Alexander Militarev | |
![]() Militarev in 2014 | |
Born | January 14, 1943 80) | (age
Nationality | Russia; USA |
Occupation | Linguist |
Academic work | |
Main interests | Afroasiatic languages, historical linguistics |
Alexander Militarev (Russian: Алекса́ндр Ю́рьевич Милитарёв; born January 14, 1943) is a Russian scholar of Semitic, Berber, Canarian and Afroasiatic (Afrasian, Semito-Hamitic) languages, comparative-historical linguistics, Jewish and Bible studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Linguistic studies
As a linguist, Militarev is particularly known for his novel and disputable genealogical classification of the said linguistic entities relying on lexicostatistics; for the chronology of their branching relying on Sergei Starostin’s method in glottochronology; and for his endeavor to build up a comprehensive picture of the West Asian Early Neolithic society with its material and intellectual culture based on the reconstructed and dated common Afrasian lexicon.
Militarev authors five books and over a hundred publications on a wide range of linguistic, historical, Jewish and biblical subjects. He is a grandson of Solomon Maizel (1900-1952), a prominent Russian orientalist, linguist and polyglot, expert in comparative Semitic, Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish and Iranian; Maizel’s working draft of his second dissertation “Пути развития корневого фонда семитских языков” (“Ways of Root Derivation in Semitic”) was published in 1983 by Militarev with his introduction, supplements and glossary (in Russian). Militarev was a co-worker of outstanding Russian and international scholars Igor Diakonoff and Sergei Starostin and considers himself their continuator and informal disciple.
Multiple research projects headed by Militarev have been supported by various Russian and US foundations. In 2006, he was nominated by a group of US, European and Russian professors for the Holberg International Memorial Prize. Full professor (since 2004) of the Institute of Oriental and Classic Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow, Militarev is now a consulting professor at the same University. In 2005-2008, professor at the Dept. of Jewish Studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State Lomonosov University. In 1994-2009, he was elected for four consecutive terms president of the Jewish University in Moscow (in 2002-2009, renamed into Shimon Dubnov Advanced School in the Humanities). Militarev has run the Afrasian section of the Evolution of Human Languages (EHL) project at the Santa Fe Institute. He has been a guest lecturer in top European, US, and Israeli universities and research centers. Militarev is a founding member of the International Association for Comparative Semitics (Barcelona).
Militarev is the leading linguistic proponent of the Levantine origin for Afrasian (“Levant theory”, opposed to Afroasiatic Urheimat in Northeast Africa theory proposed by Christopher Ehret, Roger Blench and others) linking the proto-Afrasian speakers to the Levantine Natufian culture. He co-authors with Leonid Kogan two volumes of the ground-breaking Semitic Etymological Dictionary, which received highly favorable reviews. Militarev also compiled the genealogical tree of world languages, including tentative dates of their branching obtained glottochronologically, based on research by the Moscow School of Comparative Linguistics including his own research on Afrasian dated by him to the 10th millennium B.C.E. He initiated interdisciplinary meetings of historical linguists, archaeologists, pre-historians, and anthropologists by convening in Moscow national and international conferences “Linguistic Reconstruction and Prehistory of the East” (1984 and 1989), which triggered a series of international conferences, more recently involving geneticists, targeting the problems of prehistoric chronology, human migrations, correlation of homelands of the speakers of proto-languages with certain archaeological cultures, and dispersal of cultural innovations.
