspólna Europa. Mit czy rzeczywistość (praca zbiorowa, 1990),
  • Polacy wobec Niemców. Z dziejów kultury politycznej Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej 1945-1989 (1993),
  • Oswojona Rewolucja. Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia w procesie demokratyzacji (1998),
  • Polen in Deutschland, Integration oder Separation? (2000),
  • Przestrzeń i polityka. Z dziejów niemieckiej myśli politycznej (antologia, red. 2000),
  • A bliźniego swego... Kościoły w Niemczech wobec „problemu żydowskiego” (2003).


  1. "Prof. Anna Wolff-Powęska laureatką nagrody im. Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego". Archived from the original on 2012-10-04. Retrieved 2011-06-04.
  2. A. Wolff-Powęska: Memory as Burden and LiberationRezensiert für H-Soz-Kult von Bill Niven, School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University Anna Wolff-Powęska is a well-known Polish historian who for many years has specialised in the study of Polish-German relations. In 2011, she published in Poland a monograph on the history of German memory of World War Two.[1]
  3. Victims and Perpetrators: 1933-1945: (Re)Presenting the Past in Post-Unification Culture Laurel Cohen-Pfister, Dagmar Wienroeder-Skinner 2012, page 254
  4. Viadrina Award for Polish historian and political scientist

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