In the most recent studies, Militarev has obtained an earlier date for Proto-Afrasian, namely the 11th millennium (-10300) B.C.E., which is supposed to be more grounded, as this time his lexicostatistical and glottochronological analysis of 100 most stable words of Swadesh list was applied to many more (170) languages representing all Afrasian branches, groups and subgroups, and consistently included the etymological background of every item whenever possible. In Militarev's scenario, Proto-Afrasian split into South Afrasian, diverging in the 9th millennium (-8800) into Cushitic, Omotic (with controversial Ongota a separate sub-branch somewhat closer to the South Omotic) and Hadza (see in Selected Works) and North Afrasian splitting also in the 10th millennium (-9800) into Semitic and North African Afrasian falling in the 9th millennium (-8800) into Egyptian and Chadic-Berber diverging into Chadic and Berber-Canarian at the turn of the 7th and 6th millennium (-6000) B.C.E.. His updated analysis of 100-word standard Swadesh list applied to over 30 Semitic languages mainly corroborated his previous unorthodox genealogical classification according to which Proto-Semitic split in the mid 5th millennium B.C.E. into South Semitic (represented by Modern South Arabian) and North Semitic falling in ca. -3700 into Akkadian and West Semitic branching in early 3rd millennium (-2800) B.C.E. into Proto-Ethiopian (dividing in the 10th cent. B.C.E. into North and South Ethiopian), Proto-Arabic, and Proto-Levantine falling in the mid 23rd cent. B.C.E. into Ugaritic and South Levantine branching in the mid 20th cent. B.C.E. into Aramaic, Epigraphic South Arabian (represented in the analysis by Sabaic; separated from Proto-Aramaic in the 17th cent. B.C.E.) and Canaanite represented by Hebrew and Phoenician separated in the mid 15th cent. B.C.E. Militarev conjectures that the dates obtained may be compatible with both the known historical events, archaeological dating and even internal biblical chronology.
Jewish and Bible studies
While Militarev’s works on linguistic subjects are widely quoted and discussed in both professional and amateur milieux, his book “The Jewish Conundrum in World History” (Academic Studies Press. Boston, 2010) passed nearly unnoticed for a decade though, in the annotation, it received a high appraisal from two top American experts in Jewish studies:
"This remarkable and thought-provoking work, by one of the leading figures in the scholarly revival of Jewish studies in the former Soviet Union is a sustained reflection on the course of Jewish history and of the impact of the Jews over the past millennia on wider developments. It is one of the most fascinating reflections on this vital topic to appear in recent times." Antony Polonsky, Albert Abramson Professor of Holocaust Studies, Brandeis University and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
"A Russian-educated linguist and cultural anthropologist, Alexander Militarev offers in this elegantly written study a novel approach to address the “conundrum” posed by the prominence of the Jews in the unfolding of humanistic cosmopolitan culture. With prodigious erudition, yet with manifest humanity and no small measure of humor, he probes the deep structures of what he calls the “Adamic universalism” inscribed in the biblical lexicon and worldview and which, he argues, continue to inform the cognitive reflexes and ethical sensibilities of Jewish intellectuals." Paul Mendes-Flohr, Professor of Modern Jewish Thought, Divinity School, The University of Chicago and Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Recently, however, it has aroused much more interest, gaining over 12.000 readers (acc. to ResearchGate). The most recent study on a biblical topic - Non-mainstream considerations (updated) by a comparative linguist of the Biblical story about the ‘Sons of Israel’ in Egypt and internal Biblical chronology published by and ResearchGate in 2023, provides linguistic and extralinguistic arguments for the historicity of the biblical narrative of the Israelites in Egypt: so called ‘Canaanite’ loanwords in texts from Egypt of the late Middle and especially New Kingdom, twenty times higher than the number of Egyptian loanwords in the Hebrew Bible; the coincidence of the ‘internal biblical chronology’ with a number of glottochronological and historical dates (Chronological Table comparing biblical timeline, glottochronological dates of Semitic linguistic family branching and the most recent Egyptian chronology of the Dynastic period is appended); the realities of Egypt of the 2nd millennium BCE, inexplicable by the imagination of the authors/editors of the Bible of the 1st millennium BCE; the name ‘Israel’ on the Berlin Plate presumably dated to 1400 BCE; the typological similarity with the subsequent Jewish diasporas of this ‘proto-diaspora’, which apparently strongly influenced the stereotypes of the people's consciousness and behavior for all subsequent times before present.
Apart from scholarly subjects, Militarev authors three books of poetry in Russian and translations of poetry from English and Spanish into Russian (by Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Redyard Kipling, Miguel Hernandez and other American, British and Newari poets). He also translated 54 of Shakespeare’s sonnets into Russian.
Selected works
- 1973. Исследование С.С. Майзеля в области корнеобразования и семасиологии семитских языков. Народы Азии и Африки №1. (S.S. Maizel's research in the field of root formation and semasiology of Semitic languages. Peoples of Asia and Africa)
- 1973. Чередуемость и комбинируемость согласных в триконсонантном арабском корне. Сборник статей по восточному языкознанию. М., 1973. С. 42-62. Variation and comcompatibility of consonants in the triconsonant Arabic root. Collection of articles on oriental linguistics.
- 1973. Варьирование согласных в семитском корне. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук. М. 1973. С. 1-25. Variation of consonants in Semitic root. (Synopsis of thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences.)
- 1976. Развитие взглядов на семитский корень. Восточное языкознание. М. 1976. С 19- 25. (Evolution of views on the Semitic root. Oriental linguistics. M.)
- 1976. О предполагаемом прасемитском *ṗ. История и филология древнего Востока. XI годичная сессия ЛО ИВАH. М. 1976. С. 21- 27. (On the proposed Proto-Semitic *ṗ. History and Philology of the Ancient East. XI Annual Session of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies.)
- 1981.Сравнительно-исторический словарь афразийских языков. Белова А.Г., Дьяконов И.М., Милитарев А.Ю., Порхомовский В.Я., Столбова О.В., Четверухин А.С. М.. Сер. Письменные памятники и проблемы истории культуры народов Востока. IV Годичная научная сессия ЛО ИВ АН СССР. Выпуск 1, Часть IV. Москва, 1981. (Comparative-historical dictionary of the Afrasian languages. Belova A.G., Dyakonoff I.M., Militarev A.Yu., Porkhomovsky V.Ya., Stolbova O.V., Chetverukhin A.S. M.. Sir. Written monuments and problems of the history of culture of the peoples of the East. IV Annual Scientific Session of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Issue 1, Part IV. Moscow
- 1983. Introduction, supplements and glossary in the book: S. S. Maizel "Ways of Root Derivation in Semitic". Moscow, 104 pp.
- 1983. Об одном общеафразийском земледельческом термине (новые лингвистические данные о происхождении земледелия). Вестник древней истории, No. 4, 1983. С. 97-106. (On a common Afrasian agricultural term (new linguistic data on the origin of agriculture). Journal of Ancient History.
- 1984. Язык мероитской эпиграфики как исторический источник в свете его генезиза. Вестник древней истории, No. 2, 1984. С. 153-170. (The language of Meroitic epigraphics as a historical source in the light of its origin. The Journal of ancient history, No. 2, 1984. Pp. 153-170).
- 1984. Соавт. И.М. Дьяконов. Послесловие и примечания к книге А. Лота "К другим Тассили.Новые открытия в Сахаре". Ленинград 1984. С. 190-208. (Co-authored with Igor Diakonoff. Afterword and notes to the Russian edition of the book: H.Lhote "Vers d'autres Tassilis. Nouvelles decouvertes au Sahara". Leningrad, p. 190-208)
- 1984. Афразийско-шумерские лексические связи. Лингвистическая реконструкция и древнейшая история Востока. Тезисы и доклады конференции. Часть 1. М. 1984. С. 58-61. (Afrasian-Sumerian lexical connections. Linguistic reconstruction and the ancient history of the East. Abstracts and reports of the conference. M.)
- 1984. Соавт. В. А. Шнирельман. К проблеме локализации древнейших афразийцев (опыт лингвоархеологической реконструкции). Там же. Часть 2. С. 35-53. (Co-authored with V.Shnirelman. Towards the problem of locating the early Afrasian speakers. Preprints of the 1st National Conference "Language Reconstruction and Prehistory of the Orient", Moscow. part 2, p. 35-53.)
- 1984. Современное сравнительно-историческое афразийское языкознание: что оно может дать исторической науке? Там же. Часть 3. С. 3-26. (Comparative-historical Afrasian studies today: what light can they throw on the prehistory? Ibid., part 3, p. 3-26.)
- 1984. Соавт. С. А. Старостин. Общая афразийско-севернокавказская культурная лексика. Там же. С. 34-43. (Co-authored with Sergei Starostin. Common Afrasian and North Caucasian cultural lexicon. Ibid., part 3, p. 34-43.)
- 1985. Услышать прошлое. Знание-Сила. No. 7-8, 1985. (To hear the past. Knowledge is Power Journal)
- 1986. Происхождение корней со значением «творить, создавать» в афразийских языках. Письменные памятники и проблемы истории культуры народов Востока. Вып. 3. Часть 3. М. 1986. С. 63-79. (On the origin of terms conveying the notion of creation in Afroasiatic. Written Monuments and Problems of Cultural History of the Orient, Issue 3, Moscow, p. 63-79.)
- 1986. Сравнительно-исторический словарь афразийских языков. Белова А.Г., Дьяконов И.М., Милитарев А.Ю., Порхомовский В.Я., Столбова О.В. Москва, 1986. Сер. Письменные памятники и проблемы истории культуры народов Востока. Выпуск 3. (Comparative-historical dictionary of the Afrasian languages. Belova A.G., Dyakonov I.M., Militarev A.Yu., Porkhomovsky V.Ya., Stolbova O.V. Moscow, 1986. Written monuments and problems of the history of culture of the peoples of the East. Issue 3.)
- 1987. Соавт. И. М. Дьяконов и др. Общеафразийская фонологическая система. Африканское историческое языкознание. М. 1987. С. 9-29. (Co-authored with I. Diakonoff et al. The common Afrasian phonologic system. The African historical linguistics, Moscow, 1987).
- 1988. Соавт. И. И.Пейрос и В.А.Шнирельман. Методические проблемы лингвоархеологических реконструкций этногенеза. Советская этнография, No. 4, 1988. С. 24-35. (Co-authored with I. Peiros and V. Shnirelman. Methodical problems of linguoarchaeological reconstructions of ethnogenesis. Soviet ethnography, M.)
- 1989. Tamahaq Tuaregs in the Canary Islands (Linguistic Evidence). Aula Orientalis, No.6, Barcelona, pp. 195–209.
- 1989. Соавт. Л. В. Боброва. Лингвистическая реконструкция и древнейшая история Востока. Материалы к дискуссиям на Международной конференции. Часть 1. М. 1989. С. 96-105. (Co-authored with L. Bobrova. Towards the Reconstruction of Sumerian Phonology. Preprints of the 1st International Conference "Language Reconstruction and Prehistory of the Orient". Issue 1, Мoscow, p. 96-105.)
- 1989. Egyptian-Coptic Glottochronology. Там же. ibid. С. 40-43.
- 1989. Соавт. В. Э. Орел и О. В. Столбова. Hamito-Semitic Cultural Lexicon: dwelling. Там же. ibid. С. 137-158.
- 1989. Анри Лот о языке и письменности туарегов. Послесловие к книге А. Лота "Туареги Ахаггара". M. 1989. С. 246-262. (H.Lhote on Tuareg language and writing. Afterword to the Russian edition of the book: H.Lhote "Touaregues d'Hoggar", Moscow, p. 246-262.)
- 1989. Какими юными мы были двенадцать тысяч лет назад ?! Знание-Сила, No. 3, 1989. С. 44-53. (How young we were twelve thousand years ago!? Knowledge is Power Journal)
- 1989. Еще раз о происхождении земледелия по данным праафразийской (прасемито-хамитской) лингвистической реконструкции. Вестник древней истории, No. 1, 1989. С. 128-131. (Once more on the origin of agriculture according to the Proto-Afrasian lexicon reconstruction. The Journal of ancient history, No. 1, 1989. Pp. 128-131.)
- 1990. Арабы на Канарах? Проблемы современной арабистики, вып. II. Труды IV Всесоюзной конференции арабистов. Ереван 1990. С. 249-55. (Arabs in the Canary Islands?) Proceedings of the IVth National conference of Arabists, Yerevan, pp. 249-55.)
- 1990. Co-authored with Igor Dyakonoff and Olga Stolbova. First Approach to Comparative-Historical Phonology of Afrasian (consonantism). Proceedings of the Fifth International Hamito-Semitic Congress. Vol. 1. Wien 1990. P. 45-72.
- 1990. Evidence of Proto-Afrasian Cultural Lexicon. Ibid. Pp. 73-85.
- 1990. Afrasian Cultural Terms (Preliminary Report). Proto-Languages and Proto-Cultures. Bochum, 1990. Pp. 33-54.
- 1991. Гарамантида в контексте североафриканской истории. Судьба одного народа глазами лингвиста. Вестник древней истории, No.3, 1991. С. 130-158. (The Garamantide in the context of North African history. The fate of one people through the eyes of a linguist. Journal of Ancient History, No.3, 1991. Pp. 130-158.
- 1991. В соавторстве с А. Ю. Айхенвальд. Берберские (ливийско-гуанчские) языки. Языки Азии и Африки. Афразийские языки. IV. Кн. 2. М. 1991. С. 148-267. (Co-authored with A. Aikhenvald: Libyan-Guanche languages. Afrasian Languages. Languages of Asia and Africa. Series IV, Vol. 2. Мoscow, 1991; Militarev's chapters: I. General Introduction: 148-162; II. Guanche Languages, § 1. Phonetics: 163-173; V. Historical Phonetics and Lexicon of Libyan-Guanche Languages, pp. 238-265).
- 1992. Co-authored with Igor Diakonoff and Olga Stolbova. Proto-Afrasian Phonology. A Chapter in: I. Diakonoff "Proto-Afrasian and Old Akkadian". Journal of Afroasiatic languages. Nos.1-2, 1992, Princeton. P. 5-35.
- 1993. Co-authored with L. Bobrova. From Mesopotamia to Greece: to the Origin of Semitic and Greek Star Names // Proceedings of the 3rd Graz Oriental Symposium. Graz, 1993. P. 307—329.
- 1993. On the principles of Afrasian phonological reconstruction. Dyakonov I.M., Militarev A.Ju., Porkhomovskij V.Ja., Stolbova O.V. St. Petersburg Journal of African Studies. 1993. Т. 1. С. 7-15.
- 1994. Глазами лингвиста: Гарамантида в контексте североафриканской истории (вместо послесловия). Гарамантида (африканская Атлантида). М. Восточная литература РАН, 1994. С. 230-282. (Through the eyes of a linguist: Garamantida in the context of North African history (instead of an afterword). Garamantida (African Atlantis). Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura. Pp. 230-282.)
- 1994-1997. Co-authored with I. Diakonoff et al. Historical-Comparative Vocabulary of Afrasian. St.Petersburg Journal of African Studies. Nos. 2-6.
- 1995. Шумеры и афразийцы. Вестник древней истории. 1995. № 2 (213). С. 113-127.(Sumerians and Afrasians. Journal of Ancient History. 1995. № 2 (213). Pp. 113-127.)
- 1996. Народная этимология: слово, творящее мир. Материалы Международного конгресса "100 лет Р.О.Якобсону". М., 1996. С. 108-110.
- 1996. Eine Garamantiade im Kontext der nordafrikanischen Geschichte - Zum Schicksal eines Volkes aus linguistischer Sicht. Hellenismus. Beitrge zur Erforschung von Akkulturation und politischer Ordnung in den Staaten des hellenistischen Zeitalters. Akten des Internationalen Hellenismus-Kolloquiums 9.-14 Mrz1994 in Berlin. Tbingen 1996. P. 725-748.
- 1999. О содержании термина "диаспора" (к разработке дефиниции) . Диаспоры. Hезависимый научный журнал. M. 1999, No. 1. С. 24-33. (On the content of the term "diaspora" (to the formulization of the definition). Diasporas. M. 1999, No. 1. Pp. 24-33.
- 2000. Co-authored with Leonid Kogan. Semitic Etymological Dictionary. Vol. I. Anatomy of Man and Animals. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
- 2000. О дохлой лошади, оказавшейся скакуном. Знание-Сила, № 4, 2000. С. 20-31. (About a dead horse that turned out to be a racer. Knowledge is Power Journal, № 4, 2000. Pp. 20-31.
- 2000. Cоавт. Л. Е. Коган. Об агробиологических представлениях в древней Передней Азии (термины "опылять" и "прививать" (растения) в языке древних семитов IV - начала III тыс.). Вестник древней истории, No. 2, 2000. С. 229-236.(Co-authored with Leonid Kogan. On agrobiological ideas in ancient Western Asia (the terms "pollinate" and "graft" (plants) in the language of the ancient Semites of the IV - early III millennium). Journal of Ancient History, No. 2, 2000. Pp. 229-236.
- 2000. Towards the chronology of Afrasian (Afroasiatic) and its daughter families. Time Depth in Historical Linguistics. Volume 1. Ed. by C.Renfrew, A.McMahon & L.Trask. The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. Cambridge 2000. P. 267-307.
- 2002. The prehistory of a dispersal: the Proto-Afrasian (Afroasiatic) farming lexicon. Examining the Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis, eds. P. Bellwood & C. Renfrew. (McDonald Institute Monographs.) Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 135–50.
- 2002. Co-authored with L. Kogan. Akkadian Terms for Genitalia: New Etymologies, New Textual Interpretations. CRRAI 47, S.Parpola and R.M.Whiting (eds.), Helsinki 2002, P. 311-319.
- 2002. Этимология и интерпретация древнеписьменных памятников: библейские термины со значениями 'семья', 'потомство', 'племя', 'народ', 'человеческий род'. Вестник еврейского университета, No. 7 (25), M. 2002. С. 7-58.
- 2003. Non-trivial semantic shifts in Semitic. Semitic and Assyriological Studies. Presented to Pelio Fronzaroli. Wiesbaden, 2003. P. 286-300.
- 2005. Co-authored with L. Kogan. Toward common Afrasian faunal lexicon. Proceedings of the 10- th meeting of Hamito-Semitic (Afroasiatic) linguistics (Florence, 18-20 April 2001), Quaderni di semitistica 25. Firenze. 2005, Pp. 35-48.
- 2005. Co-authored with Leonid Kogan. Semitic Etymological Dictionary. Vol. II. Animal Names. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
- 2005. Лексика афразийского праязыка как источник по реконструкции картины жизни его носителей (собирательство, земледелие, охота на копытных, скотоводство). Эдубба вечна и постоянна. Материалы конференции, посвященной 90-летию со дня рождения Игоря Михайловича Дьяконова. СПб., 2005. С. 194-210.
- 2005. Co-authored with G.Kurtik. Once more on the origin of Semitic and Greek star names: an astronomic-etymological approach updated. "Culture and Cosmos", Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.3–43.
- 2005. Once more about glottochronology and comparative method: the Omotic-Afrasian case. Aspects of comparative linguistics - 1. FS S. Starostin. Orientalia et Classica VI. Moscow, pp. 339–408.
- 2005.Towards the genetic affiliation of Ongota, a nearly-extinct language of Ethiopia (I). Orientalia et Classica VIII. Papers of the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies. Babel and Bibel 2. Annual of Ancient Near East, Old Testament and Semitic Studies (Memoriae Igor M. Diakonoff). Winona Lake, Indiana, pp. 567–607.
- 2005. В соавторстве с Зеленко Г. и Старостиным С.А. И вновь - когда возникли языки? Знание-сила. 2005. № 4. С. 81-88.
- 2005. Root extension and root formation in Semitic and Afrasian. Proceedings of the Barcelona Symposium on comparative Semitic, 19-20/11/2004", Aula Orientalis 23/1-2, 2005. Pp. 83-130.
- 2006. Towards the genetic affiliation of Ongota, a nearly-extinct language of Ethiopia (II). Orientalia et Classica XIV. Papers of the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies. Babel and Bibel 3. Ancient Near East, Old Testament and Semitic Studies. Moscow, pp. 489–512.
- 2006. Akkadian-Egyptian matches in lexicon. Papers on Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics in Honor of Gene B. Gragg. Ed. by Cynthia L. Miller. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 60. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2006., Pp. 139-145.
- 2007. В соавторстве с С.А. Старостиным. Общая афразийско-севернокавказская культурная лексика. Труды по языкознанию. Старостин С.А. Серия "Классики отечественной филологии" Москва, 2007. С. 256-264.
- 2007. Значение этимологии для интерпретации древнеписьменных текстов (на примере еврейской Библии и Нового Завета). Труды Отделения историко-филологических наук РАН 2006, М., 2007. С. 284-327. (The importance of etymology for the interpretation of ancient written texts (on the example of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament). Proceedings of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2006, Moscow, 2007. Pp. 284-327.)
- 2008. Toward a Complete Etymology-based One Hundred Wordlist of Semitic: Items 34-66 (Second Third). Semito-Hamitic Festschrift for A.B.Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr. Ed. G. Takacs, 2008. Рp. 194-222.
- 2008. Соавт. М.Е. Васильев. Глоттохронология в сравнительно-историческом языкознании. Модели дивергенции языков. Аспекты компаративистики III. Orientalia et classica XIX. Труды Института восточных культур и античности РГГУ, М., 2008. С. 509-536.
- 2008. Afrasian cognates to orphan Akkadian words, or why Madame Assyriologie should not stand aloof from her less thorough-bred African cousins. Aula Orientalis, No. 26, 2008. Pp. 133-140.
- 2009. Reconstructed lexicon for the West Asian home of Proto-Afrasians: pastoralism. Journal of Language Relationship, № 1, pp. 95–106.
- 2009. Homo Tardus (The Late Man), Moscow: Criterion (collection of poetry and translations of poetry).
- 2010. The Jewish Conundrum in World History. Boston: Academic Studies Press.
- 2010. The Significance of Etymology for the Interpretation of Ancient Writings: from the Jewish Bible to the New Testament. The Jewish Conundrum in World History. Appendix 2. Pp. 212-257.
- 2010. A Complete Etymology-based Hundred Wordlist of Semitic Updated: Items 1-34. Вопросы языкового родства (Journal of Language Relationship), № 1, 2010. Pp. 79-115.
- 2010. О возможности пролить свет на интеллектуальную культуру доисторического человека (на примере праафразийских терминов, связанных с музыкой, пением и танцем). Исследования по лингвистике и семиотике. Сборник научных статей в честь академика Вяч.Вс. Иванова / Отв. ред. Т.М. Николаева. М.: Языки славянских культур, М., 2010. С. 97-108. (On the possibility of shedding light on the intellectual culture of prehistoric man (on the example of Proto-Afrasian terms related to music, singing and dance). Studies in linguistics and semiotics. Collection of scientific articles in honor of Academician Vyach.Vs. Ivanov, М., 2010. Pp. 97-108.)
- 2011. A Complete Etymology-based Hundred Wordlist of Semitic Updated: Items 35-44. Вопросы языкового родства (Journal of Language Relationship), № 5, 2011. Pp.69-95.
- 2012. Две заметки квазибиблеиста. Philologica. 2012. Т. 9. № 21-23. С. 434-447.
- 2012. A complete etymology-based hundred wordlist of Semitic updated: Items 55-74. Вопросы языкового родства (Journal of Language Relationship); Вестник РГГУ, 7. Москва, 2012. Pp. 71-103.
- 2012. Review: G. Takacs. Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian. III. Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies; Orientalia et Classica, Papers of the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies. Winona Lake, 2012. Рp. 593-610.
- 2013. The importance of external lexical comparison for today’s comparative Semitics and the main problems and immediate tasks of Afrasian comparative linguistics. Archaism and Innovation in the Semitic Languages. Selected Papers. Edited by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala & Wilfred G. E. Watson. Cordoba: CNERU–DTR–Oriens Academic, pp. 87–92.
- 2014. A complete etymology-based hundred wordlist of Semitic updated: Items 75–100. Journal of Language Relationship 11, Pp. 159–186.
- 2015. Etymology-based 100-item wordlist of Semitic languages: addenda and conclusions. Journal of Language Relationship 13, 100–147.
- 2015. Афразийская макросемья. Г. С. Старостин (при участии А. В. Дыбо, А. Ю. Милитарёва, И. И. Пейроса). К истокам языкового разнообразия, стр. 314-383. Moscow. Afroasiatic Macro-family. In: G.S.Starostin (with participation of A.V.Dybo, A.Yu.Militarev and I.I.Peiros). To the Origins of Language Diversity, p. 314-383.
- 2015. The main problems of Semitic and Afrasian comparative linguistics. Pp. 66-70. МОВА ТА IСТОРIЯ. Збірник наукових праць. В и п у с к 3 59. Спеціальний випуск до 80-тиріччя Владислава Марковича Ілліч-Світича. Упорядник Назарій Назаров. Київ – 2014 / 2015.
- 2016. Переводы 52 сонетов Шекспира. Уильям Шекспир. Сонеты (Translations of 52 sonnets by Shakespeare. Shakespeare. Sonnets), серия «Литературные памятники». М.
- 2017. The Hebrew Bible: long memory of the people, “feel of history” and the concept of progress. Хазарский альманах, М., 2017. – Т. 15., c. 13-16.
- 2018. Немейнстримовские соображения по поводу библейского повествования о “сынах Израиля” в Египте (о возможностях сравнительно-исторического языкознания в реконструкции этнокультурной истории)., ResearchGate, 2018, 72 pp.
- 2018. Ответы рецензентам на статью «Немейнстримовские соображения…», ResearchGate, 16 pp.
- 2018. Охота за древом (Hunt for the Tree), Moscow, Ridero Publications, 464 pp. (collection of poetry in Russian and translations in verse into Russian from English, incl. sonnets by W. Shakespeare and poems by E.A.Poe, E.Dickinson, R.Kipling and 20th century American, Spanish, incl. M.Hernandez, and Newar poets).
- 2019. Этимология и лексическая реконструкция для древней и древнейшей истории ближневосточно-северноафриканско-средиземноморского ареала. Journal of Language Relationship • Вопросы языкового родства 17/3 (2019): 246-262.
- 2020. Libyo-Berbers – Tuaregs – Canarians: Linguistic Evidence. Études et Documents Berbères 43: 131–158.
- 2020. Ancient Egyptian – Arabic contacts in lexicon: clue to Arabic Urheimat? Orientalistica. 2020; 3(3): 783–798.
- 2020. Inscriptions in Libyan Script in the Libyan Desert and the Island of Ferro: Background and Experiment in Reading. Études et Documents Berbères 44: 57–108.
- 2020. Co-authored with Sergei Nikolaev. Proto-Afrasian names of ungulates in light of the Proto-Afrasian homeland issue. Journal of Language Relationship • Вопросы языкового родства 18/3 (2020): 199–226.
- 2021. Co-authored with Sergei Nikolaev. Proto-Afrasian names of non-ungulate animals in light of the Proto-Afrasian homeland issue. Journal of Language Relationship • Вопросы языкового родства 4/19: 233–262.
- 2021. Лексическая реконструкция для реконструкции предыстории: праафразийские термины, относящиеся к оружию, войне и другим вооруженным конфликтам. Этнографическое обозрение. 2021. № 4. С. 5–23.
- 2021. От поиска прародины до проблем семантической реконструкции: ответ оппонентам. Этнографическое обозрение. 2021. № 4, С. 63-78.
- 2021. Lexical Reconstruction for the Reconstruction of Prehistory: Proto-Afrasian Terms Related to Weaponry, Warfare and Other Armed Conflicts. Ethnographic Review 4. Pp. 237-252.
- 2021. From the Search for an Original Afrasian Homeland to the Problems of Semantic Reconstruction: A Response to Commenters. Ethnographic Review 4. Pp. 284-297.
- 2021. Fragments of the Canarian Etymological Dictionary. Études et Documents Berbères, 2021c, 45-46, pp. 285-298.
- 2022. Reconstructing a cultural lexicon for pre-history: Berber zoonyms of Afrasian (Afro-Asiatic) origin. Asian and African Studies. Vol. 31, No. 1, 2022, pp. 1-47.
- 2022. В соавторстве с А.Г. Козинцевым. ЛЕКСИКОСТАТИСТИЧЕСКАЯ КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ АФРАЗИЙСКИХ ЯЗЫКОВ: НОВЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ. Этнографическое обозрение. № 6. С. 132-159.
- 2022. The most recent genealogical tree of Afrasian (Afro-Asiatic) languages. (The tree to be found in, ResearchGate.
- 2022. With collaboration by Mikhail Militarev. Hadza as Afrasian? Former Khoisan, then “isolate”, Hadza-ne, the language of Hadza-be, perhaps the most enigmatic tribe on the planet, is just Afrasian?, ResearchGate. 40 pages.
- 2023. Non-mainstream considerations by a comparative linguist of the Biblical story about the ‘Sons of Israel’ in Egypt and internal Biblical chronology., ResearchGate. 74 pages.
- 2023. Common Afrasian (Afro-Asiatic) terms related to the magic, supernatural, spiritual and mythic: etymologies and reconstructions. Kervan – International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies 27/Liber amicorum Fabricio A. Pennacchietti dicatus. Pp. 265-294.
- 2023. From foraging to farming in Late Natufian – Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: continuing to reconstruct common Afrasian lexicon. 79 pages. ResearchGate.
Works in honor of Alexander Militarev
- 2003. Studia Semitica. Orientalia. Papers of the Oriental Institute, issue III. Russian State University for the Humanities. Edited by Leonid Kogan. Moscow (Festschrift for A. Militarev).
- Ilya S. Smirnov. Alexander Yu. MILITAREV LX. Studia Semitica. Orientalia. Papers of the Oriental Institute, issue III (Ed. by Leonid Kogan). Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2003, pp. V-VII. ISBN 5-7281-0690-0